Natalia Teixeira

ISG - Business & Economics School

Natália Teixeira is an Associated Professor at ISG - Instituto Superior de Gestão. Natália has a PhD. in Economics (University of Manchester, 1999), a master’s degree in Economics (University of Manchester, 1995), and an undergraduate degree in Economics (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1993). University lecturer since 2000, having collaborated in several institutions, assuming roles in academic and management bodies. She is currently scientific coordinator of the Undergraduate Degree in Economics at ISG. Her research interests are economic growth and economic cycles, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability, being an integrated member of CEFAGE - Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics and collaborates with CIGEST.


1995-1999: PhD Economics, University of Manchester
1994-1995: Master´s in Economics from the Faculty of Economic and Social Studies da University of Manchester
1988-1993: Degree in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Strategy and Management, Business and International Management


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Developing Theoretical and Methodological Provisions for Improving the Mechanism of Labour Efficiency
    Tetiana Kornieieva, Miguel Varela, Ana Lúcia Luís, and Natália Teixeira

    The article presents a theoretical generalisation and solution of a current scientific and applied problem which develops theoretical principles, methodological approaches and scientific and practical recommendations for improving the mechanism of labour efficiency management in terms of innovation-oriented development of enterprises. It is substantiated that in the conditions of innovation-oriented development of ecosystems, including enterprises, the disclosure of the essence of labour efficiency requires introduction of a dual quantitative–qualitative approach: on the one hand, labour efficiency reflects the ratio of the manufactured products (tangible and intangible benefits) and corresponding living labour costs (quantitative aspect) and, on the other hand, it is the result of using productive abilities of people, characterised by manufactured products of a particular consumer quality with the creation of added value (qualitative aspect). Conceptual bases of improvement of the mechanism of labour efficiency management at enterprises were developed. They are based on certain tasks, functions, principles, methods of labour efficiency management and the formed system of factors of influence and the revealed factors and reserves of an increase in labour efficiency. They presuppose development and realisation of the corresponding programme, which aims to: optimise total labour costs; improve quality of products at a constant mass and satisfaction with the work process of all its participants; ensure positive changes in material well-being and quality of life on the basis of the formation of modern innovation infrastructure of the enterprise.

  • How corporate marketing strategy can leverage UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
    Alexandra Catarino Mendes, Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro Dias, Rui Vinhas d, a Silva, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Life cycle development and approach of management consulting projects
    Renato Lopes d, a Costa, Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro Dias, Rui Gonçalves, Rui Vinhas d, a Silva, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • The public debt as handicap to economic growth
    Natália Teixeira, Rita Luz, Rui Vinhas d, a Silva, Leandro Pereira, Sérgio Vinhas d, and a Silva

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Strengthening Young Citizen Participation Through Participatory Budgeting: The Case of Cascais
    Mariana Marques, Ana Lúcia Luís, and Natália Teixeira

    Springer Nature Switzerland

  • Social responsibility and green practices in organizational performance: Corporate image as mediating mechanism
    Rosa Isabel Rodrigues, Natalia Teixeira, Ana Lucia Luis, and Rui Silva

    Conscientia Beam
    Sustainability-related endeavors are progressively employed to cultivate a favorable business reputation that enhances consumer loyalty and, as a result, enhances organizational performance. This study is situated within a specific research issue and seeks to examine the mediating function of corporate image in the association between social and moral responsibility, green practices in the workplace, and organizational performance. The study sample consisted of 223 individuals who were employed as workers, ranging in age from 18 to 64 years. The study was operationalized using a quantitative methodology. Data were collected through four questionnaires assessing employees' perceptions of social and moral responsibility, green practices in the workplace, corporate image, and the performance of the organization where they work. The results revealed that social and moral responsibility, green practices in the workplace, and corporate image have a significant positive influence on organizational performance. It was also found that when corporate image enters the model with the status of a mediating variable, the effect of social and moral responsibility on organizational performance decreases but remains significant. These results suggest that when organizational performance is evaluated, the importance attributed to corporate image overlaps with social and moral responsibility. This research highlights the importance of cultivating a positive corporate image. It also helps to increase perceptions of the organization's social and environmental responsibility and to strengthen customer loyalty by improving its reputation and fostering higher levels of trust. These improvements can subsequently increase sales, boost profits, and expand the organization's market share.

  • Agile applications of artificial intelligence to apparel industry
    Rui Gonçalves, Renato Lopes d, a Costa, Leandro Pereira, Álvaro Dias, Rui Vinhas d, a Silva, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Financial innovation as a response to crisis – the case of catastrophe bonds
    Natália Teixeira, Alexandre Correia, Rui Vinhas d, a Silva, Leandro Pereira, Sérgio Vinhas d, and a Silva

    Inderscience Publishers

  • ROI in Training Projects: From Satisfaction to Business Impact
    Leandro F. Pereira, Álvaro L. Dias, Rui Vinhas da Silva, and Natália L. Teixeira

