Ahmet Calik


Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University



Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Exploring the efficiency and emission characteristics of hydroxy-boosted canola biodiesel in comparison to traditional diesel fuels
    Ahmet Çalık

    Frontiers Media SA
    In this research, we experimentally examined how incorporating HHO into blends of 20% canola biodiesel with 80% diesel and 40% canola biodiesel with 60% diesel impacts the engine’s performance and its emission traits. Canola oil, widely used in Europe, served as the biodiesel base. The addition of HHO, recognized for its potential to improve combustion efficiency and reduce emissions which were deteriorated by biodiesel addition. The findings revealed decrement on fuel consumption as 5.74% and 4.43% and rise in thermal efficiencies as 3.92% and 3.97% with HHO addition compared to B20 and B40, respectively. Besides that, CO emissions were reduced significantly up to 35.43%, while CO2 emissions decreased moderately up to 14.93% compared to diesel fuel. On the other hand, biodiesel and HHO addition increased NOx emissions as 49.80%. Utilization of biodiesel and HHO in diesel engines offers a straightforward way to reduce emissions and enhance fuel efficiency, addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainable transportation.

  • The effect of geometry on joint strength in adhesively bonded joints with the same adhesive area
    Salih Akpinar, İlyas Hacısalihoglu, and Ahmet Çalık

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract Studies to increase the joint strength of adhesively bonded joints used in the aerospace and automotive sectors are met with interest in the field of engineering. Many different methods are used to increase the strength of the bonded joint, and one of these methods is to change the joint geometry. This study aims to increase the joint strength by changing the geometry of the joint with the same adhesive area condition. In the study, the DP460 structural adhesive was used as the adhesive, the AA2024-T3 aluminum alloy was used as the adherend, and the One Step-Lap Joint (OSLJ), Double-Strap Joint (DSJ), and Stepped Double-Strap Joint (SDSJ) was used as the joint types. The joint strengths of the joints obtained by using different step lengths and different patch lengths for these three types of joints with the same adhesive area were investigated experimentally and numerically. Firstly, the strengths of the SLJ type obtained by using four different step lengths and the DSJ type obtained by using patches of four different lengths were investigated. In the light of these investigations, the mechanical properties of the joints obtained by changing the step length and patch length in the SDSJ type, a new joint type with the same adhesive area, were obtained. As a result, compared to the OSLJ type with the same adhesive area, the joint strength of the DSJ type increases by approximately 45% to 67%. In addition, while the strength of the new type of joint (SDSJ) obtained in the presented study increases between 7% and 35% according to the DSJ type, it increases between 56% and 126% according to the OSLJ type. These increases in the joint strength vary according to the bonding area. Additionally, in the presented study, experimental data were compared with numerical analysis, and it was observed that the data were quite consistent with each other.

  • Combined effects of hydrogen and TiO<inf>2</inf>nanoparticle additive on terebinth oil biodiesel operated diesel engine
    Ahmet Çalık, Erdi Tosun, Mustafa Atakan Akar, and Mustafa Özcanlı

    EDP Sciences
    Efforts to reduce the dependency on fossil-based fuels have intensely been researched by scientists recently. Therefore, in internal combustion engines, the usability of various alternative fuels is still being evaluated. The present study experimentally focused on the illumination of the combined impacts of nanoparticle additives and hydrogen fuel on the performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine. For this purpose, diesel fuel and combinations of diesel fuel, terebinth oil biodiesel, titanium dioxides nanoparticle, and hydrogen were utilized. Reduced engine performance caused by biodiesel was compensated with the use of nanoparticles. Further improvement was also observed with hydrogen addition. Emission results showed that carbon monoxide (CO) emission values can be reduced with biodiesel, nanoparticle additive, and hydrogen since they all have positive effects to enhance combustion quality and avoid incomplete combustion. On the other hand, oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emission was increased due to a rise in cylinder temperature with the use of biodiesel, nanoparticle, and hydrogen.

