Misfa Susanto


Department of Electrical Engineering/Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Lampung



Misfa Susanto received his Bachelor's, MSc, and PhD degrees from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia, the University of Salford, UK, and the University of Bradford, UK, respectively. Upon completing his PhD in 2015, he resumed as a senior lecturer at the University of Lampung, Indonesia. He actively pursues grants at the national and international levels. He has conducted several successful research projects, including the BLESS-U project, a joint project between the University of Lampung, Indonesia, and the University of Bradford, UK. Furthermore, he serves as a reviewer in various international conferences and journals. His research interests encompass wireless communication systems and networks, focusing on interference management for heterogeneous wireless networks, femtocells-microcells, device-to-device communications, ultra-dense networks, and wireless-aided reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. He applies various algorithms in resource allocations, clustering,


PhD, University of Bradford, UK


Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computer Networks and Communications, Signal Processing, Multidisciplinary


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • An Enhanced Deep Neural Network Approach for WiFi Fingerprinting-Based Multi-Floor Indoor Localization
    Shehu Lukman Ayinla, Azrina Abd Aziz, Micheal Drieberg, Misfa Susanto, Afidalinatumian, and Mazlaini Yahya

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

  • Network Performance Evaluation Based on RSSI for Inpatient Room Monitoring Application
    Michelin Radina Putri, Misfa Susanto, Sri Purwiyanti, Fadil Hamdani, and Azrina Abd Aziz

    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the network performance under indoor scenario of wireless sensor network (WSN) between sensor node acting as a client and a server according to distance variation scenario. This work is motivated with a long-term goal to realize remote inpatient room monitoring system applying wearable device. Network performance evaluation in respect to distance variation is carried out. The distance variation is to anticipate that in WSN, nodes can be static or mobile. Network performance evaluation uses three software applications namely inSSIDer, Iperf and Wireshark. Firstly, it is evaluated the distance variations to determine the estimates of network connection based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for the distance of multiple of 4 meters between an access point and a sensor node starting from 0 m to 20 m. That network connection evaluation applies inSSIDer application. The results are then used to design indoor testing scenario and three schemes of network performance evaluations in term of throughput have been carried out using Iperf and Wireshark applications, namely first scheme applying Wireshark only, second scheme applying iPerf only, and third scheme applying both Wireshark and iPerf simultaneously. The testing for each scheme is then conducted to measure throughput. From the testing results, it can be analyzed distance effect on throughput network performance. The results show the consistency that the farther the location of the sending node, the smaller the signal that can be captured by the receiver, and vice versa. Furthermore, there is a throughput difference when testing is carried out using Wireshark and iPerf applications although it is not significant and both applications are feasible for local network performance test. Our network layout scenario is feasible for the indoor network scenario in supporting our long-term goal of inpatient room monitoring system.

  • Performance Evaluation of Soft FFR Scheme in RIS-aided Ultra Dense Femto-Macrocellular Network
    Alisha Gita Gumilang, Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan, and Azrina Abd Aziz

    Ultra Dense Network (UDN) and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) are known as latest technologies that can enhance system capacity and performance. Deployment of RIS in UDN can overcome the signal blockages that is common in urban areas where UDN applied. However, due to dense deployed small cells, i.e. femtocell in macrocellular network, co-channel interference in UDN faces challenging problem. Applying RIS in UDN can encounter the interference problems more challenging. This paper applies soft FFR scheme in RIS-aided UDN cellular network to investigate its effects in mitigating interference problems in RIS-aided UDN cellular network. Simulation experiment has been carried to evaluate the performance of such RIS-aided UDN network. Three parameters are used to evaluate the performance of network under study, namely Signal-to- Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR), throughput and Bit Error Rate (BER). The outcomes of the simulation for the network with soft FFR are compared to the network without FFR scheme, referred to as baseline system. The simulation results show that the SINR of femtocell for the network with soft FFR scheme increases 3.07 dB, throughput increases 9.99 Mbps and BER decreases from 2.96 x 10–3 to 5.73 X 10-5• The system with soft FFR scheme outperforms the baseline system and soft FFR is promising to reduce the interference effects in RIS-aided UDN network.

  • Testing and Calibration of Electronic Sensor Devices for Application of Smart Hospital Room Monitoring System
    Muhammad Ferdillah Ghalib, Misfa Susanto, Sri Purwiyanti, Fadil Hamdani, and Azrina Abd Aziz

    The quality of the hospital room environment is essential, as infection-causing germs can spread through airborne droplets or direct contact. Several factors, including occupancy density, humidity, lighting, and room temperature, significantly affect the transmission of infections. Therefore, monitoring inpatient rooms in hospitals is a major concern, particularly due to the absence of real-time monitoring for patients with critical conditions. Real-time remote inpatient room monitoring can provide essential information for patients, their families, as well as elderly or chronically ill patients who wish to avoid prolonged hospital stays. Motivated by realizing smart inpatient hospital room monitoring based on Internet of Things (IoT) as our long-term goal, this paper is first stage to discuss the testing and calibration of electronic sensors as part of the long-term goal. In addition, this paper presents also an initial network performance testing. The sensors tested include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, humidity (DHT22), temperature (DS18B20), and light (LM393). Calibration is conducted by collecting 50 data points for CO and CO2, each, and 70 data points for each of temperature, humidity, and light. Calibration results indicate that these sensors can be implemented to support a smart hospital room monitoring system. It is clarified by comparing the real testing after calibration. Network testing at various locations shows variations in data transfer and bandwidth, with good data consistency despite environmental factors. Overall, the testing results show good agreement for the usage as a prototype device as part of smart inpatient hospital room monitoring system.

