Ardian Ulvan

Dept. Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Lampung



Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Networks and Communications, Artificial Intelligence, Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • The application of a low-cost microcomputer logger with pressure-temperature based sensor for coastal observations: A preliminary study
    M Batubara, J Risandi, A Sufyan, A Pamungkas, K S Wardhani, W Hendriyono, S Husrin, Y Ulumuddin, R Hidayat, Handrio,et al.

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Nearshore hydrodynamics, such as water level fluctuations, field observations play a crucial role in understanding and monitoring the dynamics of the coastal region. The observed parameters provide insight into oceanographic processes, climate change impacts, and the behavior of marine ecosystems that could be valuable for coastal management and infrastructure development planning. Most of the available hydrodynamic loggers are provided by companies with relatively high prices. Due to limited budgets, many areas including Indonesia waters, have limited hydrodynamic observation data. In this paper, we presented a prototype of a simple (DIY-Do It Yourself) and low-cost water level logger with a microcomputer that could be applied in coastal regions. The system consists of a pressure-based sensor to detect water level fluctuations, a temperature sensor, a single-board microcomputer and data logger, and a power supply with different sampling frequencies for various coastal applications. The result showed the ability of the microcomputer system to measure high-resolution water levels and temperatures applicable for non-directional waves, tides and non-tides observations, and ecological monitoring. The microcomputer’s low power consumption makes it suitable for long-term coastal observations, even in remote or battery-powered applications. The body of the logger is designed from PVC-nylon with sensors made from waterproof and corrosion-free materials to ensure its applicability for coastal monitoring. Moreover, the flexibility of the microcomputer system allows for customization and adaptation to specific research requirements at relatively affordable prices.

  • Enhanced cloud based mobile core network with network function virtualization
    H D Septama, A Ulvan, and M Pratama

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The mobile technology is improved by adopt the Internet Protocol (IP) based technology. The IP Multimedia Subsystem or IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem (IMS) is a technology designed by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). This technology used IP to deliver the communication packet and recognized as Next Generation Network (NGN). The emerging IP based technology took a lot of advantages by using IP to deliver a packet. However, some issues i.e. availability, security and reliability still need consideration to meet the telecommunication standard. The cloud based computing become buzzword as a technology for cost reduction and hardware efficiencies. This paper conducted the feasibility to setup mobile core network in cloud based environment and enhanced it with network function virtualization (NFV) feature. The NFV made the network more scalable, efficient and robust network management. The QoS is presented as the results to concluded the feasibilities. The results show that cloud based mobile core network with NFV is feasible since the QoS still full fill the telecommunication standard.

    IOP Publishing
    PREFACE The 4th International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2018) was organized by University of Lampung, in Tanjung Pandan, Belitung, Indonesia, on August, 29th - 30th 2017. Following the successful of previous events, IC-STAR 2018 shared and highlighted the original and novel ideas, significant advances, the technological state-of-the-art, current status, and future challenges on all aspects related to the research and development in the field of science, engineering and technology, and their inter-discipline cross-linked. IC-STAR 2018 accomplished as a forum for information dissemination, gathering, and networking for academia, researchers, engineers, and professionals within the areas. The conference also provided advanced orientation and understanding for related industries and academia to looking across industrial partnerships, business strategic, and policy and regulations, including the environmental awareness and the mitigation of natural disasters. One of the most important outcomes of IC-STAR 2018 was the understanding to emphasize Krakatau and its potential disaster as a common issue and interest. List of Editorial board, IC-STAR 2018 Committee and Conference Photographs are available in this pdf.

