Olumuyiwa A. Lasode


University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria




Mechanical Engineering, Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Prediction of Biogas Yield from Codigestion of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model
    Moses Oluwatobi Fajobi, Olumuyiwa Ajani Lasode, Adekunle Akanni Adeleke, Peter Pelumi Ikubanni, Ayokunle Olubusayo Balogun, and Prabhu Paramasivam

    Hindawi Limited
    One of the major challenges confronting researchers is how to predict biogas yield because it is a herculean task since research in the field of modeling and optimization of biogas yield is still limited, especially with the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). This study used ANFIS to model and predict biogas yield from anaerobic codigestion of cow dung, mango pulp, and Chromolaena odorata. Asides from the controls, 13 experiments using various agglomerates of the selected substrates were carried out. Cumulatively (for 40 days), the agglomerate that comprised 50% cow dung, 25% mango pulp, and 25% Chromolaena odorata produced the highest volume of biogas, 4750 m3/kg, while the one with 50% cow dung, 12.5% mango pulp, and 37.5% Chromolaena odorata produced the lowest volume of biogas, 630 m3/kg. The data articulated for modeling were those of the optimum biogas yield. Data implemented for modeling comprised two inputs (temperature in Kelvin and pressure in kN/m2) and one output (biogas yield). The Gaussian membership function (Gauss-mf) was implemented for the fuzzification of input variables, while the hybrid algorithm was selected for the learning and mapping of the input-output dataset. The developed ANFIS architecture was simulated at varied membership functions, MFs, and epoch numbers to determine the minimum root mean square error, RMSE, and maximum R-squared R2 values. The one that fulfilled the conditions was considered to be the optimized model. The minimum RMSE and maximum R2 values recorded for the developed model are 14.37 and 0.99784, respectively. The implication is that the model was able to efficiently predict not less than 99.78% of the experimental data. These results prove that the ANFIS model is a reliable tool for modeling data and predicting biogas yield in the biomass anaerobic digestion process. Therefore, the use of the developed ANFIS model is recommended for biogas producers and other allies for predicting biogas yield adequately.

  • Investigation of physicochemical characteristics of selected lignocellulose biomass
    M. O. Fajobi, O. A. Lasode, A. A. Adeleke, P. P. Ikubanni, and A. O. Balogun

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe beneficial effects of biofuels as components of the worldwide energy supply are unquantifiable because they have versatile applications. However, an adequate understanding of the chemical properties of typical biomass is an integral aspect of maximizing the energy potentials because it is susceptible to biomass behavior during the conversion process, especially anaerobic digestion. Therefore, this study investigated the physicochemical characteristics of selected lignocellulose biomass, namely; cow dung, mango pulp, and Chromolaena odorata of Nigerian origin. The raw biomasses were characterized by proximate, calorific, ultimate, compositional, and microbial (for cow dung only) analyses using ASTM standards and equipment. Raw biomass characterization showed that cow dung, mango pulp, and Chromolaena odorata leaves recorded percentages; fixed carbon, volatile matter, and ash contents in addition to calorific values in the ranges of 6.22–7.25%, 5.02–7.79%, 1.14–1.91,% and 13.77–16.16 MJ/kg, respectively. The ultimate analysis of cow dung, mango pulp and Chromolaena odorata recorded carbon (43.08, 39.98, 41.69%); hydrogen (7.87, 6.74, 9.86%); nitrogen (1.53, 1.34, 1.51%); sulphur (0.46, 0.12, 0.25%) and oxygen (47.06, 51.82, 46.69%), respectively. Compositional analysis of the biomass gave percentages in the range of 7.47–11.37 for hemicellulose, 0.22–6.33 for lignin, and 3.71–12.03 for cellulose, while the microbial analysis of cow dung gave total bacteria counts of 5.78 × 108 and 3.93 × 105 cfu/g on wet and dry bases, respectively, which implied that it was rich in microbial colonies, evidently from the various species found, such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aureginosa, Proteus morganii, and Micrococcus spp. In this regard, the physicochemical properties of selected biomass of Nigerian origin were established to conform with those of the literature and thus can be regarded as suitable feedstock for anaerobic digestion resulting in methane-rich biogas products.

