Martynova Marina Dmitrievna

Institute of History and Sociology, Department of Philosophy
Ogarev Mordovia State University


Philosophy, Education, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Strategies of Professional and Educational Choice among Technical University Applicants
    Raisa M. Petruneva, Nadezhda A. Ovchar, and Marina D. Martynova

    National Research Mordovia State University MRSU
    Introduction. There is an acute shortage of labor resources in the modern labor market, especially with engineering qualifications. A significant part of university students do not reach the stage of obtaining a diploma. Efficient spending of federal budget funds for training of high-class technical specialists becomes extremely necessary. The purpose of this study is to identify the main strategies of choosing a university among first-year students participating in the “Priority-2030ˮ program. Materials and Methods. The goals and objectives of this descriptive study suggest obtaining a more complete understanding of professional and educational applicants’ strategies when choosing technical universities. The questionnaire method implemented in the form of an online survey was used as the main method of collecting primary empirical data. The survey was conducted in May 2023 (n = 1,888). Results. The main motives and factors influencing the professional and educational strategy of choosing a higher educational institution are determined: the characteristics of the university (its type and academic authority, position in university rankings, its transport accessibility and the availability of dormitories); prospects for further employment in the speciality received; the financial capabilities of the applicantʼs family, the main trajectories of admission to the university. The most relevant aspects of the attractiveness of the university for applicants are formulated. Discussion and Conclusion. The authorʼs conclusions contribute to the development of scientific approaches to the study of trends in the development of higher education, the theory and practice of organizing the educational process in educational organizations, the problems of professional self-determination and career guidance, methods of supporting studentsʼ professional choice. The materials of the article can be useful to Russian universities in developing an effective system of career guidance.

  • From Philosophy of the Act to New Ethics: History of the Saransk Ethical Center Formation (Materials of the Round Table Discussion)
    Natalia V. Zhadunova, , Ekaterina A. Koval, Marina D. Martynova, Anatoly P. Skripnik, Andrey A. Sychev, , , , and

    Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
    The paper tells about the history of the development of ethical education and research in the field of ethics in Saransk on the basis of the Department of Ethics (Ogarev Mordovia State University). The organizer of the ethical center and the founder of the scientific school in the field of moral philosophy in the second half of the 1970s was R.I. Alexandrova. Thanks to her energy and enthusiasm, the Department of Ethics became a place of attraction for students, graduate students, teachers who were interested in moral problems. For repre­sentatives of the center, the fundamental theoretical basis for research was the philosophy of act, which goes back to the Bakhtin’s ideas. The main subject of the study – the moral foundations of an environmentally significant act – was determined by Alexandrova’s works devoted to the relationship between morality and nature. Traditions, atmosphere, problems of the Saransk Ethical Center developed not only in the process of teaching and at the offi­cial events of the department, but also in the course of the work of an informal philosophi­cal society, the most prominent participants of which were O.V. Breikin, V.A. Pisachkin, A.P. Skripnik, A.V. Smolyanov and others. At this time, the problems of environmental ethics, moral ideal, moral evil are being developed. The formation of the next generation of representatives of the center in the 2000s (M.D. Martynova, A.A. Sychev, N.V. Zhadunova, E.A. Koval, etc.) was greatly influenced by ethical schools, which were held under the guid­ance of R.G. Apresyan. They made it possible to establish contacts between ethical centers and form a single community of ethics researchers from Russia and neighboring countries. The basic direction of the center’s work during this period remains environmental ethics, but the space for research is gradually expanding due to new and relevant topics for modern so­ciety. There is a steady trend towards interdisciplinary research. Modern studies of the Sa­ransk Ethical Center, on the one hand, continue and develop the traditions of the scientific school, established back in the 70s of the last century (environmental ethics, philosophy of the act), but, on the other hand, are aimed at solving dilemmas that arise in connection with the accelerating development of science and technology and social changes. At the mo­ment, the focus of research is the ethics of big data and the “new ethics”.

  • Informed consent in the big data age: The need for normative updates
    Ekaterina A. Koval, , Marina D. Martynova, Natalya V. Zhadunova, , and

    Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences
    Big data is changing the usual practices of obtaining informed consent. Traditional informed consent models stop working because they don’t take into account the speed, volume, and variety of collected and processed data. In the traditional model it is extremely difficult to identify all possible uses for the information received from users, and obtaining secondary consent is difficult or simply impossible in a situation where data is depersonalized. As a re­sult, a person signing an informed consent gets into the situation described by J. Heller in the novel «Catch-22»: absurd rules aimed at taking care of the individual lead to the op­posite results. To avoid falling into catch-22, it is necessary to create new models of in­formed consent (the model of broad (full) consent, the model of dynamic consent, the mar­ket model, the model of postponed consent, the model of meta consent, the model of multi-level consent, the democratic model of consent), which can more effectively protect per­sonal autonomy, confidentiality, privacy and serve as a guarantor of trust in the subjects of collecting, processing, and using big data. Although the new models of informed consent are not without drawbacks, a complete rejection of this procedure entails a violation of the pre­cautionary principle and increases the likelihood of harm to the data subject. At the same time, following the precautionary principle should take into account the relationship be­tween the individual and the General good and not hinder the development of different spheres of public life in the condition of big data accumulation. The creation of rules governing the receipt of informed consent and the use of data should be based on an analysis of existing practices and take into account a measure of openness and trust, which are determined by both personal and socio-cultural characteristics.