Yevhen Palamarchuk

Faculty of Automation and Intellectual Information Technoligies
Vinnytsia National Technical University


I graduated from the Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute in 1979, majoring in Radio Engineering.
Then I worked as a radio-engineer at the plant.
At the start my science carrier was dealt with the problems of creating active antenna systems and measuring their parameters.

Later I developed and implemented the next projects:
1. Medical computer diagnostic systems for cardiology, rheography and radiology. Electronics and software.
2. Automated cash register control systems.
3. Automated sugar measurement control systems for laboratories. Electronics and software.
4. Automated management systems for dairy farms. Electronics and software.
5. Electronic systems of management of educational processes of universities.


Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.11.13 "Devices and methods of controlling the parameters of materials and products", docent.
Professor of the Department of Automation and Intelligent Information Technologies, Vinnytsia National Technical University.


Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems, Hardware and Architecture, Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Principles for Constructing the Architecture of Information Ecosystems In Education
    Yevhen Palamarchuk and Olena Kovalenko

    Information ecosystems are the basis of the development of modern economy and business. The peculiarities of their use are the use of contemporary information technologies and management rules according to the concept of Management 4.0. The results of research, development and implementation of information ecosystems and their development in education allowed the authors to highlight the main principles of architecture construction and to determine the indicators of ensuring the quality of functioning of the information ecosystem in education. A detailed analysis of each principle makes it possible to form general architectural models. These models can be used to create and introduce an information ecosystem for other educational institutions. The main principles of the information ecosystem in education are determined. Among them - are systematicity, modularity, scalability, multiple use of information, minimization of duplication of data and information in different forms, adequate storage of information and knowledge, and role focus on user and human-machine interaction. The considered scenarios of the implementation of the specified principles and the formation of mathematical models for assessing the completeness of their implementation allow us to evaluate the level of development of the information ecosystem.The evolution of versions of information systems at the university, from the automation of information processes to the implementation of complex technical and management solutions, made it possible to more accurately form service modules and assess the level of coverage of information processes by the ecosystem. The electronic university information systems introduced by the authors in various educational institutions confirm the adequacy of the proposed models.

  • JetIQ electronic ecosystem at the service of the university in the country that has undergone armed aggression
    Roman Kvyetnyy, Oleh Bisikalo, Yevhen Palamarchuk, and Volodymyr Storchak

    LLC CPC Business Perspectives
    The development of modern technologies and innovations provides opportunities for higher education institutions (HEIs) and directly for teachers and students to voluntarily use tools for distance and mixed learning. However, remote access in a pandemic or a state of war is necessity and has no alternatives.The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the JetIQ electronic ecosystem for Vinnytsia National Technical University (VNTU) in wartime conditions. As in all HEI of Ukraine, the educational process at VNTU changed significantly during the year of military aggression. The need for students and teachers to hide in bomb shelters during air raids, frequent and, most importantly, unexpected interruptions of the educational process, and significant complications of access to laboratory equipment negatively affect the psychological state of all participants in educational activities. In these conditions, the JetIQ electronic ecosystem brought substantial benefits and became the primary tool for the management of the educational activities at VNTU. Reliable technological support also improved the psychological confidence of students and teachers. A comparison of the interim indicators of the 2022/2023 academic year with the trends of the three previous academic years in terms of quantitative indicators of educational resources and actions of all groups of JetIQ users showed positive trends. This testifies to its stability in the conditions of martial law.

