Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz

Petroleum Engineering and Exploration Laboratory - LENEP
Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro


Doutora em Ciências, pela UNICAMP, onde desenvolveu pesquisa com ênfase em Geoquímica do Petróleo. É mestre em Química Orgânica pela UFPI e tem formação em Química, também pela UFPI. Atualmente é Professora Associada da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF), lotada no Laboratório de Engenharia e Exploração de Petróleo (LENEP), pertencente ao Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia (CCT) onde atualmente exerce o cargo de Chefe do LENEP (2024-2027) e participa como membro do Conselho de Centro (CONCEN) e do Conselho Universitário (CONSUNI) . É bolsista de Produtividade em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Extensão Inovadora do CNPq (DT-2) desde 2021. Atua como Professora permanente dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Reservatório e de Exploração do LENEP e Clima e Energia do LAMET.


Geochemistry and Petrology, Organic Chemistry, Environmental Science, Environmental Chemistry


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Forensic Geochemistry Reveals International Ship Dumping as a Source of New Oil Spill in Brazil’s Coastline (Bahia) in Late 2023
    Laercio L. Martins, Vinícius B. Pereira, Adriana P. Nascimento, Rufino Neto A. Azevedo, André H. B. Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo P. Teixeira, Débora A. Azevedo, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Rivelino M. Cavalcante, and Tommaso Giarrizzo

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    In the present study, we applied forensic geochemistry to investigate the origin and fate of spilled oils like tarballs stranded at the beaches of Bahia, in northeastern Brazil, in September 2023, based on their fingerprints. Saturated and aromatic compounds were assessed by gas chromatography, and the oceanic surface circulation patterns were deciphered to determine the geographic origin of the spill. Contamination by petroleum represents an enormous threat to the unique, species-rich ecosystems of the study area. The geochemical fingerprint of the oil spilled in 2023 did not correlate with those of previous events, including the one in 2019, the one in early 2022 in Ceará, and an extensive spill across the Brazilian Northeast in late 2022. However, the fingerprint did correlate with crude oils produced by Middle Eastern countries, most likely Kuwait. The oil of the 2023 spill had a carbonate marine origin from early mature source rocks. These findings, together with the moderate weathering of the 2023 tarballs and the ocean circulation patterns at the time of the event, indicate that the oil was discharged close to the shore of Brazil, to the east or southeast of Salvador, by a tanker on an international route in the South Atlantic.

  • Impacts of a New Drilling Fluid Invasion on Electrical Resistivity and Acoustic Velocity Measurements
    Rafaella R. Baggieri, Antonio A. G. Carrasquilla, Marco A. R. Ceia, Alexandre S. L. Vaz, Cleysson C. Corrêa, and Georgiana F. da Cruz

    American Chemical Society (ACS)

  • Influence of the cationic degree and molar mass of modified starches on their physicochemical properties and capability to enhance the oil recovery process
    Lorraine L.G.C. de Araujo, Leonardo dos S. Cescon, Georgiana F. Da Cruz, and Regina S.V. Nascimento

    Elsevier BV

  • Detection of Early-Middle Devonian biotic crises in East Gondwana, Paraná Basin, Brazil: An organic geochemical approach
    Luiza Rodrigues Rocha, Eliane Soares de Souza, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano Ribeiro, Danielle Mitze Muller Franco, Taynara Covas, Boniek Gontijo Vaz, and Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Weathering impacts on petroleum biomarker, aromatic, and polar compounds in the spilled oil at the northeast coast of Brazil over time
    Bárbara D. Lima, Laercio L. Martins, Vinícius B. Pereira, Danielle M.M. Franco, Ignes R. dos Santos, Jandyson M. Santos, Boniek G. Vaz, Débora A. Azevedo, and Georgiana F. da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Directly Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Organic Compounds on Mineral Rock Surfaces by DESI and LAESI Mass Spectrometry Imaging
    Igor Pereira, Ruver R. F. Ramalho, Lanaia I. L. Maciel, Deborah V. A. de Aguiar, Yan Trindade, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Angelo Marinho Vianna, Iris M. Júnior, Gesiane da S. Lima, and Boniek G. Vaz

