Assistant Professor , Amity Institute of Information Technology
AMITY UNIVERSITY Uttar Pradesh Noida


Dr. Shambhu Kumarr Jha has more than two decades of professional experience which includes Classroom teaching / Training / Online teaching , Academic planning , administration and supervision to research and projects in field of Computer Science. During more than 20 years of teaching career, He had worked with various premier Institutions/Universities including Banaras Hindu University-Varanasi, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur and Amity University Uttar Pradesh- Noida.
Presently working with Amity University Noida (UP) in department of Information Technology (AIIT). His areas of specializations include Software Engineering, Software Testing Techniques, Database Management System, Software Project Management, System Analysis and Design, and Advance Database Concepts .


PhD( Computer Science and System Studies) from Mewar University


My areas of interest are Component Based Software Engineering, Quality Assessment of software component, Software Testing techniques and Advance Database Concepts. My research to date has majorly focused on improving reusability of software component during development of component-based software, i


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Cloud Computing and its Emerging Trends on Big Data Analytics
    Shikher Thakur and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    Cloud computing and big data analytics are two rapidly growing fields in technology industry. The way that organizations store, handle, and analyze their data has been changed by cloud computing. Big Data Analytics has become an essential part of utilizing the potential of cloud computing as a result of the growing volume and complexity of data. This research study explores the emerging trends in big data analytics within the context of cloud computing and examines the fundamentals of cloud computing and how it has altered the field of big data analytics. This study analyzes the effects of different developing cloud computing technologies on big data analytics, including serverless computing, multi -cloud computing, and edge computing. This study also discusses about the opportunities and problems associated with using cloud computing for big data analytics, such as security, scalability, and cost effectiveness. At the end of the seminar, participants will have a thorough understanding of how cloud computing and Big Data Analytics relate to one another as well as knowledge of the most recent developments in this quickly developing sector.

  • Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Dynamic Signs
    Arun Singh, Ankita Wadhawan, Manik Rakhra, Usha Mittal, Ahmed Al Ahdal, and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    Sign language is a means of communication utilising manual gestures (movement of hands and wrists) and non-manual gestures (expressions of face and body language). There are many different sign languages in the world, each with its own collection of words and signs. This study focuses on the implementation of Indian Sign Language Recognition System (ISLRS) which help deaf people to communicate with other persons. In this paper, the model based on Sign Language Recognition (SLR) of dynamic signs using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is proposed. The proposed model has been trained and tested on video clips of dynamic signs and achieved the training accuracy of 70%. This study should serve as a road map for users to use in deciding which model to implement and laying a foundation for future research and enhancing model accuracy, allowing the sign language community to communicate and share their ideas more effectively. This work is also used to overcome the educational gap between hearing impaired persons.

  • Benefits of Incorporating IoT and Cloud Computing
    Devesh Wadhwa, Deepa Gupta, Vinod Shukla, Suman Mann, and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    This world which we are living is vast and so is its IT infrastructure which contains various phenomenal technicalities of which two are IoT and Cloud Computing. Both technologies are quite new but still very much developed by the humans to use them and ease the work. Purpose behind this is to make life easy of the people as well as automating the work with storing almost uncountable data over a server with a fixed amount or as company requires. This development has caused a drastic increase in smart devices including device being used daily as well as in industrial heavy areas. IoT and cloud are practically improving our daily lives which in return makes it an important resource and research topic as well as in industrial heavy areas. IoT and cloud and is practically improving our daily lives makes it an important research topic. Not only sticking to daily lives it is used in IT firms and healthcare sector as well, a well collected and educated collaboration of both phenomena can increase the technological advancements and life of various people.