  • IT strategies for the development of higher educational institutions
    Yevhen Palamarchuk, Nataliia Zamkova, Ruslan Novytsky, and Olena Kovalenko

    The article contains the concept of building an IT strategy for the development of a higher educational institution, its information electronic systems, and the corresponding electronic information educational environment. The IT strategy can be presented as a separate document for the development of a higher educational institution or/and as part of its general strategy in terms of digitalization. The development of the electronic university is related to its target areas. Among them are the educational process, scientific research, management processes, information technologies, etc. These directions should be combined into a single integrated system. For the effective operation of such a system and the reduction of the payback paradox, it is necessary to determine not only the strategic directions but also the steps of their implementation. The basis for the implementation of such a strategy is the definition of the university’s development specifics and scenarios for IT strategy implementation. Research and practical implementation of learning management systems in higher education institutions of Vinnytsia allowed the development of a general concept of forming IT strategy development by using contours of the interaction of its agents. Each of its contours corresponds to the definite target of the development direction. It was determined that the digitalization implementation processes correspond to the expected strategic results. It is recommended to choose implementation scenarios by using the method of hierarchies which is based on the results of expert evaluation. The research results will make it possible to formulate recommendations for building and implementing an IT strategy for a higher educational institution. These recommendations are based on the determined performance indicators of the IT strategy and the results of the practical implementation of digitalization systems of higher education institutions in Vinnytsia.

  • Assessing the level of maturity of the automated management system of a higher education institution
    Olena Kovalenko, Yevhen Palamarchuk, and Rymma Yatskovska

    The article contains the results of a study of the processes of automation of educational and management processes of higher education. The experience of the authors of the development and implementation of learning management systems and support for management of higher education, analytical studies of the need for automation of educational and support management processes revealed the need to measure the level of maturity of learning management systems and support for management processes (LMS&SMP). The variety of activities in higher education institutions is due to the need for research, development and implementation of teaching methods, organization of various projects, etc. On the other hand, the management of a higher education institution involves ensuring the level of quality of education, proper qualification of teachers and satisfaction of applicants for higher education. The latter are the target audience for the provision of educational services and key customers of such services. From the point of view of e-learning and blended learning systems, four categories of users have needs for automation: students; teachers; management; support staff. In accordance with their functional processes, it is necessary to create an electronic information educational environment with a high level of maturity of the learning management system and support management processes. In many cases, automated management systems of the educational process and management of the institution are almost unconnected, which, requires duplication of information. A comprehensive system of learning management and management support for higher education allows to form an effective information ecosystem from the level of an individual teacher, department to management. The proposed method of assessing the maturity of LMS&SMP allows to form a catalog of processes, the level of their automation, identify “white spots” of non-automated processes and design plans to improve the learning management system.

  • Optimization of electronic test parameters in learning management systems

  • Models of Behavior of Agents in the Learning Management System
    Oleg Bisikalo, Olena Kovalenko, and Yevgen Palamarchuk

    The urgency of the research. The behavior of agents as components of a learning management systems is being investigated at all stages of the life cycle of creating and using a software product. Learning management systems are characterized by the fact that the scenarios of their operation is associated with various aspects of educational activity. Directions of functional, emotional and motivational behavior of users are especially relevant. In addition, it is expedient to introduce software agents for the detection and prevention of crisis situations. Target setting. The purpose of research is deal with the close relationship between the behavior of users and the results of their activities in blended learning. The results obtained will test the basic functions of the system and identify their impact on user behavior. Actual scientific researchers and issues analysis. Recent research in various fields of science and practice focuses on user behavior, as well as the formation of special software modules (agents) that detect the problem moments of the system and warn the user. The algorithms of human-machine interaction, communications between users of information systems are studied by scientists from various fields of science and technology. Models of behavior of agents of the management training systems allow to verify the requirements to the system at different stages of the life cycle. For example, to identify the crisis moments of functioning, to consider organizational, motivational and emotional aspects. Uninvestigated problems. We have to focus the opinion on issues that require more detailed research and adaptation for learning management systems. They are: the definition of agents of information systems and their features in learning management systems; consideration of the system as a complex agent; definition of the main agent circuits of the electronic information environment on the basis of the training management system; models of agent behavior patterns and their relevance in the interfaces of program modules and user instructions. The research objective is to shape the behavior patterns of agents in the information management education system. The statement of basic materials. This research includes refinement of such basic definitions as the e-learning management system; the agent; the agent behavior pattern. Such definitions allow us to use the theory of mirrors and to determine the main contours of the functioning of the information system for blended learning in an educational institution. Detailed models are formed for the module of test final control and portfolio of the teacher. Formalized mathematical and informational models are the basis for studying of users behavior and the research basis of university blended learning system functioning. The implementation of the system modules was carried out according to the concept of “Electronic University”. The JetIQ VNTU system is implemented as a multi-agent learning system. Conclusions. The practical result of the exploration is the bundle of formalized models, definition of contours of the blended learning system and its modules. The checklist of the main processes of user behavior patterns and their description in user instructions forms the basis for analyzing of the existence of programing modules (agents) for warning, reminding and helping the user to work in particularly risky moments.