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Here, we present a new application of desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) and laser ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI) mass spectrometry imaging to assess the spatial location of organic compounds, both polar and nonpolar, directly from rock surfaces. Three carbonaceous rocks collected from an aquatic environment and a berea sandstone subjected to a small-scale oil recovery experiment were analyzed by DESI and LAESI. No rock pretreatment was required before DESI and LAESI analyses. DESI detected and spatially mapped several fatty acids and a disaccharide on the surfaces of carbonaceous rocks, and various nitrogenated and oxygenated compounds on the surfaces of berea sandstone. In contrast, LAESI using a 3.4 μm infrared laser beam was able to detect and map hydrocarbons on the surfaces of all rock samples. Both techniques can be combined to analyze polar and nonpolar compounds. DESI can be used first to detect polar compounds, as it does not destroy the rock surface, and LAESI can then be used to analyze nonpolar analytes, as it destroys a layer of the sample surface. Both techniques have the potential to be used in several scientific areas involving rocks and minerals, such as in the analysis of industry-derived contaminants in aquatic sediments or in small-scale rock-fluid interaction experiments.

  • Implications of microbial enhanced oil recovery and waterflooding for geochemical interpretation of recovered oils

    Biosurfactants and waterflooding have been widely reported thus far for enhancing oil production. Nevertheless, there is a lack of literature to explore enhanced oil recovered methods effects on its chemical composition. The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of a biosurfactant produced by Bacillus safensis and brine injection on the recovered petroleum composition, and their implications for geochemical interpretation. Original and oils recovered from displacement tests were analyzed by gas chromatography and ultra-high-resolution mass spectrometry, emphasizing saturated and aromatic biomarkers and basic and acidic polar compounds. Geochemical parameters based on some saturated compounds were subtly affected by the recovery methods, showing their reliable applicability in geochemical studies. Contrarily, parameters based on some aromatic compounds were more affected by biosurfactant flooding, mostly the low molecular weight compounds. Thus, these aromatic parameters should be applied with caution after such methods. The distribution of basic and acidic polar compounds can also be modified affecting the geochemical interpretation. In the case of the basic ones, the biosurfactant greatly influenced the N class species with favorable loss of lower aromaticity compounds. In addition to water solubilization, the compositional changes described in this study can be related to fractionation due to adsorption on reservoir rocks.

  • Monitoring chemical compositional changes of simulated spilled Brazilian oils under tropical climate conditions by multiple analytical techniques
    Bárbara D. Lima, Laercio L. Martins, Eliane S. de Souza, Marcos A. Pudenzi, and Georgiana F. da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • New paleoenvironmental proxies for the Irati black shales (Paraná Basin, Brazil) based on acidic NSO compounds revealed by ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
    Laercio L. Martins, Hans-Martin Schulz, Mareike Noah, Stefanie Poetz, Hélio Jorge P. Severiano Ribeiro, and Georgiana F. da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Geochemical investigation of tar balls collected in a Brazilian beach using biomarkers, Ni/V, δ<sup>13</sup>C ratios and ultra-high resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry
    Bárbara Lima, Laercio Martins, Lívia Santos, Eliane de Souza, Marcos Pudenzi, Heliara Nascimento, Marcos Eberlin, and Georgiana da Cruz

    Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)
    Representative tar balls collected in two distinct years (2012 and 2014) in a beach along the State of Bahia, northeastern Brazil, were geochemically characterized in order to identify correlations between them and investigate potential sources. Terpanes and steranes biomarkers (detected by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, GC-MS), carbon stable isotope ratio (δC), Ni and V ratios and polar compounds by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry using electrospray ionization in negative mode (ESI(–) FT-ICR MS) were evaluated. Three Brazilian oil samples from distinct sources were assessed as possible spill sources, comparing their results with the tar ball samples. Using chemometric techniques, it was verified correlation between the two set of tar ball samples, suggesting same source. However, no correlation with the oil samples was observed, with different geochemical profile among them. The heteroatom class distribution displayed severe degradation levels for tar balls and its seems that photo-oxidation and biodegradation processes were further relevant. Tar ball samples show multiple classes, most oxygenated, and with one sample showing considerable relative abundance of N1 class, suggesting it is from a more recent oil spill. In brief, our results suggest that the region, with very sensitive ecosystem, is possibly subjected to frequent spills from the same source.

