Vasyl Ostrovskyi

Institue of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


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Scopus Publications


  • On families of twisted power partial isometries
    VL Ostrovskyi, DP Proskurin, RY Yakymiv
    Carpathian Mathematical Publications 14 (1), 260-265 2022

  • On -tensor products of Cuntz algebras
    A Kuzmin, V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, M Weber, R Yakymiv
    International Journal of Mathematics 33 (02), 2250017 2022

  • Geometric properties of SIC-POVM tensor square
    V Ostrovskyi, D Yakymenko
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 112 (1), 7 2022

  • A class of representations of -algebra generated by -commuting isometries
    O Ostrovska, V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, Y Samoilenko
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.13059 2021

  • On representations of q_ij-commuting isometries
    V Ostrovskyi, O Ostrovska, D Proskurin, Y Samoilenko

  • On representations of “all but two” algebras
    EN Ashurova, VL Ostrovskyi
    Zbirnyk Prats Instytutu Matematyky NAN Ukrainy 12, 8-21 2015

  • A Resolvent Approach to the Real Quantum Plane
    V Ostrovskyi, K Schmdgen
    Integral Equations and Operator Theory 79, 451-476 2014

  • Some remarks on Hilbert representations of posets
    V Ostrovskyi, S Rabanovich
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.2920 2013

  • О парах операторов, связанных квадратичным соотношением
    ВЛ Островский, ЮС Самойленко
    Функциональный анализ и его приложения 47 (1), 82-87 2013

  • Зображення канонічних антикомутаційних співвідношень з умовою ортогональності
    ВЛ Островський, ОВ Островська, ДП Проскурін, РЯ Якимів

  • Representations of relations with orthogonality condition and their deformations
    VL Ostrovskyi, DP Proskurin, RY Yakymiv
    Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 18 (04), 373-386 2012

  • On the Structure of Homogenenous Wick Ideals in Wick*-ALGEBRAS with Braided Coefficients
    V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, Y Savchuk, L Turowska
    Reviews in Mathematical Physics 24 (04), 1250007 2012

  • Конечномерный линейный анализ. I. Линейные операторы в конечномерных векторных пространствах (L)
    МА Муратов, ВЛ Островский, ЮС Самойленко
    Киев: Центр учеб. лит 2011

  • Unbounded Representations of q-Deformation of Cuntz Algebra
    V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, L Turowska
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 85 (2), 147-162 2008

  • On C∗-algebra of a semigroup of partial isometries
    V Ostrovskyi, S Popovych, L Turowska
    Journal of Functional Analysis 251 (1), 210-231 2007

  • On quadruples of linearly connected projections and transitive systems of subspaces
    Y Moskaleva, V Ostrovskyi, K Yusenko
    Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 13 (01), 43-49 2007

  • On functions on graphs and representations of a certain class of∗-algebras
    S Albeverio, V Ostrovskyi, Y Samoilenko
    Journal of Algebra 308 (2), 567-582 2007

  • On spectral theorems for families of linearly connected self-adjoint operators with given spectra associated with extended Dynkin graphs
    VL Ostrovs’ kyi, YS Samoilenko
    Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 58 (11), 1768-1785 2006

  • Special characters on star graphs and representations of -algebras
    V Ostrovskyi
    arXiv preprint math/0509240 2005

  • On*-representations of a certain class of algebras related to a graph
    V Ostrovskyi
    arXiv preprint math/0506505 2005


  • Introduction To The Theory Of Representations of Finitely Presented *-Algebras. I. Representations by Bounded Operators
    V Ostrovskyi, Y Samoilenko
    CRC Press 2004
    Citations: 191

  • Representation theory and numerical AF-invariants: The representations and centralizers of certain states on Od
    O Bratteli, PET Jrgensen, V Ostrovsʹkyĭ
    American Mathematical Soc. 168 (797) 2004
    Citations: 44

  • On functions on graphs and representations of a certain class of∗-algebras
    S Albeverio, V Ostrovskyi, Y Samoilenko
    Journal of Algebra 308 (2), 567-582 2007
    Citations: 39

  • Unbounded operators satisfying non-Lie commutation relations
    VL Ostrovskii, YS Samoilenko
    Reports on mathematical physics 28 (1), 91-104 1989
    Citations: 29

  • On spectral theorems for families of linearly connected self-adjoint operators with given spectra associated with extended Dynkin graphs
    VL Ostrovs’ kyi, YS Samoilenko
    Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 58 (11), 1768-1785 2006
    Citations: 21

  • On pairs of self-adjoint operators
    VL Ostrovskyı, YS Samoılenko
    Sem. Sophus Lie 3 (2), 185-218 1993
    Citations: 18

  • Expansion in eigenfunctions of families of commuting operators and representations of commutation relations
    YM Berezanskii, VL Ostrovskii, YS Samoilenko
    Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 40, 90-92 1988
    Citations: 15

  • Families of unbounded self-adjoint operators connected by non-Lie relations
    VL Ostrovskii, YS Samoilenko
    Functional Analysis and Its Applications 23 (2), 139-141 1989
    Citations: 13

  • Representations of -algebras with two generators and polynomial relations
    VL Ostrovskii, YS Samoilenko
    Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 172, 121-129 1989
    Citations: 13

  • On*-representations of a certain class of algebras related to a graph
    V Ostrovskyi
    arXiv preprint math/0506505 2005
    Citations: 12

  • Representations of real-valued forms of the graded analogue of a Lie algebra
    VL Ostrovskii, SD Sil'vestrov
    Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 44 (11), 1395-1401 1993
    Citations: 12

  • On -tensor products of Cuntz algebras
    A Kuzmin, V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, M Weber, R Yakymiv
    International Journal of Mathematics 33 (02), 2250017 2022
    Citations: 11

  • Representations of∗-algebras and multidimensional dynamical systems
    VL Ostrovskyı, LB Turovskaya
    Ukr. Mat. Zhurn 47 (4), 488-497 1995
    Citations: 11

  • Structure theorems for a pair of unbounded selfadjoint operators satisfying quadratic relation
    VL Ostrovskii, YS Samoilenko
    Akad. Nauk Ukrain. SSR. Inst. Mat. Preprint, 1-25 1991
    Citations: 11

  • Representations of quadratic∗-algebras by bounded and unbounded operators
    VL Ostrovskyĭ, YS Samoĭlenko
    Reports on Mathematical Physics 35 (2-3), 283-301 1995
    Citations: 9

  • Representations of the real forms of a graded analogue of the Lie algebra sl (2, C)
    VL Ostrovskyi, SD Silvestrov
    Ukr. Mat. Zhurn 44 (11), 1518-1524 1992
    Citations: 9

  • Unbounded Representations of q-Deformation of Cuntz Algebra
    V Ostrovskyi, D Proskurin, L Turowska
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 85 (2), 147-162 2008
    Citations: 8

  • Samoılenko Yu
    VL Ostrovskyı
    S., Unbounded operators satisfying non-Lie commutation relations, Repts 1989
    Citations: 8

  • Geometric properties of SIC-POVM tensor square
    V Ostrovskyi, D Yakymenko
    Letters in Mathematical Physics 112 (1), 7 2022
    Citations: 7

  • Special characters on star graphs and representations of -algebras
    V Ostrovskyi
    arXiv preprint math/0509240 2005
    Citations: 7