Rishabh Garg


Software Development Engineer (L3) at Google
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani India.



Rishabh Garg is a Software Development Engineer at Google. He previously worked in Data Science at the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, and held positions as an SDE/SRE in different MNCs - ServiceNow, Flipkart ...

He is the author of books on Blockchain for Real World Applications (John Wiley & Sons Inc), From Virtual World to Real Lives (Taylor & Francis, UK) Self Sovereign Identities, and One World - One Identity, published in US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Portuguese, Spain and Russia. Rishabh serves as a Journal Referee for IEEE Internet of Things and Committee Member cum Reviewer for international conferences held in Toronto, London, Sydney and Youngs.

Rishabh has received prestigious awards, including National Award for Exceptional Achievements from President of India, National CSIR Innovation Award from Prime Minister of India, International Bronze Award from Royal Commonwealth Society, London, Young Scientist Award from Ministry of Science & Technology, India.


Bachelor of Technology | 2019-2023
Major : Electronics & Communication Engineering
Minor : Finance


Software, Finance


Virtual World | Real Lives -1: Sculpting New Realities with ML, AI, and IoT

The project aims to investigate the convergence of virtual realms and practical applications of cutting-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Internet of Things (IoT). The project will delve into the pivotal roles played by ML and AI algorithms in crafting lifelike simulations and fostering intelligent virtual entities. The project will also probe into machine learning methods applied in areas like natural language processing, computer vision, and behavioral modeling within virtual settings. It will feature compelling case studies and real-world examples that demonstrate how virtual realms, ML, AI, and IoT are revolutionizing diverse industries, including gaming, healthcare, education, and business.

Applications Invited

Virtual Worlds | Real Lives - 2: Crafting Dreams with AR, Metaverse and Blockchain

The project would explore a wide range of topics related to the convergence of augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and blockchain technology. It would provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of how AR, the metaverse, and blockchain technology are coming together to create new virtual worlds and impact various aspects of our real lives.

Applications Invited

Codes beyond Bits & Bytes: A Blueprint for Artificial Life

The present task integrates Machine Learning and Genomics to create Artificial Life (AL) through gene editing. We propose a specialized sub-network of a Siamese Neural Network (SNN) called TASAG, designed for Genetic Sequence Analysis using Transformer Architecture. TASAG compares a desired gene sequence with a target sequence, identifies differences, and displays necessary edits. These edits enable the incorporation of the desired sequence into the target. A Computerized DNA Synthesizer (CDS) then chemically constructs the edited DNA sequence shown on-screen, aided by microprocessors. These synthesized DNA strands can be inserted into an egg cell to initiate development, culminating in an H-Bot.

Applications Invited

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index


  • Codes beyond Bits & Bytes: A Blueprint for Artificial Life
    AT Rishabh Garg, Anuja Vyas, Aamna Khan
    Nature, 1-27 2024

  • Metaverse: From Pixels to Possibilities
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Your Avatar, Your Digital Self
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Metaverse: Where Fiction Meets Virtual Reality
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Augmented Lifestyle: Redefining Your Reality
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Augmented Reality: A Fusion of Digital and Physical Worlds
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • IoT Landscape: Trends, Impact, and Best Practices
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Diverse Labial Flange Designs to Accomplish Lip Aesthetics in Conventional Complete Denture Prosthesis
    V Singh, R Garg, A Siwach, SU Rahman, N Gaba, N Rathi, A Deep, ...
    American Journal of Medical Case Reports 12 (2), 15-20 2024

  • Internet of Things: A Transformative Journey
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2024

  • Styling Your Avatar for the Digital Runway
    R Garg
    https://scholarspark.wordpress.com/virtual-world-real-lives/ 2024

  • Augment Your World: An Immersive Alchemy
    R Garg
    https://scholarspark.wordpress.com/virtual-world-real-lives/ 2024

  • Web of Wonders: Connecting Bytes to Brilliance in the Digital Landscape
    R Garg
    https://scholarspark.wordpress.com/virtual-world-real-lives/ 2024

  • From Virtual World to Real Lives - 2: Crafting Dreams with AR, Metaverse and Blockchain
    R Garg
    Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Oxfordshire, UK 2, 1-400 2024

  • From Virtual World to Real Lives -1: Sculpting New Realities with ML, AI, and IoT.
    R Garg
    Taylor & Francis, Routledge, Oxfordshire, UK 1, 1-400 2024

  • PAMeT-SNN: Predictive Associative Memory for Multiple Time Series based on Spiking Neural Networks with Case Studies in Economics and Finance
    I AbouHassan, N Kasabov, T Bankar, R Garg, BS Bhattacharya
    Authorea Preprints 2023

  • Blockchain Revolution
    R Garg
    https://scholarspark.wordpress.com/blog/ 2023

  • Big Data in Healthcare: Applications and Implications
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2023

  • AI assisted Drug Discovery and Community Healthcare
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2023