  • GUI Testing Android Application
    Harshit Singh, Shambhu Kumar Jha, Deepa Gupta, and Ajay Vikram Singh

    With the turn of events and promotion of versatile Internet, cell phones are turning out to be increasingly well known. Android is perhaps the most well known groundwork of mobile phones. Realistic UI testing is one significant piece of its quality affirmation. Android telephones use contact screen as the significant I/O technique. GUI testing on android stage will be different to regular programming applications that are intended to run on work area climate. The point of this examination is to evaluate the presentation of two GUI testing draws near (second versus third era) of mechanized UI testing regarding testing Android applications. We have picked UI Automator and Appium to address second period GUI testing approach, Eye Automate and SikuliX to address third time GUI testing approach. Apparatuses utilizing third era GUI testing approach invest in some opportunity to execute experiments than instruments utilizing second era GUI testing approach. It is different between various experiments. Other than bogus positive cautions show up at a lot higher recurrence in apparatuses utilizing third era GUI testing approach than instruments utilizing second era GUI testing approach. Third era GUI testing approach is more effective as far as executing experiments than the second-era GUI testing approach. However, third era GUI testing approach observes significantly more misleading up-sides than second era approach. Accordingly, to keep up with experiments, third era approach consumes loads of human endeavors.

  • Internet Crimes-It's Analysis and Prevention Approaches
    Deepa Gupta, Shambhu Kumar Jha, and Suman Mann Maharaja Surajmal

    During recent era of ICT, processing of huge volume of online transaction is glanced with lots of digital threats. There are unlimited hazards and obstacles for online information existence. Cyber-attacks which are considered the emerging and serious threats that are going on each second and investigation of those dangers and threats are exceptionally tough to confine and vanquish them. Cybercrimes have a terrible effect on governmental and nongovernmental organizations, educational institutions, banks and economic infrastructures. Numerous worldwide societies, policy makers and intelligent agencies are trying to react and control cybercrimes. One of the most serious issue in the online processing is that how to secure and deal with our day-by-day information against digital misrepresentation and cybercrimes. To comprehend cybercrime and save our digital assets, this paper will analyze about numerous cybercrimes and addresses the effective prevention and detection ways and methods used for the avoidance, controlling, detection and combatting of those crimes.

  • Opportunities and Applications of 5G Network Technology
    Shambhu Kumar Jha, Aiay Vikram Singh, and Ajay Rana

    In last few decades one of the most emerged technology is mobile networking technology. Mobile network innovations have acquaintance with different ages of advancement, specifically from First Generation to the Fourth Generation. Current research in this domain is concentrating on cutting edge execution of 4G and introducing 5G technology. The Fifth generation (5G) technology will reconstruct the path of usage for majority of users. With 5G technology users will expertise a new level of speed in data transmission and calling. In this paper, we have made an approach to study the actual generations of wireless mobile technology. This paper portrays the evolvement of varied generations of mobile network as well as the importance of one over another. This new generation of technology embody all kinds of modern options that create 5G technology paramount in near future.

  • Component Based Life Cycle Models Comparative Survey
    Kajal Garg and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    Component based development (CBD) is the process of developing software by integrating the reusable components. These components are independent of each other. Independent components mean that any change made in one component does not affect the functionality of other. This paper compares different component based life cycle models which have been proposed earlier and this model also proposes a new component based life cycle model which makes the selection of components easier.

  • Maintaining reusable software components
    Nabeel Omer, Shambhu Kumar Jha, and Sunil Kumar Khatri

    A software component is a piece of code or an executable that encapsulates a set of related functions and can be included as it is in another software or application. A software component can be something as small as a function, or as large as an entire package or application executable. Reusability is another major software feature, the ability to reuse is essential for being able to build larger things from smaller parts. Reusability allows saving of time so that existing software components can be used in other applications as well. In a language like JavaScript where a large number of reusable components are written there is an exceptionally large requirement for maintainable and clean code because of the number of applications that can be affected by a single component. JavaScript is a very flexible language, it allows developers to override built in library functions with prototypes and is dynamically typed. This allows developers to engineer applications faster but also makes it harder to write maintainable and clean code. This paper aims to review the problems faced by JavaScripts developers when trying to write clean and maintainable code for reusable components.

