Ricardo Manuel de Barboza Marques de Moraes e Soar


Accounting and Finance
Higher School of Business Sciences




Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Business, Management and Accounting, Public Administration


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index

Scopus Publications

  • Evaluating the efficiency of public expenditure in municipal waste collection: A comparative study of Portuguese municipalities
    Ricardo de Moraes e Soares

    LLC CPC Business Perspectives
    Effective waste management is fundamental to sustainable development and the well-being of societies. This study focuses on the financial efficiency of urban waste collection in Portuguese municipalities, with the aim to analyze the effects of the allocation of public resources in the waste management sector. The main objective is to analyze the relationship between public spending and waste collection over a five-year period. Through the application of the classic data envelopment analysis model (DEA), the study seeks to observe the existence of benchmarking patterns, identify possible inefficiencies, and determine opportunities for improvement in urban waste management and collection practices. The results suggest substantial variations in waste collection efficiency between municipalities and a positive correlation between public spending and the volume of waste collected. The results emphasize the need for a strategic allocation of financial resources in order to promote sustainable waste management practices. The paper highlights the importance of municipalities reassessing their strategies for allocating financial resources to ensure a better balance between funding and efficiency in the use of resources. The conclusions offer valuable practical implications for defining strategies and managing municipal waste collection services in Portugal and other countries with similar contexts. AcknowledgmentThis article is financed by Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal [Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal]. 

    Ricardo de Moraes E Soares, Paula Heliodoro, Vanda Martins, and Cristina Morais da Palma

    RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
    Objective: The study aims to critically analyse the role of digital currencies in the context of the monetary system and the challenges and implications for monetary liberalism.   Method: Critical review based on an analysis of financial doctrine. A descriptive approach was applied to identify the relevant theories, followed by a critical analysis of the perspectives adopted by the authors. The main theoretical arguments are identified and debated. The methodology enables a critical study to be carried out through comparisons.   Results and conclusions: The results highlight the clarity of the arguments, the logical solidity, and the relevance of the evidence presented by the authors. The comparative analysis reveals points of convergence and divergence in the arguments. Inclusive interpretation and reflection allowed the implications of the theoretical approaches for the field of study to be analysed. The conclusions reveal the evidence obtained.   Implications if the research: They include an in-depth understanding of the financial theories examined at the level of Bitcoin, highlighting contributions and limitations. Promotes the advancement of knowledge in the theoretical field, identifies possible gaps in the literature, and suggests areas for future research. Provides relevant insights for academia, society, and policymakers.   Originality/value: It resides in the application of a critical and analytical approach to financial theories, offering a detailed and contextualised review of the literature. The value comes from providing enlightened insights into the theoretical foundations and possible applications, contributing to the advancement of the academic and social fields.

    Ricardo de Moraes e Soares, Paula Heliodoro, Vanda Martins, and Carla Oliveira

    RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
    Objective: The study aims to analyse and clarify the VAT framework in participation association contracts, distinguishing between contractual and tax obligations.   Method: It includes a case study and a detailed analysis of partnership contracts, case law, and tax doctrine. The data was interpreted in light of the relevant tax laws, distinguishing between contractual and tax obligations in order to determine the VAT framework.   Results and conclusions: The results show that the liabilities borne by the associate (Entity B) should be considered supplies of services subject to VAT. The contribution of the associate (Entity B) is not subject to tax. These distinctions allow for a correct application of tax law. The conclusions reveal the possible readings of the application of VAT.   Implications if the research: Research is important to ensure the correct application of tax law in partnership agreements. This analysis can help promote the correct application of VAT and more efficient financial management for both parties involved. It provides relevant insights for academia, society, and policymakers.   Originality/value: It is the result of detailed observation of the VAT framework in association in participation contracts, providing possible insights in order to avoid possible tax uncertainties and ensure the correct reading of the tax law in more complex commercial transactions.

