Jekka Chandrasekaran Sharmiladevi

Assistant Professor
Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Symbiosis International (Deemed University)



MA, M.B.A, M.Phil., PhD


Foreign Direct Investment, International Business, International Finance


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


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Scopus Publications

  • Detecting the Role of Agriculture and Industry Value Added, Energy, Capital Flow, and Openness to Trade upon Environmental Kuznets Curve for India
    J. C. Sharmiladevi

    This study revisits the environmental Kuznets curve for India, considering unique variables like agriculture and industry value added, fossil fuel energy consumption, inward foreign direct investment, openness to trade, economic growth and carbon dioxide (CO2) emission. The study results indicate the presence of EKC for India, indicating a positive long-term equilibrium relationship between agriculture and industry value added and fossil fuel energy consumption with CO2 emission. Inward FDI and trade openness have a negative relation with CO2 emission, supporting the fact that the environmental regulations for international investments and trade in India are becoming more assertive. At the same time, India needs stringent regulations on emissions from the agriculture and industry sectors.

  • Women in law enforcement: The Indian perspective
    Nishtha Gupta, Sameera Raees, and Sharmiladevi J. C.

    IGI Global
    This study explores the Indian viewpoint on women in law enforcement, with a particular emphasis on public attitudes and how gender diversity may improve the efficacy of the system. The study examines the general public views of women in law enforcement and the difficulties they confront; secondly, it looks into the way gender equality affects agencies' effectiveness. The primary results show that the public has a combination of misunderstandings and awareness. While some see equal chances, others continue to have preconceived notions about women. The majority of those surveyed acknowledge that gender diversity has a favourable effect on law enforcement personnel's ability to solve problems. It is shown that obstacles exist, such as ingrained biases and preconceptions, which emphasize the necessity of transforming projects. This study offers insightful information about the attitudes and difficulties encountered by women in Indian law enforcement. The results highlight how crucial it is to deal with prejudices and encourage inclusivity in order to create a more efficient and fair legal system.

  • Agricultural Value Added in BRICS: A Panel Data Study
    Sharmiladevi Jekka Chandrasekaran

    Sustainable agricultural development is essential for ensuring food security, economic growth and ecological balance, which is a challenging phenomenon to achieve. This phenomenon is studied in the case of BRICS, considering agricultural value added, economic growth, openness to trade, carbon dioxide emission and net foreign direct investment. Panel unit root test, Fixed and Random Effect Model, Panel Cointegration test and Panel Causality are studied. Results of the analysis indicate that in all the BRICS countries, agricultural value added is significant to economic growth, inward foreign direct investment is reduced with agricultural growth, and inward foreign direct investment causes trade openness.  

  • Impact Study of Foreign Direct Investment on Carbon Dioxide Emission, Economic Growth, Trade Openness for India following ARDL Approach
    J. C. Sharmiladevi

    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is instrumental in increasing growth and development in many countries. The development outcomes of FDI must also be analysed, considering the long-term holistic implications of economic growth and environmental implications. Environmental consequences of FDI need to be analysed to better understand the developmental potentials of FDI. The objective of this study is to analyse the equilibrium relationship among carbon dioxide emission,  inward FDI, trade openness, and economic growth considering India by using an autoregressive distributed lag model. This model overcomes the effect of endogeneity and indicates that there is a strong cointegrating relation between all the variables with significant long-run effects for economic growth and trade openness and insignificant results with carbon dioxide emission and inward FDI.     

  • Analysing the evolution and patterns of the gig economy: a bibliometric examination of growth and trends
    Soumya Vadavi and Jekka Chandrasekaran Sharmiladevi

    Informa UK Limited

  • Cointegration and causality study among inward FDI, Economic growth and exports: An Indian perspective
    Jekka Chandrasekaran Sharmiladevi

    IGI Global
    One significant feature of liberalisation for India has been a greater openness to foreign direct investment (FDI) as a means of acquiring technologies, skills and access to international markets, and of entering dynamic trade and production. The study analyses the empirical relationship between inward FDI, economic growth and exports of India from 1970-71 to 2013-2014. The objective of this article is to investigate the relationship between FDI, economic growth and exports empirically. The error correction coefficient value indicates a 15.02% movement back towards equilibrium following a shock to the model, one time period later. OLS indicate significant long-term causality relationship among the variables with high R2 value to the tune of 0.758660. The Wald Test establishes short-run causality from economic growth to inward FDI, and from exports to inward FDI. A one-way causality relationship is running from exports to inward FDI. Economic growth causes inward FDI, but, inward FDI is not causing economic growth. Exports cause inward FDI, and inward FDI does not cause exports.

