Geancarlo Abich




Hardware and Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Engineering, Signal Processing


Exploring AI-based applications for Aerospace Environment

This project aims to study applications aimed at the environment of space stations, satellites, and spacecraft that enable crew members or autonomous systems to make accurate decisions throughout a mission based on real-time data acquisition.

Applications Invited
Master Students PhD Students

Radiation Hardening Solutions

This project aims to investigate and propose solutions that enable the use of hardware and software projects in an environment with hostile radiation, ie, space environments.

Applications Invited
Master Students PhD Students

AI-Acceleration MPSoCs and ISAs

This project aims to investigate and propose hardware (ISA) and software (compiler) solutions to improve the performance of Machine Learning applications based on neural networks. This implies both the development of architectural changes to the development of architecture-specific specialized libraries.

Applications Invited
Master Students PhD Students

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • A Performance Analysis of a Real-time Jet Engine Performance Calculator Executing in Arm Cortex-A Multicore Processors
    Jose Eduardo Thums, Areeb Sherjil, Germano Girondi, Antonio Junior, Jonas Gava, Geancarlo Abich, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    The performance of multicore processors plays a crucial role in meeting the safety standards requirements (e.g., response time) for safety-critical edge devices, affecting aspects such as resource allocation, fault tolerance, management, and real-time processing. In this regard, benchmarks are needed to assess the performance and underlying real-time aspects. This work contributes by extending a multithreaded real-time Jet Engine benchmark, which provides better performance and fewer missed deadlines w.r.t. other parallel solutions. The paper presents a detailed performance analysis considering different Jet Engine benchmark parallel models executed in four Arm Cortex-A processors. Results show an average performance improvement of 3.83% to 66.01% when compared to the original parallel models executing in the Cortex A-76 processor. Results also show that the extended version using a 32-bit SIMD floating-point technology has eliminated all missed deadlines when executed in the Arm Cortex-A53, A72, and A76.

  • Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks Executing on Resource-constrained IoT Edge Devices
    Geancarlo Abich, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Machine learning (ML) algorithms offer solutions across diverse domains, including resource-constrained devices. Despite advances in performance optimization and reduced-precision implementations, ML susceptibility to soft errors from radiation remains unclear. This work uses virtual platforms (VPs) to conduct a comprehensive soft error reliability assessment, at early design phases, of ML algorithms for Arm processors. The test strategy integrates confidence metrics, extensive fault injection (FI) campaigns, application profiling, and fault classifications. The main goals comprise (i) analyzing the consistency of SOFIA, a JIT-based framework, against event-driven simulators (mean mismatch ±4%, worst-case ±8%) and (ii) investigating correlations between FI results, NN-optimized kernels, and reduced-precision CNNs for IoT devices (up to 60% critical faults), aiming to promote software-based mitigation techniques (up to 98% critical faults mitigated). Results covering over 14.8 million FIs highlight SOFIA’s consistency, offering insights into balancing performance and reliability in multithreaded IoT edge platforms.

  • A Lightweight Mitigation Technique for Resource-constrained Devices Executing DNN Inference Models under Neutron Radiation
    Jonas Gava, Alex Hanneman, Geancarlo Abich, Rafael Garibotti, Sergio Cuenca-Asensi, Rodrigo Possamai Bastos, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

  • Power and Performance Costs of Radiation-Hardened ML Inference Models Running on Edge Devices
    Geancarlo Abich, Anderson Ignacio Silva, Jonas Gava, Altamiro Amadeu Susin, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Integrating Machine Learning (ML) inference models into edge computing devices has introduced several challenges related to improving power efficiency, performance, and reliability. As the susceptibility of these models to radiation-induced soft errors is a significant concern, applying lightweight mitigation techniques is key, mostly due to power and memory constraints inherent to edge devices. In this regard, assessing the potential power and performance penalties associated with deploying soft error mitigation techniques on customized ML inference models running in such resource-constrained devices is crucial. This paper, therefore, investigates the performance and power consumption implications of applying software-based mitigation techniques on ML inference models optimized for edge devices. The experiments demonstrate that implementing RAT technique reduced up to 3.2 x the susceptibility to the occurrence of soft errors caused by radiation with low performance and power consumption costs w.r.t. a P-TMR technique.