  • Algorithms of blended learning in IT education
    Olena Kovalenko and Yevhen Palamarchuk

    Blended learning is a modern trend in education. It enables the formation of synergies between traditional educational communications, electronic information dialogues and appeals to electronic resources. System algorithms of blended learning allow to use the method of “small steps” and to create a composition of interrelated educational processes. The purpose of the study is to identify key processes, roles of learners, learning situations and outcomes. A number of scientific and practical knowledge of authors and their practical experience are the base of this research and the introduction of its results into a practical educational process. Among them are the implementation of the method of “inverted class”, the active involvement of specialists and the formation of simulation model of practical activity students for future. The peculiarities of self-development in the direction of the management education platform and the teaching experience of the authors are the basis for making changes in the well-known approaches in blended learning of IT education. The purpose of the study is to identify key educational processes, to find algorithms of using internal and external electronic resources. The introduction of the proposed algorithms is tested during the teaching of disciplines “Algorithms and Data Structures”, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, “Project Management”, “Computer Networks” etc. The main changes in educational processes are: using of special network simulation software and project management software; using new approaches tests construction and encouraging students their mastering; the students' individual and teamwork in an education management system environment. The results of the research consist of determining role-based behavioural educational processes in management of education systems. The new opportunities for dynamics of improving of educational resources is based on involving practitioners, the using of open distance courses and the using of new forms of work with students. The question of activating the role of employers in the educational process and involving them in the evaluation of students' work, as well as the introduction of real cases, is an important issue.

  • Measuring of the relative milk mass fraction in water-milk solution
    Volodymyr KUCHERUK

    Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT, sp. z.o.o.
    In this article the dependence of the output voltage of photo-receiver based on photodiode-operational amplifier pair from relative mass fraction of milk in water-milk solution, during infrared radiation is passaging through it, is received. The method for determining the optimum wavelength for providing maximum sensitivity of measuring the relative mass fraction of milk is created. The results of theoretical research are confirmed by an experiment. Streszczenie. W artykule przedstawiono zależność napięcia wyjściowego foto-odbiornika opartego na parze wzmacniaczy z fotodiodami przy odbieraniu sygnału podczas promieniowania podczerwonego poprzez próbkę mieszaniny wody z mlekiem. Opracowana została metoda określania optymalnej długości fali dla zapewnienia maksymalnej czułości pomiaru względnej masy frakcji mleka. Wyniki badań teoretycznych zostały potwierdzone przez doświadczenia. (Pomiar względnej masy frakcji mleka w roztworze wody z mlekiem).