  • Determinants of inward foreign direct investment in India - A factor analysis approach
    J.C. Sharmiladevi

    Inderscience Publishers
    Foreign direct investment (FDI) is widely perceived as an important resource for expediting development. Many factors play significantly in influencing the amount of FDI. The objective of this study is to analyse the various factors which influence and determine FDI inflows into India and spot those determinants. Variables examined includes, net FDI inflow, labour cost proxied by workers' remittances and receipts, urbanisation measured by population in large cities, inflation measured from GDP deflator, human capital measured through gross enrolment in secondary schools, trade, official exchange rate and gross domestic product expressed as a percentage of FDI. Factor analysis is used for identifying and grouping of variables. Based on principal component analysis and varimax with Kaiser normalisation, two common factors identified. Regression identifies the power of the two variables in influencing inward FDI. Results of regression indicate that internal economic conditions and external economic conditions together explain 91.80 percentage of inward FDI.

  • The impact of urbanization induced foreign direct investment in emerging India
    Sharmiladevi J. C.

    IGI Global
    Globalization accompanied with internationalization enhanced urbanization across the globe. Cities and towns became the central point for economic activities, most of them fueled by the inward flow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) especially in the emerging economies. Globalization initiated urbanization in most of the emerging economies. As an outcome of globalization directly and with urbanization indirectly it resulted in the growth of inward foreign direct investment across the globe. This chapter makes an attempt to identify the influence of urbanization upon inward FDI and economic growth for emerging India. To study this phenomenon, data for a period of twenty years were taken from 1990- 2010. Multiple regression analysis was used. Results of the study are significant and indicate that, urbanization is playing an important role in enhancing the inflow of FDI into India in the study period. 66.9% of the changes in the dependent variable that is inward FDI is explained jointly by urbanization and economic growth, which shows that cities and towns are becoming an integral part in receiving FDI. This chapter also add some insight into the changing consumption and lifestyles of urbanites effected due to FDI.


  • Analysing the evolution and patterns of the gig economy: a bibliometric examination of growth and trends
    S Vadavi, JC Sharmiladevi
    Cogent Business & Management 11 (1), 2424480 2024

  • Women in Law Enforcement: The Indian Perspective
    SRNG Sharmiladevi J.C
    Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage (ABSCA) Book Series 2024

  • Impact Study of Foreign Direct Investment on Carbon Dioxide Emission, Economic Growth, Trade Openness for India following ARDL Approach
    S J.C
    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (1), 612 2024

  • Agricultural Value Added in BRICS: A Panel Data Study
    S J.C
    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (3), 171-178 2024

  • Detecting the role of agriculture and industry value added, energy, capital flow, and openness to trade upon environmental Kuznets Curve for India
    JC Sharmiladevi
    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (6), 55-62 2024

  • Impact study of agricultural value added on foreign direct investment, economic development, trade openness for India following ARDL approach
    S J.C
    Cogent Economics and Finance 11 (2), 1-21 2023

  • Changes and Current Trends in Higher Education in Management and Allied Disciplines: A Bibliometric Study (
    S J.C
    International Journal of Educational Sciences 42 (3), 6-20 2023

  • A Bibliometric Analysis on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy-Analysing the Current Research Trends
    SJC Careen Mary Khongwir
    Indian Journal of Finance 17 (2), 27-53 2023

  • An overview of Indian MOOCs
    MR Sharma, JC Sharmiladevi
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 10, 31 2022

  • Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Brand Loyalty and Purchase Consideration of Products and Services for Millennials
    JCS Jigar Chhadwa, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
    Cardiometry, 577-584 2022

  • Prospects of FDI-Driven R&D—A Comparison Between Indian and Foreign Pharmaceutical Firms
    S J.C
    Achieving $5 Trillion Economy of India 1, 21-41 2022

