universiti utara malaysia


I am a faculty member at the School of Education, Universiti Utara Malaysia. My research interests include Educational Technology, Instructional Technology, Computers in Education, Educational Research Methodology, Technology and ICT, Statistics for Educational Research and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). I have engaged in many research projects and have received a total of five grants from the university, national (FRGS, RAGS) and college (Leads). I am better known as an Educational Technologist and I am currently teaching ICT in Education, Research Methods and Statistics in Education. Besides, I have written international articles and books which have been published at national as well as international levels. I am also a member of a few Editorial Boards for International Journals such as Journal of International Education Studies, Malaysian Journal of Learning & Instruction, International Journal of Education and Development using ICT and Journal of Studies in Education. Further


BSC (ECONS) Hons, England
PhD (USM) Malaysia


Multidisciplinary, Education, Social Sciences, Artificial Intelligence


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Distributive leadership as predictor of 21st century teaching practices
    Nantah Ponnusamy and Arumugam Raman

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    The concept of distributive leadership is a vital component of 21st century teaching practices. This study aimed to identify the dimensions that influence the development and implementation of science and mathematics teaching in dual language program schools. It was conducted with the help of over 336 teachers from 93 dual language program (DLP) schools in Malaysia. The distributive leadership readiness scale and 21st century skill (4C) questionnaire was used to collect data and analyze the effects of various dimensions on the development and implementation of science and mathematics teaching in dual language program schools. The results of the study revealed that the P3 model was associated with 14.9% (=.149) increase in the variance of 21st century teaching practices. The results of the analysis revealed that the changes in the three leadership style components included in the regenerating model were significant. The shared responsibility, leadership style and the combination of these dimensions contributed to the 12.9% (=.129) increase in variance. The research also found a positive relationship between 21st century teaching practices and the distributive leadership concept. The findings support the notion that distributive leadership can be a weak factor influencing the development and implementation of 21st century teaching practices.

  • Technology Readiness and Psychological Correlate with Academic Achievement of Elite Student-Athletes at the College Level?
    Mochamad Ridwan, Abdul Rachman Syam Tuasikal, Fransisca Januarumi Marhaendra, Kolektus Oky Ristanto, Novri Gazali, Armando Monterrosa-Quintero, Francisco Javier Gil-Espinosa, Arumugam Raman, and Edi Setiawan

    Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones de Docentes de Educacion Fisica (FEADEF)
    After the COVID-19 period, academic achievement among elite student-athletes has not shown any improvement and it is not yet known exactly the main factors that contributed to academic achievement. In addition, limited evidence in previous research that analyzed the relationship between technological and psychological readiness with academic achievement among elite student athletes at the college level became a gap in this study. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between technological and psychological readiness variables and academic achievement. Correlational research was adopted in this study which involved eighty-five elite first-year student-athletes from the Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Indonesia). Technological and psychological readiness was measured using a questionnaire while academic achievement was measured by filling out questions about soccer, basketball and volleyball. Spearman's rank was used to investigate the relationship of each variable. We observed several findings in this study. First, there was a relationship between the variable technological readiness and academic achievement. Second, there was a psychological relationship between academic achievement. Third, there was relationship between technological and psychological readiness and academic achievement. Thus, we highlight that the level of academic achievement among elite student athletes in the first year was closely related to technological and psychological readiness. Keywords: Technological, Psychological, Academic Achievement, Elite Student-Athletes

  • Investigating the influence of intrinsic motivation on behavioral intention and actual use of technology in moodle platforms
    Arumugam Raman, , Raamani Thannimalai, Mohan Rathakrishnan, Siti Noor Ismail, , , and

    Modestum Publishing Ltd

  • The authority of principals’ technology leadership in empowering teachers’ self-efficacy towards ict use
    Siti Noor Ismail, Mohd Norakmar Omar, and Arumugam Raman

    Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science
    <span>The application of information technology and communication (ICT) in education has a significant impact on teachers. Administrators pressure them to use ICT to improve the quality of teaching and to learn in the classroom. However, teachers are still skeptical of the ability to embody pedagogical strategies through the use of ICT. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between principals’ technology leadership and teachers’ self-efficacy. The study also determined the dimensions of technology leadership that are predictors to the empowerment of teachers' self-efficacy in using ICT. There are two instruments used, namely NETS-A and TSES. The respondents of the study consisted of 376 teachers in Malaysia. The study was conducted based on a quantitative approach, and respondents were selected through multi-level sampling. The results of the t-test found no significant difference for the gender of teachers on the improvement of self-efficacy. Through correlation testing, there was a moderate relationship between technology leadership and teachers’ self-efficacy. Even so, there is 24% of the influence of technology leadership that affects teachers' self-efficacy. Two contributing dimensions are excellence in professional practice and digital citizenship. In summary, principals can generate a revival of teachers' self -efficacy if they wisely encourage them to use ICT. Principals should be role models to teachers and students in ensuring that the concept of pedagogy in the classroom is always carried out through an ICT approach.</span>

  • A bibliometric analysis of blended learning in higher education: perception, achievement and engagement
    Arumugam Raman, Raamani Thannimalai, Yahya Don, and Mohan Rathakrishnan

    Society for Research and Knowledge Management
    This article presents a bibliometric analysis of publications on blended learning in higher education. The analysis is grounded on statistics obtained from the online Scopus database on 11 December 2019. The study used Microsoft Excel to conduct a frequency analysis, VOSviewer for data visualization, and Harzing’s Publish or Perish for citation metrics and analysis. In total 1,064 valid documents were analyzed, based on keyword search results for “blended learning”, “perception”, “achievement”, “engagement”, “higher education” and “bibliometric analysis”. This article reports descriptive and content analysis on document type and source type. Analysis shows that number of publications per year increased from 2000 to 2018. English is the most widely used language for publications, and most publications are from the social sciences. The United States contributes the most publications. The most active journals, influential institutions, citation metrics and highly cited articles are listed. Network visualization maps demonstrate keyword analysis of author keywords; co-authorship by country and author; number of authors per document; citations by country and document; co-occurrence of all keywords; and, lastly, co-citation by cited sources. The visibility of work on blended learning in highly cited journals in the past two decades reveals that blended learning has gained significant attention among educators and researchers. Future research could include systematic literature reviews or other mapping tools, such as HistCite.

  • Covid-19 catastrophe: Internet based learning and safety among foundation students of Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Mohan Rathakrishnan, Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh, Arumugam Raman, Hisham Dzakiria, and Yahya Bin Don

    Cognizance Research Associates
    In student-centered learning, UUM Foundation students (FS) must take a more active role in building knowledge. The goal of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of internet-based learning for UUM FS students during the Covid-19 disaster, as well as the ways in which students protect themselves when using the internet. University students have been obliged to go online due to the COVID-19 disaster and the introduction of Movement Control Order (MCO). During the COVID-19 tragedy, there were a number of hurdles that impacted the effectiveness of internet-based learning, including internet connectivity and budgetary difficulties. At this point, even student safety is crucial. The effectiveness of internet-based learning and safety among UUM FS are investigated in this study using a descriptive-normative approach. Physical data collection could not be done due to MCO. A multi-stage sampling procedure was employed to choose 130 pupils from a group of 200. In addition, Google Meet and WhatsApp were used to conduct interviews to obtain replies to questions about internet-based learning and safety. In comparison to before Covid-19, 119 percent of respondents (92 percent) spent more than 4 hours per day. During the Covid-19 disaster, 48 percent or 62 FS preferred Zoom app for internet-based learning, and 56 percent of FS evaluated themselves as having the highest level of safety. In an interview, FS stated that internet-based learning has numerous advantages, including the ability to submit assignments via the e-learning UUM portal, which he considers to be one of the best. FS are also less likely to become infected because they do not have to interact with other people. The study's findings revealed that internet-based learning is quite successful, according to FS. Students' safety is also ensured because they are not needed to leave their homes or places of residence in order to complete their studies. UUM FS must survive, be self-sufficient, and adjust to the changes despite the COVID-19 disaster. © 2021 Cognizance Research Associates - Published by JLLS.