  • Means of milk level measuring for portable farmyard milking machine
    Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, Павло Ігорович Кулаков, and Тетяна Вікторівна Гнесь

    Private Company Technology Center
    Theoretical study of the photoelectric converter of light flux into voltage based on a pair of photodiode-operational amplifier is conducted. It is proved that the output voltage of the photoelectric converter based on the pair of photodiodeoperational amplifier linearly depends on the illuminated area of the photosensitive photodiode layer. A primary measuring converter of liquid level based on the considered photoelectric converter, in which the area of the illuminated photosensitive photodiode layer linearly depends on the level, and thus its output voltage are a linear level function, is proposed. Based on the proposed primary measuring level converter, a means of milk level measuring for a portable farmyard milking machine is implemented. The algorithm for its operation and algorithms for indirect measuring of milk yield, milk ejection intensity, latent period duration and other zootechnical animal parameters are considered. Absolute methodical error of measuring conversion of level and the absolute error of the proposed means of level measuring are determined. Modern means of individual milk yield measuring for farmyard milking machines, unlike stationary measuring means for milking parlors do not provide the accuracy, necessary for calculating and predicting certain zootechnical parameters. Therefore, measuring means that provides metrological indicators, similar to equipment, which is used in milking parlors, is created. As a result of implementing the created measuring means, the accuracy of indirect measuring of milk yield is increased, as confirmed by results of experimental studies. As a result of increasing the measuring accuracy of individual milk yield on farmyard machine, there is the possibility to abandon time-consuming procedure of control milking. Besides, accuracy of indirect measuring of other zootechnical animal parameters and further milking process optimization increases.

  • The statistical models of machinery milking duration by group milking machines
    Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, and Павло Ігорович Кулаков

    Private Company Technology Center
    На основі проведених досліджень створено статистичні моделі тривалості машинного доїння на групових доїльних установках. Ці моделі встановлюють функціональний зв ' язок між статистичними характеристиками тривалості доїння установок, параметрами доїльних установок, типом доїльного апарату, статистичними характеристиками процесу доїння. Теоретичні результати підтверджено результатами експериментальних досліджень.

  • The statistical model of mechanical milking duration of farmyard milking installation
    Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, Павло Ігорович Кулаков, and Тетяна Вікторівна Гнесь

    Private Company Technology Center
    Based on the conducted theoretical studies, a statistical model that establishes the functional relationship between statistical characteristics of the milking duration of the farmyard milking installation for animal tied housing and statistical characteristics of the animal preparation time, statistical properties of the milking time, number of animals, number of milking machines, type of milking machine was developed. The model takes into account the use of milking machines with the milking process control function and milking machines without this function. The developed statistical model of the milking duration of the farmyard milking installation will allow to improve the accuracy of determining the productivity of the milking installation in its designing or upgrading, develop a methodology for designing data-measuring systems of parameters of technological processes of milking and dairy rooms and automatic control systems of livestock farms. The results of the theoretical studies were proved by the experimental data. The discrepancy between experimental results and theoretical calculations does not exceed 12% that indicates the adequacy of the developed model.

  • Development of statistical models of milking duration on abreast milking machines
    Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, and Павло Ігорович Кулаков

    Private Company Technology Center
    Based on the conducted theoretical and experimental studies, statistical milking duration models were developed, which establish a functional relationship between statistical characteristics of the milking duration on abreast milking machines, and their parameters, type of milking machine, statistical characteristics of the animal preparation time and the animal milking time, number of animals in a herd. The proposed models are based on the new approach to the statistical characteristics of the animal preparation time and the animal milking time. This will increase the accuracy of determining the productivity of milking machines in their designing or upgrading, develop a methodology for designing information-measuring systems of the parameters of technological processes of milk production and automatic control systems of a farm, ensure further development of the theory of such systems. The adequacy of the developed models is higher compared to the existing ones, as confirmed by determining the relative estimation of differences between the results of the theoretical calculations and the experimental data.

  • Devising statistic models of milking duration on the conveyor milking machines
    Володимир Юрійович Кучерук, Євген Анатолійович Паламарчук, and Павло Ігорович Кулаков

    Private Company Technology Center
    As a result of theoretical and experimental research, our statistic models of milking duration determine a functional connection between statistic parameters of the duration of conveyor milking machines operation, statistic parameters of preparing and milking a cow, parameters and varieties of milking machines, and the number of animals in the herd. The suggested models are based on a new approach to the estimation of statistic parameters of preparation and milking time. The models permit a more precise estimation of milking machines productivity at the stages of their design and modernization. The findings facilitate working out methods for designing information and measurement systems of milking technology parameters and automatic farm management systems and underlie further development of a theoretical background for such systems. The increased adequacy of the devised models in comparison with the current ones is proved through determining a relative estimation of the divergence between the theoretical findings and experimental data.