  • Impact of research and development expenses on the profitability of assets: The case of textile and clothing industry in Portugal
    Ricardo de Moraes e Soares, Alexandre Morais Nunes, Paula Heliodoro, and Vanda Martins

    LLC CPC Business Perspectives
    The study aims to examine the financial efficiency of the textile and clothing industries in Portugal using official statistical data. The main objective is to assess the relationship between spending on research and development and return on assets. The study analyzes the performance of various subsectors of the textile and clothing industries, presenting the relationship between investments in research and development and the operating return on assets over various economic periods. The study adopted data envelopment analysis, classifying decision-making units based on average efficiency levels. The results highlight sectors of manufacture of textiles for technical and industrial use, manufacture of other textiles, production of outerwear, and manufacture of workwear as the most efficient. In contrast, sectors of manufacture of clothing and accessories, manufacture of knitwear, and leather clothing show lower levels of efficiency. From 2003 to 2022, the textile industry exhibited the highest levels of financial efficiency, with an above-average ratio between spending on research and development and return on assets. However, sectors of knitwear manufacturing and textile finishing have maintained a more or less constant level of financial efficiency. The analysis highlights the need for targeted interventions to increase the financial efficiency of different subsectors within the textile and clothing industries. It is evident that there are varying levels of financial efficiency across these sectors, and the need for benchmarking periods can help identify areas for improvement and set achievable goals. AcknowledgmentThis article is financed by Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal [Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal].

  • Indirect taxation on VAT consumption. A possible study of alternative tax rate models in Portugal
    Ricardo de Moraes e Soares, Pedro Pinheiro, and Paula Heliodoro

    LLC CPC Business Perspectives
    The adoption of a single VAT rate system in the EU is a complex and controversial issue, since the current model includes several differentiated rates and is intended to reflect sectoral needs and ensure greater fairness in the taxation of consumption. This study aims to analyse which of the general consumption tax models (differentiated rates or a single rate) is more efficient in terms of revenue collection. The study uses official statistics available on the official website of the Tax and Customs Authority for the period 1996–2022. VAT revenue is measured by applying the formula of the EU’s common VAT model with the necessary adaptations to the flat rate model. Quantitative methods are applied to verify which of the tax models is more efficient in terms of collection. For this purpose, two scenarios were defined (17% and 21%). The results suggest that the estimated revenues for the proposed flat rate models are higher than the amounts actually collected through the differentiated rates. They also suggest that the 21% flat rate is preferable to the 17% rate, although the latter has the capacity to maintain current revenue levels and increase the amount collected compared to the current system. The conclusions suggest that the single VAT rate model is technically more preferable and notably more efficient than the current common consumption tax model adopted by the European Union. The study concludes that the refusal to adopt the single-rate model is not due to technical reasons but to political ones.

  • Fiscal attractiveness of Portuguese municipalities
    Ricardo de Moraes e Soares and Pedro Pinheiro

    LLC CPC Business Perspectives
    The modeling of the municipalities’ tax burden is one of the most relevant issues, especially in terms of municipal competitiveness. It challenges the definition and delimitation of local authorities’ taxing powers. This study aims to analyze the level of taxation of Portuguese municipalities and how local policies contribute to the definition of a ranking of fiscally more competitive municipalities. The paper applies quantitative methods based on the fiscal information made available by municipalities. It has been determined that it is possible to classify municipalities as more or less competitive through their tax supply, mainly at the level of their ability to set tax rates. In 2021, compared to 2020, the most fiscally competitive municipalities were located in the Autonomous Region of the Azores (Corvo (95.128%); Vila do Pico (95.128%); Madalena (95.128%); Povoação (95.078%); Santa Cruz das Flores (95.072%); Angra do Heroísmo (95.044%); Nordeste (95.036%); Vila Franca do Campo (95.036%); Horta (95.017%); and Ponta Delgada (95.017%)). The study also verified the maintenance of fiscal competitiveness among the most fiscally attractive municipalities, despite having several types of fiscal attraction policy options at their disposal, always conditioned by national legislation. This means fiscal policy is an instrument of competition for attracting companies, people, and productive investment to local municipalities. The existence of an international dogma favorable to the increasing attribution of administrative and financial autonomy to local authorities mainly supports this phenomenon.