  • Cadalenes and norcadalenes in organic-rich shales of the Permian Irati Formation (Paraná Basin, Brazil): Tracers for terrestrial input or also indicators of temperature-controlled organic-inorganic interactions?
    Laercio Lopes Martins, Hans-Martin Schulz, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano Ribeiro, Caroline Adolphsson do Nascimento, Eliane Soares de Souza, and Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Organic geochemical signals of freshwater dynamics controlling salinity stratification in organic-rich shales in the Lower Permian Irati Formation (Paraná Basin, Brazil)
    Laercio Lopes Martins, Hans-Martin Schulz, Hélio Jorge Portugal Severiano Ribeiro, Caroline Adolphsson do Nascimento, Eliane Soares de Souza, and Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Assessing raw materials as potential adsorbents to remove acidic compounds from brazilian crude oils by esi (-) ft-icr ms

    The presence of acidic compounds as naphthenic acids in crude oil causes several problems for the petroleum industry, including corrosion in both upstream and downstream production processes. Based on this scenario, the main objective of this work was to investigate the removal of the acidic compound from two Brazilian heavy oils by adsorption processes using six potential adsorbents: powdered shale, activated carbon, bentonite, silica gel, powdered sandstone and powdered wood. These raw materials were previously characterized by conventional and surface analysis techniques, which show that they offer a good surface area and thermal stability. To evaluate the removal efficiency at the molecular level, the crude oil samples and the filtered oils were analyzed by negative electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry [ESI (-) FTICR MS]. The O2 class, which is related to the relatively high acidity of the samples, was the most abundant in both crude oil samples, moreover, this class was more retained by adsorbents. Silica gel, activated carbon and bentonite were the best adsorbents of acidic compounds from the tested oils, in agreement with their markedly higher surface area and porous volume. Additionally, a chromatographic analysis was performed and showed no changes in the oil profile.

  • Microbial enhanced oil recovery using a biosurfactant produced by Bacillus safensis isolated from mangrove microbiota - Part I biosurfactant characterization and oil displacement test
    Lorraine L.G.C. de Araujo, Luciana G.P. Sodré, Laísa R. Brasil, Daniela F. Domingos, Valéria M. de Oliveira, and Georgiana F. da Cruz

    Elsevier BV

  • Relationship between diagenesis and the emplacement of bitumen in the Lower Triassic Piramboia Formation sandstones, Paraná Basin, SW Brazil
    Anderson J. Maraschin, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Laercio L. Martins, Hélio J.P. Severiano Ribeiro, and Adolpho Herbert Augustin

    Elsevier BV

  • Chromans as signals of freshwater incursions promoting salinity stratification in the lower Permian Irati Formation, Paraná Basin

  • Effects of waterflooding and meor recovery techniques on the polar composition of petroleum assessed by ESI (+) FT-ICR MS

  • Evaluation of organic solvent efficiency in asphaltene precipitation from Brazilian petroleum and analysis of asphaltene and maltenic fractions by different instrumental techniques
    Wagner da Silva Terra, Laercio Lopes Martins, and Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz

    Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)
    Os asfaltenos representam uma complexa fracao do petroleo bruto livre de parafinas, soluvel em solventes aromaticos e insoluveis em n-alcanos de baixo peso molecular, sendo estes encontrados no petroleo na forma de agregados estabilizados pelas resinas. Estes merecem destaque na industria petrolifera devido aos grandes problemas ocasionados, como sua precipitacao no poco e nas linhas de fluxo. Neste trabalho sao apresentadas diferentes etapas para avaliacao de quatro tipos de solventes na precipitacao de asfaltenos de duas amostras de petroleos brasileiros, alem da avaliacao da composicao quimica das fracoes de asfalteno e malteno. Os ensaios resultaram em uma significativa influencia do tipo de solvente na quantidade de asfalteno precipitado, no qual o n-pentano apresentou maior eficiencia. Tambem foi verificado por espectroscopia de IV e Analise elementar de CHN que a mudanca do solvente nao altera a composicao elementar nem os tipos de grupos funcionais dos asfaltenos obtidos na precipitacao. Alem disso, foi observado por RMN 1H que os asfaltenos obtidos apresentam composicoes distintas para os dois oleos utilizados.