  • Predicting and accessing reliability of components in component based software development
    Amitha Mohan and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    Component based software development is widely being used these days to develop software with the help of reusable components. Since these components are extensively being used, the reliability of these software systems and the reliability of these software components is a very important aspect. This paper proposes a method to find the reliability of the components used in different component based software systems.

  • A Study on Binary File Conversion using python-based GUI Application
    Sahil Khan, Sameer Gupta, Deepa Gupta, and Shambhu Kumar Jha

    In today’s world large number of companies are facing problem related to version control systems. The problem is about comparing binary files such as excel file and recalling what changes have been done over the period of time. It is hard to keep track of what all changes have been made over a set of files in the company and hence comes the need of an approach which can fetch and compare the files with changes that have been done. Since binary files are not readable with human eye, this approach can convert those binary files to XML and compare it on the GUI to show and highlight the changes that have been made over the version control system. A VCS is a system that keeps track of changes one does over a set of files over the time and records it so it can be recalled in the future when needed. Binary file conversion approach is implemented to provide a solution to the problem for the companies that have extensive use for the binary files like Excel and need to refer the changes that were made on them.

  • Quality assurance through soft computing techniques in component based software
    Osheen Bhardwaj and Shambu Kumar Jha

    Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) has brought revolutionary change in the development process of the software in the midst of the software community. Assortment of suitable software components is not sufficient to guarantee good quality in Component or Segment Based Software Development (CBSD). A software is being considered to be of high or maximum-quality if it fulfills all the requests or needs forwarded by different stake holders and has slightest possible errors. This paper has discussed overviews of various research papers by analyzing various procedures & techniques to assure Software Quality in Component Based Software Development. Major perspectives are identified from various literature review which is imperative for quality of CBSD. Out of these perspectives improvements of Component based frameworks and reducing its complexity are increasing as they diminish the effort, time and cost for development by methods for reuse. In this paper author has proposed about monkey testing approach for maintaining its quality and improving its security.

  • Impact of social media on society in a large and specific to teenagers
    Duaa Ali Al-Sabti, Ajay Vikram Singh, and S. K. Jha

    Social media is a technology that can be developed in a fast and flexible manner, where internet connections are transformed into interactive platforms. Social networking programs are increasingly spreading around the world. Facebook users reached 1.44 billion per month in 2015, which means that most of the people of the world have a stamp on social networking platforms. Social media platforms have become integral part of teens' daily life. 22% of teenagers are enrolled in social networking programs about 10 times a day. The remaining category, which makes up more than half of teenagers register more than once a day through the use of mobile phone, where the proportion of teenagers who have their own cell phones reach 75%. The results show by RSA that the rate of cybercrime reached 173% by mobile phones during the period 2013–2015. And, the RSA announce a large number of real examples of cybercrime that have occurred recently and continue to pose a major threat to society and specific to teenagers. Consequently, this paper review social media, society and business. Moreover, how he social media impact teenagers.

  • Evaluation of job satisfaction in food manufacturing sector in Oman
    Yusra Al Saidi, Ajay Vikram Singh, and S. K. Jha

    Food manufacturing sector is growing with accelerated speed in Oman as well as in other countries. Manufacturing sector seek to achieve the food security and to prevent food defect. There are many factors that have impact on the manufacturing sector, one of them is job satisfaction of the employees. To overcome this, we need to understand the factors which are related to job satisfaction. In this research paper different parameters which lead towards job satisfaction are identified. Few of these parameters are top management, pays, promotion, coworkers and line manager, job security and organization culture. These different parameters are identified and evaluated for job satisfaction.

