Ecology department, GIS Center
Karakalpak State University
1974-1976 Intern-researcher of Karakalpak Branch of Complex Institute of Natual Sciences (KBCINS) Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
1976-1980 Researcher in Karakalpak Branch of Complex Institute of Natural Sciences (KBCINS) Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
1984-1991 Senior researcher in Karakalpak Branch of Complex Institute of Natural Sciences (KBCINS) Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
1994-2002 Senior researcher in Karakalpak Branch of Institute of Bioecology Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
2002 Senior lecturer of the Ecology Department of Karakalpak State University
I am dealing with plant ecology, biodiversity dynamics, structural-functional changes of phitocenosii in the destabilized environment, esp. meadows near non-stable lakes, forming of halophitic plants communities in dried bottom of Aral Sea and endangered and endemic species preservation. I studied ecosystems state in a catena with human ecology.
1969 -1974 Karakalpak State Pedagogical Institute. Major study: chemistry- biology
1974-1976 Fellowship in Botanical Institute named after V.L. Komarova
1980-1983 Post-graduate student of Karakalpak Branch of Complex Institute of Natural Sciences (KBCINS) Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan 1980-1983 Worked as a fellow in the Botanical Institute named after V.L. Komarova, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
1991 Candidate of biological sciences, 1991, 'Meadow plants transformation in Amudarya delta in aridization conditions' Biology Dep. Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov
Geobotany, populaton ecology, landscape science, phitocenology, applied geoinformatics, environment protection, Aral Sea, wetlands in arid environment
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
ZV Kuz’mina, SE Treshkin, NK Mamutov An Influence of Climatic Changes on Formation of Vegetation Modeled in Dry Area of the Aral Sea
Aridnye Ekosistemy 10 (21), 82-94
ZV Kuz’mina, SE Treshkin, NK Mamutov The Results of Modeled Natural Vegetation on the Saline Lands of the Dry Area of the Aral Sea
Aridnye Ekosistemy 12 (29), 27-39
Name of task or project: “Aral Sea project UNESCO and BMBF” Fulfillment period: 1995-2000
Place of work: Republic of Karakalpakstan
Customer: UNESCO and BMBF
Name of task or project: “Create green strip in Nukus” Fulfillment period: 1996-1998
Place of work: Republic of Karakalpakstan Customer: UNDP and Republic of Karakalpakstan Name of task or project: “Sudochie GEF/WB” Fulfillment period: 1999-2003
Place of work: Republic of Karakalpakstan
Customer: GEF/WB
Name of task or project: “Sustainable development of ecology and land and water use through implementation of a GIS and remote sensing center in Karakalpakstan? Uzbekistan” Fulfillment period: 1999-2003
Place of work: Republic of Karakalpakstan
Customer: NATO SIP 974101
Executed work “planned, organized and supplied newly-opened areas with water in the region Nukus” Name of task or project: Create national park
Fulfillment period: 2003-2004
Place of work: Republic of Karakalpakstan
Customer: UNDP and Republic of Karakalpakstan
I have about 165 publications among them proceeding of the “New appoad and metods of nature protection activity management in Aral Sea region” VIII INTECOL International Congress of Ecology. Seuol, Korea, 2002, p.176, “Aquatic flora of south of Aral Sea region as biological indicator of antropic pollution”. Second International Conference of Ecological. Chisinau, Moldova, 2002, “Optimal Size For Nature Reserve in Amu-Darya Delta and Biodiversity Conservation Problem” 4th International Exhibition & Conference on Environmental Technology Athens (HELECO’03) Greece, “Productivity of pastures in conditions of artificial watering at the Amudarya river delta” African Journal of Range & Forage Science 2003, 20(2): “The modern state of vegetation cover of the Amudarya Delta and problems of biodiversity conservation” XVII International Botanical Congress Vienna, Austria, Europe 17-23 July 2005
UNDP, Ministry of agriculture of Karakalpakstan, State Commeettee for Nature protection of Uzbekistan.
Member of Scientific Council at South Usturt National Park.
Member of Scientific Council at Lower Amudarya State Biosphere Reserve.
Scientific reviewer in International Scientific Journal "Central Asian Journal of Water Research" (CAJWR)
Collaborated in ecological expertise with Royal Haskoning DHV Engineering (Netherlands) and Mott MacDonald (GB) as an invited expert.
Consulting in oil industry on environment issues and geoecological analysis (Lukoil, Gazprom, Petronas).
Nature protection activity, multiple appearances in media (TV, radio, newspaper) as ecology speaker.