  • Optimization of Densification Parameters for Lean Grade Subbituminous Coal

  • Effect of biomass co-digestion and application of artificial intelligence in biogas production: A review
    Moses Oluwatobi Fajobi, Olumuyiwa Ajani Lasode, Adekunle Akanni Adeleke, Peter Pelumi Ikubanni, and Ayokunle Olubusayo Balogun

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Energy is an essential bedrock, which plays a high impact role in the running of domestic and industrial activities. Most energy used for these activities is majorly from conventional sources, which after combustion result in ecological imbalance, climatic affray, health hazards, and degradation of natural resources. Therefore, the quest for eco-friendly energy has made researchers to investigate on alternative energy, such as biogas. This review study presents a comprehensive analysis of various biomass used for biogas production considering the effects that co-digestion of these materials has on biogas yield, as well as the technology involved. It further evaluated the applicability of artificial intelligence for modeling and optimization of the anaerobic digestion process including the blend ratios, process parameters and so on. These indices determine the percentage methane yield from biomaterial. The review effort revealed that methane content of biomaterials digested without pre-treatment varies from 3.6 ± 0.7 to 443.55 ± 13.68 while the yield from biomaterials pre-treated using various methods varies from 301.38 mL /g to 0.73–5.87 L/week. Anaerobic digestion of the blends of cow dung, mango pulp, and Chromolaena odorata was reportedly necessary, as information is scantily available on it. The modeling of the resulting experimental data using different machine learning techniques such as an adaptive-neuro-fuzzy inference system and ANFIS for predicting biogas yield is a major information gathered in this study. The AI models reviewed have high correlation factors ranging from 0.8700 to 0.9998. This information gathered in this paper will motivate the production of useful fuel to complement the existing energy sources while offering a near-term and practical means for reduction of environmental pollution.

  • Evaluation of non-isothermal kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of teak wood using model-fitting techniques
    Adekunle Adeleke, Peter Ikubanni, Jamiu Odusote, Thomas Orhadahwe, Olumuyiwa Lasode, Samuel Adegoke, and Olanrewaju Adesina

    College of Graduate Studies, Walailak University
    Teak wood is one of the prominently used raw material in the construction industry, thus contributing extremely to the biomass waste available in Nigeria. These wastes are usually used for energy generation that requires upgrade into better fuel before application. Hence, the present study evaluates the non-isothermal kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of teak wood using model-fitting techniques. Teak wood dust was subjected to proximate, ultimate and calorific value analyses based on different ASTM standards. The thermal degradation and decomposition behaviour of the teak wood dust was examined using a thermogravimetric analyzer. Pulverized teak (6.5 mg) was heated from 30 to 800 ºC at varying heating rates (5, 10 and 15 ºC) in an environment where 100 mL/min of nitrogen gas was charged in continuously to maintain an inert condition. Avrami-Erofeev, Ginstling-Broushtein (GB) and Mampel models were used to evaluate the kinetic parameters of the pyrolysis of teak wood dust. The teak wood dust contained 7.25 % moisture, 79.26 % volatile matter (VM), 1.74 % ash and 11.75 % fixed carbon. The calorific value of the wood dust was 18.72 MJ/kg. The results of the thermogravimetric analyses depicted that heating rate has no effect on weight loss during the reactive drying zone. However, as the thermal treatment progressed into the active pyrolysis and passive pyrolysis zones, the weight loss decreased with increase in heating rate.  The devolatilization parameters also increased with heating rates except for the maximum conversion. The results of the kinetic parameters evaluation revealed that the GB model was best fit to evaluate the kinetic parameters of teak in the active pyrolysis zone while GB and Mampel models were considered most appropriate for the evaluation of the kinetic parameters in the passive pyrolysis zone. Model-fitting method has the capacity to capture a wide range of fractional conversion at a glance.
 Arrhenius parameters in terms of activation energy and pre-exponential factor for the pyrolysis of teak wood while comparing 4 different model-fitting techniques were obtained
 The α-temperature plot for solid state reaction of teak wood dust was a bell-shape (sigmoidal model)
 The Avrami-Erofeev and SSS models were unable to capture the overlapping multiple reactions that took place simultaneously at the active pyrolysis zone
 Higher energy input is needed for devolatilization of teak wood dust to give 10 - 80 % conversion due to higher activation energy at the active pyrolysis zone
 Ginstling-Broushtein was found to be the best model for evaluating the kinetic parameters at the active pyrolysis zone as it had the highest R2 value