  • Особливості побудови людино-машинного інтерфейсу електронних навчальних систем для людей з порушеннями зору
    ОІ Черешнюк, ЄА Паламарчук
    Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції Інформаційне 2025

    Herald of Khmelnytskyi National University. Technical sciences 339 (4), 470-476 2024

  • Метод оцінювання соціотехнічності системи управління навчанням
    ОО Коваленко, ЄА Паламарчук, ЮВ Сторожук
    Суми/Вінниця: НІКО 2024

  • Результати запровадження інструментів штучного інтелекту для тестового оцінювання знань студентів
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОО Коваленко
    Суми/Вінниця: НІКО 2024

  • Інформаційна екосистема Електронний університет. Методологія, дослідження, впровадження, результати
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОО Коваленко, ОВ Бісікало
    ВНТУ 2024

  • Аналіз практичних реалізацій автоматизованих систем ідентифікації студентів в електронних навчальних системах
    АІ Топольський, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту.№ 2: 61–70. 2024

  • Архітектура агентно-орієнтованої навчальної системи для підготовки спеціалістів технічного профілю
    О Щиров, Є Паламарчук
    Матеріали LІII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 20 2024

  • Задачі побудови комунікацій в електронних системах інклюзивної освіти
    ОІ Черешнюк, ЄА Паламарчук
    Матеріали LІII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 20 2024

  • Аналіз автоматизованих систем фіксації присутності студентів
    АІ Топольський, ЄА Паламарчук
    Матеріали LІII науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 20 2024

  • Автоматизовані інформаційні системи як засіб підвищення ефективності розвідки родовищ корисних копалин
    МС Юрчук, ЄА Паламарчук
    ВНТУ 2024

    ОС Щиров, ЄА Паламарчук
    The 2 nd International scientific and practical conference “Current 2023

  • Напрями розвитку засобів інклюзивної освіти в електронних навчальних системах
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОО Коваленко, ОІ Черешнюк
    Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту, 100-105 2023

  • Моделі гейміфікації в системах управління навчанням: монографія
    ОО Коваленко, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вінниця: ВНТУ 2023

  • Особливості моделі інтеграції програмних продуктів для управління подіями квесту
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОО Коваленко, АМ Матківський
    НІКО/КЗВО Вінницька академія безперервної освіти 2023

  • Пошукова система для локальних баз даних на основі методів глибинного навчання
    ОА Довгань, ЄА Паламарчук
    Матеріали LIІ науково-технічної конференції підрозділів ВНТУ, Вінниця, 21-23 2023

  • Методи гейміфікації в інтелектуальній системі профорієнтації
    ЄА Паламарчук

    ЖА Хассан, ЄА Паламарчук
    Інформаційне суспільство: технологічні, економічні та технічні аспекти 2023

    ОІ Денесяк, ЄА Паламарчук
    Інформаційне суспільство: технологічні, економічні та технічні аспекти 2023

  • Побудова агентної моделі з адаптаційними властивостями в інформаційних технологіях аналізу контексту в системах оцінювання знань
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОІ Денесяк
    Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту.№ 5: 32–40. 2023

  • Полегшення взаємодії людини з інклюзією і системи через застосування ігрових методів
    ОІ Черешнюк, ЄА Паламарчук, О Коваленко
    Матеріали ІII Всеукраїнської науково-технічної конференції молодих вчених 2023


  • Статистичні моделі тривалості машинного доїння
    ВЮ Кучерук, ЄА Паламарчук, ПІ Кулаков, ТВ Гнесь
    Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 1 (3 (67)), 4-7 2014
    Citations: 19

