BSc (Honors) Civil Engineering




Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Effect of Tunnel Form Building Under 10 Past Earthquake Records Analyzed Using Ruaumoko 2D
    A. Shamilah, A. S. Aweis, R. Che Amat, and N. Hamid

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Preface

  • Workability and Performance of High-Performance Concrete by Using Palm Oil Fuel Ash as a Cement Replacement Material
    Muhd Norhasri Muhd Sidek, Mohamad Haris Hakim Mohd Nasir, Aidah Jumahat, Nuradila Izzaty Halim, Aidan Newman, Mohd Afiq Mohd Fauzi, and Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • European Yield Model Exponential Decay Constant Modification for Glulam after Fire Exposure
    Mohd Nizam Shakimon, Rohana Hassan, Nor Jihan Abd Malek, Azman Zainal, Ali Awaludin, Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid, Wei Chen Lum, and Mohd Sapuan Salit

    Many real-scale fire tests have been performed on timber connections to analyze the mechanical behavior of timber connections in previous years. However, little research focused on the bending performance of glued laminated (glulam) timber beam bolted connections after fire exposure. In this paper, the three-dimensional numerical model of the glulam timber beam bolted connections was developed and validated by experimental results. The model can simulate temperature evolution in the connections and their mechanical behavior. In the real-scale test, three (3) samples were prepared for a four-point bending test at normal temperature, while another three (3) samples were tested after exposure to a 30-min standard fire and cooled down to normal temperature. The results show the reduction of the load-carrying capacity before and after exposure to the standard fire by 23.9 kN (71.8%), 8.3 kN (26.1%), and 20.2 kN (47.6%) for bolt diameters of 12 mm, 16 mm, and 20 mm, respectively. The numerical model aims to conduct a parametric study and propose the modification of the exponential decay constant, k, for tropical glulam timber to predict the load-carrying capacity of the glulam timber beam bolted connections after exposure to standard fire.

  • Study on structural robustness to resist progressive collapse of vertical irregularly base-isolated structures
    Chao Bao, Xiaotong Ma, Dahai Lv, Qiaozhi Wu, Shu Ing Doh, Siew Choo Chin, Hongbo Shu, and Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid

    Elsevier BV

  • Seismic Microzonation Map for a Fixed-Jacket Platform in the Malay Basin
    Mohamad Mazlina, M. S. Liew, Kamaluddeen Usman Danyaro, Azlan Adnan, and Nor Hayati Ab Hamid

    The existence of soft soil in offshore areas may lead to the amplification of vibration received from offshore facilities, especially from the existing fixed-jacket platforms, which were designed without provision to seismicity, as in Malaysian water. Therefore, this study was designed to develop a seismic microzonation map and a soil amplification factor map according to soil type; we propose horizontal response spectra and site coefficient values (Ca and Cv) for the Malay Basin. A one-dimensional nonlinear analysis of layered soil (NERA) was used in the ground response analysis for six selected seismic events under five return periods of 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2500 years. Soil amplification factors for soil types D and E showed a decreasing trend from 100 years to 2500 years. Two designed horizontal response spectra are proposed (for soil type D and E) under average and envelope conditions; a comparison with ISO showed that the proposed spectra were higher, especially for soil type E. To summarize, the seismicity effect should be included in the development of offshore industries as findings indicated that soil amplification occurred in soil types D and E at the Malay Basin.

  • Experimental Bond Behaviour of Glued-In Rod Connection for Mengkulang Glulam under Pull-Out Loading
    Tengku Anita Raja Hussin, Rohana Hassan, Ali Awaludin, Muhd Norhasri Muhd Sidek, Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid, and Mohd Sapuan Salit

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.

  • Comparison of Seismic Response Corner Beam-Column Joint with and without Fuse Bars Under In-Plane Lateral Cyclic Loading
    Nurfarhana Diyana Hadi, Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid, Ili Farhana Azmi, Rohana Hassan, Yeri Sutopo, Bao Chao, and Nurul Azmi Zainuddin


  • Vibration Analysis on a Railway Bridge Structure
    R. Kusumawardani, N. Qudus, A. B. Sabba, N. C. Nugroho, N. H. A. Hamid, S. A. Kudus, A. Alisibramulisi, R. Hassan, A. Kusbiantoro, N. M. Ermansyah,et al.

    Springer Nature Singapore

  • Strengthening of deficient exterior rc beam-column joints using basalt fibre reinforced polymer sheets

  • Cracks monitoring and resistivity test for a double-storey house due to cavity in the soil
    M. M. H. Shamsudin, N. H. Hamid, M. N. M Sidek, T. I. S. T Aziz, H. Awang, and B. Chao

    Horizon Research Publishing Co., Ltd.