  • Power, Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Multi-thread Machine Learning Inference Models Executing in Multicore Edge Devices
    Geancarlo Abich, Anderson Ignacio da Silva, José Eduardo Thums, Rafael da Silva, Altamiro Amadeu Susin, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Incorporating Machine Learning (ML) inference models into edge computing devices has presented some performance and reliability enhancement challenges. Multi-threaded ML models demonstrated power efficiency and performance gains when deployed on high-performance multicore platforms, including powerful general-purpose processors and graphics processing units (GPUs). However, there is a relative lack of investigation on the potential impact of parallel pre-trained ML models when executed in resource-constrained edge devices, which rely on low energy and reduced memory footprint processors. With that in mind, this work presents the impact of multi-threaded parallelism on the performance, power consumption, and soft error reliability of different ML inference models. Results show that parallel models enhanced by up to 2.6$\\times$ the performance per watt while reducing their susceptibility to the occurrence of radiation-induced soft errors in up to 6.6$\\times$ w.r.t. the original sequential versions.

  • The Impact of Soft Errors in Memory Units of Edge Devices Executing Convolutional Neural Networks
    Geancarlo Abich, Rafael Garibotti, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    Driven by the success of machine learning algorithms for recognizing and identifying objects, there are significant efforts to exploit convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in edge devices. The growing adoption of CNNs in safety-critical embedded systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles) increases the demand for safe and reliable models. In this sense, this brief investigates the soft error reliability of two CNN inference models considering single event upsets (SEUs) occurring in register files, RAM, and Flash memory sections. The results show that the incidence of SEUs in flash memory sections tend to lead to more critical faults than those resulting from the occurrence of bit-flips in RAM sections and register files.

  • Impact of Thread Parallelism on the Soft Error Reliability of Convolution Neural Networks
    Geancarlo Abich, Rafael Garibotti, Jonas Gava, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Convolution neural networks (CNNs) have been incorporated into resource-constrained edge devices to intelligently manage and process local data coming from a variety of sensors. Thread parallelism has been used to boost the performance of neural networks, but only few works address the effect of these parallel modifications on the soft error reliability of underlying models running on edge devices. In this sense, this work aims to assess the soft error reliability of a multi-threaded version of a CNN model developed based on the Arm CMSIS-NN kernels. Results show that the developed threaded CNN model increases performance at the cost of low memory footprint overhead. Promoted multi-threaded CNN model also provides better soft error reliability w.r.t. the original sequential version.

  • Applying Lightweight Soft Error Mitigation Techniques to Embedded Mixed Precision Deep Neural Networks
    Geancarlo Abich, Jonas Gava, Rafael Garibotti, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are being incorporated in resource-constrained IoT devices, which typically rely on reduced memory footprint and low-performance processors. While DNNs’ precision and performance can vary and are essential, it is also vital to deploy trained models that provide high reliability at low cost. To achieve an unyielding reliability and safety level, it is imperative to provide electronic computing systems with appropriate mechanisms to tackle soft errors. This paper, therefore, investigates the relationship between soft errors and model accuracy. In this regard, an extensive soft error assessment of the MobileNet model is conducted considering precision bitwidth variations (2, 4, and 8 bits) running on an Arm Cortex-M processor. In addition, this work promotes the use of a register allocation technique (RAT) that allocates the critical DNN function/layer to a pool of specific general-purpose processor registers. Results obtained from more than 4.5 million fault injections show that RAT gives the best relative performance, memory utilization, and soft error reliability trade-offs w.r.t. a more traditional replication-based approach. Results also show that the MobileNet soft error reliability varies depending on the precision bitwidth of its convolutional layers.

