Sooraj Prabha

vidya academy


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Transforming Buildings Emission-Free for Sustainable Development: A Case Study
    SK Prabha
    Energy Efficiency Improvements with Emission Abatement for Energy 2024

  • Remedial measures for the spring-in effect in L-angled FRP composites
    AP Praveen, K Shins, SK Prabha
    Materials Today: Proceedings 55, 348-353 2022

  • Transport behavior of pressure-driven gas flow in a nanochannel and the variation of thermal accommodation coefficient
    SK Prabha, CPA Gafoor, SP Sathian
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177, 121528 2021

  • Measurement of residual strains in FRP laminates
    SK Prabha, K Shins, AP Praveen
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2259 (1) 2020

  • Variation of momentum accommodation coefficients with pressure drop in a nanochannel
    SK Prabha, CP Abdul Gafoor, SP Sathian
    Phys. Rev. E 102 (2), 023303 2020

  • The effect of characteristic length on mean free path for confined gases
    SH PD, SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 437, 68-74 2015

  • A molecular dynamics study of energy and momentum accommodation coefficients in the transitional Knudsen numbers
    S Prabha, S Sathian
    International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport 2014

  • Velocity distribution and velocity correlation of mixture of gases in a nanochannel
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    International journal of thermal sciences 81, 52-58 2014

  • The effect of system boundaries on the mean free path for confined gases
    SK Prabha, M Gopal M, SP Sathian
    AIP Advances 3 (10) 2013

  • Calculation of thermo-physical properties of Poiseuille flow in a nano-channel
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 58 (1-2), 217-223 2013

  • Determination of accommodation coefficients of a gas mixture in a nanochannel with molecular dynamics
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Microfluidics and nanofluidics 13, 883-890 2012

  • Computational study of thermal dependence of accommodation coefficients in a nano-channel and the prediction of velocity profiles
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Computers & fluids 68, 47-53 2012

  • Molecular-dynamics study of Poiseuille flow in a nanochannel and calculation of energy and momentum accommodation coefficients
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 2012

  • Equilibrium and linear transport properties of fluids-Molecular-dynamics study of Poiseuille flow in a nanochannel and calculation of energy and momentum accommodation
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Physical Review-Section E-Statistical Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4) 2012


  • Molecular-dynamics study of Poiseuille flow in a nanochannel and calculation of energy and momentum accommodation coefficients
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 85 (4 2012
    Citations: 45

  • The effect of system boundaries on the mean free path for confined gases
    SK Prabha, M Gopal M, SP Sathian
    AIP Advances 3 (10) 2013
    Citations: 33

  • Determination of accommodation coefficients of a gas mixture in a nanochannel with molecular dynamics
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Microfluidics and nanofluidics 13, 883-890 2012
    Citations: 22

  • The effect of characteristic length on mean free path for confined gases
    SH PD, SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 437, 68-74 2015
    Citations: 17

  • Calculation of thermo-physical properties of Poiseuille flow in a nano-channel
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 58 (1-2), 217-223 2013
    Citations: 16

  • Computational study of thermal dependence of accommodation coefficients in a nano-channel and the prediction of velocity profiles
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    Computers & fluids 68, 47-53 2012
    Citations: 13

  • Velocity distribution and velocity correlation of mixture of gases in a nanochannel
    SK Prabha, SP Sathian
    International journal of thermal sciences 81, 52-58 2014
    Citations: 3

  • Transport behavior of pressure-driven gas flow in a nanochannel and the variation of thermal accommodation coefficient
    SK Prabha, CPA Gafoor, SP Sathian
    International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 177, 121528 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Variation of momentum accommodation coefficients with pressure drop in a nanochannel
    SK Prabha, CP Abdul Gafoor, SP Sathian
    Phys. Rev. E 102 (2), 023303 2020
    Citations: 2

  • A molecular dynamics study of energy and momentum accommodation coefficients in the transitional Knudsen numbers
    S Prabha, S Sathian
    International Journal of Micro-Nano Scale Transport 2014
    Citations: 1