  • Numerical Study on Various Position of Multiple Water Tanks toward Earthquake on High-rise Building
    Izzul Syazwan Ishak, Norhayati Abdul Hamid, and Norliyati Mohd Amin

    IOP Publishing
    Earthquake can cause many problems to the structures, which lead to building collapse and may takes humans life. One of the effort to reduce the structural response is by introduce the damping system to the buildings where the energy of the system is slowly reduced until the vibration of the system is totally eliminated and the system is brought to rest. Several techniques are available nowadays, however passive control system has advantage in term of cost especially in Malaysia where the earthquake is not the major threat like in Japan but it is good to tune existing water tank to became a passive damper where it is there went situation needed. The objective of the present paper is to analyse the practicality of implementing multiple water tank as passive Multiple Tuned Liquid Damper and finding the best position of water tanks, which would reduce peak response of the structure subjected to seismic forces using SAP2000. 15 multi-storey concrete structure attached with five water tanks with 3 different situation of water tanks location under consideration. In order to study the depth ratio parameter, the water level was varies for each situation such as ¼ tank for all water tanks, half tanks for all water tanks and ¾ tank for all water tanks. The results shows that Position 2 filled with ¾ water has highest significant reduction in term of structural displacement which is 12.6mm compare to other water tanks positions and water level.

  • Flexural Performance of Strengthened Glued Laminated (GLULAM) Timber Beam Using Glass Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP)
    A. O. A. Zamli, R. Hassan, M. N. M. Sidek, A. Awaludin, B. Anshari, N. H. A. Hamid, and S. M. Sapuan

    Springer Singapore

  • Preface

  • Recycled Plastic Bottles as Sustainable Materials
    N. H. Hamid and M. M. H. Shamsudin

    Springer Singapore

  • Compressive and flexural strength of concrete containing recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
    M.M.H. Shamsudin, N.H. Hamid, and M.A. Mohd Fauzi

    Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
    This paper presents the feasibility study of adding recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) fiber obtained from drinking water bottle as admixture material in the concrete. A few numbers of tests were conducted to determine the physical and mechanical properties of recycled PET fiber reinforced concrete such as slump test, compressive strength test and flexural strength test. The effect of incorporating the recycled PET fiber on various volume fractions of concrete by 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% of weight of cement were experimentally investigated. The test specimens comprising of cubes and beams were prepared and tested at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days after curing process completed. Generally, it was found that the workability of concrete reinforced recycled PET has reduced as the volume fraction of PET fiber increased. The compressive strength of concrete reinforced recycled PET has reached the highest value at volume fraction of 0.5%. However, the flexural strength of concrete was significantly increased by incorporating 1.0% of recycled PET fiber. It can be concluded that the concrete which contains 0.5% of recycled PET fiber has the highest of average percentage of relative. Hence, it can be categorized as the optimum percentage of recycled PET fiber to be utilized in concrete. It is recommended to use recycled PET fiber in concrete for the construction of structures and infrastructures as a green construction material in order to achieve clean and sustainable environment in the year future.

  • Hysteresis loops of base isolation system-an overview
    M.A. Amir and N.H. Hamid

    Trans Tech Publications, Ltd.
    Recently, there are a lot of technological developments in the earthquake engineering field to reduce structural damage and one of them is a base isolation system. The base isolation system is one of the best technologies for the safety of human beings and properties under earthquake excitations. The aim of this paper is to review previous research works on simulation of base isolation systems for RC buildings and their efficiency in the safety of these buildings. Base isolation decouples superstructure from substructure to avoid transmission of seismic energy to the superstructure of RC buildings. The most effective way to assess the base isolation system for RC building under different earthquake excitations is by conducting experiment work that consumes more time and money. Many researchers had studied the behavior of base isolation system for structure through modeling the behavior of the base isolation in which base isolator is modeled through numerical models and validated through experimental works. Previous researches on the modeling of base isolation systems of structures had shown similar outcomes as the experimental work. These studies indicate that base isolation is an effective technology in immunization of structures against earthquakes.

  • Myability: A web portal for students with challenge based on web content accessibility guideline 2.0
    Abdul Aziz Hamzah, Zatul Amilah Shaffiei, Nor Hayati Abdul Hamid, and Nurulnadwan Aziz

    International Association for Educators and Researchers (IAER)