  • Gig Economy in the era of increasing Integration and Uncertainties
    SVS J.C
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS Pune 9 (1), 1-6 2021

    S JC
    International Journal of Management 12 (2), 802-816 2021

    S JC
    International Journal of Management 12 (2), 825-838 2021

    S JC
    International Journal of Management 11 (12), 3037-3045 2020

  • Influencer Marketing: Reaching the Right Person at the Right Place
    SJC Nidamarthy Aruna, D'Mello Blanche
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 8 (--), 74-93 2020

  • Cointegration and Causality Study Among Inward FDI, Economic Growth and Exports: An Indian Perspective
    S JC
    International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management t 11 (1 2020

  • Determinants of inward foreign direct investment in India - a factor analysis approach
    S J C
    International journal of Public Sector Performance Management 5 (3/4), 306-320 2019

  • International Relations and Sustainable Development
    MGS J.C
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 7, 42-49 2019

  • Foreign Direct Investment and Financial Crisis
    JC Sharmiladevi
    International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering 8 (XII 2018


    DS J.C.
    Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies 8 (3), 47-52 2017
    Citations: 41

  • An Empirical Examination of the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in India
    SJCS M.I.
    Research Journal of Economics and Business Studies 2 (12), 42-48 2013
    Citations: 11

  • A Bibliometric Analysis on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy-Analysing the Current Research Trends
    SJC Careen Mary Khongwir
    Indian Journal of Finance 17 (2), 27-53 2023
    Citations: 8

  • Influencer Marketing: Reaching the Right Person at the Right Place
    SJC Nidamarthy Aruna, D'Mello Blanche
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 8 (--), 74-93 2020
    Citations: 8

  • Impact study of agricultural value added on foreign direct investment, economic development, trade openness for India following ARDL approach
    S J.C
    Cogent Economics and Finance 11 (2), 1-21 2023
    Citations: 7

  • An overview of Indian MOOCs
    MR Sharma, JC Sharmiladevi
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 10, 31 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Refugee Crises around the World Today
    EPDS J.C
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS 6, 18-28 2018
    Citations: 6

  • Impact Study of Foreign Direct Investment on Carbon Dioxide Emission, Economic Growth, Trade Openness for India following ARDL Approach
    S J.C
    International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 14 (1), 612 2024
    Citations: 5

  • Financial deepening, foreign direct investment and economic growth
    JC Sharmiladevi
    Citations: 5

  • Cointegration and Causality Study Among Inward FDI, Economic Growth and Exports: An Indian Perspective
    S JC
    International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management t 11 (1 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Building Brand Loyalty and Purchase Consideration of Products and Services for Millennials
    JCS Jigar Chhadwa, Pravin Kumar Bhoyar
    Cardiometry, 577-584 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Prospects of FDI-Driven R&D—A Comparison Between Indian and Foreign Pharmaceutical Firms
    S J.C
    Achieving $5 Trillion Economy of India 1, 21-41 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Identifying Tourist Satisfaction in a Cultural Heritage Destination-A Factor Analysis Approach
    DSJC Rameshraj.S
    International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 5 (4), 338-350 2017
    Citations: 2

  • Understanding the Impact of Inward FDI and Economic Growth
    JC Sharmiladevi
    TSM Bus. Rev 5, 52-59 2017
    Citations: 2

  • A Review of the Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth
    JC Sharmiladevi1
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 4 (-), 126-131 2016
    Citations: 2

    S JC
    International Journal of Management 12 (2), 825-838 2021
    Citations: 1

    S JC
    International Journal of Management 11 (12), 3037-3045 2020
    Citations: 1

  • The Impact of Urbanization Induced Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging India
    S J.C.
    Urbanization and Its Impact on Socio-Economic Growth in Developing Regions 2017
    Citations: 1

  • Technology for Inner Management and Wellbeing-Yoga: Review of Literature
    DS J.C.
    Annual Research Journal of SCMS, Pune 5 (1), 124-135 2017
    Citations: 1

  • An Analysis Of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow In India
    JC Sharmiladevi
    Coimbatore 2016
    Citations: 1