- Ground water potential mapping in Dulung watershed using remote sensing & GIS techniques, West Bengal, India
K Bera, J Bandyopadhyay
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 2 (12), 1-7 2012
Citations: 57
- Forecasting area, production and yield of cotton in India using ARIMA model
MK Debnath, K Bera, P Mishra
Journal of Space Science & Technology 2 (1), 16-20 2013
Citations: 46
- Prioritization of watershed usin g morphometric analysis through geoinformatics technology: A case study of Dungra subwatershed, West Bengal, India
K Bera, J Bandyopadhyay
International journal of Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS 1 (3), 1-8 2013
Citations: 30
- Application of RS and GIS in flood management: A case study of Mongalkote Blocks, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
M Bera, M Pal, J Bandyopadhyay
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publication 2 (11), 1-9 2012
Citations: 16
- Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) for surface water management plan, a case study of Kansachara sub-watershed, West Bengal, India
K Bera, P Banik
Water Supply 19 (7), 2156-2162 2019
Citations: 13
- Sustainable water management in the drought prone riverine tracts of South West Bengal
SJKB Dr. Susanta Kumar Chakraborty, Dr. Ashish Kumar Paul, Dr. Jatisankar ...
Climate Change Version 2020 1, 11-34 2013
Citations: 9
- Groundwater recharge site suitability analysis through multi-influencing factors (MIF) in West Bengal dry-land areas, West Bengal, India
K Bera, ME Newcomer, P Banik
Acta Geochimica 41 (6), 1030-1048 2022
Citations: 7
- Management of Ground Water Using Geoinformatics in Dwarakeswar Watershed of Puruliya District
KBDJ Bandyopadhyay
XXXI INCA International Congress 31 (1), 265-270 2011
Citations: 7
- Drought Analysis for Agricultural Impact Through Geoinformatic Based Indices, A Case Study of Bankur District, West Bengal, India
K Bera, J Bandyopadhyay
Journal Remote Sensing & GIS 6 (3), 1-7 2017
Citations: 6
- Flood hazard cause assessment and their mitigation option using geo-informatics technology
AK Laha, S Chatterjee, K Bera
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 4 (8), 1-7 2014
Citations: 5
- Geo-informatics Approach to Demarcate Ground Water Potential Zone in Semi-Arid Region of Kansai-Tangai Interfluves area
KBS Bera
International Multidisciplinary e- Journal (IMEJ) 3 (VII), 1-9 2014
Citations: 4
- Geoinformatics in water scarcity management by suggest Nala band & reservoir: part of Dwarkeswar watershed, West Bengal, India
K Bera
International Journal of Research in Social Sciences 3 (1), 656-670 2013
Citations: 4
- Morphomatric based Sub-watershed Prioritization using Spatial Information Technology: A case study of Upper part of Dwarakeswar
J Bandyopadhyay, ML Khamaru, K Bera, N Acharyya
36th Int. Congr. Cartography Anal. Manag. Clim. Chang.(May) 2016
Citations: 2
KBKKM Jatisankar Bandyopadhyay
International Semeners Challenges to Ground Water Management: Vision 2050 1 2015
Citations: 2
- Estimation of Soil Loss by USLE Model in Upper Part of Dwarakeswar River Using Geoinformatics
KBJ Bandyopadhyay
Indian Journal of Geography and Environment 13, 99-109 2014
Citations: 2
- Mini Watershed characterization and prioritization using spatial Information Technology (SIT): A case study of Kansachara sub-watershed, West Bengal, India
KBDJ Bandyopadhyay
XXXII INCA International Congress, 32 (1), 170-175 2012
Citations: 2
- Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Applications in Watershed Management Plan, A Case Study of Sub-Watershed
K Bera, J Bandyopadhyay, P Banik
Analytic Hierarchy Process-Models, Methods, Concepts, and Applications 2023
Citations: 1
- Flood hazard impact assessment on societal perspective, case study of lower catchment’s of Kalighai–Baghai and Kapaleswary river
AK Laha, S Chatterjee, K Bera
International Multidisciplinary e- Journal (IMEJ) 2 (III), 107-115 2014
Citations: 1
- Changing course of Subarnarekha river and its societal impact-a case study of Gopiballavpur-i & ii block using geoinformatics
J Bandyopadhyay, K Bera, K Dubey
Indian Streams Research Journal 3 (4) 2013
Citations: 1
- Management of Water Resources in Urban context of Contai Municipality using Geoinformatics, West Bengal, India
MK Das, MK Bera, S Chatterji
International Multidisciplinary e-Journal 2 (2), 7-16 2013
Citations: 1