  • Assessing biodegradation extent of Brazi lian petroleum with emphasis on N-alkylcyclohexanes.
    Laercio Martins, Georgiana Cruz, Lívia Santos, Marcos Pudenzi, and Marcos Eberlin

    Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)

  • Exploratory Analysis of Campos Basin Crude Oils via Geochemical Parameters by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography/Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
    Lívia C. Santos, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Bárbara M. F. Ávila, Vinícius B. Pereira, and Débora A. Azevedo

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC–TOFMS) was used for geochemical characterization of 18 oil samples from Campos Basin, Brazil. Con...

  • Evaluation of barium sulfate scale inhibition using relative permeability modifier polymers as adsorption enhancer for mature offshore well treatments in Campos Basin, Brazil
    Daniel A. Maffra, Tiago C. Freitas, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Fernando D. de Siqueira, and Francisca F. do Rosário

    American Chemical Society (ACS)
    In many mature offshore fields, high water cuts and potential scale deposition are some of the toughest challenges operators need to face. Two common practices used to deal with these challenges are relative permeability modifiers (RPM) polymer injection and scale inhibitor squeeze treatments. Even though many fields face these two challenges simultaneously, little is known about concomitant application of these treatments. In this paper, the effect of applying RPM polymers prior to inhibitor squeeze in the effectiveness of the last treatment is evaluated for sandstone rocks of Campos Basin, Brazil. Sequential laboratory injections in Campos Basin rocks of commercial cationic and anionic polyacrylamide and polyaluminum chloride (PAC) as cross-linking agent were employed prior to the injection of a commercial organophosphonic acid type inhibitor for barium sulfate scale. It was found that the polymers employed are capable of reducing the permeability of porous media to water and increasing the retention ti...

  • Study of barium sulfate dissolution by scale dissolver based on solutions of dtpa

    In offshore oil wells it is very common to perform seawater injection through injection wells for hydrocarbon recovery. When seawater, rich in sulfate ion, mixes with formation water, whose composition can contain divalent cations such as barium and calcium, it often leads to sulfate salts formation due to their chemical incompatibility. These salts can cause serious damage in production wells. The barium sulfate (BaSO4) is the most problematic scale and may cause many complications. In order to solve this issue, polycarboxylic acids, such as diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid, are used. Thus, the primary focus of this work was to develop an experimental procedure to study the BaSO4 dissolution. Initially, through static tests to understand the relationship between dissolver concentration, temperature and dissolution time, and then through dynamic tests in sandstone reservoirs. Based on the results obtained, in the static tests the best condition for barite to dissolve was at high temperatures (80 ºC) and contact time of 48 hours, since from 50 °C there is an increase in dissolution rate, associated with a long contact time between dissolver and barite. In the dynamic tests, after scale formation, barite could be removed, but the high DTPA concentration should be avoided.

  • Study of naphthenic acidity and corrosivity of Brazilian crude oils by ESI(-) FT-ICR MS
    Laercio L. Martins, Pollyana F. da Silva, Georgiana F. da Cruz, Marcos A. Pudenzi, Marcos N. Eberlin, Carlos Alberto da S. Riehl, and Djalma Souza

    Sociedade Brasileira de Quimica (SBQ)
    Nos ultimos anos grande parte das reservas de petroleo descobertas no Brasil, com excecao das grandes reservas do pre-sal, bem como em todo o mundo, compreendem oleos de baixo grau API e de alto numero de acidez total (Total Acid Number, TAN). Os acidos naftenicos sao os principais compostos responsaveis por esta elevada acidez, o que leva a muitos problemas na industria petrolifera, tais como a corrosao durante o processo de producao. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a acidez naftenica e o potencial corrosivo de 35 amostras de oleos brasileiros utilizando a abundância relativa da classe O2 obtida por espectrometria de massas de ressonância ciclotronica de ions com transformada de Fourier (FT-ICR MS) acoplada a uma fonte de ionizacao por electrospray (ESI) no modo negativo, correlacionando-a com o numero de acidez total (TAN) e a taxa de corrosao em um tipo de aco inoxidavel comumente utilizado em torres de destilacao de refinarias de petroleo. Foi observada uma baixa relacao entre a abundância da classe O2 e o TAN, provavelmente devido a compostos de outras classes heteroatomicas que podem ter contribuido para a acidez total. Alem disso, neste estudo a %O2 se mostrou mais coerente para avaliar a corrosividade dos petroleos avaliados do que o TAN, baseando-se nos testes de corrosao com cupons do aco 316L.

