Pilar Buil Gazol


Science and Communication Department
Universitat Internacional de Catalunya



Pilar Buil Gazol has a degree in Journalism and a doctorate in Communication from the Faculty of Communication of the University of Navarra. His research focuses on institutional communication, specifically, its management model and specialized communication programs. He has been visiting research at Dublin City University (Ireland) and at the University of Maryland (USA). He has also given seminars at Vilnius University in Lithuania. In addition, he has combined teaching and research with professional practice; Thus, he has worked in the strategic communication sector in the Francom group (France) and in the Vice-rectorate of Communication at the International University of Catalonia (Spain). He currently belongs to the research groups "Innovation Communication in Institutions (INCOMIN)" of the University of Navarra and the SGR "Ethics in Economy and Business" of the International University of Catalonia. He has published numerous articles in indexed journals, as well as several books


Journailism Degree
Communication Science PhD


Communication, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, General Social Sciences, Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Dissemination analysis of SDGs in sustainability reports to enhance corporate communication strategy
    Pilar Buil, , Elena L. Sanjurjo-San Martin, José A. Alfaro-Tanco, , and

    Enpresa Institutua - Instituto de Economia Aplicada a la Empresa
    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the heart of the management of public and private enterprises. Organizations have incorporated the SDGs into their business strategy by developing actions that they disseminate in their reports. In the last decade, academic research has paid special attention to this development, publishing a growing number of studies on the subject with the emergence of a specific line of research in the area of sustainability: sustainability reporting. In this context, this paper aims to show a methodology that serves as a tool to analyze the disclosure of SDGs in the sustainability reports. This methodology has three stages. First, a lexicographic analysis of sustainability reports has been carried out, second, a correspondence analysis, and third, outlining through “guided questions” how the information obtained can be useful to analyze SDG communication strategy. For further illustration the methodology has been applied to a company in the Spanish agri-food sector: Ebro Foods. This work has both academic and professional implications by providing a guideline for SDG dissemination analysis in sustainability reports and, on the other hand, by providing the business world with an analysis tool that serves to improve communication strategies in the field of sustainability.

  • Assessing the impact of an intergenerational program for a sustainable development project in Spain
    Mireia Tintoré, Olga Roger Loppacher, and Pilar Buil

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Promoting Householders' Participation in Household Waste Sorting: A Case for Learning Aluminum Packaging Recycling in Spain
    Olga Roger-Loppacher, Pilar Buil, Mireia Tintoré, and Vanessa Prieto-Sandoval

    Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Abstract Recycling is a highly relevant issue in environmental behavior. To make it work, it is necessary to involve people. Many efforts have been made to increase people's participation in recycling. This study proposes an informal education to raise awareness among homemakers about recycling, especially aluminum packaging recycling, using workshops and compensating the factors that act as barriers to recycling in Spain. The results are the “Spaces for Dialogue” strategy to increase knowledge, awareness, and recycling intention. The findings present the main barriers to closing the gap between intention to action, and the study highlights the role that mentors play as teachers in facilitating communication and education for sustainable development.

  • Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: A sustainable practice in Spain
    Pilar Buil, Olga Roger-Loppacher, and Mireia Tintoré

    Early childhood education on sustainability has been an issue of high relevance in the last decade. In Spain, many different efforts have been made to increase children’s knowledge, skills, and awareness related to sustainability issues. However, uncertainty about the effectiveness of education on sustainable development exists. This research reports on an exploratory study organized by the association that promotes aluminum packaging recycling in Spain (Arpal). Seven teachers were trained on sustainability in general and on aluminum packaging recycling in particular. These teachers defined and implemented a teaching unit with active learning activities that involved three preschools. Fifty-four children under 6 years of age, mainly 2 and 3 years old, along with their parents, participated in the teaching unit. Qualitative and quantitative methods (questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus groups) were carried out to assess the impact. The results proved that different partners, such as children, parents, teachers, managers, and associations, can work together with the common goal of improving education on sustainable development in early childhood, and all of them benefit from this collaboration. Moreover, this study confirmed that education on sustainability should be embedded in the daily routine of preschools. Furthermore, after the exploratory study, the teaching unit was implemented in 29 Andalusian preschools.