  • Preface
    IOP Publishing
    Preface The 3rd International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2017) was organized by University of Lampung, in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, on September, 18 – 20, 2017. The IC-STAR is a foremost annual forum for sharing and highlight original and novel ideas, significant advances, the state-of-the-art, current status, and future challenges on all aspects related to the research and development in the field of science, engineering and technology, and their inter-discipline subjects. IC-STAR is also intended to be the platform for information dissemination, gathering, and networking for academia, researchers, engineers, and professionals within the areas. The conference was also planned to provide advanced orientation and understanding for related industries and governments to looking across industrial partnerships, business strategic, and policy and regulations, with expected for a wider range of participants and readers. This year the scientific committee received 128 submitted papers, by which 84 papers was selected and presented in the conference. The peer-review processes have been done based on the originality, impact, novelty, and the close relation to the area of the conference. The presented papers were selected to be published in several journal partners, including the IOP Conference Series: Materials Sciences and Engineering. In this volume, 29 papers were selected from IC-STAR 2017 and its conference partner. We are pleased and thankful for all distinguish authors and reviewers for their contribution that have made this publication possible. We do hope that you will enjoy this publication and find it as a useful guide and reference. List of Editorial board, IC-STAR 2017 Committee Members, Photos are available in this pdf.

  • Combined centralised and distributed mechanism for utilisation of node association in broadband wireless network
    A Ulvan, M Ulvan, and H Pranoto

    IOP Publishing
    Mobile broadband wireless access system has the stations that might be fixed, nomadic or mobile. Regarding the mobility, the node association procedure is critical for network entry as well as network re-entry during handover. The flexibility and utilisation of MAC protocols scheduling have an important role. The standard provides the Partition Scheme as the scheduling mechanism which separates the allocation of minislots for scheduling. However, minislots cannot be flexibly reserved for centralised and distributed scheduling. In this paper we analysed the scheduling mechanism to improve the utilisation of minislots allocation during the exchange of MAC massages. The centralised and distributed scheduling is implemented in some topology scenarios. The result shows the proposed mechanism has better performance for node association than partition scheme.

  • Spectrum-less communication by virtualizing the core network of 4G wireless network

  • The analysis of signalling process of the services in integrated IMS

  • Dynamic tunnel switching using network functions visualization for HA system failover
    Hery Dian Septama, Ardian Ulvan, Gigih Forda Nama, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    High Availability (HA) is an ability of the system to operate continuously in desired amount of time. Telephony system, for example, should operate 99.999%, that means the system should have only 5.26 maximum downtime for a year. Provide high available IP based service such as Voice over IP for telephony is difficult since IP is not designed for reliable connection. A lot of research has been conducted to overcome these drawbacks. This paper works by enhancing the failover mechanism of Remus as a high availability solution using server virtualization. This paper proposed network function virtualization in order to create a dynamic tunnel switching between primary and secondary server to the clients gateway. The result shows the jitter level and downtime of modified failover using dynamic tunnel switching did not make the jitter or amount of downtime higher. The server downtime using dynamic tunnel switching were varied between 1.3-1.5 second that is still comparable with basic Remus downtime with gratuitous ARP means the proposed idea using network function virtualization works well. This paper extends the ability of failover to adapt the wide area condition.

  • Design and implementation web based geographic information system for public services in Bandar Lampung City - Indonesia
    Gigih Forda Nama, Melvi Ulvan, Ardian Ulvan, and Abdul Munif Hanafi

    The work on this paper has point of view on development of public service geographic information system at Bandar Lampung City. The idea of this application deployment was driven to provide a better public services for the citizens. Currently, information of public service locations category which are needed by the citizens those are; lodging/housing information, health facilities, government office, service station, worship place, traditional market, modern market, banking, culinary, sports facilities, tourism, industry, police station, school/university place, tour and travel. The developed application enables the possibility to locate the public service information through web page easily. In this research, deployment of public services application based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach, including the use case model, activity diagram, and object diagram. The authors also explored usage of several non commercial applications under General Public License that is; apache2 web server, PHP5 programming language, MySQL5 for data base server, Google Maps API as base map of city visualization. A lot of public service information on Bandar Lampung city have been gathered, which are emerged the location on application including its picture, short video, and short description about the places. This application can be easily integrated with existing of city government web portal by using XML data transport technology, to improved a better public service for the citizens.