  • Reducing interference effects in distributed D2D communication underlaying multicell cellular communication network using Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse
    Misfa Susanto, Soraida Sabella, and FX Arinto Setyawan

    Polish Academy of Sciences Chancellery
    The interests of researchers in expanding network capacity and enhancing network quality have risen as a result of the growing demands for mobile multimedia traffics in cellular communication networks. Device-to-Device (D2D) communication has become a promising technology to enhance spectral efficiency and network capacity. However, since D2D devices share the frequency bandwidth with the traditional cellular networks, it causes interference problems. This paper proposes a soft Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) scheme to resolve the interference problems in such D2D communications. Extensive simulation experiment has been carried out. The performance of the system with proposed scheme is compared to a baseline system. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is able to increase the value of SINR and throughput, achieving the values from 19.8 dB to 20.7 dB and from 66.1 to 68.8 Mbp, respectively. For CUE the scheme is able to provide an increase of 15.5% for SINR and 15% increase for throughput on downlink transmission.

  • Interference Management Using Fractional Frequency Reuse for Ultra Dense Networks at Downlink Transmission
    Misfa Susanto, Sri Suryani, Sitronella Nurfitriani Hasim, Ageng Sadnowo Repelianto, Helmy Fitriawan, Fadil Hamdani, and Azrina Abd Aziz

    Small cells i.e., one of them is femtocell are solution to enhance network capacity and to expand quality of services to users who are at indoors and outdoors areas. However, femtocells that are deployed within the macrocell area encounter interference problems because the radio resources are shared between the femtocells and the macrocells. The interference problems become worse when the femtocells deployed are many and dense forming Ultra Dense Networks (UDN). Therefore, the network performances are deteriorated, especially in the cell edge area. To overcome this problem, we propose interference management using the Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) scheme at downlink transmissions. The FFR mechanism aims to minimize cross-tier interferences by allocating different sub-bandwidths at the cell edge areas, so that the usages of radio resources do not overlap to the usages in other geographic locations. Therefore, the network performances of the femtocells can be improved. We evaluate the performance of FFR scheme through a simulation experiment and compare the performances to a baseline system. The simulation results show that the FFR scheme applied outperforms the baseline system. In term of Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR), when we consider the SINR equal to or less than 20 dB, then the probabilities of SINR not reaching the target for the baseline system and FFR scheme in the cell edge area are 100% and 82%, respectively. It achieves 18% of improvement with FFR scheme for our considered network setting.

  • Performance of Distance-Based Clustering Method for RIS-aided D2D Communications in Multicell Cellular Network
    Soraida Sabella, Misfa Susanto, Fx Arinto Setyawan, Helmy Fitriawan, Mardiana, and Fadil Hamdani

    Some candidates for the next generation of cellular communication networks include device-to-device (D2D) communication and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS). D2D has the potential to improve frequency resource efficiency, but it also raises interference issues because D2D users share same frequency spectrum with cellular users. RIS offers a solution in accomplishing blocked signal by obstacles. However, the RIS elements also reflect the interference signals in addition to reflecting the incoming signal in the direction of the intended user. This paper evaluates the performance of a distance-based clustering technique in RIS-aided D2D communications underlaying multicell cellular network. The clustering method is to provide an adequate distance between D2D users which use the same frequency channel, thereby it can be expected in reducing co-channel interferences. The simulation results showed that the clustering method at the number of DUEs of 120 is able to increase the SINR value by 53.19%, the throughput value by 4.17%, and reduce the bit error rate by 1.468%, all of them are compared to a baseline system. Therefore, the quality of service provided by the system with the clustering method outperforms the baseline system.