  • Factors impacting the behavioural intention to use e-learning at higher education amid the covid-19 pandemic: UTAUT2 model
    A. Raman and R. Thannimalai

    Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the behavioral intention of higher education students to use e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Not many re- searchers have utilized the UTAUT2 model to study the use of technology during this pandemic in the education setting. Therefore, snowball sampling was carried out and the research population consisted of higher education students (n = 159) who have been using e-learning platforms during the ongoing pandemic. The data was collected using a questionnaire based on the adapted UTAUT2 model. Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used for statistical analysis. Social Influence and Habit significantly influenced Behavioral Intention to use e-learning. However, Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivation and Price Value did not have any influence. Habit was found to be the strongest predictor for Behavioral Intention. The findings of this study will guide higher educations to consider the factors for effective implementation of e-learning in an academic setting and provide directions for future research.

  • Measuring the competency of teachers in business studies towards students' academic achievement
    Subramaniam Kolandan, Arumugam Raman, and Fahainis Mohd Yusof

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.
    The main aim of this study is to measure the competency of teachers in Business Studies in improving students' academic achievement in the subject. The three aspects of the teachers' competence assessed include teachers' knowledge, skills and professionalism towards students' academic achievement. In order to test the objective, a total of 135 Business Studies teachers were selected as respondents from the states of Perlis, Kedah and Penang. A set of questionnaires was used in this study to measure the level of teachers' competency towards the students' academic achievement. Based on the findings, the relationship between teaching skills and professionalism was significant but from low to moderate level. Regression analysis further indicated that the three variables were moderately significant towards students' academic achievement as dependable variable. Meanwhile, the findings also revealed that the teachers experience and qualification were insignificant and did not mediate the independent variable factors against the dependent variable when tested by using PROCESS analysis. In conclusion, there are other factors that are more likely to influence the students' academic achievement compared to the three study variables.

  • Effect of instructional leadership, principal efficacy, teacher efficacy and school climate on students' academic achievements
    Iran Jalapang and Arumugam Raman

    Richtmann Publishing
    This study is aimed to identify the influence of instructional leadership, principal’s efficacy, teachers’ efficacy and school climate on the academic achievement of national secondary school students in the Sri Aman Division, Sarawak. The respondents of the study consisted of 186 teachers in 7 National Secondary Schools (NSS) in Sri Aman, Sarawak. This study used a quantitative method that is a cross-sectional approach for data collection purposes. Respondents responded using a questionnaire. The SmartPLS 3.0 path modelling software of the route model was used for PLS-SEM analysis. The results of the PLS-SEM analysis found that the instructional leadership of principals, efficacy of principals, efficacy of teachers and school climate have significant relationships with students' academic achievement in the 7 National Secondary Schools (NSS) in Sri Aman, Sarawak. This proves that these four variables have a strong influence on students' academic achievement and are predictors of students’ academic achievement performance at national secondary schools in the Sri Aman Division. However, teachers’ experience as a moderating factor was found to not affect the independent variables against the dependent variable. Finally, a comprehensive analysis on the implications of the study was carried out so that it can contribute to the scientific field of research in education.

  • Trello virtual learning and its effect on students’ critical thinking skills in essay writing

  • The Great Challenge of Malaysian School Leaders' Instructional Leadership: Can It Affect Teachers' Functional Competency across 21st Century Education?
    Siti Noor Ismail, Shamsuddin Muhammad, Mohd Norakmar Omar, and Arumugam Raman