  • High available VoIP server failover mechanism in Wide Area Network
    Hery Dian Septama, Ardian Ulvan, Jiri Hlavacek, and Robert Bestak

    Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
    The development of telecommunication technology specified the Internet Protocol (IP) based technology for the next generation network. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been introduced to overcome future telephony demand. However, these rapid changes encountered some issues, and the most critical is how to provide the services availability and reliability equally to circuit based telephony. Virtualization is widely used not only for hardware efficiency and maintenance, but also for High Availability support. Virtualized environment provides the ability among servers to migrate or replicate into another machine, even when they are running their services, which is known as Live Migration. In this paper, the ability of virtualization failover mechanism over WAN and voice quality of VoIP service when running on the High Availability system in virtualized environment is studied and examined. The objective analysis by using quality of services (QoS) attributes is conducted as well as the subjective analysis using Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The work utilizes Xen® Hypervisor with modified Remus extensions to provide the High Availability environment with GRE tunnelling and newtwork virtualization. Remus approach using checkpoint based is deployed to copy the primary server to the backup server. A range of 40ms – 900ms has been applied as time interval of checkpoint. The results show that the the failover downtime is 1.4 s and mean jitter is 9,98 ms, packet loss 3,12% and MOS 3.61 for Remus 400ms checkpoint. MOS with different checkpoint time interval is also presented.

  • Voice quality of VoIP in high availability environment
    H. D. Septama, A. Ulvan, J. Hlavacek and R. Bestak

    The development of telecommunication technology specified the Internet Protocol (IP) based technology for the next generation network. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been introduced to overcome future telephony demand. However, these rapid changes encountered some issues, and the most critical is how to provide the services availability and reliability equally to circuit based telephony. Virtualization is widely used not only for hardware efficiency and maintenance, but also for High Availability support. Virtualized environment provides the ability among servers to migrate or replicate into another machine, even when they are running their services, which is known as Live Migration. In this paper, the voice quality of VoIP service when running on the High Availability system in virtualized environment is studied and examined. The objective analysis by using quality of services (QoS) attributes is conducted as well as the subjective analysis using Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The work utilizes Xen® Hypervisor with modified Remus extensions to provide the High Availability environment. Remus approach using checkpoint based is deployed to copy the primary server to the backup server. A range of 40ms – 900ms has been applied as time interval of checkpoint. The results show that the mean jitter is 9,98 ms, packet loss 3,12% and MOS 3.61 for Remus 400ms checkpoint. MOS with different checkpoint time interval is also presented.

  • Integrated IMS-femtocell testbed
    Ardian Ulvan, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    This paper conducted the integration deployment of IP Multimedia Subsystem and LTE-based femtocell network in a lab scale environment (test-bed). A feasible integration designs called the SIP/IMS-based integration with all-IP connectivity is proposed as a new design for the 4G wireless technology called the Next Generation Wireless Network (NGWN). The performance evaluations of integrated IMS - Femtocell were not conducted independently, but as one system. End-to-end test-bed simulation and measurements were conducted and analysed. Some test cases, i.e., the registration process to IMS core network and call setup between two IMS' clients were deployed in various testing time. The test cases included the measurements of generated traffics, jitter, max delta, and bandwidth usage. The analysis of packet stream considered five most common protocols in IMS system, i.e., SIP, HTTP, TCP, UDP and RTP. Despite having some issues, the simulation test-bed of integrated IMS-Femtocell network has been proven to working well.

  • Handover procedure and decision strategy in LTE-based femtocell network
    Ardian Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Melvi Ulvan

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Retransmission issue of SIP session over UDP transport protocol in IP Multimedia Subsystem - IMS
    Heru Pranoto and Ardian Ulvan

    In this paper, the ability of SIP session over UDP transport protocol retransmission issue in IMS network is investigated and analysed. We described SIP session in IMS with end-to-end SIP signalling flow through the IMS entities such as P-CSCF, I-CSCF, S-CSCF and HSS, including the involvement of related SIP messages. The UDP retransmission issue, e.g., INVITE request and loss rates parameters, were conducted to determine the loss of sessions. It has been found that the gradual increase of session loss occurred after the first attempt of transmission. It is affected by the request rates and loss rates. Therefore, the deployment of RFC3261 TimerB and T1 with value of 32s and 0.5s respectively, will prevent the SIP system from the huge number of retransmission.