  • Influences of Iron Oxide Nanomaterial and Hydrogen Addition into Sunflower Biodiesel/Diesel Powered Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions
    Mustafa Özcanlı, Erdi Tosun, and Ahmet Çalık

    AbstractIn this study, effects of iron oxide (Fe3O4) and hydrogen (H2) additions into 20% sunflower biodiesel + 80% diesel (B20) operated compression ignition engine performance and emissions are evaluated. Diesel fuel (D) is selected as a reference fuel for comparison purpose. Reduced performance level with B20 can be recovered with use of nanoparticle and hydrogen due to their superior combustion characteristics. In comparison to diesel, B20 mixture has caused to reduction on power by 6.44% while addition of nanoparticle and hydrogen (H_B20_Fe) have increased power by 5.76%. B20 mixture led to decrease carbon monoxide (CO) emission by 7.92% whereas nanoparticle and hydrogen addition have caused further decrement by 12.35% compared to diesel. Diesel shows best nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission characteristics of all. Increment levels are 7.24% and 12.94 for B20 and H_B20_Fe, respectively.

  • Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic adhesively single step lap joints with cohesive zone models and its experimental verification
    Simay Bayramoglu, Salih Akpinar, and Ahmet Çalık

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Artificial intelligence techniques for the vibration, noise, and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched diesel engine
    Sefa Yıldırım, Erdi Tosun, Ahmet Çalık, İhsan Uluocak, and Ercan Avşar

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT The present paper investigates the prediction of vibration, noise level, and emission characteristics of a four-stroke, four-cylinder diesel engine fueled with sunflower, canola, and corn biodiesel blends while H2 injected through inlet manifold using two different artificial intelligence methods: artificial neural network (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM). The aim of using these methods is to predict vibration, noise, carbon monoxide (CO), CO2, and NOx based on the initial experimental study by varying engine speed, blends of biodiesel, and H2 energy substitution ratio. Experimental data were gathered from the literature. For the ANN method, LevenbergMarquardt backpropagation training algorithm with logarithmic sigmoid and linear transfer function for hidden and output layers, respectively, gives the best results for prediction of vibration, noise, and emission characteristics. For SVM, a regression model is implemented with Gaussian kernel function. Results show that the ANN performs better than SVM, and the best mean average percent error and R2 for the models developed are 2.03 and 0.988 for vibration acceleration, 0.39 and 0.9615 for noise, 7.27 and 0.8549 for CO, 5.09 and 0.9398 for NOx, and 2.21 and 0.993 for CO2 values, respectively. Eventually, it is found that the ANN method is a good choice for simulation and prediction of dual fueled hydrogen sunflower, canola, and corn biodiesel blends.

  • Exact analysis of hydrogen induced stress in metal solid sphere
    D. Yarımpabuç, K. Celebi, A. Çalık, and M.S. Horpan

    Elsevier BV

  • Evaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel–biodiesel blends
    Erinç Uludamar, Erdi Tosun, Gökhan Tüccar, Şafak Yıldızhan, Ahmet Çalık, Sefa Yıldırım, Hasan Serin, and Mustafa Özcanlı

    Elsevier BV

  • Using HHO (Hydroxy) and hydrogen enriched castor oil biodiesel in compression ignition engine
    Mustafa Ozcanli, Mustafa Atakan Akar, Ahmet Calik, and Hasan Serin

    Elsevier BV

  • Effect of adherend recessing on bi-adhesively bonded single-lap joints with spew fillet
    Ahmet Çalik and Sefa Yildirim

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Relevance of inhomogeneous–anisotropic models of human cortical bone: a tibia study using the finite element method
    Kerem Ün and Ahmet Çalık

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Cortical bone is an inhomogeneous and anisotropic tissue subjected to large loads during typical daily activities. While studies assuming isotropic material properties are frequent, anisotropy and inhomogeneity of cortical bone have been rarely taken into account. Moreover, the question, whether an assumption of anisotropy and inhomogeneity has an impact in the mechanical analysis of cortical bone, has not been explored in the literature. This study explores the relevance of anisotropy in human cortical bone. The cortical bone model has been divided into six radial regions and a different set of orthotropic material properties has been assigned to each region. This inhomogeneous and anisotropic elastic tibia model has been compared with a corresponding isotropic model under various loading modes using the finite element method. In particular, the variation in the maximum von Mises stress and strain values has been observed along the bone axis. We have observed that the isotropic model may overestimate the maximum von Mises strain up to 15% under pure compression and underestimate up to 50% under pure torsion relative to the inhomogeneous–anisotropic model. Our results suggest that consideration of anisotropy and inhomogeneity of the bone may make a significant difference in the predicted maximum von Mises strain values, which can be important for strain-based damage accumulation studies and fracture risk evaluation.

