Tetiana Kornieieva


CIGEST – Center for Management Research
Instituto Superior de Gestão | Business & Economics School



Professional experience
A researcher with 19 years of experience in higher education.
Research interests: labour efficiency, labour productivity, development of intellectual potential of students, management.
More than 50 scientific, educational and methodological works of which: scientific articles that are included in the International Scientometric Base Scopus; articles and monographs in periodical scientific publications of the countries included in ОЕСD and/or the EU; articles and monographs in scientific professional publications of Ukraine.
Co-authored textbook Development of Students' Intellectual Potential for teachers, post-graduate students and students.
Management of scientific articles and thesis projects of students, master's students.
Full-time researcher at a Center for Management Research (CIGEST) from ADI – Association for the Development of Research, is a scientific research center at ISG – Instituto Superior de Gestão (Business & Economics School). Master's Coordin


Bachelor's degree in management – Kirovograd State Technical University, Ukraine (2003).
Master's degree in organisational management - Central Ukrainian National Technical University (2004).
Academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD in Economics) at Central Ukrainian National Technical University (2021).


Economics and Econometrics, Strategy and Management, Education, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

    Farouq Ahmad Faleh Alazzam, Iryna Safronska, Svitlana Rodchenko, Tetiana Kornieieva, Oleksii Zaiarniuk, and Yuriy Kushnir

    The main purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the choice of the optimal form of re-engineering for machine-building enterprises in modern conditions of a changing external environment. The object of the study is the business processes, commercial activities and financial potential of machine-building enterprises. The scientific task is to present a modern methodological approach to choosing the form of re-engineering that is better for a mechanical engineering company in the context of its current state. For this purpose, methods of financial analysis, matrix analysis and ranking were used. In addition, such auxiliary methods as graphical and abstract-logical were used. As a result of the research and calculations, a ranking of key indicators of the financial potential of machine-building enterprises was determined and carried out. An approach to determining the level of efficiency of business processes is presented. The author's vision of the matrix for choosing the optimal form of re-engineering is proposed. The practical value of the results obtained is revealed in the possibility of applying the proposed approach in the activities of machine-building enterprises in Ukraine. The study is limited by taking into account the specifics of the activities of machine-building enterprises exclusively when selecting indicators and ranking them. Prospects for further research are considered through the prism of applying the developed methodological approach to other industrial enterprises in Ukraine.

  • Developing Theoretical and Methodological Provisions for Improving the Mechanism of Labour Efficiency
    Tetiana Kornieieva, Miguel Varela, Ana Lúcia Luís, and Natália Teixeira

    The article presents a theoretical generalisation and solution of a current scientific and applied problem which develops theoretical principles, methodological approaches and scientific and practical recommendations for improving the mechanism of labour efficiency management in terms of innovation-oriented development of enterprises. It is substantiated that in the conditions of innovation-oriented development of ecosystems, including enterprises, the disclosure of the essence of labour efficiency requires introduction of a dual quantitative–qualitative approach: on the one hand, labour efficiency reflects the ratio of the manufactured products (tangible and intangible benefits) and corresponding living labour costs (quantitative aspect) and, on the other hand, it is the result of using productive abilities of people, characterised by manufactured products of a particular consumer quality with the creation of added value (qualitative aspect). Conceptual bases of improvement of the mechanism of labour efficiency management at enterprises were developed. They are based on certain tasks, functions, principles, methods of labour efficiency management and the formed system of factors of influence and the revealed factors and reserves of an increase in labour efficiency. They presuppose development and realisation of the corresponding programme, which aims to: optimise total labour costs; improve quality of products at a constant mass and satisfaction with the work process of all its participants; ensure positive changes in material well-being and quality of life on the basis of the formation of modern innovation infrastructure of the enterprise.