    Springer International Publishing

  • The role of users in a continuous development ERP strategy: an analysis on the impact of end-users in the creation of an ERP continuous development strategy
    Rui Gonçalves, Diogo Rocha, Leandro Pereira, Renato Lopes d, a Costa, Álvaro Dias, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • CAPM model applied to the Portuguese stock market
    Leandro Pereira, Sérgio Vinhas Da Silva, Natália Teixeira, Mariana Silva, and Rui Vinhas Da Silva

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Assessment of Labour Productivity and the Factors of Its Increase in European Union 27 and Ukrainian Economies
    Tetiana Kornieieva, Miguel Varela, Ana Lúcia Luís, and Natália Teixeira

    The article is devoted to identifying the impact of factors on the increasing labour productivity in the economies of the European Union-27 (EU-27) and Ukraine. The system of influencing factors that must be taken into account in the assessment of the labour productivity indicator was substantiated. The factors are based on the most significant indicators of innovative development (innovative activity; formation and the use of personnel; the state of use of fixed capital; the composition of the payroll budget; investment activity; and the use of working time). Based on the use of the method of linearization of the labour productivity model, the rating coefficients of the influence of factors for the economies of the EU-27 and Ukraine were determined. It has been proven that the following factors have a significant positive impact on labour productivity: an increase in the costs of scientific research and development; the growth of enterprises expenditures on research and development (R&D) in high-tech sectors; the increase in the share of scientific research personnel and researchers in the total number of the employed population; the growth of costs for the innovation of industrial enterprises; an introduction to the production of new technological processes and innovative types of products; the purchase of machinery, equipment, and software; an increase in the share of the employed population that has a basic higher education (bachelor’s degree); the growth in the share of the employed population that has a full higher education (master’s degree); the increase in the share of enterprises providing training; the increase in the capital–labour ratio; the technological equipment of labour; the machine equipment of labour; the renewal of fixed capital; and the increase in the level of intellectualization of fixed capital. The available reserves for increasing the labour productivity in EU-27 economies and Ukraine were clarified, and recommendations for managing the labour productivity in the conditions of innovative development have been provided. This study gains relevance when Ukraine has assumed the official status of an EU candidate country and the advantages and potential difficulties in the membership process should be evaluated. Labour productivity will be one of the key factors in the post-conflict recovery of the economy.

  • Lessons From the Subprime Years For the Covid Years

  • Brexit as an Opportunity for Business
    Natália Teixeira, , Márcia Serra, Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá, and

    REF Press

  • Cryptocurrencies: from characteristics to behaviours
    Rui Gonçalves, Leandro Pereira, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Álvaro Dias, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Impact and future of artificial intelligence
    Renato Lopes Da Costa, N.A. Jo�ã, o Diamantino, Leandro Pereira, Álvaro Dias, Rui Gonçalves, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Business models competition based on knowledge assets
    Leandro Pereira, Carlos H. Jerónimo, Álvaro Dias, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Rui Gonçalves, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Healthcare management and leadership roles
    Renato Lopes Da Costa, Leandro Pereira, Rui Gonçalves, Álvaro Dias, Carlos H. Jerónimo, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Analytical methods as a source of value in human resource management in consulting companies
    Rui Gonçalves, Beatriz Silva, Leandro Pereira, Renato Lopes Da Costa, Álvaro Dias, and Natália Teixeira

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Instagram: A Gimmick or a Serious Reputation Builder in the Airline Business?
    Rui Vinhas da Silva, Catarina Marques, Diogo Martinho, Natália Teixeira, and José Crespo de Carvalho

    SAGE Publications
    The purpose of the research was to shed light on the interrelatedness between Instagram and corporate reputation, on the one hand, and customer service expectations, on the other. A conceptual model was proposed to be tested in the context of the civil aviation economy. A national flagship airline company was chosen in which to conduct the research. An online questionnaire was made available, and 283 responses were collected. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses derived from the literature. The novelty of the work is in the scarce research found when scrutinising the literature on possible links between Instagram and airline corporate reputation. The study found a positive correlation between social media usage and corporate reputation in the airline sector. Future research needs to replicate this study across other airlines to ascertain the external validity of the current study and its potential for extrapolation.

  • Individual actors and embeddedness in business-to-business interactions
    Sara Martins Gonçalves, Rui Vinhas da Silva, and Natália Teixeira

    Elsevier BV

  • Environmental business strategy: The Portuguese case
    Rui Vinhas Da Silva and Natalia Teixeira

    AbstractThis study focuses on the adoption of environmental management systems and corporate social responsibility reporting as mechanisms for creating a differential advantage, looking at how different stakeholders in an organization perceive the importance of instituting these mechanisms as determinants of market success.The paper then aims to focus on environmental business strategy and corporate social responsibility reporting in companies, rather than prescribing policy for the entire sector. In so doing it postulates that compliance with market requirements on environmentally related issues, by instituting proper environmental management mechanisms and corporate social responsibility reporting, is a pre‐requisite for acceptance of the firm and its products in the market.The paper is methodologically based on a set of 60 interviews conducted with various agents in the Portuguese textile industry, ranging from policy‐makers to industrialists and NGOs, with a view to determining differences in perception between the various stakeholders. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.