electronic structure, magnetism, skyrmions, first-principles simulations, density functional theory
Scholar Citations
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Scholar i10-index
Tunable topological magnetism in superlattices of nonmagnetic B20 systemsV Borisov, A Delin, O ErikssonPhysical Review B 110 (6), L060407 2024
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions, Nel skyrmions and V4 magnetic clusters in multiferroic lacunar spinel GaV4S8V Borisov, N Salehi, M Pereiro, A Delin, O Erikssonnpj Computational Materials 10 (1), 53 2024
From electronic structure to magnetism and skyrmions (Topical review)V BorisovarXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08628 2023
Effects of rhodium doping on dislocation nucleation in a [001] SrNi2P2 single crystal under spherical nanoindentationS Xiao, S Rommel, KA Burns, AA Buswell, V Borisov, J Schmidt, R Valenti, ...Journal of Materials Research 38 (14), 3491-3503 2023
Unraveling effects of electron correlation in two-dimensional FenGeTe2 (n = 3, 4, 5) by dynamical mean field theoryS Ghosh, S Ershadrad, V Borisov, B Sanyalnpj Computational Materials 9 (1), 86 2023
Dynamical electron correlation in two-dimensional FenGeTe2 (n=3, 4, 5) magnetsB Sanyal, S Ershadrad, S Ghosh, V Borisov, Y KvashninAPS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, F55. 007 2023
Tuning skyrmions in B20 compounds by and dopingV Borisov, Q Xu, N Ntallis, R Clulow, V Shtender, J Cedervall, M Sahlberg, ...Physical Review Materials 6 (8), 084401 2022
Exchange scaling of ultrafast angular momentum transfer in 4f antiferromagnetsYW Windsor, SE Lee, D Zahn, V Borisov, D Thonig, K Kliemt, A Ernst, ...Nature materials 21 (5), 514-517 2022
Exotic magnetic and electronic properties of layered single crystals under high pressureA Ghosh, D Singh, T Aramaki, Q Mu, V Borisov, Y Kvashnin, G Haider, ...Physical Review B 105 (8), L081104 2022
Magnetic interactions in multiferroic lacunar spinels GaV4S8 and GaV4Se8V Borisov, P Thunstrm, A Delin, O ErikssonAPS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, D54. 012 2022
Effects of Rhodium Doping on Dislocation Nucleation in SrNi 2P 2 Single Crystal Under Spherical NanoindentationKA Burns, AA Buswell, V Borisov, J Schmidt, R Valenti, PC Canfield, ... 2022
In Situ Pseudopotentials: Calculating pseudopotentials using all-electron theory for solidCS Ong, K Bjrnson, V Borisov, J Wills, M Alouani, O Grns, ...APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, A48. 003 2022
Novel magnetic stoichiometric superconductor compound EuRbFe4As4T Kim, KS Pervakov, VA Vlasenko, AV Sadakov, A Usol’Tsev, ...Phys. Uspekhi 65, 740-747 2022
Connection between magnetic interactions and the spin-wave gap of the insulating phase of N Ntallis, V Borisov, YO Kvashnin, D Thonig, E Sjqvist, A Bergman, ...Physical Review B 104 (13), 134433 2021
Construction of heterolayer intermetallic crystals: Case studies of the 1144-phase TM-phosphides (TM) (TM=Fe, Ru, Co, Ni)BQ Song, M Xu, V Borisov, O Palasyuk, CZ Wang, R Valent, PC Canfield, ...Physical Review Materials 5 (9), 094802 2021
Pseudoelasticity of SrNi2P2 Micropillar via Double Lattice Collapse and ExpansionS Xiao, V Borisov, G Gorgen-Lesseux, S Rommel, G Song, JM Maita, ...Nano Letters 21 (19), 7913-7920 2021
Orbital occupancy and hybridization in strained epitaxial filmsM Mirjolet, HB Vasili, A Valadkhani, J Santiso, V Borisov, P Gargiani, ...Physical Review Materials 5 (9), 095002 2021
Electron–Phonon Coupling and Electron–Phonon Scattering in SrVO3M Mirjolet, F Rivadulla, P Marsik, V Borisov, R Valent, J FontcubertaAdvanced Science 8 (15), 2004207 2021
Exchange constants for local spin Hamiltonians from tight-binding modelsS Streib, A Szilva, V Borisov, M Pereiro, A Bergman, E Sjqvist, A Delin, ...Physical Review B 103 (22), 224413 2021
Electronic structure and coexistence of superconductivity with magnetism in TK Kim, KS Pervakov, DV Evtushinsky, SW Jung, G Poelchen, K Kummer, ...Physical Review B 103 (17), 174517 2021
