- Permuting Tri (α, β)-Derivation on Almost Distributive LatticesAR Khan, Z Ahmad, MK Maqbool, M Bilal, M Dilbar, AA BajwaPunjab University Journal of Mathematics 53 (3), 21-28 2021
- A paradigmatic approach to quasi topological loops: Classification and characterizationMK Maqbool, A Yousaf, M Dilbar, MS Bosan, M Younis, S SadiquePunjab University Journal of Mathematics 52 (6) 2020
- Comparison of Pre and Post-action of a Finite Abelian Group over Certain Nonlinear SchemesA Yousaf, H Alolaiyan, M Ahmad, M Dilbar, A RazaqIEEE Access 8 (1), 39781-39792 2020
- A-hurewiczness and normality in semi topological groupsMK Maqbool, C Ozel, MA Yousaf, M Dilbar, Z Ahmad, MS Bosansubmitted