  • Soft FFR Scheme for Distributed D2D Communication in Multicell of Cellular Communication Networks
    Soraida Sabella, Misfa Susanto, FX. Arinto Setyawan, and Fadil Hamdani

    The increasing demands for multimedia mobile traffics in cellular communication networks have resulted in a massive increase in interests of researchers to increase network capacity and to improve the network quality. Device to Device (D2D) communication has emerged as a promising technology to improve spectral efficiency further. In a conventional cellular network, cellular users or Cellular User Equipment (CUE) communicate with each other through a central coordinator such as a base station (BS) or E node B (eNB). D2D communication allows the users (D2D pair) communicate directly each other without going through eNB. However, enabling D2D communication in the cellular networks cause the interference issues, since D2D devices share the frequency bandwidth with the conventional cellular networks, i.e., in-band D2D. The interference situations become more worse in the multicell scenario of cellular system. This paper proposes a resource allocation method for D2D communication in downlink cellular systems using soft Fractional Frequency Reuse (FFR) scheme. Modeling and simulation have been used to examine the proposed soft FFR in multicell scenario consisting of three cell of macrocell cellular communication networks. Extensive simulation experiment has been carried out and the performance parameters in terms of Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR), throughput, and Bit Error Rate (BER) has been measured. The simulation results for soft FFR are compared to the three multicell cellular networks without soft FFR. The simulation results show that the proposed soft FFR can improve the cellular network with a number of D2D pairs deployed. SINR performance achieves 50% improvement with 100 D2D pairs deployed in the cell center of macrocell.

  • Performance Evaluation of RIS-aided Multicell 5G and Beyond Wireless Cellular Communication Network
    Mohammad Alizal Surya, Misfa Susanto, Soraida Sabella, Helmy Fitriawan, and Fadil Hamdani

    Huge demands of multimedia traffic through wireless cellular communication networks force researchers to find innovative ways to improve the capacity and service qualities of the networks. Reconfigurable Intelligence Surfaces (RISs) have received much attentions and have emerged as a potential candidate for the next generation of wireless cellular communication networks, i.e., the 5G and beyond, since RIS offers many advantages. On the other hand, the multicell wireless cellular communication network faces signal blockages, especially in urban areas. In addition to this issue, the multicell scenario of wireless cellular communication networks faces interference problems due to its frequency reuse property. The interference situation becomes worse when we apply the frequency reuse factor (FRF) of 1. This paper proposes the use of RIS to study its effects in reducing the blockage and interference issues in multicell wireless cellular communication networks. Single RIS are deployed in three cells of a wireless cellular network scenario. Extensive simulation experiments have been carried out. The performance parameters in terms of Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR), throughput, and Bit Error Rate (BER) have been measured, collected, and analyzed. The simulation results show that the system with RIS, compared to the system without RIS with obstacle loss of 60 dB, achieved the performance improvements: 10.48 dB of SINR increase, 207.7% of throughput increase, and 22.74% of BER decrease.

  • Interference Management Using Power Allocation for Downlink Transmission of Femtocell-Macrocell Ultra Dense Networks
    Sri Suryani, Misfa Susanto, Ageng Sadnowo, Sitronella Nurfitriani Hasim, and Fadil Hamdani

    Femtocell is a promising technology to increase network capacity and coverage, especially in indoor areas. It has low power, short range. The Home Base Station/HeNB (Femtocell Base Station) can be installed by users using connection of personal equipment such as laptops, notepads and cell phones, and it is activated by service provider. By deploying femtocells into existing macrocell/microcell areas, the radio resources are shared among femtocells and existing macrocells. However, the sharing of limited available bandwidth frequency licenses cause interference problems between femtocells and/or macrocells. The interference problem becomes more complex when the number of deployed femtocells is many and dense creating a phenomenon of Ultra Dense Network (UDN). To cope with this interference problem, this paper proposes a power allocation method for femtocells deployed in macrocells areas (UDN) at downlink transmissions. In this method the power transmitted at HeNB to each femtocell user is adjusted in such a way as to reduce or increase the transmitted power at HeNB. If the estimated SINR value at current time is less than 20 dB, the power on the HeNB is increased by such a way so SINR is expectedly to be 20 dB for next transmission time. However, if the obtained SINR at current transmission time is more than 20 dB, then the transmission power at the HeNB is reduced so that the SINR value becomes 20 dB for the next transmission time. Extensive simulation has been carried out and the performance parameters in terms of SINR, throughput, and BER have been measured and compared to the baseline system, i.e., the system without power allocation method. The simulation results show that the system that applies power allocation method which is used in the cell edge area is better than the baseline system both in the center and the edge of cells.

  • Dynamic Radio Resource Allocation Based on Location for Mobile Femtocell in Cellular Network
    Misfa Susanto, Soraida Sabella, Syaiful Alam, and Fadil Hamdani

    Mobile Femtocell (MFemtocell) has received a lot of attentions due to its potential to mitigate a poor connectivity for the cellular users during their travels for works, to schools, to shopping malls, etc. using the vehicles. However, deploying MFemtocell in existing macrocell/microcell communication cellular networks (i.e., Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access/OFDMA based) faces more complex interference problems, since MFemtocell shares the same radio resources as the existing cells (macro/microcell) of conventional cellular networks and it is due to its mobility. To mitigate the effects of interference caused by those deployed MFemtocells, the radio resource allocation plays an important role and it needs to be carefully designed. This paper is the basic investigation to the use of MFemtocell on the bus traveling in the microcell areas of OFDMA cellular networks. During the travel of MFemtocell, we first explore the use of static radio resource allocation algorithm to study the problem and then we apply dynamic radio resource allocation algorithm based on MFemtocell location to explore its potential. The extensive simulation experiment has been carried out to explore the distribution of Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) as the parameter. The simulation results show that the dynamic radio resource allocation outperforms the static radio resource allocation and there is a significant gap for the performance improvement. The improvement achieved 15% in term of Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of SINR at 30 dB.