  • Handover scenario and procedure in lte-based femtocell networks

  • IMS signalling in lte-based femtocell network

  • The study of handover procedure in LTE-based femtocell network
    Ardian Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Melvi Ulvan

    Wireless systems have the capability to address broad geographic area without the costly infrastructure deployment. However, the main drawback resides in the bandwidth limitation and the coverage for single access point. The deployment of Femtocell as the promising wireless access technology becomes one of the possible solution. In this paper the handover procedure in femtocell network is studied. The 3GPP LTE based handover is analysed in three scenarios: hand-in, hand-out and inter-FAP. In addition, the reactive and proactive handover strategy is also proposed as the handover decision policy to diminish the very frequent and unnecessary handovers.

  • IEEE802.16 MAC management messages: The overhead and efficiency analysis in mesh topology
    Ardian Ulvan, Melvi Ulvan, and Robert Bestak

    This paper presents the analysis of MAC Layer (L2) in wireless broadband system based on WiMAX IEEE802.16. The analysis is focused on overhead and efficiency of MAC Management Message and derived for mesh topology. The Mesh topology is evaluated concerning both existing types of scheduling - centralized and distributed - and their performance is compared. Some parameters, which deduced to have considerable influences i.e. the number of subscriber stations in the network, number of hops, various modulation and coding, and length of MAC PDUs, are assigned as the overhead parameters. The results show those parameters have significant impact on the efficiency of MAC layer.

  • The study of IMS functionality in femtocell environment
    Melvi Ulvan, Robert Bestak, and Ardian Ulvan

    In this paper, the deployment of IMS functionality in femtocell environment is investigated and overviewed. Femtocell is a small cellular base station designed for use in residential or small business environments. It allows service providers to extend service coverage inside of our home, especially where the existing access is limited or unavailable. In the mean time, the IMS, as emerging framework of fixed and mobile convergence, provides the functionalities that accommodate current and future services in wired and wireless networks (e.g. voice, video and data transfers). Configuring the IMS framework in new approach of network architecture such as femtocell and designing the femtocell network to support IMS services is quite demanding. Some possible network design will be discussed. In this paper we concern on the investigation of IMS SIP signalling when it works on femtocell environment. Another critical issue such as the delay properties of session establishment signalling is also interesting to be discussed. The IMS-based and Cellularbased approaches for the integration of femtocells system and IMS core network are discussed.

  • The analysis of scanning time in IEEE802.16m's handover procedure
    Ardian Ulvan and Robert Bestak

    In this paper we analyze the efficiency of scanning process on handover procedure in IEEE802.16 m. Since the .16 m is still under development, the performance evaluation is based on current running standard of 802.16 e. We consider four scan types and evaluate the average scanning time required. In addition, four different handover strategies are utilized to analyze the handover interruption time. The evaluation is done at both parts of handover procedure i.e. network topology acquisition and handover process. The efficient scanning process is proposed to reduce the scanning time and obtained a minimal handover interruption time.

  • The overhead and efficiency analysis on WiMAX's MAC management message

  • The efficiency performance on Handover's scanning process of IEEE802.16m
    Ardian Ulvan and Robert Bestak

    Springer Berlin Heidelberg

  • Multiple cell partitions for increasing the CDMA-based cell capacity
    Ardian Ulvan, Diogo Ribeiro, and Robert Bestak

    Springer US

  • The analysis of IEEE802.16e MAC layer overhead and efficiency in PMP topology
    Ardian Ulvan, Vit Andrlik, and Robert Bestak

    This paper presents an analysis of the IEEE 802.16e MAC overhead. The efficiency on the MAC layer is derived for Point to Multipoint (PMP) topology. The influence of several parameters is examined. The parameters, such as the number of subscriber stations in the network, various modulation and coding, and length of MAC PDUs, are assigned as the overhead parameter. The results show these parameters have significant impact on the efficiency of MAC layer. Finally, some recommendations to reduce the overhead are put forward.


