
University of Tunis El Manar (UTM), National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT), Laboratory of Applied Mechanics and Engineering (LMAI), Tunisia
National Engineering School of Tunis (ENIT)



Tarek Mabrouki is working as Professor (full) in Mechanical Engeneering at ENIT "National Engineering School of Tunis"​, member of the "University of Tunis El Manar"​.

Previously, he was Professor at "INSA de Lyon"​ for 12 years ago and a senior lecturer at ENSAM ParisTech, for 3 Years. He received his Ph.D degree from "Arts et Métiers ParisTech"​, Paris, France, in 2000. He also obtained the "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches en sciences, abbreviated "HDR"​, which is a French diploma of "accreditation to supervise research"​, from both INSA de Lyon and University of Claude Bernard (Lyon 1). Tarek Mabrouki has received a M.S. degree (DEA) from "Université Pierre et Marie Curie"​ Paris VI, France, in 1996 and an Engineer Diploma (bac+6), from "Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax" (ENIS), in 1995. His main research interests include the study of manufacturing processes: machining, Waterjet cutting, material forming, additive manufacturing, modelling and simulation.


Include modelling of coupled physical phenomena applied to the numerical simulation of manufacturing processes: machining, Waterjet cutting, material forming, additive manufacturing, modelling and simulation


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications


  • Analysis, modelling and optimization during sustainable Dry and MQL turning of AISI 52100 steel using DF, GRA, EAMR, EDAS and FUCA methods
    C Souaidi, MA Yallese, A Amirat, S Belhadi, T Mabrouki
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-35 2024

  • A comparative study on microstructure and mechanical properties of 17-4PH processed by a laser powder bed fusion vs rolling process
    TAM Sghaier, H Sahlaoui, T Mabrouki, H Sallem, J Rech
    Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 1-17 2024

  • Experimental investigation on the performance of ceramics and CBN cutting materials during dry machining of cast iron: Modeling and optimization study using RSM, ANN, and GA
    B Gasmi, MA Yallese, S Boucherit, S Chihaoui, T Mabrouki
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of 2024

  • Advances in Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processes and Applications
    T Mabrouki, H Sahlaoui, H Sallem, F Ghanem, N Benyahya
    Springer 2024

  • Investigation of machining quality indicators and effect of tool geometry parameters during the machining of difficult-to-machine metal
    F Ahmed, F Ahmad, F Abbassi, ST Kumaran, T Mabrouki
    Results in Materials 20, 100487 2023

  • Check for updates
    TAM Sghaier, H Sahlaoui, T Mabrouki, H Sallem, J Rech
    Advances in Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processes and Applications 2023

  • Selective laser melting of stainless-steel: a review of process, microstructure, mechanical properties and post-processing treatments
    TAM Sghaier, H Sahlaoui, T Mabrouki, H Sallem, J Rech
    International Journal of Material Forming 16 (4), 41 2023

  • 3D parametric thermal finite element model in turning
    W Tarhouni, L Abdellaoui, H Khlifi, M Ben Said, T Mabrouki, W Bouzid Sai
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 45 2023

  • Mechanical properties of additively manufactured 17-4PH SS: heat treatment
    TAM Sghaier, H Sahlaoui, T Mabrouki, H Sallem, J Rech
    Advances In Additive Manufacturing Conference, 28-36 2023

  • Effect of Printing Process Parameters on the Tensile Behavior of FDM-Built Parts
    A Belhadj, S Slama, MH Habouba, T Mabrouki
    Advances In Additive Manufacturing Conference, 219-227 2023

  • Contribution to the Formulation of a Material Based on Marble Waste for Its Use in 3D Printing in Civil Engineering
    H Zargayouna, E Hamdi, T Mabrouki
    Advances In Additive Manufacturing Conference, 159-169 2023

  • Experimental Study of Morphological Defects Generated by SLM on 17-4PH Stainless Steel
    TAM Sghaier, H Sahlaoui, H Sallem, T Mabrouki, J Rech
    Advances In Additive Manufacturing Conference, 238-244 2023

  • Machinability investigation of gray cast iron in turning with ceramics and CBN tools: Modeling and optimization using desirability function approach
    B Gasmi, MA Yallese, S Boucherit, S Chihaoui, T Mabrouki
    Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 86 (1), 119-137 2023

  • 3D macro-mechanical FE simulation for GLARE drilling with experimental validation
    I Boughdiri, T Mabrouki, R Zitoune, K Giasin, MF Ameur
    Composite Structures 304, 116458 2023

    Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 53 (1), 49-65 2023

  • Tool Temperature Distribution in Orthogonal Cutting Using Finite Element Thermal Analysis
    W Tarhouni, H Khlifi, L Abdellaoui, MB Said, T Mabrouki, W Bouzid Sa
    International Conference on Innovative Materials, Manufacturing, and 2022

  • Comparative analyses and investigations of chamfered and honed-edge tool geometries on tool wear, chip morphology, residual stresses and end-burr formation
    M Asad, H Ijaz, MAA Khan, M Khan, T Mabrouki, MU Rashid
    Journal of Manufacturing Processes 80, 196-209 2022

  • Parametric study and multi-criteria optimization during turning of X210Cr12 steel using the desirability function and hybrid Taguchi-WASPAS method
    K Safi, MA Yallese, S Belhadi, T Mabrouki, S Chihaoui
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of 2022