  • Design of DC to DC Converter for Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Applications
    Ahmad Saudi Samosir, Sri Purwiyanti, Herri Gusmedi, and Misfa Susanto

    In the application of solar PV power plant, the energy from solar is converted into the electrical energy. For this reason, solar photovoltaic is used as equipment to convert this energy. Due to the voltage generated by the solar PV panel changes every time, a DC voltage regulation system from the solar PV system is needed. As a DC voltage regulator on solar PV, a dc-dc converter is usually used. In this paper, we will discuss the modeling and simulation of a dc-dc converter as a regulator for a solar PV power plant. The modeling and simulation were carried out using MATLAB Simulink Software.

  • Development of an IoT Based Monitoring System for Solar PV Power Plant Application
    Ahmad Saudi Samosir, Ade Fachrur Rozie, Sri Purwiyanti, Herri Gusmedi, and Misfa Susanto

    Internet of Things (IoT) provides opportunities for the internet to expand into the real domain of human life which includes industry and everyday equipment. With IoT, people are allowed to sense and to control objects remotely over existing network infrastructure. It creates many opportunities for pure integration of the physical world into computer-based systems. IoT results in increased efficiency, accuracy and economic benefits, while reducing human intervention. This paper presents the development of an IoT-based monitoring system for Solar Power Generation Applications. The Internet of Things Technology can greatly improve performance to monitor, and maintain photovoltaic solar power plants. The proposed system will display the use of current and voltage on the Solar Power Generation system online. This monitoring system is carried out using Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi.

  • Interference Management with Relay-Based Clustering Method on Ultra Dense Networks of Femto-Macrocellular Network
    Sitronella Nurfitriani Hasim, Misfa Susanto, Helmy Fitriawan, and Fadil Hamdani

    Ultra Dense Networks (UDN) which is one of the key technologies for 5th Generation (5G) Cellular Networks is intended to increase the capacity and coverage of the cellular networks. Densely deployment of femtocells in UDN mitigates signal attenuations experienced by indoor users, but potentially increases co-tier and cross-tier interferences as the consequence of spectrum sharing with other femtocells and its associated macrocells. The interference problems in such network become worst when the femtocells are located on the cell edge of its macrocells. In this paper, we design interference management of femtocells located in the cell edge of macrocell area for uplink transmissions. We propose interference management to reduce the interference effects of the femtocells located in the cell edge area of macrocell using a relay-based clustering method. The simulation results show that the proposed method (relay-based clustering) can improve SINR and system throughput compared to the conventional system, i.e., the system without relay-based clustering. We applied the sectored macrocell on the observed macrocell having 6 sectors in the simulation experiments. When we are targeting the SINR value of 20 dB, the SINR value is below 20 dB for conventional systems in sectors 1 and 2 are 86% and 87 %, respectively. However, the probability of the SINR in a system using the relay-based clustering method that does not reach the target in both sectors 1 and 2 are 71% and 74% correspondingly. These results are in line with the expectation that the relay-based clustering method can improve the performance of femtocells in the cell edge area.

  • Prototype of Sensor Node for Low-Cost Machine Vibration Monitoring System Using Accelerometer Sensor
    Misfa Susanto, Rizky Saputra, Herlinawati, Shirley Savetlana, and Syaiful Alam

    One important aspect in industrial manufacturing processes is the maintenance of machines’ conditions. Therefore, monitoring the machine healthiness conditions is a crucial action. The drawback of conventional monitoring method is inefficiencies of the method due to the need to visit every single machine. One parameter for monitoring the machine’s healthiness is vibration for the machines that have the motor components. This paper proposes a real-time monitoring system for such vibration monitoring. The proposed system is based on wireless sensor network (WSN). The nodes’ prototype of proposed WSN was built and consisted of three nodes i.e. two sensor nodes and one sink node. The main component of the proposed system is Arduino uno which is not expensive relatively. In order to monitor the vibration parameter, the used sensor is the ADXL345 accelerometer sensor. The system design and testing have been carried out. The testing has been done for two aspects; the evaluation of communication performances and the machine vibration field measurements. The parameter for the testing of communication aspect is the data throughput that has been collected for the network performance evaluation. For the testing in real situations, the coffee grinder machine was chosen to be applied for the vibration monitoring system using one sensor and one sink nodes. From the testing results, the system achieved 546 bps of best throughput and was able to measure on the conditions of various supply powers to the machine. It implies the feasibility of the system in monitoring the vibration of the machine.