  • Arm’s length principle and reference range in the OECD transfer pricing guidelines convention: a comparative study aimed at the net cost plus method
    N.A. Jo�ã, o Ricardo Catarino, Ricardo d, e Moraes e Soares, and Susana Sobral

    Inderscience Publishers

  • The contribution of tax expenditure in fiscal consolidation in post-crisis economies: a case study of the context in Portugal<sup>1</sup>
    João Ricardo Catarino, Rui Miguel Alcario Salvador, and Ricardo de Moraes e Soares

    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
    In this research, we analyse the use of fiscal expenditure as an instrument of fiscal consolidation policy. Portugal was subject to the financial assistance programme (PAEF) articulated with the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank between 2010 and 2014. The objective is to analyse the evolution of fiscal expenditure in the following four years, after the end of that term programme, that is, between 2015-2018. The outcome is to know if the policy of reducing fiscal expenditure implemented in the years in which the programme was in force (2010-2014), continued into the following four years. We compared this evolution with the evolution of direct expenditure, based on two main axes: economic expenditure and social expenditure. The data collection technique is used through document research, and the data obtained was from information provided by national, European statistical authorities and secondary sources of information. It is concluded that, in the 2014-2018 period, the increase in public revenue, due to the decrease in tax expenditure, did not evolve consistently. In 2014-2018, direct public expenditure did not follow the same pattern as in the previous years of 2011-2014, given the functional equivalence of the two types of expenditure. Finally, to observe the relationship between the level of fiscal consolidation, carried out between the years 2010 and 2018, and the behaviour of tax revenue and expenditure, the Scheffé test was performed on the averages of the variables Total Revenue and Expenditure, and Tax Revenue and Expenditure. This was applied in order to observe if the averages of the variables are significantly relevant for the level of fiscal consolidation or if there are other variables, equally important, that were not taken into account in the study, but that had a preponderant role (such as the economic context). We have to statistically conclude that both the revenue and expenditure averages and the percentage averages are not all equal, as they are, in fact, all different between the groups analysed. In order to clarify if the differences in revenue and expenditure and in the respective percentages are statistically significant or if, on the contrary, they are merely eventual, we previously verified their applicability through the assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity of each of the data sets, using the ANOVA test (Fisher, 1918). We observed that for both the amounts of revenue and expenditure, as well as the percentages, the p-value observed in the ANOVA test was equal to 0.000 (i.e. less than 0.050), implying the rejection of the null hypotheses and the acceptance of the alternative hypotheses, according to which the average values of the amounts of revenue and expenditure, and the average values of the percentages are not all equal. The general conclusion is that there was budget consolidation, but this must have been due to other factors, such as the economic environment, since there is no direct relationship between revenue, fiscal expenditure and budget consolidation in any of the periods studied.  

  • Impacts of the online Gambling Prohibition Policy – A Comparative Survey of Brazil versus the European Union
    João Ricardo Catarino, José Duarte Cordeiro, and Ricardo de Moraes e Soares

    Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
    Online gambling is a form of gambling. Its direct ban or lack of regulation leads to loss of revenue. These are used to support the social functions of the state. In this research we analyse the estimates about the relevance of online gambling, taking as a reference the European Union where online gambling activity is allowed. These data are compared with estimates for Brazil that does not allow online gambling. Some principles on game regulation are proposed, which can serve the Brazilian case, based on the experience of European and world regulation.