  • Ash analyses of bio-coal briquettes produced using blended binder
    A. A. Adeleke, J. K. Odusote, P. P. Ikubanni, T. A. Orhadahwe, O. A. Lasode, A. Ammasi, and K. Kumar

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe behaviour of ash of fuel affects its thermal efficiency when in use. The ash analyses of bio-coal briquettes developed from lean grade coal and torrefied woody biomass have received limited intensive study. Therefore, the present study aims at analysing the ashes of briquette made from lean grade coal and torrefied woody biomass using blended coal tar pitch and molasses as the binder. Bio-coal briquettes were produced from coal and torrefied biomass in various hybrid ratios. Ashing of various briquettes was done in a muffle furnace at 850 °C for 3 h. Mineral phases of the ash were identified using an X-ray Diffractometer (XRD), while the mineral oxides were obtained using an X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer. The AFT700 Furnace was used with its AFT700 software to evaluate the ash fusion temperatures of the ashes. The XRD patterns look similar, and quartz was found to be the dominant mineral phase present in the raw coal and bio-coal briquettes. The SiO2 (57–58%), Al2O3 (19–21%), and Fe2O3 (8–9%) were the major oxides observed in the ashes. The final fusion temperatures of the ashes range from 1300–1350 °C. The compositions of the ashes of the bio-coal briquettes are classified as detrital minerals. It was concluded that the addition of torrefied biomass (≤ $$10\\%)$$ 10 % ) and blended binder ($$\\le $$ ≤ 15%) to coal gave a negligible impact on the ashes of the resultant bio-coal briquettes.

  • Physical and mechanical characteristics of composite briquette from coal and pretreated wood fines
    Adekunle Adeleke, Jamiu Odusote, Peter Ikubanni, Olumuyiwa Lasode, Madhurai Malathi, and Dayanand Pasawan

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractMelina wood torrefied at 260 °C for 60 min was agglomerated with lean grade coal fines into composite briquettes using pitch as binder. Torrefied biomass (3%–20%) and coal fines (80%–97%) were blended together to produce the composite briquettes under a hydraulic press (28 MPa). The briquettes were cured at 300 °C. Density, water resistance, drop to fracture, impact resistance, and cold crushing strength were evaluated for the composite briquettes. The proximate, ultimate, and calorific value analyses were carried out according to different ASTM standards. Microstructural studies were carried out using scanning electron microscope and electron probe microanalyzer equipped with energy dispersive x-ray. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) was used to obtain the functional groups in the raw materials and briquettes. The density of the composite briquettes ranged from 0.92 to 1.31 g/cm3 after curing. Briquettes with < 10% torrefied biomass has good water resistance index (> 95%). The highest cold crushing strength of 4 MPa was obtained for briquettes produced from 97% coal fines and 3% torrefied biomass. The highest drop to fracture (54 times/2 m) and impact resistance index (1350) were obtained for the sample produced from 97% coal and 3% torrefied biomass. The fixed and elemental carbons of the briquettes showed a mild improvement compared to the raw coal. The peaks from FTIR spectra for the briquettes shows the presence of aromatic C=C bonds and phenolic OH group. The composite briquettes with up to 20% torrefied biomass can all be useful as fuel for various applications.