  • Performance Evaluation of Cell-Edge Femtocell Densely Deployed in OFDMA-Based Macrocellular Network
    Sitronella Nurfitriani Hasim and Misfa Susanto

    The demands for the better quality of services and system capacity are continuously increasing for the cellular wireless communication industry. Femtocell is a promising solution to enhance the capacity and coverage of cellular networks. Femtocell densely deployed in existing conventional macrocell or microcell of cellular networks which is known as Ultra Dense Networks (UDNs) is one of key technologies for 5G and beyond wireless cellular network. One crucial problem of UDNs is co-tier interference (femtocell to femtocell interference) and cross-tier interference (femtocell to microcell/microcell interference) that can cause performance degradation of the network. This paper investigates the co-tier and cross-tier interferences of UDNs in uplink transmission in which femtocells are located on the edge of microcell cellular networks. By this scenario, thus the users on the cell-edge of the neighborhood macrocells can contribute severe interferences to the evaluated cell-edge femtocells. And then, this paper evaluates the performance of aforementioned network scenarios through simulation experiments. Signal to Interference Noise Ratio (SINR) is used as a performance parameter. Two UDNs network scenarios are evaluated in the simulation, first scenario is 100 femtocells deployed randomly within the whole coverage area of macrocell and the second one is 100 femtocells deployed in outer area of macrocell which represents cell-edge of macrocell. The distribution of SINR of these two scenarios are measured in the simulation. The simulation results show that the performance degradation is much by cell-edge users of neighborhood macrocells (achieving 20%) which become important results for the further study in mitigating the interference problems of cell-edge femtocells in the UDN.

  • Building a Semantic RESTFul API for Achieving Interoperability between a Pharmacist and a Doctor using JENA and FUSEKI
    T Sigwele, A Naveed, Y.F Hu, M Ali, J Hou, M Susanto, and H Fitriawan

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Interoperability within different healthcare systems (clinics/hospitals/pharmacies) remains an issue of further research due to a barrier in sharing of the patient’s Electronic Health Record (EHR) information. To solve this problem, cross healthcare system collaboration is required. This paper proposes an interoperability framework that enables a pharmacist to access an electronic version of the patient’s prescription from the doctor using a RESTFul API with ease. Semantic technology standards like Web Ontology Language (OWL), RDF (Resource Description Framework) and SPARQL (SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language) were used to implement the framework using JENA semantic framework tool to demonstrate how interoperability is achieved between a pharmacy and a clinic JENA was used to generate the ontology models for the pharmacy called pharmacy.rdf and clinic called clinic.rdf. The two models contain all the information from the two isolated systems. The JENA reasoner was used to merge the two ontology models into a single model.rdf file for easy querying with SPARQL. The model.rdf file was uploaded into a triple store database created using FUSEKI server. SPARQL Endpoint generated from FUSEKI was used to query the triple store database using a RESTFul API. The system was able to query the triple store database and output the results containing the prescription name and its details in JSON and XML formats which can be read by both machines and humans.

  • Uplink Power Control Based on SINR for D2D Enabled in Cellular Communication Network
    M Susanto, A Abadi, Herlinawati, and A Trisanto

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Device-to-device (D2D) communication is a promising technology for achieving the vision of next generation of cellular communication network in which D2D communication is known as one of candidates for fifth generation (5G) cellular network technology. By enabling D2D communication, it allows any two user equipment (UE) to communicate directly without going through enhance Node B (eNB) in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) based cellular communication networks. However, with the presence of D2D-enabled UE (DUE) in the macrocell area of OFDMA based cellular network, the fundamental problem of interference arises due to radio resources sharing between conventional UE and DUE. This paper evaluates our two previous proposed power controls (namely, Power Control 1 (PC 1) and Power Control 2 (PC 2)) to reduce that interference effect in the uplink transmission of OFDMA based cellular network. The PC 1 and PC 2 methods were based on the estimated current Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) at the point of interest. Extensive simulation has been carried out to observe the effectiveness of the two power control methods compared to the system without power control. The collected performance parameters in the simulation is SINR and analyses its distribution. The simulation results show that both power control methods on the uplink transmissions outperform the system without power control.