  • IoT devices based on the ESP32 ultrawideband (UWB) for accurate livestock
    A Aryanto, M Melvi, A Ulvan
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2970 (1) 2024

  • The application of a low-cost microcomputer logger with pressure-temperature based sensor for coastal observations: A preliminary study
    M Batubara, J Risandi, A Sufyan, A Pamungkas, KS Wardhani, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1350 (1), 012034 2024

    A Aryanto, I Mirda, M Melvi, A Ulvan
    NUSANTARA: Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial 11 (3), 882-890 2024

  • Implementasi Modul Arduino untuk Meningkatkan Pembelajaran 4.0 di SMK SMTI Bandar Lampung
    M Aryanto, A Ulvan, AS Samosir
    Prosiding SENAPATI (Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi) 5 (1) 2023

  • Analisis Rancangan Antena Telemetri Jenis Dipole pada Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
    M Melvi, CA Shevia, Y Yuniati, MAM Batubara, A Ulvan, A Aryanto
    Jurnal Teknologi Riset Terapan 1 (2), 87-95 2023

  • Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Ketinggian Muka Air Laut Menggunakan Arduino Pro Mini dan NodeMCU ESP8266
    M Melvi, A Ulvan, MR Sidiq, MAM Batubara
    Jurnal Teknologi Riset Terapan 1 (1), 25-35 2023

  • Proportional and simultaneous control system design for portable ventilators based on internet of things
    A Aryanto, A Ulvan, M Melvi
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2563 (1) 2022

  • Implementasi Budidaya Lobster dengan Sistem Pertanian Akuaponik Berbasis IoT (Internet of Things)
    I Mirda, BW Pratomo, A Ulvan
    E-JOINT (Electronica and Electrical Journal Of Innovation Technology) 3 (1 2022

  • The Implementation Analysis Of Lamport Scheme With Sha-256 On Mobile E-Office
    H Widodo, M Mardiana, M Melvi, A Ulvan, PS Nuttachot
    International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 5 (2), 190-199 2021

  • Estimating the number of trees in Margasari mangrove forests of Lampung through aerial images using adaptive thresholding and contour extraction methods
    MA Batubara, S Alam, K Nisa, RWA Utami, H Fitriawan, A Ulvan
    International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019), 131-136 2021

  • Real-time Monitoring of Biomass Temperature and Humidity Based on the Internet of Things
    A Ulvan
    International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019), 236-239 2021

  • The Technical Concept of Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy for SO₂ Gas Spectrum Monitoring on Volcanic Ash of Gunung Anak Krakatau volcano
    A Ulvan, MR Maulana, MAM Batubara, N Aditiyan
    International Conference on Sustainable Biomass (ICSB 2019), 137-143 2021

  • Series: Advances in Engineering Research (the 1st International Conference on Sustainable Biomass - ICSB 2019)
    A Ulvan, DA Iryani, Melvi, EL Widiastuti 202, 2352-5401 2021

  • Menumbuhkan Industri Kreatif Berbasis Teknologi Untuk Merawat Warisan Alam dan Budaya Menuju Lampung Berjaya
    MAM Batubara, Melvi, C Persada, A Ulvan
    Dewan Riset Daerah Provinsi Lampung: Berjaya dan Berkelanjutan, 103-115 2021

    N Mastiana

  • Perancangan Antena Yagi Gain Tinggi pada Ground Control Station Wahana Udara Nirawak
    M Melvi, N Fadillah, Y Yuniati, A Aryanto, N Aditiyan, CMO Muvianto, ...
    Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 16 (3) 2020

  • Enhanced cloud based mobile core network with network function virtualization
    HD Septama, A Ulvan, M Pratama
    IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 857 (1), 012022 2020

  • [JURNAL NAS-2020] JURNAS_04_JRE-2020
    M Ulvan, A Ulvan
    Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 16 (3), 191-197 2020

  • Signal analysis of remote control (RC) UAV used software defined radio (SDR) HackRF One
    Y Yuniati, A Ulvan, SN Hasim
    Query: Journal of Information Systems 3 (1) 2019