  • Tumbling strength and reactivity characteristics of hybrid fuel briquette of coal and biomass wastes blends
    A.A. Adeleke, J.K. Odusote, P.P. Ikubanni, O.O. Agboola, A.O. Balogun, and O.A. Lasode

    Elsevier BV

  • Physicomechanical properties of composite tiles produced from granite dusts and municipal wastes
    O. A. Lasode, H. Abdulganiyu, A. O. Balogun, I. O. Ohijeagbon, A. A. Adeleke, P. P. Ikubanni, and O. A. Adewuyi

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Essential basics on biomass torrefaction, densification and utilization
    Adekunle A. Adeleke, Jamiu K. Odusote, Peter P. Ikubanni, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, Madhurai Malathi, and Dayanand Paswan

    Hindawi Limited
    Torrefaction and densification are crucial steps in upgrading biomass as feedstock for energy generation and metallurgical applications. This paper attempts to discuss essential basics on biomass torrefaction and densification, which can propel developing nation to take full advantage of them. The most promising clean energy sources that have found applications in various areas are biomass materials, that is, both the lignocellulosic and non‐lignocellulosic. However, high moisture contents, low energy density, hydrophilic nature, poor storage and handling properties are the major drawbacks limiting its usefulness. Therefore, torrefaction as one of the major thermal pre‐treatment processes to upgrade biomass in terms of improved energy density, hydrophobic, moisture content and grindability has been discussed. The influence of temperature, residence time, particle sizes and gas flow rates on the properties of torrefied biomass has also been discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of various torrefaction technologies have also been highlighted. The possible areas of application of torrefied biomass especially densification into pellets and briquettes alongside the equipment required for it have been reviewed in this paper. The torrefied biomass can be deployed in the metallurgical industries as reducing agent in the development of sponge iron from iron ores of various grade including lean ones. The information gathered in this paper from peer‐reviewed articles will reduce the burden of seeking to understand the preliminaries of torrefaction process and its importance.

  • Non-isothermal kinetic parametric evaluation of Tectona grandis using model-fitting methods
    Adekunle A. Adeleke, Peter P. Ikubanni, Jamiu K. Odusote, Thomas A. Orhadahwe, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, Samuel O. Adegoke, and Olanrewaju S. Adesina

    Elsevier BV

  • Physico-mechanical properties of cement bonded ceiling board developed from teak and African locust bean tree wood residue
    I.O. Ohijeagbon, M.U. Bello-Ochende, A.A. Adeleke, P.P. Ikubanni, A.A. Samuel, O.A. Lasode, and O.D. Atoyebi

    Elsevier BV

  • Evaluation of thermal decomposition characteristics and kinetic parameters of melina wood
    A. A. Adeleke, J. K. Odusote, O. A. Lasode, P. P. Ikubanni, M. Madhurai, and D. Paswan

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract The evaluation of thermal decomposition characteristics and kinetic parameters of melina wood were investigated. Proximate, ultimate and calorific value analyses of the melina wood were carried out based on standards. Melina wood was subjected to multiple heating rates (5–15 °C/min) in thermogravimetric experiment. Two prominent isoconversional methods (Flynn-Wall-Ozawa and Starink) were adopted to obtain kinetic parameters from the non-isothermal thermogravimetric analysis curves. The ash, volatile matter and carbon contents of the melina were 2.15, 81.42 and 47.05%, respectively, while the calorific value was 18.72 MJ/kg. The main devolatilization stage of melina ranged from 220 °C to 350 °C while 80% weight loss was obtained below 400 °C. The activation energy varied between approximately 15 and 162 kJ/mol as a function of degree of conversion. The pre-exponential factors varied between 1.60E + 2 and 5.67 E + 12/min. The decomposition kinetic mechanism of melina is concluded to be a multi-step reaction.