  • Characterization of oils from Fazenda Belém–Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil
    Iara Samara de Alcântara Silva, Alek André Costa de Sousa, Igor Viegas Alves Fernandes de Souza, Ramsés Capilla, Georgiana Feitosa da Cruz, Antônia Maria das Graças Lopes Citó, and Sidney Gonçalo de Lima

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Asphaltenes (isolated by preparative TLC) from Potiguar Basin (Brazil) crude oils were submitted to mild oxidation to disrupt their structure, releasing the occluded oil. The released hydrocarbons were compared with those from the original crude oil, in order to provide an additional insight regarding composition in biomarkers and depositional paleoenvironment. It was possible to suggest that the oil samples present low thermal evolution, marine depositional environment and anoxide. The results showed that the release of these occluded hydrocarbon, which are remnants from the original oil, can be a tool for the geochemical study of highly biodegraded oils, leading to better maturation and origin information.

  • A new crude-glycerin-based drilling fluid
    Gabriel V.C. Malgaresi, Alexandre S.L. Vaz, Cleysson C. Corrêa, Georgiana F. Cruz, Rosana F.T. Lomba, and Alex Waldmann

    Elsevier BV


  • Forensic Geochemistry Reveals International Ship Dumping as a Source of New Oil Spill in Brazil’s Coastline (Bahia) in Late 2023
    LL Martins, VB Pereira, AP Nascimento, RNA Azevedo, AHB Oliveira, ...
    Environmental Science & Technology 2024

  • Impacts of a New Drilling Fluid Invasion on Electrical Resistivity and Acoustic Velocity Measurements
    RR Baggieri, AAG Carrasquilla, MAR Ceia, ASL Vaz Jr, CC Corrêa, ...
    Energy & Fuels 38 (5), 4752-4768 2024

  • Influence of the cationic degree and molar mass of modified starches on their physicochemical properties and capability to enhance the oil recovery process
    LLGC de Araujo, LS Cescon, GF Da Cruz, RSV Nascimento
    Carbohydrate Polymers 323, 121388 2024

  • Assessment of Crude Oil Polar Components Onto Carbonate After Waterflooding and Modified Cationic Starch Injection (EOR)
    L Gicovate, L Arajo, G Da Cruz, D Franco, B Vaz
    IMOG 2023 2023 (1), 1-2 2023

  • High-Resolution Organic Geochemistry Reveals Unusual Biomarkers in the Pimenteiras Formation, ParnaBa Basin-Brazil
    VB Pereira, LL Martins, BQ Arajo, HJPS Ribeiro, GF da Cruz, ...
    IMOG 2023 2023 (1), 1-2 2023

  • Detection of Early-Middle Devonian biotic crises in East Gondwana, Paran Basin, Brazil: An organic geochemical approach
    LR Rocha, ES de Souza, HJPS Ribeiro, DMM Franco, T Covas, BG Vaz, ...
    Organic Geochemistry 181, 104629 2023

  • Weathering impacts on petroleum biomarker, aromatic, and polar compounds in the spilled oil at the northeast coast of Brazil over time
    BD Lima, LL Martins, VB Pereira, DMM Franco, IR Dos Santos, JM Santos, ...
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 189, 114744 2023

    R Moreira, L Martins, GF da Cruz
    Galo 2023

  • Bucha vegetal revestida com nanopartculas magnticas (Fe3O4 e Fe3O4/CTBA) para remoo de derramamentos de leo
    GEP Mendes, L Cantagesso, A Tofanello, GF da Cruz
    Galo 2023

  • Implications of microbial enhanced oil recovery and waterflooding for geochemical interpretation of recovered oils
    LGP Sodr, LL Martins, LLGCDE Araujo, DMM Franco, BG Vaz, W Romao, ...
    Anais da Academia Brasileira de Cincias 94 (suppl 3), e20211433 2022