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.
    Competency is the basis for the combination of teachers' skills, knowledge, and behaviors that must strive to enhance their ability in the education world. Each component should be integrated holistically to support the teachers' effectiveness, administration, and school excellence. Therefore, this study focused on the relationship between school leaders' instructional leadership and teachers' functional competency. It also identified which factors in instructional leadership contributed to teachers' functional competency in Malaysia context. A total of 225 teachers from the high-performance school in the state of Kedah were selected as participants. Meanwhile, the instrument in this research was adapted from the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) to measure school leaders' instructional leadership. In contrast, the instrument for teachers' functional competency was adapted from the Integrated Assessment Module for Education Officers (PBPPP) and developed by the MOE Curriculum Development Division. The findings showed that there was a very strong and positive relationship between school leaders' instructional leadership and teachers' functional competency (r=.956, p=.00). At the same time, multiple regression analysis revealed that there were three components of the independent variable explaining the variance as 15.1% of teachers' functional competency (r2=.151, F (2, 214)=80.74, p<0.01). Admittedly, the School Learning Climate Promoting component had the most significant impact on teachers' functional competency, followed by Managing the Curriculum and Teaching and ending with the Defining School Mission. In conclusion, the role of instructional leadership has proven to enhance the teachers' functional competency through the current stream of education, teaching, and learning processes. Sustainable leaders can influence teachers towards improving school excellence together to face the 21st century educational challenges.

  • Principals' Technology Leadership and its effect on teachers' technology integration in 21st century classrooms
    Arumugam Raman, , Raamani Thannimalai, Siti Noor Ismail, , and

    Modestum Publishing Ltd

  • A mixed-method study of the epistemological teacher-beliefs towards educational research in classroom teaching practices
    Siti Noor Ismail, , Abdul Hamid Busthami Nur, Arumugam Raman, Yoppy Wahyu Purnomo, , , and

    Modestum Publishing Ltd

  • Importance of Technology Leadership for Technology Integration: Gender and Professional Development Perspective
    Arumugam Raman and Raamani Thannimalai

    SAGE Publications
    Technology leadership is being redesigned to accelerate technology integration in schools to develop and sustain the skills needed to produce skilled manpower. Previous studies showed that the factors that prevented leaders and teachers from integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools are lack of ICT training, teacher ICT competency, and access to ICT resources. This shows that there is a gap in technology integration in schools. This study aims to identify the importance of technology leadership for technology integration based on gender and professional development. This is a quantitative study using cross-sectional design. A total of 90 respondents were selected by systematic random sampling from 190 national secondary schools. The importance and performance matrix analysis revealed that professional development had high performance and was an important variable in the prediction of teachers’ technology integration, but gender was not. Thus, school management should give priority to digital age learning culture and digital citizenship constructs to accelerate teachers’ technology integration in schools.

  • Potentials of fog computing in higher education
    Arumugam So Raman

    International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
    This paper is documenting the potential of Fog Computing in Education. First, this study explores the difference between cloud computing and Fog Computing. Then the features of computing explained briefly. A tremendous increase in Internet usage among the people does not allow the sustainability to continue depending on Cloud Computing as a centralized web server, due to the truth that Cloud Computing system allows access to internet data as well as therefore making it feasible for users to availability, share along with store information in remote servers. With Fog Computing, multiple users, gadgets such as automobiles, wearable gizmos, sensing units, wise gadgets, an organization can accept one another utilizing their very own Fog facilities. In the educational sector, Fog computing technology boosts educational operations and provides a platform with agility, versus slowing them down or quitting them. Fog computing is a modern technology that is set for high development in the future, as well as will substantially improve day-to-day procedures for many sectors, including education. Finally, security issues and challenges of implementation Fog computing discussed.

  • Flipping the undergraduate classroom: A case study
    A. Raman, Mohan Rathakrishnan and R. Thannimalai

    Academic Research Publishing Group (Publications)
    Rapid development in information and communication technology (ICT) is changing the instructional strategies in Higher Education. This study aimed to identify the level of self-efficacy of B.Ed. (IT) undergraduates of a local University in a flipped classroom. Further it also investigated gender difference among the undergraduates self-efficacy in the classroom. A group of 35 student selected using convenience sampling method. This group divided into Group 1 as control group and Group 2 as intervention. Group one consists of 17 students and two consist of 18 students. Initially the two classes answered pre-survey questionnaire of self-efficacy. Then control group was exposed to conventional teaching whereas intervention group intervened with Padlet. Data were analyzed with SPSS and revealed the intervention group has high Cohen effect (d) = .53, which is considered moderate size compared Cohen effect (d) = .17, considered small. This study clearly exhibits intervention group has better self-efficacy than control group. Further, the effect size of control group revealed decline in self-efficacy. In study exhibits there is no difference by gender in terms of self-efficacy. It is expected further study should be conducted by taking in to account sample size, duration of intervention, and method.