  • The involvement of future generations in the circular economy paradigm: An empirical analysis on aluminium packaging recycling in spain
    Pilar Buil, Olga Roger-Loppacher, Rejina Selvam, and Vanessa Prieto-Sandoval

    The European circular economy action plan, launched in 2015 includes a group of measures aligned with the 3r principles. To meet recycling goals, valuable materials such as aluminium must have packaging that helps to increase their recycling rate above the current 45.6%. This recycling rate could be improved with the help of current consumers and the education of future generations. In this way, the aim of this study is to prove the positive effects of childhood education in the circular economy by teaching sustainable practices in the case of aluminium packaging recycling. The study was conducted in the form of a survey, with data being gathered via questionnaires carried out “pre” and “post” workshop in schools of different regions of Spain in students between 8 and 12 years old. This study provides an exciting opportunity to advance our knowledge of the use of workshops to increase children’s knowledge, awareness, and intention of recycling.

  • Establishing and demonstrating US hospital brands through facebook
    Pablo Medina, Pilar Buil, and Robert L. Heath

    Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL)
    Medical treatment, patient satisfaction, and hospital brand equity are positively related to three communication contexts: interpersonal, internal, and corporate. To integrate those contexts and expand that line of research, visceral analysis suggests that social networks are transforming the impact of institutional communications conducted by hospitals. Specifically, questions continue to need answered to fill gaps in, clarify and reinforce previous research. To that end, this article analyzes the strategic impact of social media networks in spreading the brand architecture of hospitals. To this end, the Facebook profiles of 400 hospitals in the United States were analyzed. Each profile was examined to determine whether it utilized 10 indicators related to brand architecture. The results indicate that regarding the leading hospitals in the United States 94% of the surveyed hospitals have an active profile on Facebook but one that only utilized 3 to 5 of the recommended indicators. The professional management of this social network, the more widespread use of corporate video and a strategic orientation toward results have become cornerstones for the effective dissemination of hospital brands through Facebook.

  • Risk consumption: Children and online gaming. The problem of "responsible gambling"
    Pablo García Ruiz, Pilar Buil, and María José Solé Moratilla

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
    Los juegos de azar online son una actividad muy popular entre los adolescentes. Sin embargo, desde hace un tiempo se ha observado un incremento notable del número de jóvenes que sufren o están al borde de la ludopatía. En este artículo revisamos el impacto de estas prácticas sobre los jóvenes y discutimos la conveniencia de promover un concepto de “juego responsable” que permita alertar de sus riesgos e impida eficazmente el acceso a los menores de edad. Los principales factores asociados al juego problemático son la edad de inicio, el entorno familiar, la influencia de la publicidad, el consumo de sustancias estimulantes y las actitudes del grupo de iguales. Los poderes públicos y la misma industria del juego deben considerar estos factores y concretar el desarrollo de planes que promuevan un modelo de juego seguro y controlado. La publicidad debe tener en cuenta criterios de protección de los consumidores sabiendo que, aun cuando les está prohibido, los menores acceden con facilidad al juego de azar online. Las Administraciones Públicas deben establecer políticas y sensibilizar a la sociedad. Los agentes sociales implicados deben aportar mecanismos de prevención y sensibilización hacia un problema del que existe aún poca conciencia social y una excesiva despreocupación.

  • Online gambling advertising regulations in spain. A study on the protection of minors
    Pilar Buil, Maria José Solé Moratilla, and Pablo García Ruiz

    Este trabajo estudia la actual regulacion que existe en materia de publicidad de los juegos de azar online en Espana, con el fin de valorar si consigue una proteccion real al menor. En los ultimos anos, se ha producido un aumento en el consumo de juegos de azar online por parte de los menores. A traves de la publicidad, las empresas proveedoras de juegos de azar incitan y motivan a esta actividad. Debido a que el menor de edad es un publico que por sus caracteristicas de inmadurez, credulidad y facilidad de persuasion resulta especialmente vulnerable frente a la publicidad, y debido al riesgo de adiccion que contiene esta practica, se debe procurar un marco regulatorio que proteja al menor. Los resultados de este estudio demuestran que si bien por voluntad de la ley se limita la posibilidad de participar de los menores en los juegos de azar online, la publicidad esta influyendo en su valoracion, normalizando esta practica y haciendola atractiva. Asimismo muestran que el marco juridico actual presenta carencias que permiten concluir que existe una efectiva desproteccion del menor.