  • Directly mapping the spatial distribution of organic compounds on mineral rock surfaces by DESI and LAESI mass spectrometry imaging
    I Pereira, RRF Ramalho, LIL Maciel, DVA de Aguiar, Y Trindade, ...
    Analytical Chemistry 94 (40), 13691-13699 2022

  • The epidemiology of sepsis in paediatric intensive care units in Brazil (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database in Pediatric population, SPREAD PED): an observational study
    DC de Souza, JG Martin, VS Lanziotti, CF de Oliveira, C Tonial, ...
    The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 5 (12), 873-881 2021

  • New Paleoenvironmental Proxies for the Permian Irati Black Shales Based on Acidic O1 and O2 Compounds Assessed by FT-ICR-MS
    LL Martins, H Schulz, M Noah, S Ptz, HJPS Ribeiro, GF da Cruz
    30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021) 2021 (1), 1-2 2021

    L Sakai, MA Pudenzi, CA Nascimento, H Schulz, GF da Cruz, LL Martins
    30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021) 2021 (1), 1-2 2021

  • Monitoring chemical compositional changes of simulated spilled Brazilian oils under tropical climate conditions by multiple analytical techniques
    BD Lima, LL Martins, ES de Souza, MA Pudenzi, GF da Cruz
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 164, 111985 2021

  • Modelagem reolgica data-driven de emulses gua em leo para gerenciamento de produo em campos de guas profundas
    TG da Silva, FD de Siqueira, GF da Cruz, M Khalil
    Galo 2021

    BD Lima, L Martins, E Souza, MA Pudenzi, GF da Cruz
    Galo 2021

    LL Martins, CA do Nascimento, GF da Cruz, MA Pudenzi, L Sakai
    Revista Femass 4 (1), 76 a 93-76 a 93 2021

  • Aplicao dos cromans na avaliao da salinidade e influxo de gua doce em folhelhos da Formao Irati, Bacia do Paran
    L Lopes Martins, C Adolphsson do Nascimento, G da Cruz, ...
    Fsseis Moleculares e Aplicaes em Geoqumica Orgnica-Molecular Fossils 2021

  • New paleoenvironmental proxies for the Irati black shales (Paran Basin, Brazil) based on acidic NSO compounds revealed by ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry
    LL Martins, HM Schulz, M Noah, S Ptz, HJPS Ribeiro, GF da Cruz
    Organic Geochemistry 151, 104152 2021


  • Bioremediation potential of microorganisms derived from petroleum reservoirs
    BM Dellagnezze, GV de Sousa, LL Martins, DF Domingos, EEG Limache, ...
    Marine pollution bulletin 89 (1-2), 191-200 2014
    Citations: 92

  • Isolation, biodegradation ability and molecular detection of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria in petroleum samples from a Brazilian offshore basin
    SP de Vasconcellos, E Crespim, GF da Cruz, DB Senatore, KCM Simioni, ...
    Organic Geochemistry 40 (5), 574-588 2009
    Citations: 73

  • Avaliao diettica em creches municipais de Teresina, Piau, Brasil
    GF CRUZ, RS Santos, CMRG Carvalho, GC Moita
    Revista de Nutrio 14, 21-32 2001
    Citations: 67

  • Typification and quality control of the Andiroba (Carapa guianensis) oil via mass spectrometry fingerprinting
    EC Cabral, GF da Cruz, RC Simas, GB Sanvido, LV Gonalves, RVP Leal, ...
    Analytical Methods 5 (6), 1385-1391 2013
    Citations: 58

  • Could petroleum biodegradation be a joint achievement of aerobic and anaerobic microrganisms in deep sea reservoirs?
    GF da Cruz, SP de Vasconcellos, CFF Angolini, BM Dellagnezze, ...
    AMB express 1, 1-10 2011
    Citations: 57

  • Assessing Biodegradation of Brazilian Crude Oils via Characteristic Profiles of O1 and O2 Compound Classes: Petroleomics by Negative-Ion Mode Electrospray
    LL Martins, MA Pudenzi, GF da Cruz, HDL Nascimento, MN Eberlin
    Energy & Fuels 31 (7), 6649-6657 2017
    Citations: 54

