

Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science




Perm State University


Acoustics and Ultrasonics


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • A Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Boundary Conditions on Acoustic Pressure Distribution in a Sonochemical Reactor Chamber
    Ivan Sboev, Tatyana Lyubimova, Konstantin Rybkin, and Michael Kuchinskiy

    Tech Science Press
    The intensi fi cation of physicochemical processes in the sonochemical reactor chamber is widely used in problems of synthesis, extraction and separation. One of the most important mechanisms at play in such processes is the acoustic cavitation due to the non-uniform distribution of acoustic pressure in the chamber. Cavitation has a strong impact on the surface degradation mechanisms. In this work, a numerical calculation of the acoustic pressure distribution inside the reactor chamber was performed using COMSOL Multiphysics. The numerical results have revealed the dependence of the structure of the acoustic pressure fi eld on the boundary conditions for various thicknesses of the piezoelectric transducer. In particular, the amplitude of the acoustic pressure is minimal in the case of absorbing boundaries, and the attenuation becomes more signi fi cant as the thickness of the piezoelectric transducer increases. In addition, re fl ective boundaries play a signi fi cant role in the formation and distribution of zones of maximum cavitation activity.

  • Influence of ultrasound on the dynamics of an air bubble near a solid surface
    Michael O. Kuchinskiy, Tatyana P. Lyubimova, Konstantin A. Rybkin, Vasiliy A. Galishevskiy, and Anastasiia D. Sadovnikova

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Investigation of Cavitation in NaCl Solutions in a Sonochemical Reactor Using the Foil Test Method
    Michael Kuchinskiy, Tatyana Lyubimova, Konstantin Rybkin, Anastasiia Sadovnikova, and Vasiliy Galishevskiy

    Tech Science Press

  • Investigation of Generation and Dynamics of Microbubbles in the Solutions of Anionic Surfactant (SDS)
    T. Lyubimova, K. Rybkin, O. Fattalov, M. Kuchinskiy, and M. Kozlov

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Method of generation, measurement of the size and number of microbubbles in NaCl and SDS solutions of different concentrations
    K Rybkin, M Kuchinskiy, T Lyubimova, M Kozlov, O Fattalov, I Fattakhova, and V Sinitsyna

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The research work shows the method of generating and registration of bubbles which is provided by the finely disperse membrane, the air compressor, the water pump and the optical image registration unit and analyses of images. In order to estimate the size of the fixed bubbles the specialized software on Python programming language was used as a tool of analysis. The software outcomes are presented in the form of diagrams of the distribution of the number of bubbles by the diameter. The results of experiments for solutions of sodium chloride salt and sodium dodecyl sulfate of various concentrations indicated the possibility of controlling both the diameter and the amount of produced air bubbles. One of the main findings of the scientific work is determination of the concentration of sodium chloride, which leads to inhibition of the effect of Sodium dodecyl sulfate on the distribution of bubbles by their size in the experiments.

  • Experimental Study of the Processes of Formation, Drift and Coalescence of Vapor-Gas Bubbles in Aqueous Solutions of Salts and Surfactants in a Sonochemical Reactor
    O Fattalov, T Lyubimova, K Rybkin, M Kozlov, and M Kuchinskiy

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract An experimental study of the activity of cavitation processes and the intensity of coalescence of vapor-gas bubbles arising in the volume of a liquid in the presence of ultrasonic (US) exposure in a NaCl salt solution and at various concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a surfactant has been carried out. The process of bubble formation and drift was recorded using a highspeed camera in the plane of the cuvette illuminated by a laser knife. It is shown that the addition of a surfactant to an aqueous solution of NaCl salt leads to a partial inhibition of the coalescence of the observed bubbles and a change in the degassing mode of the liquid in the presence of ultrasonic treatment. The maximum activity of cavitation processes and the formation of vapor-gas bubbles was observed in the presence of salt and a low concentration of SDS. Thus, the presence of a surfactant in an aqueous solution of 0.1 M NaCl salt leads to a change in the growth dynamics of the bubble ensemble, since small bubbles are not able to float to the surface, due to the prevalence of viscous and vibrational forces over buoyancy force.