  • Educational data mining and big data framework for e-learning environment
    Prakash Kumar Udupi, Nisha Sharma, and S K Jha

    E-learning data consists of large volume of educational data and available with complex and hybrid data architecture. Capturing of student performances, student evaluation and student's interaction information are one of the challenges faced by the e-learning software users at the time of analysis. Integrating student data along with educational data for analysis needs complex system design framework. New innovations in e-learning also facilitates augmented learning, adaptive learning, web based learning, activity based learning, and project based learning. Education technology interventions using learning management system, content management system, advanced distributed learning; sharable content object reference models and application program interfaces enhanced and extended the e-learning frameworks to a greater horizon. Present technology also ensures transformations of e-learning information without any geographical barriers. These educational and student or user data combined together forms big data architecture under e-learning environment and mining these big data for various requirements or knowledge discoveries needs innovative approaches. This paper identifies and evaluates various e-learning models and associated education technology paradigm. The research further explores and proposes a new framework for big data integrations. The paper also discusses the scope of future research on data mining and role of big data in e-learning environment.

  • A novel approach for improving testing technique of component based software
    Rahul Kumar Singh and Shambhu Kr. Jha

    Component based development has become an well-known move towards developing quality software and promote reusability. The tester of software component determines the quality of software before it is delivered to component integrator. For developing a new product with little recourse we use component based development approach. When we integrate different components together to make a new product then the quality of the product depends upon the software component. We gather different components from different sources including component vendor, component developer. Testing of each component is necessary to ensure the quality of final product. This process reduces the bugs but increases the teething troubles to the tester. During testing the problem arises that the tester have limited access to the component as the source code is unavailable. This paper demonstrate and analyze the technique to improve the testing of component based software and identifies the challenges and issues concerning to testing of final component based software product. Some recommendations are also mentioned to improve the testing technique of component based software.


  • Alzheimer’s Disease Detection: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Models and Multilayer Perceptron
    SVRSK Shambhu Kumar Jha
    Applied Computer Systems 2024

  • System Architecture to Monitor Climate Change
    V Tikoo, R Gautam, SK Jha
    2024 11th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2024

  • Cloud Computing and its Emerging Trends on Big Data Analytics
    Shikhar Thakur, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication 2023

  • Cloud Computing and its Emerging Trends on Big Data Analytics
    S Thakur, SK Jha
    2023 4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable 2023

  • Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Dynamic Signs
    A Singh, A Wadhawan, M Rakhra, Ahdal, Ahmed Al, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022

  • GUI Testing Android Application
    H Singh, SK Jha, D Gupta, Ajay Vikram Singh
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022

  • Benefits of Incorporating IoT and Cloud Computing
    D Wadhwa, D Gupta, V Shukla, S Mann, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022

  • Open Issues and Challenges for Software Component Integrations in Component-Based Software Development
    Shambhu Kumar Jha , Prof. Ganesh Gopal Varshney, Dr. R K Mishra
    Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry 2021

  • Opportunities and Applications of 5G Network Technology
    Shambhu Kumar Jha , Singh, Aiay Vikram , Rana, Ajay
    ICRITO 21 2021

  • Internet Crimes-It's Analysis and Prevention Approaches
    D Gupta, Shambhu Kumar Jha, Surajmal, Suman Mann Maharaja
    2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2021

  • Opportunities and Applications of 5G Network Technology
    SK Jha, AV Singh, A Rana
    2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2021

  • Indigenous development of titanium compressor blade for turbofan engine
    S Khatarkar, DJ Rao, SK Jha
    Journal of aerospace sciences and technologies, 250-266 2021

  • Maintaining Reusable Software Components
    N Omer, Shambhu Kumar Jha, Sunil Kumar Khatri
    2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems 2020

  • Predicting and Accessing Reliability of Components in Component Based Software Development
    Mohan, Amitha , Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems 2020

  • Component Based Life Cycle Models Comparative Survey
    Kajal Garg, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2nd International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent 2020

  • A Review on Re-usability of Component Based Software Development
    Shambhu Kr. Jha, Dr. R. K. Mishra
    Reliability: Theory and Applications 14 (4), 32-36 2019