  • Petroleum degradation by aerobic microbiota from the Pampo Sul oil field, Campos Basin, Brazil
    GF dA Cruz, EV dos Santos Neto, AJ Marsaioli
    Organic Geochemistry 39 (8), 1204-1209 2008
    Citations: 50

  • Organic geochemical signals of freshwater dynamics controlling salinity stratification in organic-rich shales in the Lower Permian Irati Formation (Paran Basin, Brazil)
    LL Martins, HM Schulz, HJPS Ribeiro, CA do Nascimento, ES de Souza, ...
    Organic Geochemistry 140, 103958 2020
    Citations: 36

  • Microbial enhanced oil recovery using a biosurfactant produced by Bacillus safensis isolated from mangrove microbiota-Part I biosurfactant characterization and oil displacement
    LLGC de Araujo, LGP Sodr, LR Brasil, DF Domingos, VM de Oliveira, ...
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 180, 950-957 2019
    Citations: 35

  • The epidemiology of sepsis in paediatric intensive care units in Brazil (the Sepsis PREvalence Assessment Database in Pediatric population, SPREAD PED): an observational study
    DC de Souza, JG Martin, VS Lanziotti, CF de Oliveira, C Tonial, ...
    The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health 5 (12), 873-881 2021
    Citations: 32

  • Processos naturais de biodegradao do petrleo em reservatrios
    GF Cruz, AJ Marsaioli
    Qumica Nova 35, 1628-1634 2012
    Citations: 32

  • Searching for monooxygenases and hydrolases in bacteria from an extreme environment
    GF Da Cruz, CFF Angolini, LG de Oliveira, PF Lopes, SP de Vasconcellos, ...
    Applied microbiology and biotechnology 87, 319-329 2010
    Citations: 25

  • A new crude-glycerin-based drilling fluid
    GVC Malgaresi, ASL Vaz Jr, CC Corra, GF Cruz, RFT Lomba, ...
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 160, 401-411 2018
    Citations: 22

  • Monitoring chemical compositional changes of simulated spilled Brazilian oils under tropical climate conditions by multiple analytical techniques
    BD Lima, LL Martins, ES de Souza, MA Pudenzi, GF da Cruz
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 164, 111985 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Taxonomic diversity and biodegradation potential of bacteria isolated from oil reservoirs of an offshore southern Brazilian basin
    PFL Oliveira, SP Vasconcellos, CFF Angolini, GF da Cruz, AJ Marsaioli, ...
    J. Pet. Environ. Biotechnol 3 (7) 2012
    Citations: 14

  • Geochemical Investigation of Tar Balls Collected in a Brazilian Beach Using Biomarkers, Ni/V, δ13C Ratios and Ultra-High Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
    BD Lima, LL Martins, LC Santos, ES Souza, MA Pudenzi, HL Nascimento, ...
    Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 31 (4), 673-682 2020
    Citations: 13

  • Avaliao do potencial uso de bioglicerina como base para formulao de fluidos de perfurao aquosos para poos de petrleo e gs
    CC Corra, GF Cruz, ASL Vaz Jr, BSA Arajo, AA Silva, RA Rodrigues, ...
    Qumica Nova 40 (4), 378-387 2017
    Citations: 13

  • Characterization of acidic compounds in Brazilian tar sand bitumens by LTQ Orbitrap XL: assessing biodegradation using petroleomics
    LL Martins, CFF Angolini, GF Cruz, AJ Marsaioli
    Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 28, 848-857 2017
    Citations: 13

  • Terpanos pentacclicos como indicadores de heterogeneidades composicionais em reservatrio de petrleo biodegradado
    LL Martins, GC Franklin, ES Souza, GF Cruz
    Qumica Nova 37, 1263-1268 2014
    Citations: 13

  • Weathering impacts on petroleum biomarker, aromatic, and polar compounds in the spilled oil at the northeast coast of Brazil over time
    BD Lima, LL Martins, VB Pereira, DMM Franco, IR Dos Santos, JM Santos, ...
    Marine Pollution Bulletin 189, 114744 2023
    Citations: 12