  • Evaluation of the soft error assessment consistency of a JIT-based virtual platform simulator
    Geancarlo Abich, Rafael Garibotti, Vitor Bandeira, Felipe da Rosa, Jonas Gava, Felipe Bortolon, Guilherme Medeiros, Fernando G. Moraes, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
    Luciano Ost, Loughborough University, Epinal Way Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK. Email: Abstract Soft error resilience has become an essential design metric in electronic computing systems as advanced technology nodes have become less robust to high‐charged particle effects. Designers, therefore, should be able to assess this metric considering several software stack components running on top of commercial processors, early in the design phase. With this in mind, researchers are using virtual platform (VP) frameworks to assess this metric due to their flexibility and high simulation performance. In this regard, herein, this goal is achieved by analysing the soft error consistency of a just‐in‐time fault injection simulator (OVPsim‐FIM) against fault injection campaigns conducted with event‐driven simulators (i.e. more realistic and accurate platforms) considering single and multicore processor architectures. Reference single‐core fault injection campaigns are performed on RTL descriptions of Arm Cortex‐M0 and M3 processors, while gem5 simulator is used to multicore Arm Cortex‐A9 scenarios. Campaigns consider different open‐source and commercial compilers as well as real software stacks including FreeRTOS/Linux kernels and 52 applications. Results show that OVPsim‐FIM is more than 1000� faster than cycle‐accurate simulators and up to 312� faster than event‐driven simulators, while preserving the soft error analysis accuracy (i.e. mismatch below to 10%) for single and multicore processors.

  • The Impact of Precision Bitwidth on the Soft Error Reliability of the MobileNet Network
    Geancarlo Abich, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Machine learning (ML) algorithms are being incorporated in resource-constrained IoT platforms, which typically rely on reduced memory footprint and low performance processors. While performance improvement, customized, and reduced-precision implementations of such algorithms have been studied extensively, their susceptibility to soft errors caused by radiation particles is still an open question. This work contributes by investigating the impact of precision bitwidth on the soft error reliability of the MobileNet convolutional neural network (CNN) when executed on an Arm Cortex-M processor. Results obtained from more than 500k fault injections show that the soft error reliability varies depending on the precision bitwidth of the convolutional layers.

  • Soft error reliability assessment of neural networks on resource-constrained IoT devices
    Geancarlo Abich, Jonas Gava, Ricardo Reis, and Luciano Ost

    Machine learning (ML) algorithms have provided straightforward solutions to a wide range of applications. The high computational demand of such algorithms limits their adoption in resource-constrained devices, typically relying on reduced memory footprint and low-power components (e.g., processors). While performance improvement, customized, and reduced-precision implementations of ML algorithms have been studied extensively, their susceptibility to soft errors caused by radiation particles is still an open question. In this regard, this work contributes to the soft error reliability assessment of a convolutional neural network (CNN) developed based on the Arm CMSIS-NN library. Results show that the soft error reliability varies depending on the instruction set architecture and the layer where the faults are injected.

  • A Design Patterns-Based Middleware for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip
    Jean Carlo Hamerski, Geancarlo Abich, Ricardo Reis, Luciano Ost, and Alexandre Amory

    Current multiprocessor systems might comprise dozens of processors, requiring a runtime management to provide performance while complying with system's constraints such as energy consumption, thermal balance, and fault tolerance. Self-adaptive multiprocessor systems have been proposed to cover some key aspects such as hardware abstraction, programming models and modular software architecture. This paper provides a modular middleware to assist the development of self-adaptive services and applications on MPSoC environments. Based on key design patterns, the proposed middleware uses highly efficient features of object-oriented programming for embedded systems and specific compiler optimization options. The results show a case study of a self-adaptive application on top of the proposed middleware. Additional experiments demonstrate a reduction in the execution time from 3% up to 19%, presenting a memory footprint overhead of 8.7% when compared to previous middleware without the features to ease modular software design.

  • Exploring the Impact of Soft Errors on NoC-based Multiprocessor Systems
    Felipe T. Bortolon, Geancarlo Abich, Sergio Bampi, Ricardo Reis, Fernando Moraes, and Luciano Ost

    Software reliability is an essential design metric in emerging large-scale multiprocessor embedded systems. Designers should identify soft error susceptibility of multiple applications executing in parallel early in the design time to ensure reliable system operation. This work proposes a non-intrusive fault injection engine that enables to conduct bespoke soft error analysis, allowing to identify and understand the soft error propagation through the processing elements (PEs). The proposed fault injection campaign evaluates the impact of soft errors considering real benchmarks in an RTL model of a distributed-memory NoC-based multiprocessor. Experiments demonstrate that 19% of soft errors are propagated to other PEs, where 31.6% of them led to erroneous computation and 58.4% to a system crash. Thus, the fault analysis must consider not only its local effect on the processor and memory but also how the fault propagates to other system components.