  • The usage of wim to enhance the acquisition of english language

  • The influence of principals' technology leadership and professional development on teachers' technology integration in secondary schools
    Raamani Thannimalai, , and Arumugam Raman

    UUM Press, Universiti Utara Malaysia
    Purpose – The aim of this study was to identify the level of Principals’ Technology Leadership and its five constructs namely Visionary Leadership, Digital Age Learning Culture, Excellence in Professional Practice, Systemic Improvement, and Digital Citizenship in schools. In addition, the relationship between Principals’ Technology Leadership and Teachers’ Technology Integration was measured. Besides that, the effect of Professional Development as a moderator of the mentioned relationship was also investigated. Methodology – Systematic random sampling was carried out to select 90 principals and 645 teachers from National Secondary Schools in Kedah, Malaysia in this cross-sectional survey. The Principals Technology Leadership Assessment (PTLA) which is based on National Education Technology Standards –Administrator, NETS-A (2009), and Survey of Technology Experiences’ were administered to principals, while the Learning with ICT: Measuring ICT Use in the Curriculum Instrument was administered to the teachers. Findings – The study showed that there was a significant relationship between Principals’ Technology Leadership and Teachers’ Technology Integration. Furthermore, Professional Development had a significant effect on the relationship between the two variables.Significance – Professional development emphasising ICT must be carried out for school principals so that they can become technology leaders and motivate teachers to integrate technology in the classroom to prepare students as skilled workers for Industrial Revolution 4.0.

  • FROG VLE: Teachers' technology acceptance using utaut model

  • Principals technology leadership and teachers technology integration in the 21st century classroom

  • The effect of backchannel communication in developing students' critical thinking skills
    Mohan Rathakrishnan, A. Raman, Manvender Kaur A/P Sarjit Singh and Jun Choi Lee

    Academic Research Publishing Group (Publications)
    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of backchannel communication in developing students’critical thinking skill: macro and micro critical thinking.There are many tools in backchannel communication (BC). Padlet has been used as one of backchannel communication in this research.There are seventy students from two classes (Class X and Class Z) involved as sample in this study.Quasi- experimental research design applied in this research. Class X was selected as the experimental group (using padlet online discussion) and Class Z became the control group (classroom discussion) while learning Critical Thinking subject. Padlet online discussion was used as tool to plot discussion in a group on the topic given by the teacher. The finding shows that students who used back channel communication showed greater macro critical thinking level than to those who did not use back channel communication. While for students who used BC did not show greater critical thinking level than to those who did not use BC.This study will contribute to the body of knowledge on technologies for learning and online learning. This will allow better understanding on how technology can facilitate learning especially critical thinking.

  • Determining motivators and hygiene factors among excellent teachers in Malaysia: An experience of confirmatory factor analysis
    Ismail Hussein Amzat, Yahya Don, Sofian Omar Fauzee, Fauzi Hussin, and Arumugam Raman