  • Effect of adherend shape on stress concentration reduction of adhesively bonded single lap joint


  • The effects of using intermittent metal part reinforcement and countersink on the strength of adhesively bonded joints
    A alık, S Akpınar, M Demiral
    International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 130, 103613 2024

  • Exploring the efficiency and emission characteristics of hydroxy-boosted canola biodiesel in comparison to traditional diesel fuels
    A alık
    Frontiers in Energy Research 12, 1386440 2024

  • The effect of geometry on joint strength in adhesively bonded joints with the same adhesive area
    S Akpinar, İ Hacısalihoglu, A alık
    Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (12), 2635-2647 2024

  • The effect of fiber length and structure on joint strength in bonded joints with fiber-reinforced composite adhesive
    A alık, S Akpinar
    International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 124, 103365 2023

  • Combined effects of hydrogen and TiO2 nanoparticle additive on terebinth oil biodiesel operated diesel engine
    A alık, E Tosun, MA Akar, M zcanlı
    Science and Technology for Energy Transition 78, 9 2023

  • Drt Nokta Eğme Ykne Maruz Yapıştırma Bağlantılarında İ Kademenin Bağlantı Hasar Ykne Etkisi: Deneysel ve Sayısal Analiz
    A alık, S Akpınar
    Osmaniye Korkut Ata niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstits Dergisi 5 (3), 1128 2022

  • Influences of Iron Oxide Nanomaterial and Hydrogen Addition into Sunflower Biodiesel/Diesel Powered Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions
    M zcanlı, E Tosun, A alık
    Macromolecular Symposia 404 (1), 2100410 2022

  • Drt Noktalı Eğme Testi Altında Yapıştırıcı ile Birleştirilmiş Bindirme Bağlantısının Deneysel ve Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi
    S Akpınar, A alık
    ukurova niversitesi Mhendislik Fakltesi Dergisi 36 (3), 649-657 2021

  • Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic adhesively single step lap joints with cohesive zone models and its experimental verification
    S Bayramoglu, S Akpinar, A alık
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35, 641-649 2021

  • Estimation of depth-dependent material properties of biphasic soft tissues through finite element optimization and sensitivity analysis
    MK n, A alık
    Medical engineering & physics 74, 73-81 2019

  • Artificial intelligence techniques for the vibration, noise, and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched diesel engine
    S Yıldırım, E Tosun, A alık, İ Uluocak, E Avşar
    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 41 2019

  • İnovasyon, İcat, Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları zerine
    D Gnay, A alık
    niversite Araştırmaları Dergisi 2 (1), 1-11 2019

  • Effect of Extensometer Usage on Obtaining the Force-Displacement Curve of the Adhesively Single Lap Joint
    European Mechanical Science 3 (4), 142-146 2019

  • Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuels
    A alık
    Fuel 230, 355-358 2018

  • Exact analysis of hydrogen induced stress in metal solid sphere
    D Yarımpabu, K Celebi, A alık, MS Horpan
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (38), 18053-18058 2018

  • Hidrojen ile Yakıt Zenginleştirmenin Dizel Motorun Motor Performansı ve Emisyon zelliklerine Etkisi
    A alık
    ukurova niversitesi Mhendislik-Mimarlık Fakltesi Dergisi 33 (3), 255-262 2018

  • Bio-composite materials: a short review of recent trends, mechanical and chemical properties, and applications
    Ş Yıldızhan, A alık, M zcanlı, H Serin
    European Mechanical Science 2 (3), 83-91 2018

  • Pamuk Yağı Biyodizelinin Motor Ses Seviyesine Olan Etkilerinin İncelenmesi
    A alık
    ukurova niversitesi Mhendislik-Mimarlık Fakltesi Dergisi 32 (4), 147-152 2017

  • Energy and exergy analysis of biodiesel
    M zcanli, H Serin, A alık, K elebi, MA Akar
    Journal of Biotechnology 256, S111 2017

  • Fuel properties, performance and emission characterization of waste cooking oil (WCO) in a variable compression ratio (VCR) diesel engine
    Ş Yildizhan, E Uludamar, A alık, G Dede, M zcanlı
    European Mechanical Science 1 (2), 56-62 2017