  • Modelling Information Systems for Personnel Management: Navigating Economic Security in the Transition to Industry 5.0
    Andrew Todoshchuk, Uliana Motorniuk, Tetiana Skliaruk, Ihor Oliinyk, and Tetiana Kornieieva

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Assessment of Labour Productivity and the Factors of Its Increase in European Union 27 and Ukrainian Economies
    Tetiana Kornieieva, Miguel Varela, Ana Lúcia Luís, and Natália Teixeira

    The article is devoted to identifying the impact of factors on the increasing labour productivity in the economies of the European Union-27 (EU-27) and Ukraine. The system of influencing factors that must be taken into account in the assessment of the labour productivity indicator was substantiated. The factors are based on the most significant indicators of innovative development (innovative activity; formation and the use of personnel; the state of use of fixed capital; the composition of the payroll budget; investment activity; and the use of working time). Based on the use of the method of linearization of the labour productivity model, the rating coefficients of the influence of factors for the economies of the EU-27 and Ukraine were determined. It has been proven that the following factors have a significant positive impact on labour productivity: an increase in the costs of scientific research and development; the growth of enterprises expenditures on research and development (R&D) in high-tech sectors; the increase in the share of scientific research personnel and researchers in the total number of the employed population; the growth of costs for the innovation of industrial enterprises; an introduction to the production of new technological processes and innovative types of products; the purchase of machinery, equipment, and software; an increase in the share of the employed population that has a basic higher education (bachelor’s degree); the growth in the share of the employed population that has a full higher education (master’s degree); the increase in the share of enterprises providing training; the increase in the capital–labour ratio; the technological equipment of labour; the machine equipment of labour; the renewal of fixed capital; and the increase in the level of intellectualization of fixed capital. The available reserves for increasing the labour productivity in EU-27 economies and Ukraine were clarified, and recommendations for managing the labour productivity in the conditions of innovative development have been provided. This study gains relevance when Ukraine has assumed the official status of an EU candidate country and the advantages and potential difficulties in the membership process should be evaluated. Labour productivity will be one of the key factors in the post-conflict recovery of the economy.

  • SMART Management of Sustainable Development of the Region in the Context of Globalization
    Svitlana Kryshtanovych, Tetiana Kornieieva, Olga Malinovska, Larysa Sokolik, and Maryana Bortnikova

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association
    The main purpose of the study is to determine the main stages of SMART management of sustainable development of the region for the countries of Eastern Europe in the context of globalization. The issue of implementing a SMART management system today is relevant and critical for the further optimal functioning of the regional management system. The process of implementing SMART management itself is complex and complex, given this, there is a real need to find new methods for systematizing this process in the regional management system. The methodology involves the application of the method of graphic representation of the functional achievement of the goal. This methodology allows you to depict the main stages of achieving the goals in the beat way. Based on the results of the study, we have formed a graphically step-by-step model of effective SMART management of sustainable development of the region for the countries of Eastern Europe under the influence of globalization. As a result of the formation of this model, we have algorithmized and systematized the process of implementing SMART management of sustainable development of the region for the countries of Eastern Europe in the context of globalization. The use of this model will facilitate the adaptation of regional governance systems to a qualitatively new type of management. The study has limitations and concerns limited access to the socio-economic and sustainable development of the regions. We have taken only the regions of Eastern Europe as an example, but in the future we should expand our graphically step-by-step model of effective SMART management of sustainable development of the region for the countries of Eastern Europe under the influence of globalization for the regions of the whole world.

  • Rating method to estimate the impact of enterprise development factors on labour efficiency


  • Оцінювання тенденцій інноваційного розвитку машинобудівних підприємств України
    ОА Магопець, ТС Корнєєва, МС Магопець

  • Оцінювання ефективності праці на макро-та мезоекономічному рівнях в Україні з урахуванням тенденцій інноваційного розвитку
    ТС Корнєєва
    ЦНТУ 2021

  • Current developments in management of human resources
    V Zamlynskyi, A Livinskyi, I Zakharkiv, T Korneeva
    BA School of Business and Finance 2021

  • Comprehensive evaluation of labour efficiency at macro-and mesoeconomic levels in Ukraine
    O Magopets, T Korneeva
    Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy 2 (1), 50-77 2021

  • Theoretical and applied aspects of labour efficiency as a social and economic category
    T Korneeva
    Economics Ecology Socium 4 (4), 47-58 2020

