- Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Peptides and Proteins from Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation SpectroscopyS Hosseinpour, SJ Roeters, M Bonn, W Peukert, S Woutersen, T WeidnerChemical Reviews 120 (7), 3420-3465 2020Citations: 166
- Evidence for intramolecular antiparallel beta-sheet structure in alpha-synuclein fibrils from a combination of two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy and atomic force microscopySJ Roeters, A Iyer, G Pletikapić, V Kogan, V Subramaniam, S WoutersenScientific reports 7 (1), 41051 2017Citations: 153
- In-Silico evidence for a two receptor based strategy of SARS-CoV-2E Milanetti, M Miotto, L Di Rienzo, M Nagaraj, M Monti, TW Golbek, ...Frontiers in molecular biosciences 8 2021Citations: 132
- IM30 triggers membrane fusion in cyanobacteria and chloroplastsR Hennig, J Heidrich, M Saur, L Schmser, SJ Roeters, N Hellmann, ...Nature communications 6 (1), 7018 2015Citations: 116
- The impact of N-terminal acetylation of α-synuclein on phospholipid membrane binding and fibril structureA Iyer, SJ Roeters, N Schilderink, B Hommersom, RMA Heeren, ...Journal of biological chemistry 291 (40), 21110-21122 2016Citations: 108
- Determining in situ protein conformation and orientation from the amide-I sum-frequency generation spectrum: theory and experimentSJ Roeters, CN Van Dijk, A Torres-Knoop, EHG Backus, RK Campen, ...The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (29), 6311-6322 2013Citations: 103
- C-terminal truncated α-synuclein fibrils contain strongly twisted β-sheetsA Iyer, SJ Roeters, V Kogan, S Woutersen, MMAE Claessens, ...Journal of the American Chemical Society 139 (43), 15392-15400 2017Citations: 98
- Ice-nucleating proteins are activated by low temperatures to control the structure of interfacial waterSJ Roeters, TW Golbek, M Bregnhj, T Drace, S Alamdari, W Roseboom, ...Nature communications 12 (1), 1183 2021Citations: 72
- Calcium-Induced Molecular Rearrangement of Peptide Folds Enables Biomineralization of Vaterite Calcium CarbonateH Lu, H Lutz, SJ Roeters, MA Hood, A Schäfer, R Muoz-Esp, R Berger, ...Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (8), 2793-2796 2018Citations: 55
- Repelling and ordering: the influence of poly (ethylene glycol) on protein adsorptionC Bernhard, SJ Roeters, J Franz, T Weidner, M Bonn, G GonellaPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (41), 28182-28188 2017Citations: 51
- Orientation and Conformation of Proteins at the Air–Water Interface Determined from Integrative Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Sum Frequency Generation SpectroscopyS Alamdari, SJ Roeters, TW Golbek, L Schmüser, T Weidner, ...Langmuir 36 (40), 11855-11865 2020Citations: 44
- Interplay between Hydrogen Bonding and Vibrational Coupling in Liquid N-MethylacetamideAV Cunha, E Salamatova, E Bloem, SJ Roeters, S Woutersen, ...The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (11), 2438-2444 2017Citations: 43
- Determination of Absolute Orientation of Protein α-Helices at Interfaces Using Phase-Resolved Sum Frequency Generation SpectroscopyL Schmüser, S Roeters, H Lutz, S Woutersen, M Bonn, T WeidnerThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (13), 3101-3105 2017Citations: 36
- Hydrophobic Collapse in N-Methylacetamide–Water MixturesE Salamatova, AV Cunha, E Bloem, SJ Roeters, S Woutersen, ...The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 122 (9), 2468-2478 2018Citations: 30
- Observation of pH-Induced Protein Reorientation at the Water SurfaceK Meister, SJ Roeters, A Paananen, S Woutersen, J Versluis, GR Szilvay, ...The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (8), 1772-1776 2017Citations: 30
- Sticky water surfaces: Helix–coil transitions suppressed in a cell-penetrating peptide at the air-water interfaceD Schach, C Globisch, SJ Roeters, S Woutersen, A Fuchs, CK Weiss, ...The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (22) 2014Citations: 30
- Tutorials in vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy. II. Designing a broadband vibrational sum frequency generation spectrometerJD Pickering, M Bregnhj, AS Chatterley, MH Rasmussen, SJ Roeters, ...Biointerphases 17 (1) 2022Citations: 27
- Ice-binding site of surface-bound type III antifreeze protein partially decoupled from waterD Verreault, S Alamdari, SJ Roeters, R Pandey, J Pfaendtner, T WeidnerPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (42), 26926-26933 2018Citations: 24
- Peptide-Controlled Assembly of Macroscopic Calcium Oxalate NanosheetsH Lu, A Schäfer, H Lutz, SJ Roeters, I Lieberwirth, R Muoz-Esp, ...The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (9), 2170-2174 2019Citations: 22
- Interaction of Amyloid-β-(1–42) Peptide and Its Aggregates with Lipid/Water Interfaces Probed by Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation SpectroscopyS Strazdaite, SJ Roeters, A Sakalauskas, T Sneideris, J Kirschner, ...The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 125 (40), 11208-11218 2021Citations: 18