The 2016 oxide electronic materials and oxide interfaces roadmapM Lorenz, MSR Rao, T Venkatesan, E Fortunato, P Barquinha, ...Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (43), 433001 2016Citations: 369
Hedgehog spin-vortex crystal stabilized in a hole-doped iron-based superconductorWR Meier, QP Ding, A Kreyssig, SL Bud’ko, A Sapkota, K Kothapalli, ...npj Quantum Materials 3 (1), 1-6 2018Citations: 104
Pressure-induced half-collapsed-tetragonal phase in US Kaluarachchi, V Taufour, A Sapkota, V Borisov, T Kong, WR Meier, ...Physical Review B 96 (14), 140501 2017Citations: 59
Magnetic fluctuations and superconducting properties of studied by NMRJ Cui, QP Ding, WR Meier, AE Bhmer, T Kong, V Borisov, Y Lee, ...Physical Review B 96 (10), 104512 2017Citations: 55
Magnetic properties of defect-free and oxygen-deficient cubic M Hoffmann, VS Borisov, S Ostanin, I Mertig, W Hergert, A ErnstPhysical Review B 92 (9), 094427 2015Citations: 48
Microscopic origin of the mobility enhancement at a spinel/perovskite oxide heterointerface revealed by photoemission spectroscopyP Schtz, DV Christensen, V Borisov, F Pfaff, P Scheiderer, L Dudy, ...Physical Review B 96 (16), 161409 2017Citations: 45
Origin of tunnel electroresistance effect in -based multiferroic tunnel junctionsA Quindeau, V Borisov, I Fina, S Ostanin, E Pippel, I Mertig, D Hesse, ...Physical Review B 92 (3), 035130 2015Citations: 40
Electronic structure and coexistence of superconductivity with magnetism in TK Kim, KS Pervakov, DV Evtushinsky, SW Jung, G Poelchen, K Kummer, ...Physical Review B 103 (17), 174517 2021Citations: 38
Spin-dependent transport in a multiferroic tunnel junction: Theory for VS Borisov, S Ostanin, S Achilles, J Henk, I MertigPhysical Review B 92 (7), 075137 2015Citations: 37
Heisenberg and anisotropic exchange interactions in magnetic materials with correlated electronic structure and significant spin-orbit couplingV Borisov, YO Kvashnin, N Ntallis, D Thonig, P Thunstrm, M Pereiro, ...Physical Review B 103 (17), 174422 2021Citations: 36
Trends in pressure-induced layer-selective half-collapsed tetragonal phases in the iron-based superconductor family V Borisov, PC Canfield, R ValentPhysical Review B 98 (6), 064104 2018Citations: 35
Electron–Phonon Coupling and Electron–Phonon Scattering in SrVO3M Mirjolet, F Rivadulla, P Marsik, V Borisov, R Valent, J FontcubertaAdvanced Science 8 (15), 2004207 2021Citations: 28
Magnetoelectric properties of the (001) interface studied from first principlesVS Borisov, S Ostanin, IV Maznichenko, A Ernst, I MertigPhysical Review B 89 (5), 054436 2014Citations: 25
Band-Order Anomaly at the γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 Interface Drives the Electron-Mobility BoostA Chikina, DV Christensen, V Borisov, MA Husanu, Y Chen, X Wang, ...ACS nano 15 (3), 4347-4356 2021Citations: 23
Evolution from Nematics to Nematics in Heavily Hole-Doped Iron-Based SuperconductorsV Borisov, RM Fernandes, R ValentPhysical review letters 123 (14), 146402 2019Citations: 23
Exchange scaling of ultrafast angular momentum transfer in 4f antiferromagnetsYW Windsor, SE Lee, D Zahn, V Borisov, D Thonig, K Kliemt, A Ernst, ...Nature materials 21 (5), 514-517 2022Citations: 22
Unraveling effects of electron correlation in two-dimensional FenGeTe2 (n = 3, 4, 5) by dynamical mean field theoryS Ghosh, S Ershadrad, V Borisov, B Sanyalnpj Computational Materials 9 (1), 86 2023Citations: 20
Exotic magnetic and electronic properties of layered single crystals under high pressureA Ghosh, D Singh, T Aramaki, Q Mu, V Borisov, Y Kvashnin, G Haider, ...Physical Review B 105 (8), L081104 2022Citations: 20
Hydrostatic pressure response of an oxide-based two-dimensional electron systemJ Zabaleta, VS Borisov, R Wanke, HO Jeschke, SC Parks, B Baum, ...Physical Review B 93 (23), 235117 2016Citations: 20
Equation of motion and the constraining field in ab initio spin dynamicsS Streib, V Borisov, M Pereiro, A Bergman, E Sjqvist, A Delin, O Eriksson, ...Physical Review B 102 (21), 214407 2020Citations: 17