  • Tool wear, 3D surface topography, and comparative analysis of GRA, MOORA, DEAR, and WASPAS optimization techniques in turning of cold work tool steel
    K Safi, MA Yallese, S Belhadi, T Mabrouki, A Laouissi
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 121 (1), 701-721 2022

  • Assessment of Surface Integrity and Dust While Drilling of GLARE FMLs
    I Boughdiri, T Mabrouki, R Zitoune, K Giasin
    Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing II: Proceedings of the 2022


  • Statistical analysis of surface roughness and cutting forces using response surface methodology in hard turning of AISI 52100 bearing steel with CBN tool
    K Bouacha, MA Yallese, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 28 (3), 349-361 2010
    Citations: 520

  • Analysis of surface roughness and cutting force components in hard turning with CBN tool: Prediction model and cutting conditions optimization
    H Aouici, MA Yallese, K Chaoui, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    Measurement 45 (3), 344-353 2012
    Citations: 449

  • Numerical and experimental study of dry cutting for an aeronautic aluminium alloy (A2024-T351)
    T Mabrouki, F Girardin, M Asad
    International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 48, 1187-1197 2008
    Citations: 391

  • Numerical and experimental analyses of woven composite reinforcement forming using a hypoelastic behaviour. Application to the double dome benchmark
    MA Khan, T Mabrouki, E Vidal-Sall, P Boisse
    Journal of materials processing technology 210 (2), 378-388 2010
    Citations: 323

  • On the prediction of surface roughness in the hard turning based on cutting parameters and tool vibrations
    Z Hessainia, A Belbah, MA Yallese, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    Measurement 46 (5), 1671-1681 2013
    Citations: 320

  • On the selection of Johnson-Cook constitutive model parameters for Ti-6Al-4 V using three types of numerical models of orthogonal cutting
    Y Zhang, JC Outeiro, T Mabrouki
    Procedia Cirp 31, 112-117 2015
    Citations: 297

  • A contribution to a qualitative understanding of thermo-mechanical effects during chip formation in hard turning
    T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 176 (1-3), 214-221 2006
    Citations: 254

  • Chip formation in orthogonal cutting considering interface limiting shear stress and damage evolution based on fracture energy approach
    YC Zhang, T Mabrouki, D Nelias, YD Gong
    Finite elements in analysis and design 47 (7), 850-863 2011
    Citations: 182

  • Comparative assessment of wiper and conventional ceramic tools on surface roughness in hard turning AISI 4140 steel
    M Elbah, MA Yallese, H Aouici, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    Measurement 46 (9), 3041-3056 2013
    Citations: 179

  • Performance of coated and uncoated mixed ceramic tools in hard turning process
    H Bensouilah, H Aouici, I Meddour, MA Yallese, T Mabrouki, F Girardin
    Measurement 82, 1-18 2016
    Citations: 156

  • Surface roughness and cutting forces modeling for optimization of machining condition in finish hard turning of AISI 52100 steel
    MW Azizi, S Belhadi, MA Yallese, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal
    Journal of mechanical science and technology 26, 4105-4114 2012
    Citations: 149

  • Predictive modeling and multi-response optimization of technological parameters in turning of Polyoxymethylene polymer (POM C) using RSM and desirability function
    A Chabbi, MA Yallese, I Meddour, M Nouioua, T Mabrouki, F Girardin
    Measurement 95, 99-115 2017
    Citations: 144

  • Load transfer of graphene/carbon nanotube/polyethylene hybrid nanocomposite by molecular dynamics simulation
    Y Zhang, X Zhuang, J Muthu, T Mabrouki, M Fontaine, Y Gong, T Rabczuk
    Composites Part B: Engineering 63, 27-33 2014
    Citations: 122

  • Numerical simulation and experimental study of the interaction between a pure high-velocity waterjet and targets: contribution to investigate the decoating process
    T Mabrouki, K Raissi, A Cornier
    Wear 239 (2), 260-273 2000
    Citations: 115

  • Modeling and optimization of hard turning of X38CrMoV5-1 steel with CBN tool: Machining parameters effects on flank wear and surface roughness
    H Aouici, MA Yallese, B Fnides, K Chaoui, T Mabrouki
    Journal of mechanical science and technology 25, 2843-2851 2011
    Citations: 113

  • Experimental investigation and performance analyses of CBN insert in hard turning of cold work tool steel (D3)
    H Bouchelaghem, MA Yallese, T Mabrouki, A Amirat, JF Rigal
    Machining Science and Technology 14 (4), 471-501 2010
    Citations: 111

  • Experimental and numerical study of chip formation during straight turning of hardened AISI 4340 steel
    S Belhadi, T Mabrouki, JF Rigal, L Boulanouar
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of 2005
    Citations: 104

  • Mathematical modeling for turning on AISI 420 stainless steel using surface response methodology
    L Bouzid, MA Yallese, K Chaoui, T Mabrouki, L Boulanouar
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of 2015
    Citations: 103

  • On the existence of a thermal contact resistance at the tool-chip interface in dry cutting of AISI 1045: Formation mechanisms and influence on the cutting process
    C Courbon, T Mabrouki, J Rech, D Mazuyer, E D'Eramo
    Applied Thermal Engineering 50 (1), 1311-1325 2013
    Citations: 101

  • Modeling and multi-objective optimization for minimizing surface roughness, cutting force, and power, and maximizing productivity for tempered stainless steel AISI 420 in
    A Zerti, MA Yallese, I Meddour, S Belhadi, A Haddad, T Mabrouki
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 102, 135-157 2019
    Citations: 99