Andrey Shilovskiy Pavlovich

oil and gas innovation technolosies Center
oil and gas reseach institute of Russian Academy of Sience (IPNG RAS)


Geology, Geophysics, Earth and Planetary Sciences


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Induction excitation of deep 3‐D conducting zones
    L. L. Vanyan, I. V. Yegorov, and A. P. Shilovsky

    Oxford University Press (OUP)
    SUMMARY Electromagnetic induction is considered for a perfectly conducting half-space with two kinds of bulges. The first one is half of a prolate spheroid with horizontal axis and the second is half of an oblate spheroid with vertical axis. Both analytical and numerical techniques were used. The electric field anomaly above the prolate spheroid is similar to that for a conducting cylinder, whereas the anomaly above the centre of the oblate conducting spheroid is about half of the corresponding 2-D value.

  • Electrical conductivity of the crust of the Siberian platform
    L.L. Vanyan, A.P. Shilovsky, B.A. Okulessky, V.Yu. Semenov, and T.A. Sidelnikova

    Elsevier BV

  • Deep electrical conductivity in Eastern Siberia ( USSR).

  • A preliminary geoelectrical model of the Karelian megablock of the Baltic shield
    P. Kaikkonen, L.L. Vanyan, S.E. Hjelt, A.P. Shilovsky, K. Pajunpää, and P.P. Shilovsky

    Elsevier BV