Usability analysis of environmental disaster mitigation efforts in Lampung Province: Case study of Jaring Bencana application Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung and Himawan Indrajat EDP Sciences Disaster management requires a variety of innovations to intervene or prevent the adverse effects of the disaster, including through various applications made for various purposes and uses. One of the applications is theJaring Bencana, to strengthen the mitigation aspects of natural and non-natural disasters, including environmental disasters. This study aims to examine the levelof usabilityin disaster applications by measuring the variables of effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction. The method used in this study isusability testingwith techniqueperformance measurementsandretrospective think-aloud. Respondents in this study 30 individuals as test participants, were selected purposively based on criteria of interest and responsibility in disaster management. Results from testingusabilityshow that mark component effectiveness is significant at 89%, mark efficiency component of 0.24goals/second, and satisfaction score of 68. It can be concluded that theJaring Bencanaapplication has been functionally effective and efficient, although it must be optimized to achieve maximum user satisfaction. The results of this research have implications for the development of disaster applications that are in accordance with disaster needs.
Adaptive capacity in the implementation of disaster response village programme in Indonesia: Literature review Simon S. Hutagalung AOSIS The disaster-resilient village programme, which aims to develop settlements with the autonomy to adapt and deal with disasters aims to promote disaster awareness. Several questions arise regarding the contribution of the programme to the development of the adaptive capacity of village communities, including: what types of adaptive capacity emerge as a result of the programme’s implementation, and what factors promote and inhibit the development of adaptive capacity? This study employs a comprehensive literature review. The initial step is to do a keyword search using Publish or Perish 8.2.3944.8118. This study includes a range of search phrases, including the phrase ‘disaster-resilience’ and keywords: community resiliency, disaster preparedness and disaster policy. The type of adaptive capacity that emerges from the implementation of the disaster response village programme incorporates the topic of flexibility predominantly, showing that this programme raises a diversity of adaption practices and possibilities in the community. This approach is influenced by the disaster-prone geographical characteristics of Indonesia. Practical gaps exist in the form of evaluating values in the development of similar disaster programmes, while theoretical gaps exist in the form of conceptual identification of cultural characteristics that may occur as a result of efforts to build adaptive ability through the programme. This article examines societal values that are affected by programmes. Contribution This manuscript aims to add to the variety of disaster programme design initiatives requiring community resilience and sustainability. This sociocultural and disaster-related field is pertinent to the scope of this publication.
Family planning instructor’s performance in the toddler family development program Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Dedy Hermawan, and Amir Husin Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science Family planning instructors are vital in implementing the toddler family development program considering their function. This article aims: i) Analyze the performance of family planning instructors in the implementation of the toddler family development program/bina keluarga balita (BKB); ii) Analyse the factors supporting and inhibiting the effectiveness of the performance of family planning instructors in the community. This research used quantitative methods through survey instruments with a population of all family planning instructors which implementing toddler family development program. The pandemic situation has made the data collection process carried out by online questionnaires with Google Forms application. In order to obtain the required data, data collection was carried out through a questionnaire with a sample of 84 respondents. Data analysis was performed through descriptive statistical analysis using MS.Excel and SPSS. The data analysis concluded that the performance of family planning instructors in managing the program is in the good category. In the process approach, effectiveness is shown from the fulfillment of these performance variables in the implementation of the program, so that by looking at the categories in the cumulative analysis that are in the good category.
Bibliometric Analysis on Governance Index Topics Using Scopus Database and Vosviewer Bartoven Vivit Nurdin, Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Yulianto, Robi Cahyadi Kurniawan, and Dedy Hermawan IOP Publishing Abstract This article aims to re-identify government management performance appraisal indicators/index by highlighting publications in public libraries from years 2005 to 2020. The research used Scopus citation database over 15 years to collect articles. The keywords used in this study is “good governance” and “governance index” with english document filter. Simple statistical methods were used, and a bibliometric analysis was conducted using VOS-viewer software. This study visualized patterns of the co-occurrence of keywords, citations of documents, and primary keywords mapping. The study revealed trend in the analysis of governance measurement is increased significantly from 15 years ago. In the origin aspect of the country that conducts the publication dominated by developed countries and some of the developing countries. Based on the network visualization is seen a large cluster that hosts the concept of governance index known that the dominant economic aspect as the background of its presence, then there are also keywords related to the role of government and concepts in the organization. Many government performance index are conducted qualitatively or quantitatively, but no one has used the bibliometric method to re-identify the keywords that are consistent with the development of the concept of government performance itself.
Dissemination of coopetition model as an effort to optimize management of tourism participation in South Lampung, Indonesia D Hermawan and S S Hutagalung IOP Publishing Abstract This article is reviewing the acceptance of the coopetition model in managing community participation in tourism management. Climate change issues require the tourism sector to be more anticipatory in organizing the management of tourist destinations so as not to suffer damage. This research was conducted with a mixed method that surveyed 100 respondents, interviews, observation, and survey. Survey data were analyzed quantitatively to be able to show changes in the attitude of respondents towards model interventions. While qualitative data will be analyzed using interactive analysis methods. The results of the model dissemination identified that: (1) the community has a good understanding of the coopetition model (2) the community has the orientation to support the implementation of a model.
Health workforce malldistribution: Lesson from central lampung regency in Indonesia Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung, Dedy Hermawan, and Devi Aulia Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science The purpose of this study is to explain: (1) Distribution of health workers in basic health services in Central Lampung, and (2). Factors that influence the process of procurement and distribution of health workers in primary health care in Central Lampung. Research conducted with this descriptive qualitative method involved health stakeholders in 34 health centers and 17 hospitals in the region. The results of this study include: (a). Analysis of the Distribution of Health Workers by Region, it is known that the pattern of distribution is not balanced and there are some districts that do not have several types of health workers. (b). Analysis of power distribution based on health workplaces is known that the majority of health workers are in health centers, even midwives and nurses are mostly in health centers and some types of health workers are not yet available in health centers. Also known factors that influence the process of procurement and distribution of health workers in primary health care include structural and environmental factors.