  • Restructuring the european VAT tax system: Advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of a single-rate model-A study based on the Portuguese case
    João Ricardo Catarino and Ricardo Moraes e Soares

    Universidade da Coruna
    The common VAT system adopted by EU member states comprises a set of various rates, which differentiate the goods and services subject to this tax. However, from a technical and management point of view, it would be preferable to adopt a single tax rate as it reduces distortions and facilitates tax compliance and management. This research seeks to analyse the benefits and disadvantages of adopting a single VAT as a means of simplifying the European VAT model. It takes Portugal as a case study. The main objective of this research is to contribute to the academic debate around the theme of the single rate of VAT versus differentiated rates, through the achievement of a series of analyses and statistical tests to revenues and percentages of GDP that they correspond, in the three scenarios considered in the study: differentiated rates, single rate of 17% and single rate of 21%.In the empirical part, hypotheses were developed, the effects on tax revenue of a differential collection system were analyzed and compared to a possible single rate regime on consumption to verify which one would be more efficient. data comparison permits to verify that the estimated revenue of the single rate of VAT is higher than the values ​​obtained by the system of differentiated rates, in any of the proposed models (17% or 21%). The results of this research are valid for all countries that adopt VAT or general tax transactions.


  • Municipal energy efficiency in Portugal: an analysis of electricity and natural gas consumption
    R Moraes Soares, AM Nunes, V Martins
    International Journal of Religion 5 (10), 4099-4111 2024

  • Evaluating the efficiency of public expenditure in municipal waste collection: A comparative study of Portuguese municipalities
    R Moraes Soares
    Environmental Economics 15 (1), 203-216 2024

  • Innovation, the Clothing Industry, and Textile Manufacturing in Portugal: An Exploratory Analysis of the Sector Between 2003 and 2022
    R de Moraes e Soares
    Industry and Innovation: Textile Industry, 165-184 2024

  • An analysis of VAT in the context of participatory association agreements: the case of the wine sector
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Morais da Palma
    Revista Jurdica Portucalense 35 (2024), 303-322 2024

  • Impact of research and development expenses on the profitability of assets: The case of textile and clothing industry in Portugal
    R Moraes e Soares, AM Nunes, PA Heliodoro, V Martins
    Problems and Perspectives in Management 22 (1), 702-715 2024

  • Impact of research and development expenses on the profitability of assets: The case of textile and clothing industry in Portugal
    RM e Soares, AM Nunes, P Heliodoro, V Martins
    Problems and Perspectives in Management 22 (1), 702 2024

  • Operations outside the scope of value added tax: a possible analysis of the Portuguese wine sector
    R Moraes e Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Oliveira
    Revista de Gesto Social e Ambiental 18 (5), e05292(1)-e05292(22) 2024

  • Alternatives forms of currency: an exploratory theoretical analysis of Bitcoin
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Morais da Palma
    Revista de Gesto Social e Ambiental 18 (3), e05047(1)-e05047(21) 2024

  • Uma anlise sobre a eficincia tcnica: a indstria txtil e do vesturio em Portugal ao longo do perodo de 2003-2022
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Morais da Palma
    International Journal of Professional Business Review 9 (1), e04249(1 2024

  • The neutrality principle and the economic efficiency of tax policy: an exploratory study of the legal-economic approach
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins
    GeSec: Revista de Gestao e Secretariado 14 (10), 18512–18529 2023

  • Indirect taxation on VAT consumption: a possible study of alternative tax rate models in Portugal
    R Moraes e Soares, P Pinheiro, P Heliodoro
    Investment Management and Financial Innovations 14 (10), 156-170 2023

  • Um estudo sobre a possvel aplicao do modelo de imposto nico sobre o consumo: o caso de Portugal
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Morais da Palma
    GeSec: Revista de Gesto e Secretariado 14 (11) 2023

  • Determinants of municipal tax rates: Empirical evidence in the Portuguese context
    R Moraes Soares, H Reis, JR Catarino
    GeSec: Revista de Gesto e Secretariado 14 (8), 13419-13443 2023

  • Competition, competitiveness and municipal fiscal attractiveness. Proposal of an index for measuring the tax attractiveness of portuguese municipalities (IMAF)
    R Moraes Soares
    GeSec: Revista de Gesto e Secretariado 14 (6), 10259-10283 2023

  • Fiscal attractiveness of portuguese municipalities
    R Moraes Soares, P Pinheiro
    Public and Municipal Finance 12 (2), 1-16 2023

  • Poltica tributria local como instrumento de competitividade intermunicipal: um estudo objetivado nos Municpios Portugueses
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares
    NOMOS: Revista do Programa de Ps-Graduao em Direito da Universidade 2023