  • Exergoeconomic analysis of an industrial beverage mixer system: Process data
    Chukwuemeka J. Okereke, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, and Idehai O. Ohijeagbon

    Elsevier BV

  • Exergoeconomic analysis of an industrial beverage mixer system
    Chukwuemeka J. Okereke, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, and Idehai O. Ohijeagbon

    Elsevier BV

  • The ignitability, fuel ratio and ash fusion temperatures of torrefied woody biomass
    A.A. Adeleke, J.K. Odusote, P.P. Ikubanni, O.A. Lasode, M. Malathi, and D. Paswan

    Elsevier BV

  • Energy and Exergy Analysis of Vapor Compression Refrigeration System with Flooded Evaporator
    Chukwuemeka J. Okereke, Idehai O. Ohijeagbon, and Olumuyiwa A. Lasode

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    In this study, energy and exergy analysis was used to evaluate the performance of a vapor compression refrigeration system with a flooded evaporator and the causes of high temperatures of beverage during the production process determined. Subsequently, the components of the operation that require modification were identified in order to improve the system performance. The actual operating parameters related to energy and exergy analysis of the investigated beverage manufacturing plant were measured, the thermal properties of the beverage were determined from a calorimeter experiment, and mathematical models were developed based on the first and second laws of thermodynamics from the literature. The system energy and exergy efficiencies were 57.46% and 21.17%, respectively, whereas the system exergy destruction was 695.71[Formula: see text]kW. The highest exergy destruction among the components of the refrigeration system occurred at the cooling plate, followed by the ammonia compressor. The cooling plate also experienced a loss in the refrigerating effect of 43.59[Formula: see text]kW. Therefore, the cooling plate is the area with the highest potential for improvement. The ammonia compressor presents another potential area of improvement, which includes operating the compressor at a high compression ratio and high superheated temperature. However, the reduction of beverage inlet mass flow rate at the cooling plate offers the best opportunity to achieve a low beverage temperature between 1.00∘C and 2.00∘C and decreasing the system exergy destruction without incurring additional investment costs.

  • Thermal and compositional properties of treated Tectona grandis
    Jamiu Kolawole Odusote, Adekunle Akanni Adeleke, Olumuyiwa Ajani Lasode, Madhurai Malathi, and Dayanand Paswan

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Densification of coal fines and mildly torrefied biomass into composite fuel using different organic binders
    A.A. Adeleke, J.K. Odusote, O.A. Lasode, P.P. Ikubanni, M. Malathi, and D. Paswan

    Elsevier BV

  • Circular economy: Nigeria perspective
    Saheed A. Aremu, David O. Olukanni, Olubunmi A. Mokuolu, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, Michael A. Ahove, and Olasunkanmi M. Ojowuro

    Springer Singapore

  • Mild pyrolytic treatment of Gmelina arborea for optimum energetic yields
    A.A. Adeleke, J. K. Odusote, O. A. Lasode, P. P. Ikubanni, M. Malathi, and D. Paswan

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract One of the most promising routes to produce solid biofuel from biomass is mild pyrolytic treatment (torrefaction). In the present study, mild pyrolytic treatment of Gmelina arborea was carried out to obtain optimum energetic yields (mass yield, higher heating value and energy yield). The biomass of 0.5–6 mm particle sizes were torrefied at two different temperatures, 240 and 300°C for residence time of 30 and 60 min. Full-factorial experimental method was used for the optimization of torrefaction conditions in order to produce solid fuel with high energetic yields. The analyses revealed that torrefied biomass was better in terms of heating value, proximate contents and fuel ratio. The results also showed that temperature has the largest effect on the energetic yields compared to residence time and particle size. The optimum torrefaction conditions that produced the highest energetic yields were temperature of 260°C, residence time of 60 min and particle size of 2 mm as predicted using the factorial linear models. The optimum conditions were experimentally validated and the energetic yields obtained were acutely close to those predicted using factorial linear models developed in this study. Hence, mild pyrolytic treatment at a temperature of 260°C, residence time of 60 min and particle size of 2 mm is useful to produce solid biofuel with maximum energetic yields.