  • Preface

    IOP Publishing
    The 2018 International Conference on Engineering, Technologies, and Applied Sciences (ICETsAS 2018) was held in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, October 18-10, 2018. ICETsAS 2018 was organized by Faculty of Engineering, University of Lampung, Indonesia in the supports from Cooperation Agency–Public Universities in Indonesia (BKS PTN) in West Region of Indonesia for Engineering Section (BKS PTN in West Region of Indonesia for Engineering Section). This conference was also held in conjunction with Annual Meeting of BKS PTN in West Region of Indonesia for Engineering Section and a global smart city workshop which was a part of BLESS U project, a joint newton fund project between University of Lampung–Indonesia and University of Bradford–United Kingdom. This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners and decision makers from academia, industries, and government to share their excellent works in wide range of engineering and applied sciences. The conference invited four keynote speakers: Professor Yim Fun Hu (University of Bradford, United Kingdom), Professor Yoshihiro Narita (Hokkaido University, Japan), Mr. Yunus Mousa Mayat (City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, United Kingdom) and Mr. Ali Mundakir (Pertamina Geothermal Energy, Indonesia). The success and prosperity of the conference is reflected high level of the papers received. The proceedings are a compilation of the accepted papers and represent an interesting outcome of the conference. This proceeding covers in the fields of Civil Engineering, Mining and Geophysics, Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Mechanical and Material Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. We would like to acknowledge all of those who supported ICETsAS 2018. Each individual and institutional help were very important for the success of this conference. Especially we would like to thank the organizing committee for their valuable advices in the organization and helpful peer review of the papers. We sincerely hope that ICETsAS 2018 will be a forum for excellent discussions that will put forward new ideas and promote collaborative researches and friendship between the delegates. We are sure that the proceedings will serve as an important research resource of references and the knowledge. And hence, our hope that the proceedings will lead to not only scientific and engineering progress but also other new products, processes and innovations. It gives us a great pleasure to publish the proceeding in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. The proceeding consists of 45 peer reviewed research papers selected from the manuscripts received for consideration for publication, all of which were presented in the conference. The editors take this opportunity to thank all authors of research articles; irrespective of their articles being published or not in the proceedings for their contribution and the reviewers who helped us by sparing their valuable time to review the manuscripts; without which publication of this proceedings could not have been accomplished. Dr Misfa Susanto and Dr Shirley Savetlana The Conference Proceeding Editors

  • An Intelligent Edge Computing Based Semantic Gateway for Healthcare Systems Interoperability and Collaboration
    Tshiamo Sigwele, Yim Fun Hu, Muhammad Ali, Jiacheng Hou, Misfa Susanto, and Helmy Fitriawan

    The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICTs) in healthcare has the potential of minimizing medical errors, reducing healthcare cost and improving collaboration between healthcare systems which can dramatically improve the healthcare service quality. However interoperability within different healthcare systems (clinics/hospitals/pharmacies) remains an issue of further research due to a lack of collaboration and exchange of healthcare information. To solve this problem, cross healthcare system collaboration is required. This paper proposes a conceptual semantic based healthcare collaboration framework based on Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure that is able to offer a secure cross system information and knowledge exchange between different healthcare systems seamlessly that is readable by both machines and humans. In the proposed framework, an intelligent semantic gateway is introduced where a web application with restful Application Programming Interface (API) is used to expose the healthcare information of each system for collaboration. A case study that exposed the patient's data between two different healthcare systems was practically demonstrated where a pharmacist can access the patient's electronic prescription from the clinic.

  • Impact of mobile sink on grid topology of wireless sensor network
    Misfa Susanto, Yona Annisa, Agus Trisanto, and Syaiful Alam

    Motivated by the news in the local newspaper that there was occurrence of elephant moving out from their conservation area in Lampung province of Indonesia, this paper proposes the use of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as a monitoring system that is applicable for monitoring elephant movement in the conservation area. This paper studied the effect of mobile sink node on that WSN system. Modeling and simulation have been carried out to evaluate the system. The area of conservation was modeled as a square area with a grid topology of WSN inside the square area. At the first, it was applied a static sink node to collect the sensed data of sensor nodes. The WSN with single static sink node was used as a baseline system. And then, the static sink node was replaced by a mobile sink node for the purpose to improve the energy efficiency in order to lengthen the lifetime of WSN. The extensive simulation was carried out to examine both WSN systems with static sink node and with mobile sink node. The simulation results for the designed network topology show the significant improvement comparing the one with mobile sink node and another one with static sink node. It was achieved the improvement of network lifetime by the factor of 9.26.

  • Intelligent and Energy Efficient Mobile Smartphone Gateway for Healthcare Smart Devices Based on 5G
    Tshiamo Sigwele, Yim Fun Hu, Muhammad Ali, Jiachen Hou, Misfa Susanto, and Helmy Fitriawan

    The healthcare sector is now blending with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) using Internet of Things (IoT) to potentially minimise medical errors and reduce healthcare cost. Patients are now embedded with smart devices like body sensors and wearable devices which can monitor their health without the need for a doctor in physical contact. Such smart devices have the downside of low battery power and are unable to transmit their data to the medical personnel when the patient is on the move away from the smart home/smart clinic fixed gateway. A mobile gateway is required which moves with the patient to process the smart device data without depleting the smartphone battery. This paper proposes an Intelligent and Energy Efficient SG based smartphone Gateway for healthcare smart devices (IEE5GG). In IEE5GG, the 5G architecture is adopted and the patient's smartphone is used as a gateway where multiple smart devices are connected e.g. via Bluetooth. To save energy, requests to the smartphone can either be executed on the smartphone gateway or offloaded and executed in the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) cloud at close proximity to the smartphone in the 5G Base Station (BS) central Unit (gNB-CU) while considering the transmission power, Quality of Service (QoS), smartphone battery level and Central Processing Unit (CPU) load. Results show that the proposed IEE5GG framework saves up to 38% of energy in the healthcare mobile gateway smartphone and reduces healthcare application service time by up to 41%.