  • Publish-subscribe programming for a NoC-based multiprocessor system-on-chip
    Jean Carlo Hamerski, Geancarlo Abich, Ricardo Reis, Luciano Ost, and Alexandre Amory

    Shared memory and message passing are traditional parallel programming models used on multiprocessor system-on-chip environments. Underlying models are traditionally meant for static scenarios where all communicating entities and their intercommunication patterns are known a priori by the software engineer. The systems design following such programming models became complex due to dynamic behavior of applications at runtime. The goal of this work is to incorporate a publish-subscribe programming model to an MPSoC framework to decouple, in the time and space, the application development. The modified MPSoC framework is composed of a FreeRTOS kernel running on homogeneous processing elements distributed into a network-on-chip. The results present reduction around of 2% to 30% in DTW application execution time, and low overhead in memory footprint when comparing the original MPI primitives with the publish-subscribe programming model.

  • Extending FreeRTOS to support dynamic and distributed mapping in multiprocessor systems
    G. Abich, M. G. Mandelli, F. R. Rosa, F. Moraes, L. Ost, and R. Reis

    With the ever-increasing complexity of both embedded application workloads and multiprocessor platforms grows the demand for efficient mapping heuristics able of allocating several application workloads at runtime. The majority of promoted mapping techniques are bespoke implementations that consider an in-house operating system, which is developed to a particular architecture, restricting its adoption in other platforms. This work proposes a FreeRTOS extension that supports distributed task mapping heuristics, which enables to balance application workloads in multiprocessor architectures at runtime. Promoted extension is validated through a trustworthy number of scenarios considering large scale Cortex-M-based multiprocessor systems executing up to 600 application tasks.


  • A Performance Analysis of a Real-time Jet Engine Performance Calculator Executing in Arm Cortex-A Multicore Processors
    JE Thums, A Sherjil, G Girondi, A Junior, J Gava, G Abich, R Reis, L Ost
    2024 31st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems 2024

  • Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks Executing on Resource-constrained IoT Edge Devices
    G Abich, R Reis, L Ost
    2024 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), 207-216 2024

  • Power and Performance Costs of Radiation-hardened ML Inference Models Running on Edge Devices
    G Abich, AI Silva, J Gava, AA Susin, R Reis, L Ost
    2023 36th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6 2023

  • Power, Performance and Reliability Evaluation of Multi-thread Machine Learning Inference Models Executing in Multicore Edge Devices
    G Abich, AI Silva, JE Thums, R Silva, AA Susin, R Reis, L Ost
    IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI 2023 (ISVLSI), 1-6 2023

  • A lightweight mitigation technique for resource-constrained devices executing dnn inference models under neutron radiation
    J Gava, A Hanneman, G Abich, R Garibotti, S Cuenca-Asensi, RP Bastos, ...
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (8), 1625-1633 2023

  • Soft Error Assessment Methodology
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks 2023

  • Background in ML Models and Radiation Effects
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks 2023

  • Soft Error Reliability Assessment of ML Inference Models Executing on Resource-Constrained IoT Edge Devices
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks 2023

  • Early Soft Error Consistency Assessment
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Early Soft Error Reliability Assessment of Convolutional Neural Networks 2023

  • Early soft error reliability assessment of convolutional neural networks executing on resource-constrained IoT edge devices
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Springer Nature 2023

  • 2022 Index IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs Vol. 69
    Z Abbas, J Abdekhoda, S Abdelfattah, D Abdelrahman, B Abdollahi, ...
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (12) 2022

  • A Lightweight Mitigation Technique for Resource-constrained Devices under Neutron Radiation
    J Gava, G Abich, R Garibotti, S Cuenca-Asensi, RP Bastos, R Reis, L Ost
    Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2022) 2022

  • Impact of Thread Parallelism on the Soft Error Reliability of Convolution Neural Networks
    G Abich, R Garibotti, J Gava, R Reis, L Ost
    2022 IEEE 13th Latin America Symposium on Circuits and System (LASCAS) 1 (1 2022

  • The Impact of Soft Errors in Memory Units of Edge Devices Executing Convolutional Neural Networks
    G Abich, R Garibotti, R Reis, L Ost
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 679-683 2022