  • The impact of SMS messages on young people's participation in recycling campaigns


  • Dissemination analysis of SDGs in sustainability reports to enhance corporate communication strategy
    P Buil, SS Martin, L Elena, JA Alfaro-Tanco
    Instituto de Economa Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del Pas Vasco UPV/EHU) 2024

  • Mapeo de las marcas pblicas agroalimentarias de mbito regional en Espaa: Claves para construir marcas fuertes
    PB Gazol, MS Belloch
    UCJC Business and Society Review (formerly known as Universia Business 2023

  • Assessing the impact of an intergenerational program for a sustainable development project in Spain
    M Tintor, O Roger-Loppacher, P Buil
    International Journal of Sustainable Society 15 (4), 315-333 2023

  • Mapping the terrain of public agri-food brands at a regional level in Spain: keys to build strong brands
    P Buil, M Salvat Benlloch
    UCJC Business & Society Review, vol. 20, nm. 2, 2023 2023

  • Promoting householders' participation in household waste sorting: a case for learning aluminum packaging recycling in Spain
    O Roger-Loppacher, P Buil, M Tintor, V Prieto-Sandoval
    Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 24 (2), 48-66 2022

  • Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: a sustainable practice in Spain
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, M Tintor
    Sustainability 11 (22), 6393 2019

  • Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: a sustainable practice in Spain. Sustainability, 11 (22), 6393
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, M Tintor

  • La empresa en el ecosistema innovador. Desafos de la comunicacin con grupos de inters en la innovacin abierta
    E Gutirrez-Garca, M Recalde, JA Alfaro, P Buil, MJ Yez-Galdames
    Universidad de Navarra 2019

  • The involvement of future generations in the circular economy paradigm: an empirical analysis on aluminium packaging recycling in Spain
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, RM Selvam, V Prieto-Sandoval
    Sustainability 9 (12), 2345 2017

  • The involvement of future generations in the circular economy paradigm: an empirical analysis on aluminium packaging recycling in Spain. Sustainability, 9 (12), 2345
    P Buil, O Roger, RM Selvam, V Prieto-Sandoval

  • Las consultoras de comunicacin en Catalua: 25 aos de creacin de espacios para el dilogo
    P Buil, N Rodrguez-Salcedo
    Doxa comunicacin 2017

  • Communication consultancies in Catalonia: 25 years creation spaces for dialogue.
    PB Gazol, N Rodrguez-Salcedo
    Doxa Comunicacin 2017

  • La figura del dircom como generador de dilogo y reputacin con los stakeholders
    P Medina-Aguerrebere, P Buil
    Sphera Publica. Revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicacin 2016

  • Establishing and demonstrating US hospital brands through Facebook
    P Buil, RL Heath
    Observatorio (OBS*) 2016

  • Consumos de riesgo: menores y juegos de azar online. El problema del “juego responsable”
    P Garca Ruz, P Buil Gazol, MJ Sol Moratilla
    Poltica y sociedad 2016

  • Risk Consumption: Children and Online Gaming. The Problem of" Responsible Gambling"
    P Garcia Ruiz, P Buil, MJ Sole Moratilla
    Poltica y Sociedad 53 (2), 551-575 2016

  • La regulacin publicitaria de los juegos de azar online en Espaa. Una reflexin sobre la proteccin del menor
    P Buil, MJS Moratilla, PG Ruiz
    Adicciones 27 (3), 198-204 2015

  • Online Gambling Advertising Regulations in Spain. A Study on the Protection of Minors.
    P Buil, JS MORATILLA, P Garcia Ruiz
    Adicciones 27 (3) 2015

  • Las agencias de comunicacin corporativa en Catalua
    NR Salcedo, PB Gazol
    Historia de la comunicacin corporativa en Catalua, 205-265 2015