  • ZigBee based wireless sensor networks and performance analysis in various environments
    Helmy Fitriawan, Misfa Susanto, Ahmad Surya Arifin, Danny Mausa, and Agus Trisanto

    To achieve a reliable and robust system for environmental monitoring, there is an available technology that can be used to resolve this problem and moreover provide for better living. Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been successfully applied in many environmental monitoring. An ad-hoc wireless sensor network consists of a number of small and self-power sensing devices (nodes) connected using effective wireless networks. Compared to wired networks, there are several challenges that must be addressed in wireless networks. These challenges are limitation in communication bandwidth and energy constraint in sensor node, therefore it is important to know their reliability and performance. This paper reports the development and performance analysis of an embedded wireless sensor network for temperature and humidity monitoring in the environment. The network itself consists of a coordinator or data gateway which wirelessly collect temperature and humidity data from several sensor nodes that are responsible to provide those data. Each sensor node is developed from an Arduino based microcontroller, Xbee wireless module based on ZigBee/IEEE 802.15.4 standards, and temperature and humidity sensor devices. The network quality of service (QoS) is investigated in terms of delay, throughput and packet loss as a function of sensor node distance and transmitted packet size over line of sight (LOS) and non-line of sight (NLOS) conditions. The throughput and packet delay are also measured as a function of the baud rate in point to point link. This experiment is performed to have an insight how the baud rate affects the latency of the communication over the ZigBee protocol. Next, we also considered the multi-hop scenario with the presence of router for relaying packets from the sensor node to the coordinator. The performance of multi-hop configuration is compared to that of direct transmission. Based on our analysis, it is concluded that the ZigBee based WSN is more suitable for low data rate applications.


  • An Enhanced Deep Neural Network Approach for WiFi Fingerprinting-Based Multi-Floor Indoor Localization
    SL Ayinla, A Abd Aziz, M Drieberg, M Susanto, M Yahya
    IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2024

  • Reducing Interference Effects in Distributed D2D Communication Underlaying Multicell Cellular Communication Network Using Soft Fractional Frequency Reuse
    Misfa Susanto, Soraida Sabella, FX Setyawan
    International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 70 (4), 901-908 2024

  • Testing and Calibration of Electronic Sensor Devices for Application of Smart Hospital Room Monitoring System
    MF Ghalib, M Susanto, S Purwiyanti, F Hamdani, A Abd Aziz
    2024 FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (FORTEI-ICEE 2024

  • Network Performance Evaluation based on RSSI for Inpatient Room Monitoring Application
    MR Putri, M Susanto, S Purwiyanti, F Hamdani, A Abd Aziz
    2024 FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (FORTEI-ICEE 2024

  • Performance Evaluation of Soft FFR Scheme in RIS-Aided Ultra Dense Femto-Macrocellular Network
    AG Gumilang, M Susanto, H Fitriawan, A Abd Aziz
    2024 FORTEI-International Conference on Electrical Engineering (FORTEI-ICEE 2024

  • Landslide Monitoring and Warning System Based on Wireless Sensor Network
    Ahmad Wahyu Widodo, Misfa Susanto, FX Arinto Setyawan
    ELKHA: Jurnal Teknik Elektro 16 (2), 116-122 2024

  • Received signal power evaluation of RIS-aided wireless networks on THz bands
    F Hamdani, M Susanto
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2970 (1) 2024

    T Muzaki, M Susanto, S Purwiyanti
    Jurnal Informatika dan Teknik Elektro Terapan 12 (3) 2024

    MR Ulya, H Anwar, M Susanto, Y Yudianto, M Irsyad
    Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Ungu (ABDI KE UNGU) 6 (1), 6-10 2024

    M Alizal, M Susanto, A Setyawan, H Fitriawan, M Mardiana
    Jurnal Teknoinfo 18 (1), 182-192 2024

  • Interference Management Based on Clustering Method for Ultra-Dense Networks in Multicellular Network
    AG Gumilang, M Susanto, H Fitriawan
    Jurnal Teknik Elektro 15 (2), 37-45 2023

  • Interference Management Using Distance-based Clustering Method for D2D Communication Underlaying Multicell Cellular Network
    S Sabella, M Susanto, FXA Setyawan
    Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi 23 (2), 76-84 2023

  • Interference Management Using Fractional Frequency Reuse for Ultra Dense Networks at Downlink Transmission
    M Susanto, S Suryani, SN Hasim, AS Repelianto, H Fitriawan, F Hamdani, ...
    2023 3rd International Conference on Smart Cities, Automation & Intelligent 2023

  • Performance of distance-based clustering method for RIS-aided D2D communications in multicell cellular network
    S Sabella, M Susanto, FA Setyawan, H Fitriawan, F Hamdani
    2023 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and 2023

  • SNR Gain Evaluation in Narrowband IoT Uplink Data Transmission with Repetition Increment: A Simulation Approach
    F Hamdani, M Susanto, T Sigwele
    Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 5 (1), 33-40 2023

  • Preface: 7th International Conference of Science, Technology, and Interdisciplinary Research (IC-STAR 2021)
    M Susanto, FM Nor, AK Nasution