  • The Impact of Precision Bitwidth on the Soft Error Reliability of the MobileNet Network
    G Abich, R Reis, L Ost
    2021 IEEE 12th Latin America Symposium on Circuits and System (LASCAS), 1-4 2022

  • Applying Lightweight Soft Error Mitigation Techniques to Embedded Mixed Precision Deep Neural Networks
    G Abich, J Gava, R Garibotti, R Reis, L Ost
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2021

  • Evaluation of the soft error assessment consistency of a JIT‐based virtual platform simulator
    G Abich, R Garibotti, V Bandeira, F da Rosa, J Gava, F Bortolon, ...
    IET Computers & Digital Techniques 15 (2), 125-142 2021

  • 2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers Vol. 68
    M Abedin, G Abich, AA Abidi, AS Abraham, J Acharya, JM Acken, ...
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 68 (12) 2021

  • Soft error reliability assessment of neural networks on resource-constrained IoT devices
    G Abich, J Gava, R Reis, L Ost
    2020 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems 2020

  • A design patterns-based middleware for multiprocessor systems-on-chip
    JC Hamerski, G Abich, R Reis, L Ost, A Amory
    2018 31st Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6 2018


  • Applying Lightweight Soft Error Mitigation Techniques to Embedded Mixed Precision Deep Neural Networks
    G Abich, J Gava, R Garibotti, R Reis, L Ost
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 2021
    Citations: 35

  • Soft error reliability assessment of neural networks on resource-constrained IoT devices
    G Abich, J Gava, R Reis, L Ost
    2020 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems 2020
    Citations: 18

  • The Impact of Soft Errors in Memory Units of Edge Devices Executing Convolutional Neural Networks
    G Abich, R Garibotti, R Reis, L Ost
    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 69 (3), 679-683 2022
    Citations: 17

  • Evaluation of the soft error assessment consistency of a JIT‐based virtual platform simulator
    G Abich, R Garibotti, V Bandeira, F da Rosa, J Gava, F Bortolon, ...
    IET Computers & Digital Techniques 15 (2), 125-142 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Extending FreeRTOS to support dynamic and distributed mapping in multiprocessor systems.
    G Abich, MG Mandelli, FR da Rosa, F Moraes, L Ost, R Reis
    IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2016
    Citations: 12

  • A lightweight mitigation technique for resource-constrained devices executing dnn inference models under neutron radiation
    J Gava, A Hanneman, G Abich, R Garibotti, S Cuenca-Asensi, RP Bastos, ...
    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 70 (8), 1625-1633 2023
    Citations: 10

  • Impact of Thread Parallelism on the Soft Error Reliability of Convolution Neural Networks
    G Abich, R Garibotti, J Gava, R Reis, L Ost
    2022 IEEE 13th Latin America Symposium on Circuits and System (LASCAS) 1 (1 2022
    Citations: 9

  • Publish-subscribe programming for a NoC-based multiprocessor system-on-chip
    JC Hamerski, G Abich, R Reis, L Ost, A Amory
    2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2017
    Citations: 8

  • The Impact of Precision Bitwidth on the Soft Error Reliability of the MobileNet Network
    G Abich, R Reis, L Ost
    2021 IEEE 12th Latin America Symposium on Circuits and System (LASCAS), 1-4 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Exploring the impact of soft errors on NoC-based multiprocessor systems
    FT Bortolon, G Abich, S Bampi, R Reis, F Moraes, L Ost
    2018 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1-5 2018
    Citations: 5

  • Early soft error reliability assessment of convolutional neural networks executing on resource-constrained IoT edge devices
    G Abich, L Ost, R Reis
    Springer Nature 2023
    Citations: 2

  • A Lightweight Mitigation Technique for Resource-constrained Devices under Neutron Radiation
    J Gava, G Abich, R Garibotti, S Cuenca-Asensi, RP Bastos, R Reis, L Ost
    Conference on Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS 2022) 2022
    Citations: 2

  • A design patterns-based middleware for multiprocessor systems-on-chip
    JC Hamerski, G Abich, R Reis, L Ost, A Amory
    2018 31st Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), 1-6 2018
    Citations: 2