  • Component Based Life Cycle Models Comparative Survey
    K Garg, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2019 2nd International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and 2019

  • A Study on Binary File Conversion using python-based GUI Application
    Khan Sahil , Gupta Sameer , Gupta, Deepa, Shambhu KumarJha
    CTEMS 2018 IEEE 2019

  • Dependability and Trustworthiness Analysis for Component Based Software Development
    Sahil Khan,Shambhu Kumar Jha, Sunil Kumar Khatri
    International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) 8 (1 2019

  • Predicting and accessing reliability of components in component based software development
    A Mohan, SK Jha
    2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems 2019


  • Indian Sign Language Recognition System for Dynamic Signs
    A Singh, A Wadhawan, M Rakhra, Ahdal, Ahmed Al, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022
    Citations: 39

  • Educational data mining and big data framework for e-learning environment
    PK Udupi, N Sharma, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2016 5th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2016
    Citations: 24

  • Impact of social media on society in a large and specific to teenagers
    DA Al-Sabti, AV Singh, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2017 6th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2017
    Citations: 22

  • Component Based Software Development: A New Paradigm
    Nikita Soni, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    International Journal of Scientific Research and Education 2 (Issue 6), 969-974 2014
    Citations: 14

  • Predicting and accessing security features into component-based software development: a critical survey
    Shambhu Kr Jha, RK Mishra
    Software Engineering: Proceedings of CSI 2015, 287-294 2019
    Citations: 12

  • A Review on Re-usability of Component Based Software Development
    Shambhu Kr. Jha, Dr. R. K. Mishra
    Reliability: Theory and Applications 14 (4), 32-36 2019
    Citations: 11

  • Quality assurance through soft computing techniques in component based software
    O Bhardwaj, Shambu Kumar Jha
    2017 International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Cloud Computing and its Emerging Trends on Big Data Analytics
    S Thakur, SK Jha
    2023 4th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable 2023
    Citations: 6

  • GUI Testing Android Application
    H Singh, SK Jha, D Gupta, Ajay Vikram Singh
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022
    Citations: 6

  • Multi criteria based retrieval techniques for reusable software components from component repository
    Shambhu Kumar Jha, Dr. R. K. Mishra
    International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 6 (1 2016
    Citations: 6

  • Accessing Software Quality for Component Based Software through Trustworthyness AND Dependability Analysis
    Shambhu Kumar Jha, R. K. Mishra
    International Journal of Development Research 5 (4), 4259-4261 2015
    Citations: 6

  • Internet Crimes-It's Analysis and Prevention Approaches
    D Gupta, Shambhu Kumar Jha, Surajmal, Suman Mann Maharaja
    2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Maintaining Reusable Software Components
    N Omer, Shambhu Kumar Jha, Sunil Kumar Khatri
    2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Predicting and accessing reliability of components in component based software development
    A Mohan, SK Jha
    2019 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Benefits of Incorporating IoT and Cloud Computing
    D Wadhwa, D Gupta, V Shukla, S Mann, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    10th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Indigenous development of titanium compressor blade for turbofan engine
    S Khatarkar, DJ Rao, SK Jha
    Journal of aerospace sciences and technologies, 250-266 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Dependability and Trustworthiness Analysis for Component Based Software Development
    S Khan, SK Jha, Sunil Kumar Khatri
    Int. J. Rec. Techn. Eng 8, 2277-3878 2019
    Citations: 2

  • Opportunities and Applications of 5G Network Technology
    SK Jha, AV Singh, A Rana
    2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and 2021
    Citations: 1

  • Component Based Life Cycle Models Comparative Survey
    K Garg, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    2019 2nd International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and 2019
    Citations: 1

  • A Novel Approach For Improving Testing Technique Of Component Based software
    Rahul Singh, Shambhu Kumar Jha
    ICRITO 2016, 135-138 2016
    Citations: 1