  • Dataset on the evaluation of chemical and mechanical properties of steel rods from local steel plants and collapsed building sites
    A.A. Adeleke, J.K. Odusote, P.P. Ikubanni, O.A. Lasode, O.O. Agboola, A. Ammasi, and K.R. Ajao

    Elsevier BV

  • Thermochemical and pyrolytic analyses of Musa spp. residues from the rainforest belt of Nigeria
    Ayokunle O. Balogun, Olumuyiwa A. Lasode, and Armando G. McDonald

    Four different morphological plant parts of Musa spp. (banana and plantain) residues obtained from the rainforest belt of Nigeria were investigated. The study undertook Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction (XRD), and physicochemical analysis. The total crystallinity (TCI) and lateral order (LOI) indices showed that the cellulose crystallinity for banana pseudo‐stem (LOI‐5.18; TCI‐0.37) and banana rachis (LOI‐4.25; TCI‐0.44) were relatively higher than for the banana (LOI‐0.11; TCI‐0.20) and plantain (LOI‐0.17; TCI‐0.18) peels. The XRD analysis confirmed the presence of starch in the peels and cellulose I in the structural samples (rachis and the pseudo‐stem). A further demonstration of the marked differences between the morphological parts of Musa spp was highlighted in the analysis of the FAMES extract as banana peels (21 mg g−1 of biomass) and plantain peels (20 mg g−1 of biomass) had the highest quantity of palmitic acids whereas the eicosanoic, behnic, and lignoceric acids were absent in the peels. The relatively high ash content (≤12.30 wt %) in the Musa spp. samples may necessitate a pretreatment process prior to deployment for bioenergy or chemical extraction purposes. Furthermore, kinetic studies, which involved differential Friedman's and integral Flynn–Wall–Ozawa techniques, and analytical pyrolysis of the residues were undertaken. The activation energy varied continuously with conversion; reaching a peak of >290 kJ/mol. The analytical pyrolysis detected acids, sugar derivatives, and phenolic compounds in significant concentrations for all biomass samples. © 2018 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog, 37: 1901–1907, 2018

  • Product yield distribution and Essential Oil Composition of Eucalyptus Terminalis Sawdust Pyrolysis
    J. A. Oyebanji, S. O. Oyedepo, P. O Okekunle, O. A. lasode, and T. Adekeye

    IOP Publishing
    In this study, pyrolysis of sawdust sample (Western blood-wood- Eucalyptus terminalis) was investigated. Experiments were performed at six temperature levels ranging from 300 °C to 800 °C under N2 atmosphere. The weights of char, tar and gas yields produced in each experiment were measured and recorded in percentage of initial weight of the pyrolyzed sample. Results of the study showed that product yield of Eucalyptus terminalis char, tar and gas of 41.28% at 300 °C, 45.10% at 300 °C and 57.20% at 800 °C, respectively were produced. Proximate analysis shows that volatile matter, fixed carbon, ash content and moisture content of sawdust sample were 75.53%, 15.35%, 1.56% and 7.56%, respectively. Result of the elemental analysis shows that the carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur contents of the sawdust sample were 54.19%, 7.05%, 0.97%, 37.15%, and 0.64%, respectively. The higher heating value and pH of the sawdust sample are 23.40 kJ/g and 2.30% respectively. This indicate that char and tar yields decrease with increased pyrolysis temperature while gas yield increases as pyrolysis temperature increases for the sawdust sample. The value of the correlation coefficient obtained indicate a fairly high degree of accuracy of the regression models to predict experimental result when used within the temperature range considered in this study. Result of analytical Py-GC/MS shows that the proportion of phenolic compounds identified was more than 50% with trans-2-octadecadecen-1-ol, cis-10-pentadecen-1-ol, 9-octadecenal and methyl-1-cyclohexenyl ketone dominating. This study establishes the fact that pyro-oil can not only be used as a fuel but can also be purified and serves as raw materials for chemical and processing industries.