  • AI Based Genomic Transformation
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2023

  • Computational Models of Intelligence
    R Garg
    Medium.com 2023


  • Blockchain for Real World Applications
    R Garg
    John Wiley & Sons Inc. US | 978-111-9-90373-4 2023
    Citations: 24

  • Ethereum based Smart Contracts for Trade & Finance
    R Garg
    International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering 16 (11), 619-629 2022
    Citations: 19

  • Decentralized Transaction Mechanism based on Smart Contracts
    R Garg
    3rd International Conference on Blockchain and IoT, Sydney, Australia. 2021
    Citations: 19

  • A Technological Approach to Address Deficiencies in UID (Aadhaar)
    R Garg
    3rd International Conference on Big Data, Blockchain and Security. 2022
    Citations: 15

  • Blockchain Ecosystem for Education and Employment Verification
    R Garg
    13th International Conference on Network & Communication Security, Toronto 2021
    Citations: 15

  • Digital ID with Electronic Surveillance System
    R Garg
    IN Patent NIF/S&D/000-108-828 2018
    Citations: 15

  • Self Sovereign Identities
    R Garg
    Lambert | Heinrich-Bcking-Str. 6-8 | 66121 Saarbrcken | GERMANY | ISBN 978 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Global Identity through Blockchain
    R Garg
    International Webinar on Blockchain, 01-60 2021
    Citations: 14

  • Digital Identity Leveraging Blockchain
    R Garg
    Barnes & Noble | Basking Ridge, New Jersey | US. 2021
    Citations: 13

  • Distributed Framework for Real World Applications
    R Garg
    Barnes & Noble, Basking Ridge, New Jersey US 2020
    Citations: 13

  • Multipurpose ID: A Digital Identity to 1.34 Billion Indians
    R Garg
    Ideate for India - Creative Solutions using Technology | ISBN 978-93-5493 2019
    Citations: 13

  • Hi - Tech ID with Digital Tracking System
    R Garg
    National Conference on Application of ICT for Built Environment 2017
    Citations: 13

  • Distributed Ecosystem for Identity Management
    R Garg
    Journal of Blockchain Research 1 (01), 51-63 2022
    Citations: 12

  • Interplanetary File System for Document Storage and e-Verification
    R Garg
    2nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Security & Blockchain. 2021
    Citations: 11

  • Blockchain Based Decentralized Applications for Multiple Administrative Domain Networking
    R Garg
    BITS - Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, India. 2021
    Citations: 11

  • Blockchain based Identity Solutions
    R Garg
    International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology 2022
    Citations: 10

  • Identidades de Soberania Prpria
    R Garg
    Edies Nosso Conhecimento | ISBN: 978-620-4-05331-8 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Identidades auto-soberanas
    R Garg
    Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento | ISBN: 978-620-4-05328-8 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Identit auto sovrane
    R Garg
    Edizioni Sapienza | ISBN: 978-620-4-05330-1 2021
    Citations: 10

  • Souverne Identitten
    R Garg
    Verlag Unser Wissen | ISBN: 978-620-4-05327-1 2021
    Citations: 10


Iman AbouHassan, Nikola K. Kasabov, Rishabh Garg, Tanmay Bankar, Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya (2023). PAMeT-SNN: Predictive Associative Memory for Multiple Time Series based on Spiking Neural Networks with Case Studies in Economics and Finance. IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence.


Received Best Project Award from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi.


Patent: ES-1005-MP-525
National Innovation Foundation - India.


Founder & CEO | Scholars Park
Expertise in Encrypted Identities | Decentralized Finance | Investment Portfolio Construction & Management

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

1. Member, Program Committee | International Conferences on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Blockchain ... @ San Francisco
(USA), Toronto, Vancouver (Canada), London (UK), Zurich (Switzerland), Copenhagen (Denmark), Youngs, Sydney. Melbourne, New South Wales (Australia),
and Dubai (UAE).
2. Journal Referee | IEEE - Internet of Things | University of Massachusetts | Dartmouth US.
3. Life Member | International Computer Science & Engineering Society | CA US.
4. Ex-Member | Institute of Electricals & Electronics Engineers | NY US.
5. Ex-Member | American Physical Society | MD US


1. Software Development Engineer (L3) | Google
2. Software Development Engineer | ServiceNow Hyderabad
3. SRE - Flipkart
4. SDE - Fleek Technologies
5. SDE Intern - Ethan AI Singapore
6. Investment Banking Analyst | Finlatics Mumbai IN
7. Data Science Intern | IIT-Delhi
8. Software Developer | SWIGGY | Bangalore


Scholars Park
Rishabh Garg | Founder & CEO

Stretching beyond the horizons to fetch ultimate success for all !
Expertise in Blockchain | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence


Academia | 317,709 Reads, among the Top 0.1% academia at Global level.
Research Gate | 354,163 Reads with 251 Research Interest and 226 Recommendations.
Linked In | >3,900 Followers across 172 Nations.