  • Polticas Pblicas de Atratividade e Concorrncia Fiscal Municipal - Um estudo preliminar para um ndice de medio da atratividade fiscal dos municpios portugueses
    R Moraes Soares, JR Catarino
    Revista de Administrao e Emprego Pblico 2023 (8), 83-102 2023

  • Arm's length principle and reference range in the OECD transfer pricing guidelines convention: A comparative study aimed at the net cost plus method
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares, S Sobral
    International Journal of Public Law and Policy 9 (3), 268-284 2023

  • O princpio da neutralidade e o critrio da eficincia econmica na poltica fiscal: Um estudo sob o ponto de vista da abordagem jurdico-econmico
    R Moraes Soares
    Em Estado de Guerra, 2022 2022

  • The contribution of tax expenditure in fiscal consolidation in post-crisis economies: a case study of the context in Portugal.
    JR Catarino, RM Salvador, R Moraes Soares
    Revista Seqncia 42 (88), 1-36 2021


  • Restructuring the European VAT tax system: Advantages and disadvantages of the adoption of a single-rate model - a study based on the Portuguese case
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares
    European Journal of Government and Economics 8 (2), 145-160 2019
    Citations: 9

  • Ensaio sobre a reestruturao do sistema de tributao indireta: anlise socioeconmica sobre as vantagens e inconvenientes da adoo de um modelo de taxa nica em Portugal
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares, PM Correia
    Trabajo y sociedad: Indagaciones sobre el empleo, la cultura y las prcticas 2017
    Citations: 6

  • A Tributao indireta sobre o consumo em sede de IVA. Um estudo de modelos alternativos de taxa de imposto
    R Moraes Soares
    Instituto Superior de Cincias Sociais e Polticas 2021
    Citations: 4

  • Impacts of the online Gambling Prohibition Policy: A Comparative Survey of Brazil versus the European Union.
    JR Catarino, JD Cordeiro, R Moraes Soares
    Revista Seqncia 41 (85) 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Alternatives forms of currency: an exploratory theoretical analysis of Bitcoin
    R Moraes Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Morais da Palma
    Revista de Gesto Social e Ambiental 18 (3), e05047(1)-e05047(21) 2024
    Citations: 3

  • Desigualdades de Esforo Fiscal no Imposto de Renda das Pessoas Fsicas.
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares
    Revista Seqncia 38 (76) 2017
    Citations: 3

  • Indirect taxation on VAT consumption: a possible study of alternative tax rate models in Portugal
    R Moraes e Soares, P Pinheiro, P Heliodoro
    Investment Management and Financial Innovations 14 (10), 156-170 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Regime de regressividade na tributao geral sobre o consumo : uma proposta para a sua atenuao.
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares, PM Correia
    Sciencia Iuridica - Revista de direito Comparado Portugus e Brasileiro 340 2016
    Citations: 2

  • O IVA no paradigma da eficincia e simplicidade: uma proposta para a implementao de uma taxa nica de IVA
    R Moraes Soares
    Instituto Superior de Cincias Sociais e Polticas 2014
    Citations: 2

  • Operations outside the scope of value added tax: a possible analysis of the Portuguese wine sector
    R Moraes e Soares, P Heliodoro, V Martins, C Oliveira
    Revista de Gesto Social e Ambiental 18 (5), e05292(1)-e05292(22) 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Arm's length principle and reference range in the OECD transfer pricing guidelines convention: A comparative study aimed at the net cost plus method
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares, S Sobral
    International Journal of Public Law and Policy 9 (3), 268-284 2023
    Citations: 1

  • The contribution of tax expenditure in fiscal consolidation in post-crisis economies: a case study of the context in Portugal.
    JR Catarino, RM Salvador, R Moraes Soares
    Revista Seqncia 42 (88), 1-36 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Inequalities on Tax Effort of Personal Income Tax
    JR Catarino, R Moraes Soares
    Sequncia (Florianpolis), 37-67 2017
    Citations: 1