  • Using HHO (Hydroxy) and hydrogen enriched castor oil biodiesel in compression ignition engine
    M Ozcanli, MA Akar, A Calik, H Serin
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (36), 23366-23372 2017
    Citations: 128

  • Bio-composite materials: a short review of recent trends, mechanical and chemical properties, and applications
    Ş Yıldızhan, A alık, M zcanlı, H Serin
    European Mechanical Science 2 (3), 83-91 2018
    Citations: 102

  • Evaluation of vibration characteristics of a hydroxyl (HHO) gas generator installed diesel engine fuelled with different diesel–biodiesel blends
    E Uludamar, E Tosun, G Tccar, Ş Yıldızhan, A alık, S Yıldırım, H Serin, ...
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (36), 23352-23360 2017
    Citations: 85

  • Determination of vibration characteristics of a compression ignition engine operated by hydrogen enriched diesel and biodiesel fuels
    A alık
    Fuel 230, 355-358 2018
    Citations: 76

  • Fuel properties, performance and emission characterization of waste cooking oil (WCO) in a variable compression ratio (VCR) diesel engine
    Ş Yildizhan, E Uludamar, A alık, G Dede, M zcanlı
    European Mechanical Science 1 (2), 56-62 2017
    Citations: 48

  • Artificial intelligence techniques for the vibration, noise, and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched diesel engine
    S Yıldırım, E Tosun, A alık, İ Uluocak, E Avşar
    Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 41 2019
    Citations: 41

  • Failure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints using artificial neural networks
    E Tosun, A alık
    Alexandria Engineering Journal 55 (2), 1341–1346 2016
    Citations: 41

  • Effect of adherend shape on stress concentration reduction of adhesively bonded single lap joint
    A alık
    Engineering Review 36 (1), 29-34 2016
    Citations: 38

  • İnovasyon, İcat, Teknoloji ve Bilim Kavramları zerine
    D Gnay, A alık
    niversite Araştırmaları Dergisi 2 (1), 1-11 2019
    Citations: 36

  • Numerical analysis of elasto-plastic adhesively single step lap joints with cohesive zone models and its experimental verification
    S Bayramoglu, S Akpinar, A alık
    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 35, 641-649 2021
    Citations: 26

  • Effect of adherend recessing on bi-adhesively bonded single-lap joints with spew fillet
    A alik, S Yildirim
    Sādhanā 42 (3), 317-325 2017
    Citations: 20

  • Relevance of inhomogeneous–anisotropic models of human cortical bone: a tibia study using the finite element method
    K n, A alık
    Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment 30 (3), 538-547 2016
    Citations: 19

  • Estimation of crack propagation in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell under vibration conditions
    A alık, S Yıldırım, E Tosun
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (36), 23347-23351 2017
    Citations: 17

  • Yapıştırıcılar ve kşeleri yuvarlatılmış basamaklı bindirme yapıştırıcı bağlantılarda gerilme analizi
    A alık
    Zonguldak Karaelmas niversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstits 2008
    Citations: 14

  • An investigation on the effect of parallel slot in bi-adhesive single lap joints with spew fillet
    A alık, S Yıldırım
    Journal of Engineering Research 3 (4), 95-110 2015
    Citations: 10

  • The effect of geometry on joint strength in adhesively bonded joints with the same adhesive area
    S Akpinar, İ Hacısalihoglu, A alık
    Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 31 (12), 2635-2647 2024
    Citations: 8

  • Estimation of depth-dependent material properties of biphasic soft tissues through finite element optimization and sensitivity analysis
    MK n, A alık
    Medical engineering & physics 74, 73-81 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Effect of Extensometer Usage on Obtaining the Force-Displacement Curve of the Adhesively Single Lap Joint
    European Mechanical Science 3 (4), 142-146 2019
    Citations: 8

  • The effect of fiber length and structure on joint strength in bonded joints with fiber-reinforced composite adhesive
    A alık, S Akpinar
    International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 124, 103365 2023
    Citations: 6

  • Pamuk Yağı Biyodizelinin Motor Ses Seviyesine Olan Etkilerinin İncelenmesi
    A alık
    ukurova niversitesi Mhendislik-Mimarlık Fakltesi Dergisi 32 (4), 147-152 2017
    Citations: 4