  • The 4th International Conference on Science, Technology and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2018)
    A Ulvan, Melvi, DA Iryani 2019


  • Handover procedure and decision strategy in LTE-based femtocell network
    A Ulvan, R Bestak, M Ulvan
    Telecommunication systems 52, 2733-2748 2013
    Citations: 135

  • The study of handover procedure in LTE-based femtocell network
    A Ulvan, R Bestak, M Ulvan
    WMNC2010, 1-6 2010
    Citations: 89

  • The enhancement of handover strategy by mobility prediction in broadband wireless access
    A Ulvan, M Ulvan, R Bestak
    Proceedings of the networking and electronic commerce research conference 2009
    Citations: 32

  • Design and implementation web based geographic information system for public services in Bandar Lampung City—Indonesia
    GF Nama, M Ulvan, A Ulvan, AM Hanafi
    2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech 2015
    Citations: 24

  • The analysis of scanning time in IEEE802. 16m's handover procedure
    A Ulvan, R Bestak
    2009 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 1-5 2009
    Citations: 12

  • IMS signalling in ltebased femtocell network
    M Ulvan, R Bestak, A Ulvan
    UBICOMM 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous 2010
    Citations: 9

  • Retransmission issue of SIP session over UDP transport protocol in IP Multimedia Subsystem-IMS
    H Pranoto, A Ulvan
    2013 3rd International Conference on Instrumentation, Communications 2013
    Citations: 6

  • Analisa Unjuk Kerja Mobile Based Tranceiver Station untuk Kestabilan Infrastruktur Sistem Komunikasi Seluler
    A Ulvan, R Fernando
    Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 11 (1), 1-7 2014
    Citations: 5

  • The study of IMS functionality in femtocell environment
    M Ulvan, R Bestak, A Ulvan
    2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2009
    Citations: 5

  • IEEE802. 16 MAC management messages: The overhead and efficiency analysis in mesh topology
    A Ulvan, M Ulvan, R Bestak
    2009 IEEE 9th Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC 2009
    Citations: 5

  • Using the Relative Thresholds in Handover Procedure
    A Ulvan, Z Becvar, J Zelenka, R Bestak
    IEEE 802.16 Broadband Wireless Access Working Group Project, IEEE C802. 16j 2006
    Citations: 5

  • Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Ketinggian Muka Air Laut Menggunakan Arduino Pro Mini dan NodeMCU ESP8266
    M Melvi, A Ulvan, MR Sidiq, MAM Batubara
    Jurnal Teknologi Riset Terapan 1 (1), 25-35 2023
    Citations: 4

  • The Efficiency Performance on Handover’s Scanning Process of IEEE802. 16m
    A Ulvan, R Bestak
    Wireless and Mobile Networking: Second IFIP WG 6.8 Joint Conference, WMNC 2009
    Citations: 4

  • The Overhead and Efficiency Analysis on WiMAX’s MAC Management Message
    A Ulvan, V Andrlik, R Bestak
    The Internetworking Indonesia Journal 1 (1) 2009
    Citations: 4

    N Mastiana
    Citations: 3

  • Perancangan Antena Yagi Gain Tinggi pada Ground Control Station Wahana Udara Nirawak
    M Melvi, N Fadillah, Y Yuniati, A Aryanto, N Aditiyan, CMO Muvianto, ...
    Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 16 (3) 2020
    Citations: 3

  • Signal analysis of remote control (RC) UAV used software defined radio (SDR) HackRF One
    Y Yuniati, A Ulvan, SN Hasim
    Query: Journal of Information Systems 3 (1) 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Dynamic tunnel switching using network functions visualization for HA system failover
    HD Septama, A Ulvan, GF Nama, M Ulvan, R Bestak
    2015 International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech 2015
    Citations: 3

  • High available VoIP server failover mechanism in wide area network
    HD Septama, A Ulvan, J Hlavacek, R Bestak
    TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 13 (2), 739-744 2015
    Citations: 3

  • Voice Quality of VoIP in High Availability Environment
    HD Septama, A Ulvan, J Hlavacek, R Bestak
    International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1.5 2014
    Citations: 3