  • DirCom: comunicar para transformar
    P Buil Gazol, P Medina Aguerrebere
    Espaa: Pirmide 2015


  • Consumos de riesgo: menores y juegos de azar online. El problema del “juego responsable”
    P Garca Ruz, P Buil Gazol, MJ Sol Moratilla
    Poltica y sociedad 2016
    Citations: 91

  • La regulacin publicitaria de los juegos de azar online en Espaa. Una reflexin sobre la proteccin del menor
    P Buil, MJS Moratilla, PG Ruiz
    Adicciones 27 (3), 198-204 2015
    Citations: 60

  • The involvement of future generations in the circular economy paradigm: an empirical analysis on aluminium packaging recycling in Spain
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, RM Selvam, V Prieto-Sandoval
    Sustainability 9 (12), 2345 2017
    Citations: 44

  • Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: a sustainable practice in Spain
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, M Tintor
    Sustainability 11 (22), 6393 2019
    Citations: 34

  • Online Gambling Advertising Regulations in Spain. A Study on the Protection of Minors.
    P Buil, JS MORATILLA, P Garcia Ruiz
    Adicciones 27 (3) 2015
    Citations: 20

  • Publicidad Si Vende
    P Medina, P Buil
    Ediciones B 2013
    Citations: 10

  • The involvement of future generations in the circular economy paradigm: an empirical analysis on aluminium packaging recycling in Spain. Sustainability, 9 (12), 2345
    P Buil, O Roger, RM Selvam, V Prieto-Sandoval
    Citations: 8

  • La figura del dircom como generador de dilogo y reputacin con los stakeholders
    P Medina-Aguerrebere, P Buil
    Sphera Publica. Revista de ciencias sociales y de la comunicacin 2016
    Citations: 8

  • Establishing and demonstrating US hospital brands through Facebook
    P Buil, RL Heath
    Observatorio (OBS*) 2016
    Citations: 8

  • DirCom: comunicar para transformar
    P Buil Gazol, P Medina Aguerrebere
    Espaa: Pirmide 2015
    Citations: 8

  • Brand dissemination in Canadian hospitals through Facebook
    PM Aguerrebere, PB Gazol, RL Heath
    Int J Commun Health 7, 27-39 2015
    Citations: 8

  • Medio ambiente y relaciones pblicas: planificacin estratgica de campaas de comunicacin ambiental en Espaa
    P Buil, O Roger
    Revista Mediterrnea de Comunicacin 2015
    Citations: 7

  • Manual de comunicacin ambiental
    O Roger, P Buil
    Del greenwashing a la sostenibilidad. Pamplona: Eunsa 2014
    Citations: 7

  • Manual de comunicacin ambiental: del greenwashing a la sostenibilidad
    O Roger, P Buil
    Eunsa 2014
    Citations: 7

  • Las agencias de comunicacin corporativa en Catalua
    NR Salcedo, PB Gazol
    Historia de la comunicacin corporativa en Catalua, 205-265 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Creating the habit of recycling in early childhood: a sustainable practice in Spain. Sustainability, 11 (22), 6393
    P Buil, O Roger-Loppacher, M Tintor
    Citations: 5

  • Las consultoras de comunicacin en Catalua: 25 aos de creacin de espacios para el dilogo
    P Buil, N Rodrguez-Salcedo
    Doxa comunicacin 2017
    Citations: 5

  • Dissemination analysis of SDGs in sustainability reports to enhance corporate communication strategy
    P Buil, SS Martin, L Elena, JA Alfaro-Tanco
    Instituto de Economa Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del Pas Vasco UPV/EHU) 2024
    Citations: 3

  • Fundamentos para un modelo de coordinacin entre las relaciones pblicas y el marketing
    P Buil
    Tesis investigacin, publicada en Universidad de Navarra 2001
    Citations: 3

  • Promoting householders' participation in household waste sorting: a case for learning aluminum packaging recycling in Spain
    O Roger-Loppacher, P Buil, M Tintor, V Prieto-Sandoval
    Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability 24 (2), 48-66 2022
    Citations: 2
