Zvonimira Sverko Grdic


University of Rijeka, Faculty of tourism and hospitality management
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management


economy, tourism, climate change, environmental economy, circular economy


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

    Zvonimira Šverko Grdić and Tatjana Špoljarić

    Croatian Economic Association
    Primjenom kružnog gospodarstva mijenjaju se poslovni modeli, navike i način razmišljanja te se novim dizajnom i izradom proizvoda produžuje njegov životni vijek. Cilj rada je analiziranje uspješnosti korištenja modela kružne ekonomije putem pokazatelja kružnog gospodarstva u zemljama Europske unije, te davanje pregleda postojećih mjera i mogućnosti koje gospodarstvima stoje na raspolaganju putem kojih se može jednostavnije uvesti ovaj koncept u gospodarstvo. Hipoteze koje se ispituju u radu su sljedeće: H1 - Postoji međuodnos između aktivnosti recikliranja i ekonomskog rasta; H2 – Investicije, zaposlenost i dodana vrijednost u domeni kružnog gospodarstva povezane su s ekonomskim rastom. Hipoteze su se ispitale uz pomoć ekonometrijskog modela koristeći podatke Eurostata za sve zemlje EU (EU 28) u razdoblju 2008-2016. U radu se koristila korelacijska i regresijska analiza. Kod korelacijske analize korišten je Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije, a kod regresijske analize univarijatni OLS kod kojeg je nezavisna varijabla bila postotak reciklaže, a zavisna varijabla logaritmirani BDP. Rezultati istraživanja kazuju da zemlje koje imaju veći BDP, odnosno, koje su ekonomski razvijenije, imaju i bolje pokazatelje korištenja kružnog gospodarstva.

  • Urban Waste: Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Destinations

  • Managers’ perspectives about the relationship between tourism and climate change: Case of the Republic of Croatia
    Aleksandar Racz, Dora Smolčić Jurdana, and Zvonimira Šverko Grdić

    University of Primorska Press

  • Transitioning to a green economy—possible effects on the croatian economy
    Nada Denona Bogovic and Zvonimira Sverko Grdic

    Following the global economic crisis of 2008, the concept of green economy has become a significant field of interest for scientific research as well as for specific development policies in various countries around the world. More recently, the transition towards green economy has been considered a desirable model and alternative approach to development encompassing all elements of sustainable development—economic, ecological and social. By adopting the 2019 European Green Deal, the European Union has explicitly opted for a new pattern of development that involves all European countries transitioning their economies, i.e., achieving economic growth while significantly reducing their negative environmental impact. The aim of this paper was to assess the possible effects of Croatian economy transitioning in accordance with the European Green Deal strategic framework and resources planned for Croatia in the following EU budgeting period (2021–2027). Based on the regression analysis results and two developed investment scenarios for the green transition, the authors have shown the potential positive effects of such a process on the gross domestic product and on total employment. These results were further supported by arguments based on examples for specific sectors and economic activities. The authors conclude that transitioning towards green economy, i.e., implementing specific green economy policies can serve to push sustainable development in the EU while simultaneously contributing to the implementation of the strategic goals of the European Green Deal.

  • Managers' informedness of energy issues in tourism
    Dora Smolčić Jurdana, Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, and Marinela Krstinić Nižić

    Energy and environmental issues are nowadays becoming more prominent, and business subjects in tourism should dedicate more effort to energy management. This can lead to a reduction in energy-related expenses, and it shows social responsibility and concern for the environment. In order to determine the informedness of managers in tourism concerning energy issues, empirical research was conducted in all seven counties of Adriatic Croatia. The questionnaire was filled out by 254 managers in tourism in such a way that the research covered business management (hotel, villa, camp, and apartment managers), managers in tourist boards, managers in units of local self-government, and managers among other stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in tourism. The questionnaire consisted of closed-ended questions answered using the Likert scale with 1 being the worst and 5 the best. The questionnaire’s reliability was tested using factor analysis and internal consistency analysis. The results showed that managers still have insufficient knowledge concerning the impact of energy and its link to tourism. Additionally, 66.4% of the participants considered their knowledge regarding energy issues in tourism to be poor or negligible. It can be concluded that continued education for managers is required as higher awareness leads to “greener” attitudes among managers in tourism.

