Maria de Lurdes Gomes Neves

Business & Economics School (ISG, Lusófona)
Business & Economics School (ISG, Lusófona)


Pos-Doc in Management, Phd in Education and Psychology, General Council Chairman, Human Resources Master Program Coordinator, Teacher, Psychological Coach, Human Resources Coach Specialist, Mentor, Author and Speaker
Registered trademark of Coaching for Teachers®. She was the Coordinator of Teacher Support Offices in School Groups. She is a specialist in training in the areas of Leadership, Performance Evaluation, Teamwork Management, Conflict Management, Initial and Continuous Pedagogical Training for Trainers, Diagnosis, Design, Evaluation, and Management of Training, Motivation, Team Leadership, and Coaching with diverse public and private sector audiences. She is a specialized consultant in School Groups, Human Resources Management, Educational Leadership Projects, selection and recruitment for the development of strategic leadership, implementation of the Autonomy and Curriculum Flexibility project, educational coaching, and pedagogical.


She completed her Post-Phd in Managament
Phd in Education and Psychology, specialized in Educational Psychology, organizational Psychology. Her areas of expertise also include:
Educational Psychology, Organizational Psychology, Vocational Guidance and Career Development, and Psychological Coaching and training.
Master in Organizational Psichology
Degree in Psichology


Psychology, Business, Management and Accounting, Neuroscience, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Evidence of the validity of the internal structure of the ethical, transformational and moral leadership scale in an educational Portuguese context
    Lurdes Gomes Neves and Joaquim Luís Coimbra

    Abstract In the educational context, three models of leadership with increasing importance - ethics, transformational and moral - have emerged, being the most developed the model of transformational leadership. This study aimed to analyze the internal structure of leadership questionnaires in the educational context and to know the construct validity of the ethical, moral and transformational dimensions of leadership in the Portuguese educational context. In a sample of 204 teachers, it was possible to verify the behavior of the three questionnaires in the validity of the construct and in the reliability. Leadership scales (Ethical Leadership Questionnaire, Transformational Leadership Questionnaire and Moral Leadership Questionnaire) presented good levels of adjustment to the factor structure and reliability values between acceptable and excellent. Considering the results obtained of innovative character in the level of the psychometric study of the different measures in the educational context will be relevant, in the future, to assess their concurrent validity in different samples of teachers.

  • Validation study in the educational context of the Portuguese version of the multidimensional work motivation scale
    Lurdes Neves and Joaquim Luís Coimbra

    Abstrac The self-determination theory proposes a multidimensional concept of motivation and distinguishes how different types of motivation can be promoted or discouraged. For the application of the theory of self-determination to the educational context, this study aimed to adapt and validate the Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (MWMS) in the educational context. The scale was answered by 419 teachers from 30 schools from the North and Center of Portugal. Factor analysis indicated that the 19-item scale has the same factor structure as that obtained in the original study. In this study, it was possible to identify that the items that constitute the MWMS are good indicators of constructs to be measured in an educational context and the factors are properly individualized. The scale showed five robust dimensions that permit a broad understanding of motivation, similar to the studies of the original scale. The dimension with the best internal consistency is demotivation, while introjected regulation obtained the lowest coefficient.

  • Estudo de adaptação e validação de uma escala de perceção de liderança ética para líderes Portugueses
    Maria de Lurdes Gomes Neves, Filomena Jordão, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Diana Aguiar Vieira, and Joaquim Luís Coimbra

    ISPA - Instituto Universitario
    Os líderes influenciam o comportamento individual e organizacional, incluindo a dimensão ética, sendo igualmente influenciados pela suas expetativas, interpretações e interações com os outros (Glynn & Jamerson, 2006; Kellerman, 2004).Frequentemente intervêm em diferentes contextos éticos, o que torna difícil para as pessoas "boas" tomarem boas decisões em situações más" (Glynn & Jamerson, 2006, p. 154).A liderança ética pode ser considerada como a "demonstração de conduta normativamente adequada através de ações pessoais e das relações interpessoais, assim como a promoção de tal conduta para os liderados através de uma comunicação bidireccional, reforço e tomada de decisão" (Brown, Trevino & Harrison, 2005, 9.120).O estudo aqui apresentado teve como objetivo desenvolver uma escala de liderança ética (Hanges & Dickson, 2004) para líderes portugueses com base na adaptação e validação da escala realizada por De Hoog e Den Hartog (2008).Os resultados obtidos evidenciam qualidades psicométicas adequadas, com um valor elevado de consistência interna. As análises fatoriais exploratórias revelam uma estrutura que aponta para a existência de dois fatores para a escala definidos como Liderança Ètica e Liderança Despótica que integram as respetivas dimensões.Importa, futuramente realizar uma análise da estabilidade das escalas com outra amostra por forma a verificar-se a consistência do s valores obtidos.