Dr. Pupung Puspa Ardini,M.Pd


The Early Childhood Education and Teacher Departement of The Faculty of Education
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo




Doctoral Program of Early Childhood Education and Teacher


Multidisciplinary, Arts and Humanities, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Literature and Literary Theory


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • The Development of Earthquake Risk Reduction Curriculum for 4-6 Years Old Children in Gorontalo
    P P Ardni, I N Arifin, H Syahputra, and B Pupala

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This research was conducted for the development of earthquake risk reduction curriculum for children aged between 4-6 years old in Gorontalo. This research used Research and Development method. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative data analysis technique Milles and Hubberman model and quantitative data analysis using the t-test. This research was conducted in Gorontalo. The researcher modified the Dick and Carey’s design of research and development. Step 1, the researcher did a preliminary study through literature studies related to the concepts of models to be developed. Then, the researcher did the field study for the initial knowledge on the disaster risk reduction curriculum for children aged between 4-6 years old. Next, the researcher performed required analysis as the basis for developing the model. Step 2, is the development stage and step 3, is the implementation of the earthquake risk reduction curriculum program model. The research is still in step 1. The duration of this research was one and a half years. The data were collected through interviews, forum group discussion, observations, and documentation. The first year research was to conduct preliminary research to collect information (literature review, preliminary observation). In addition, the researcher identified the problems encountered in the learning process. Then, the researcher evolved the planning (identification and definition of skills, purpose, determination of learning sequence), and then finally, conducted the expert test or expert judgment. The first Development product includes Program design of disaster risk reduction curriculum. There are three main processes in the curriculum: the concept stage, the training phase, and the rehabilitation phase. Activities in three stages of this process through a series of curriculum development frameworks comprise the determination of learning objectives, then the learning process, and the evaluation process (for early childhood phase, the learning process is more important than the outcome). Last but not least is the reflection stage to review the design and improve the learning objectives.

  • The Correlation between the Use of Audio-Visual Learning Media and Children's Listening Skill in Suwawa Selatan
    Pupung Puspa Ardini, Melki Rahmat Madiko, Icam Sutisna, Irvin Novita Arifin, and Yakob Napu

    The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between the use of audio-visual learning media and children's listening skill at Group B of kindergarten in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo. Employing a quantitative correlational method, this study involved 30 kindergarten children as the population and sample; total sampling technique was applied. Further, the data were collected from the observation. The results of the study and statistic calculation show a correlation coefficient $\\mathbf{r}_{\\mathbf{c}\\mathbf{o}\\mathbf{u}\\mathbf{n}\\mathbf{t}}=\\pmb{0.590}$ in which the value of $\\pmb{\\mathrm{r}_{\\mathrm{t}\\mathrm{a}\\mathrm{b}\\mathrm{l}\\mathrm{e}}= 0.361,}$ meaning that the utilization of audio-visual learning media determines 34.81% of the listening skill. The remaining 65.19% is determined by other factors excluded in this study. This is to say that Ho is rejected and accepts Ha,or in other words, the research hypothesis “there is a correlation between the use of audio-visual learning media and children's listening skill at group B of kindergarten in Suwawa Selatan Sub-district., Bone Bolango Regency” is accepted.