  • Датчик інтенсивності молоковіддачі переносного доїльного апарату для стійлового молокопроводу
    ВЮ Кучерук, ПІ Кулаков, ТВ Гнесь, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах, 44-48 2013
    Citations: 11

  • Methods of building microservice architecture of E-learning systems
    YA Palamarchuk
    Інформаційні технології та комп'ютерна інженерія.№ 1: 43-54. 2022
    Citations: 10

  • Верифікація механізму обрахунку спектральних характеристик варіабельності серцевого ритму в діагностичних системах за допомогою програмного етелону гармонічних сигналів.
    ЄА Паламарчук, КП Воробйов
    Клиническая информатика и телемендицина, 1: 41-46 2004
    Citations: 10

  • Статистичні моделі тривалості машинного доїння на групових доїльних установках
    ВЮ Кучерук, ЄА Паламарчук, ПІ Кулаков
    Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 4 (4 (70)), 13-17 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Система інтеграції електронних ресурсів вищого навчального закладу" Інтегровані електронні ресурси ВНТУ JetIQ Концепція інтеграції електронних ресурсів ВНТУ службовий твір
    ВВ Грабко, ОН Романюк, ОВ Бісікало, МП Боцула, ЄА Паламарчук, ...
    Режим доступу: https://iq. vntu. edu. ua
    Citations: 9

  • Моделі гейміфікації в системах управління навчанням: монографія
    ОО Коваленко, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вінниця: ВНТУ 2023
    Citations: 7

  • Фотоелектричне вимірювальне перетворення площа-напруга
    ВЮ Кучерук, ЄА Паламарчук, ПІ Кулаков, ТВ Гнесь, ЮЄ Блохін
    ВНТУ 2014
    Citations: 7

  • Measuring of the relative milk mass fraction in water-milk solution
    VY Kucheruk, EA Palamarchuk, PI Kulakov, NI Storozhuk, W Wjcik, ...
    Przeglad Elektrotechniczny.№ 3: 83-87. 2017
    Citations: 6

  • Двоконтурна система радіочастотної ідентифікації тварин
    ВЮ Кучерук, ПІ Кулаков, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вимірювальна та обчислювальна техніка в технологічних процесах, 140-144 2014
    Citations: 6

  • Комплексна система прокторингу у інформаційних технологіях аналізу контексту в системах оцінювання знань
    ОІ Денесяк, ЄА Паламарчук
    Вісник ВПІ.№ 6: 93-99. 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Огляд інформаційно-вимірювальних систем зоотехнічних параметрів тварин
    ВЮ Кучерук, ЄА Паламарчук, ПІ Кулаков, ТВ Гнесь
    Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту, 15-23 2015
    Citations: 5

  • Results of implementation of the pilot project of management system for learning and concomitance of the educational, methodological and scientific activities “JetIQ”
    O Bisiкalo, Y Palamarchuk, O Kovalenko
    Редакційна колегія, 73 2017
    Citations: 4

  • Інформаційна екосистема Електронний університет. Методологія, дослідження, впровадження, результати
    ЄА Паламарчук, ОО Коваленко, ОВ Бісікало
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  • A Comprehensive method of building intelligent career guidance systems
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  • Гейміфікація в системі управління навчанням
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  • Підвищення достовірності ідентифікації тварин у інформаційно-вимірювальних системах контролю зоотехнічних параметрів
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  • Засіб вимірювання рівню молока для переносного доїльного апарату стійлової установки
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  • Методичні вказівки для виконання лабораторних робіт з дисципліни" Інформатика та комп'ютерна техніка"
    ОВ Берник, ЄА Паламарчук, ОВ Бісікало, КІ Станчук, ІІ Бурденюк
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  • Напрями розвитку засобів інклюзивної освіти в електронних навчальних системах
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