    MN Kholidah, M Mardiana, M Susanto
    NJCA (Nusantara Journal of Computers and Its Applications) 7 (2), 69-75 2022

  • Performance Evaluation of RIS-aided Multicell 5G and Beyond Wireless Cellular Communication Network
    MA Surya, M Susanto, S Sabella, H Fitriawan, F Hamdani
    2022 International Conference on Radar, Antenna, Microwave, Electronics, and 2022

  • Model Tata Kelola Layanan Sistem Informasi Akademik UNU Lampung menggunakan Integrasi COBIT 5 dan ITIL V3
    MN Kholidah, M Susanto
    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Teknik Dan Aplikasi Industri Fakultas Teknik 2022

  • Soft FFR Scheme for Distributed D2D Communication in Multicell of Cellular Communication Networks
    S Sabella, M Susanto, FXA Setyawan, F Hamdani
    2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite 2022


  • ZigBee based wireless sensor networks and performance analysis in various environments
    H Fitriawan, M Susanto, AS Arifin, D Mausa, A Trisanto
    2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR 2017
    Citations: 55

  • Intelligent and energy efficient mobile smartphone gateway for healthcare smart devices based on 5G
    T Sigwele, YF Hu, M Ali, J Hou, M Susanto, H Fitriawan
    2018 IEEE global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7 2018
    Citations: 49

  • Energy-efficient 5G cloud RAN with virtual BBU server consolidation and base station sleeping
    T Sigwele, YF Hu, M Susanto
    Computer Networks 177, 107302 2020
    Citations: 32

  • An intelligent edge computing based semantic gateway for healthcare systems interoperability and collaboration
    T Sigwele, YF Hu, M Ali, J Hou, M Susanto, H Fitriawan
    2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and 2018
    Citations: 28

  • Uplink power control based on SINR for D2D enabled in cellular communication network
    M Susanto, A Abadi, Herlinawati, A Trisanto
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1376 (1), 012019 2019
    Citations: 16

  • Downlink power control for interference management in femtocell-macrocell cellular communication network
    M Susanto, D Fauzia, Melvi, S Alam
    2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR 2017
    Citations: 16

  • Interference Management using power control for uplink transmission in femtocell-macrocell cellular communication network
    M Susanto, R Hutabarat, Y Yuniati, S Alam
    2017 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR 2017
    Citations: 16

  • Performance evaluation of cell-edge femtocell densely deployed in OFDMA-based macrocellular network
    SN Hasim, M Susanto
    2020 3rd International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and 2020
    Citations: 15

  • On the reduction of interference effect using power control for device-to-device communication underlying cellular communication network
    M Susanto, H Fitriawan, A Abadi, Herlinawati
    2017 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 2017
    Citations: 15

  • Development of an IoT Based Monitoring System for Solar PV Power Plant Application
    AS Samosir, AF Rozie, S Purwiyanti, H Gusmedi, M Susanto
    2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Dynamic Radio Resource Allocation Based on Location for Mobile Femtocell in Cellular Network
    M Susanto, S Sabella, S Alam, F Hamdani
    2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and 2021
    Citations: 12

  • Interference Management with Dynamic Resource Allocation Method on Ultra-Dense Networks in Femto-Macrocellular Network
    M Susanto, SN Hasim, H Fitriawan
    Jurnal Rekayasa Elektrika 17 (4), 230-238 2021
    Citations: 12

  • Interference Management with Relay-Based Clustering Method on Ultra Dense Networks of Femto-Macrocellular Network
    SN Hasim, M Susanto, H Fitriawan, F Hamdani
    2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Melvi, and S
    M Susanto, D Fauzia
    Alam,“Downlink Power Control for Interference Management in Femtocell 2017
    Citations: 9

  • Interference Management Using Power Allocation for Downlink Transmission of Femtocell-Macrocell Ultra Dense Networks
    S Suryani, M Susanto, A Sadnowo, SN Hasim, F Hamdani
    2022 9th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer, and 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Design of DC to DC Converter for Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Applications
    AS Samosir, S Purwiyanti, H Gusmedi, M Susanto
    2021 International Conference on Converging Technology in Electrical and 2021
    Citations: 7

  • Prototype of sensor node for low-cost machine vibration monitoring system using accelerometer sensor
    M Susanto, R Saputra, S Savetlana, S Alam
    2020 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Addressing semantic interoperability, privacy and security concerns in electronic health records
    A Naveed, T Sigwele, YF Hu, M Kamala, M Susanto
    Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 2 (1), 31-38 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Similarity analyzer for semantic interoperability of electronic health records using artificial intelligence (AI)
    A Naveed, YF Hu, T Sigwele, G Mohi-Ud-Din, M Susanto
    Journal of Engineering and Scientific Research 1 (2), 53-58 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Relay-based clustering method for interference management in heterogeneous wireless cellular network
    M Susanto, SN Hasim, H Fitriawan
    Jurnal Teknik Elektro 13 (2), 79-88 2021
    Citations: 5