  • Prediction of Biogas Yield from Codigestion of Lignocellulosic Biomass Using Adaptive Neuro‐Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Model
    MO Fajobi, OA Lasode, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AO Balogun, ...
    Journal of Engineering 2023 (1), 9335814 2023

  • Optimization of Densification Parameters for Lean Grade Subbituminous Coal.
    AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, JK Odusote, JA Okolie, CT Christopher, ...
    Petroleum & Coal 64 (3) 2022

  • Effect of biomass co-digestion and application of artificial intelligence in biogas production: A review
    MO Fajobi, OA Lasode, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AO Balogun
    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44 2022

  • Investigation of physicochemical characteristics of selected lignocellulose biomass
    MO Fajobi, OA Lasode, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AO Balogun
    Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2918 2022

  • Exergoeconomic Analysis as a Cost-Control Mechanism in Manufacturing Operations: Focused on Industrial Beverage Carbonation Systems
    CJ Okereke, OA Lasode, IO Ohijeagbon
    Creativity Models for Innovation in Management and Engineering, 211-245 2022

  • Evaluation of non-isothermal kinetic parameters for pyrolysis of teak wood using model-fitting techniques
    A Adeleke, P Ikubanni, J Odusote, T Orhadahwe, O Lasode, S Adegoke, ...
    Trends in Sciences 18 (24), 1432-1432 2021

  • Evaluation of thermal decomposition characteristics and kinetic parameters of melina wood
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, OA Lasode, PP Ikubanni, M Madhurai, ...
    Biofuels 13 (1), 117-123 2021

  • The ignitability, fuel ratio and ash fusion temperatures of torrefied woody biomass
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    TIDEE: TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment 20 (4), 452-453 2021

  • Physical and mechanical characteristics of composite briquette from coal and pretreated wood fines
    A Adeleke, J Odusote, P Ikubanni, O Lasode, M Malathi, D Pasawan
    International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 8, 1088-1098 2021

  • Tumbling strength and reactivity characteristics of hybrid fuel briquette of coal and biomass wastes blends
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OO Agboola, AO Balogun, ...
    Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (5), 4619-4625 2021

  • Physicomechanical properties of composite tiles produced from granite dusts and municipal wastes
    OA Lasode, H Abdulganiyu, AO Balogun, IO Ohijeagbon, AA Adeleke, ...
    Innovative Infrastructure Solutions 6, 1-8 2021

  • Essential basics on biomass torrefaction, densification and utilization
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    International Journal of Energy Research 45 (2), 1375-1395 2021

  • Ash analyses of bio-coal briquettes produced using blended binder
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, TA Orhadahwe, OA Lasode, ...
    Scientific Reports 11 (1), 547 2021

  • Physico-mechanical properties of cement bonded ceiling board developed from teak and African locust bean tree wood residue
    IO Ohijeagbon, MU Bello-Ochende, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AA Samuel, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 2865-2873 2021

  • Non-isothermal kinetic parametric evaluation of Tectona grandis using model-fitting methods
    AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, JK Odusote, TA Orhadahwe, OA Lasode, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 2874-2878 2021

  • Exergoeconomic analysis of an industrial beverage mixer system: Process data
    CJ Okereke, OA Lasode, IO Ohijeagbon
    Data in Brief 32, 106125 2020

  • Effects of operational conditions on exergy behaviour of biomass densification system and durability of the densified biomass
    JO Olaoye, FB Olotu, OA Lasode, IP Duniya

  • Exergoeconomic analysis of an industrial beverage mixer system
    CJ Okereke, OA Lasode, IO Ohijeagbon
    Heliyon 6 (7) 2020

  • Densification of coal fines and mildly torrefied biomass into composite fuel using different organic binders
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, OA Lasode, PP Ikubanni, M Malathi, D Paswan
    TIDEE: TERI Information Digest on Energy and Environment 19 (2), 165-165 2020

  • The ignitability, fuel ratio and ash fusion temperatures of torrefied woody biomass
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    Heliyon 6 (3) 2020


  • Essential basics on biomass torrefaction, densification and utilization
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    International Journal of Energy Research 45 (2), 1375-1395 2021
    Citations: 109

  • The ignitability, fuel ratio and ash fusion temperatures of torrefied woody biomass
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    Heliyon 6 (3) 2020
    Citations: 81