    Purpose In a world in which successful learning is believed to rest on the methods of teaching and the performance of students is determined by teacher quality, it is clear that teachers are the backbone of student learning attainments. In such a scenario, teacher development, welfare, motivation, and satisfaction are crucial for better teaching performance. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to determine the motivator and hygiene factors among excellent teachers in Malaysia and to explore factors that lead to satisfaction and cause dissatisfaction among excellent teachers in Malaysia. Design/methodology/approach This study uses quantitative design to determine the motivator and hygiene factors among excellent teachers. For the sample size, 306 excellent teachers participated in this study and data were analysed using principle component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to determine the dominant factor among Herzberg’s motivator and hygiene factors. Findings From the findings, the results showed that the satisfaction of excellent teachers was low in terms of “personal growth” (motivator) and “supervision” (hygiene). The paper concludes by calling upon the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MoE) to consider both motivator and hygiene factors, and what causes satisfaction and dissatisfaction among excellent teachers. Research limitations/implications This study has some limitations to be considered, especially in terms of sample size. The low number of excellent teachers participating in this study is due to the scarcity of face-to-face data collection, in that an online survey was deemed to be the only means to reach the excellent teachers. This is due to the lack of a list of excellent teachers in some state districts, making it difficult to determine those schools which have excellent teachers. In addition, it is also due to logistical and geographical difficulties in reaching certain schools and meeting the excellent teachers. In recognition of such difficulties in undertaking research on excellent teachers in Malaysia, the researchers in this study urge the Malaysian MoE, as well as state districts and regional offices, to update the profile of excellent teachers by creating records and a list of all excellent teachers in Malaysia to facilitate future research. In this scenario, the findings of this study should be used with caution and not be generalized to other contexts, schools, regions, or states. Practical implications To be fully cognizant about the excellent teachers’ scheme was introduced to uplift the standard of teaching in Malaysia, and the recipients of this scheme or status (excellent) are considered to be the “cream of the crop” in the teaching profession in Malaysia and for non-excellent teachers to emulate, it is vital to look into their well-being as well as their growth. With the results of this study, the authors can say that the implications for practice touch many aspects of the professional and personal development of Malaysian excellent teachers. Specifically, it is imperative that the factors that intrinsically and extrinsically motivate excellent teachers in Malaysia and the causes of dissatisfaction are identified. In addition, the implications also place emphasis on paving ways for the personal growth of excellent teachers and to provide leeway for them to pursue their own personal happiness. Furthermore, the implications of the lack of proper supervision of school principals on excellent teachers should be avoided, and, in general, hygiene factors could be used as positive implications to improve excellent teachers’ teaching practices and performance. Originality/value This research is original as it calls MoE attention to the well-being of excellent teachers in Malaysia. As excellent teachers in Malaysia are selected and promoted among teachers in Malaysia in order to improve teaching and learning in Malaysia. They are appointed to be a role model for other teachers to emulate. With this position, excellent teachers are expected to contribute to the development of their schools and others and they can be posted anywhere as well as called at any time for help. Therefore, it is worthy to know how satisfied those excellent teachers are regarding government policy. Hence, it is important to know what motivates and satisfies them.

  • Relationship between principals’ transformational leadership style and secondary school teachers’ commitment
    Arumugam Raman, Cheah Huey Mey, Yahya Don, Yaakob Daud, and Rozlina Khalid

    Canadian Center of Science and Education
    The main purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between principals’ transformational leadershipstyle and secondary school teachers' commitment in the southern zone of Sungai Petani district in Kedah. Aquestionnaire was distributed to the respondents which composed of 235 teachers randomly selected from 10schools in the southern zone of Sungai Petani district, Kedah. The results showed that there was no difference inthe level of education and the level of transformational leadership style practiced by the principals. The studyalso showed a significant relationship between principals’ transformational leadership and teachers’ commitmentwhere principals’ inspiring motivation dimension is the domain of transformational leadership style.

  • Usage of edublogs among malaysian secondary school students
    Arumugam Raman, Yahya Don, and Yaakob Daud

    Richtmann Publishing
    Most of the western countries integrated Edublogs in their instruction process (Morris, 2015). However the Malaysian education setting blogs usage is still in early stages. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the technology acceptance level through UTAUT model. The research was conducted on 53 Form 4 secondary schools students from Kual Muda District. All the students studying science subject and exposed to Edublogs during instruction. A set of questionnaire which is adapted from Venkatesh et al. (2003) was used to collect data and then analyzed using SPSS and SmartPLS software. The results revealed that Performance Expectancy, Social Influence and Facilitating Conditions have significant positive effect on Behavioral Intention. The R2 value 0.412 reflects that 41.2% of the variance in Behavioral Intention can be explained by Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions and Effort Expectancy. It is expected that this study will help teachers and students integrate Edublog technology in teaching and learning process. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5p500