    Т Корнєєва

  • Комплексний механізм управління ефективністю праці на машинобудівних підприємствах
    ТС Корнєєва
    РВЛ ЦНТУ 2020

    ММ Петренко, ТС Корнєєва
    Конкурентоспроможна модель інноваційного розвитку економіки України: збірник 2019

  • Менеджмент: метод. вказ. до вивч. дисц. для студ.
    КТС Петренко М.М., Музиченко А.С.
    http://dspace.kntu.kr.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/9105 2019

    ОІ Єрємєєва, ТС Корнєєва
    НАУКА–ВИРОБНИЦТВУ, 2019, 361 2019

    ВВ Берневек, ТС Корнєєва
    НАУКА–ВИРОБНИЦТВУ, 2019, 359 2019

    ВВ Тітаренко, ТС Корнєєва
    НАУКА–ВИРОБНИЦТВУ, 2019, 357 2019

  • Менеджмент
    ММ Петренко, АС Музиченко, ТС Корнєєва
    ЦНТУ 2019

  • Розвиток інтелектуального потенціалу студентів: Навчальний посібник
    ММ Петренко, ТС Корнєєва
    Кропивницький: КОД, 33-46 2018

  • Інноваційні методи розвитку персоналу та його вплив на ефективність праці
    ТС Корнєєва
    Ексклюзив-Систем 2018

  • Розвиток інтелектуального потенціалу студентів
    ММ Петренко, ТС Корнєєва, НН Петренко, ТС Корнеева
    КОД 2018

  • Формування конкурентоспроможності молодих фахівців на ринку праці
    КК Баранова, ТС Корнєєва
    Львівська політехніка 2017

  • Потенціал і тенденції інноваційного розвитку економіки України
    СО Акімова, ТС Корнєєва
    Львівська політехніка 2017

  • Методи прийняття управлінських рішень на підприємстві
    КМ Женеску, ТС Корнєєва

  • Організація маркетингу на підприємстві
    АЮ Жовтобрюх, ТС Корнєєва


  • Розвиток інтелектуального потенціалу студентів: Навчальний посібник
    ММ Петренко, ТС Корнєєва
    Кропивницький: КОД, 33-46 2018
    Citations: 11

  • Current developments in management of human resources
    V Zamlynskyi, A Livinskyi, I Zakharkiv, T Korneeva
    BA School of Business and Finance 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Інтелектуалізація основного капіталу як визначальний фактор економічного розвитку
    КТС Петренко М.М.
    Збірник наукових праць. Економічні науки., 75-78 2005
    Citations: 7

  • Методика визначення рейтингу впливу чинників розвитку підприємства на ефективність праці
    ТС Корнєєва
    Актуальні проблеми економіки. – Математичні методи, моделі та інформаційні 2016
    Citations: 3

  • Исследование влияния факторов развития национальной экономики Украины на эффективность труда
    http://aap.gov.md/files/publicatii/revista/15/3.pdf#page=108 3 (iulie 2015
    Citations: 3

  • Comprehensive evaluation of labour efficiency at macro-and mesoeconomic levels in Ukraine
    O Magopets, T Korneeva
    Access to science, business, innovation in digital economy 2 (1), 50-77 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Rating method to estimate the impact of enterprise development factors on labour efficiency
    TS Kornieieva
    Actual Problems of Economics, 368-385 2016
    Citations: 2

  • Інтелектуальний розвиток студентів - основний шлях підвищення якості людського капіталу
    ТС Корнєєва, ММ Петренко
    Матеріали Міжнародної наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. Актуальні проблеми 2015
    Citations: 2

  • Theoretical and applied aspects of labour efficiency as a social and economic category
    T Korneeva
    Economics Ecology Socium 4 (4), 47-58 2020
    Citations: 1

  • Інвестування у матеріальні та нематеріальні активи основного капіталу
    ТС Корнєєва
    Матеріали Всеукраїн. наук.-практ. конф. Резерви економічного зростання та 2013
    Citations: 1

  • До питання оцінки інвестування у матеріальні та нематеріальні активи основного капіталу
    ТС Корнєєва
    Citations: 1