  • Devolatilisation kinetics and pyrolytic analyses of< i> Tectona grandis</i>(teak)
    AO Balogun, OA Lasode, AG McDonald
    Bioresource Technology 156, 57-62 2014
    Citations: 79

  • Densification of coal fines and mildly torrefied biomass into composite fuel using different organic binders
    D Adeleke, Akanni A., Odusote, Jamiu K., Lasode, Olumuyiwa A., Ikubanni ...
    Heliyon 5 (7), e02160 2019
    Citations: 61

  • Investigation of physicochemical characteristics of selected lignocellulose biomass
    MO Fajobi, OA Lasode, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AO Balogun
    Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2918 2022
    Citations: 58

  • Chemical composition of bio-oils produced by fast pyrolysis of two energy biomass
    JA Oyebanji, PO Okekunle, OA Lasode, SO Oyedepo
    Biofuels 9 (4), 479-487 2018
    Citations: 55

  • Torrefaction of some Nigerian lignocellulosic resources and decomposition kinetics
    OA Lasode, AO Balogun, AG McDonald
    Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 109, 47-55 2014
    Citations: 51

  • Physical and mechanical characteristics of composite briquette from coal and pretreated wood fines
    A Adeleke, J Odusote, P Ikubanni, O Lasode, M Malathi, D Pasawan
    International Journal of Coal Science & Technology 8, 1088-1098 2021
    Citations: 47

    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, P Dayanand, OA Lasode, M Madhurai
    Journal of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy 81 (7) 2019
    Citations: 43

  • Evaluation of thermal decomposition characteristics and kinetic parameters of melina wood
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, OA Lasode, PP Ikubanni, M Madhurai, ...
    Biofuels 13 (1), 117-123 2021
    Citations: 41

  • Thermal and compositional properties of treated Tectona grandis
    JK Odusote, AA Adeleke, OA Lasode, M Malathi, D Paswan
    Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 2019
    Citations: 41

  • Thermochemical and pyrolytic analyses of Musa spp. residues from the rainforest belt of Nigeria
    AO Balogun, OA Lasode, AG McDonald
    Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 2018
    Citations: 34

  • Mild pyrolytic treatment of Gmelina arborea for optimum energetic yields
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, OA Lasode, PP Ikubanni, M Malathi, D Paswan
    Cogent Engineering 6 (1), 1593073 2019
    Citations: 30

  • Tumbling strength and reactivity characteristics of hybrid fuel briquette of coal and biomass wastes blends
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OO Agboola, AO Balogun, ...
    Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (5), 4619-4625 2021
    Citations: 29

  • Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Study and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Sorghum bicolour Glume and Albizia pedicellaris Residues
    AO Balogun, OA Lasode, H Li, AG McDonald
    Waste and Biomass Valorization 6, 109-116 2015
    Citations: 29

  • Physico-mechanical properties of cement bonded ceiling board developed from teak and African locust bean tree wood residue
    IO Ohijeagbon, MU Bello-Ochende, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AA Samuel, ...
    Materials Today: Proceedings 44, 2865-2873 2021
    Citations: 28

  • Thermo-analytical and physico-chemical characterization of woody and non-woody biomass from an agro-ecological zone in Nigeria
    AO Balogun, OA Lasode, AG McDonald
    BioResources 9 (3), 5099-5113 2014
    Citations: 27

  • Effect of biomass co-digestion and application of artificial intelligence in biogas production: A review
    MO Fajobi, OA Lasode, AA Adeleke, PP Ikubanni, AO Balogun
    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 44 2022
    Citations: 23

  • Ash analyses of bio-coal briquettes produced using blended binder
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, TA Orhadahwe, OA Lasode, ...
    Scientific Reports 11 (1), 547 2021
    Citations: 17

  • Dataset on the evaluation of chemical and mechanical properties of steel rods from local steel plants and collapsed building sites
    AA Adeleke, JK Odusote, PP Ikubanni, OA Lasode, OO Agboola, ...
    Data in brief 21, 1552-1557 2018
    Citations: 17