  • Experimental Study of the Acoustic Pressure Distribution in a Sonochemical Reactor
    M Kuchinskiy, T Lyubimova, K Rybkin, and O Fattalov

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The work is devoted to an experimental study of the main parameters of the acoustic flow that occurs in a liquid under the influence of an ultrasound source (US) with a frequency of 1.7 MHz. To study the type of emerging currents, the method of tracer and fluorescence imaging was used; the distribution of relative acoustic pressure was found using a vibration sensor; to measure the intensity of cavitation events, thermocouple measurements were used. Experiments have shown that an increase in the concentration of the NaCl salt in the water solution reduces the intensity of vibrations when the sensor is removed from the ultrasonic source. The maximum intensity of cavitation events also changes its position, moving to the area near the ultrasonic source. Thus, the effect of an increase in the salt concentration on the type of flow in a sonochemical reactor was noted, which was also experimentally recorded in the work using light-reflecting particles.

  • On the mechanism of selective fixation of bubbles under the action of ultrasound in NaCl and KCl solutions during degassing
    T P Lyubimova, K A Rybkin, O O Fattalov, M O Kuchinskiy, M V Kozlov, and A A Kugaevskaya

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This paper describes the experimental study of the mechanism of selective fixation of bubbles formed in a liquid under the influence of ultrasound on the surface of plates of various degrees of wettability when the liquid is degassed as a result of ultrasonic action. The experiments used solutions of NaCl and KCl of various concentrations, as well as distilled water. The plates are made of organic glass (wetting angle 51°) and Teflon (wetting angle 118°). As a result of the study, the experimental data on the surface area occupied by bubbles on the surface of plates were obtained, and the mechanism of selective fixation of bubbles under the influence of ultrasound in the conditions of emerging degassing was shown.

  • Experimental study of cavitation erosion of quartz in the presence of surfactant molecules
    O O Fattalov, T P Lyubimova, K A Rybkin, I V Lunegov, and M O Kuchinskiy

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The interaction of bubbles with a solid flat surface of amorphous quartz, in the presence of surfactants in water, in the presence of ultrasonic action, was experimentally investigated. The study of surface properties with the use of an atomic force microscope made it possible to study the mechanism of ultrasonic degradation of the surface of solid plates, including those with surfactants adsorbed on their surface. The experiments have shown that the changes, under the action of ultrasound, of the surface properties, in these experiments, consist in the formation of chips on the surface of quartz crystals, which leads to an increase in the average surface roughness by three times in comparison with the plates that were not subjected to ultrasonic action. Was founded that the distribution of the surfactant layer on the surface of the plates depends on the concentration of the surfactant in the solution, and its presence at the solid-liquid interface leads to a decrease in the ultrasonic erosion of the plate surface. The mechanism of heterogeneous cavitation in the presence of surfactants is to reduce the probability of interaction between an inertial cavitation bubble and a solid surface, because of which the probability of local destruction of the surface decreases.

  • Experimental and numerical study of acoustic pressure distribution in a sonochemical reactor
    M O Kuchinskiy, T P Lyubimova, K A Rybkin, O O Fattalov, and L S Klimenko

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract In this work, it is shown numerically in COMSOL Multiphysics and experimentally that a change in the NaCl concentration in water significantly affects the distribution of acoustic pressure in a laboratory sonochemical reactor. Thus, in distilled water under the action of ultrasound, two areas of increased pressure were ob-served, one of which was located directly above the ultrasound source, and the second was near the surface of the liquid, this effect is associated with the reflection of sound waves from the surface of the liquid. With the increase in the salt content, the maximum value of the acoustic pressure in the liquid decreases, which is associated with the dependence of the acoustic impedance of the liquid on the salt concentration and the peculiarities of the dynamics of vapor-gas bubbles in such solutions.