  • Circular economy concept in the context of economic development in EU countries
    Zvonimira Sverko Grdic, Marinela Krstinic Nizic, and Elena Rudan

    The need has arisen to implement a circular economic model that enables economic growth and prosperity in accordance with environmental protection and sustainable development because of the current unsustainable linear means of production in the economy. The aim of this paper is to determine the application of the circular economy concept in member countries of the European Union from 2008 to 2016. The purpose is to analyse whether economic development measured by GDP (gross domestic product) affects the analysed circular economy variables. Based on the hypotheses set, an econometric model was formed where GDP was identified as an independent variable, while the dependent variables were the production of municipal waste per capita, the recycling rate of municipal waste, the recycling rate of packaging waste by type of packaging, the recycling of bio-waste, and the recycling rate of e-waste. The first part of the statistical analysis conducted using the Stata software package shows the Pearson correlation between the abovestated variables, while the second part explores the univariate regression model. The results point towards the conclusion that the application of the circular economy concept can ensure economic growth and GDP growth while reducing the use of natural resources and ensuring greater environmental protection.

  • Towards circular economy implementation in European Union
    Zvonimira SverkoGrdic

    STEF92 Technology

  • Towards sustainable cities in Croatia

    WIT Press

  • Winter tourism in Croatia: Is it possible?
    Marinela Krstinić Nižić and Zvonimira Šverko Grdić

    Tourism in Croatia primarily relies on the “sun and sea” product as the main asset of its offering. The current lack of adequate infrastructure, an underdeveloped winter tourism offering and the lack of stakeholders’ interest in developing winter tourism products are only some of the problems facing winter tourism development in Croatia. Winter tourism development does not include only snow-related activities but all outdoor activities, where weather and climate play a significant role. This paper analyzes the relationship between average monthly climate indicators in summer and winter periods and the number of overnight stays in Croatia from 1977 to 2014. In the regression analysis, we used a multivariate model with first difference specification and ordinary least square (OLS) estimation, in which past period of the dependent variable was also included. Seasonality was controlled by using quarterly dummy variable. The analyses for coastal and continental Croatia were made separately. Using regression and correlation analyses, we prove that Croatian tourism in the coastal part is strongly related to climate parameters while that influence in the continental part is less significant. The main hypothesis of the paper is that, with the increase in temperature, the tourism season will be prolonged in both the coastal and continental part of the Republic of Croatia. However, other interventions in tourism (such as raising the quality, expanding the offering etc.) can also increase tourism results since climate parameters do not have the same effect on the continental and coastal part of the Republic of Croatia. The impending climate change will cause climate indicators to change, thus unlocking the potential for winter tourism development in areas not related to the sea, but also requiring the development of various forms of special-interest tourism. Winter tourism in Croatia represents a big potential not only because climate change will potentially make winters in Croatia milder but also because, with the right policies, there is a huge potential to develop the undeveloped region of continental Croatia with products that would diversify the Croatian tourism offerings.

  • Energy sustainability and its impacts on Croatian tourism
    Marinela Krstinić Nižić, Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, and Renata Endres

    The Institute of Economics, Zagreb
    Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, and environmental protection projects play a pivotal role in tourism. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) addresses resource management and energy use as one of the major issues. The main goal of the paper is to present the economic-financial analysis and the assessment of investment projects in the construction of a conventional mid-size hotel using fossil fuels and a mid-size hotel based on sustainable principles and renewable energy sources. Comparative analysis of conventional and energy-efficient hotels is used to calculate the key financial indicators in decision-making. Case study shows that the introduction of renewable energy sources meets the needs of modern guests and increases the hotel's competitiveness, while the effects of energy sustainability reflect on the environment and reduced CO2 emissions. Based on the results, the paper suggests measures for improving energy sustainability in hotels and other tourism facilities. The paper is intended for those who deal with theoretical and practical issues of energy sustainability in tourism, tourism certificates, renewable energy sources and investment costs-scientists, researchers, PhD candidates and students as a basis for further comparative studies and benchmarking. It can also be useful for a considerably wider circle of users-managers at all levels and other business decision makers, as well as proprietors, investors, and creditors.

  • Insolvency in the Republic of Croatia
    Zvonimira Šverko Grdić, Marinela Krstinić Nižić, and Maja Mamula

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract The issue of insolvency is significantly present in countries undergoing transition. In Croatia, there has been significant research on the possibilities of using the existing models for determining the domestic companies’ ability to maintain solvency. Likewise, no model based on business enterprises’ financial data has yet been proposed, which leaves an open space for this research. The purpose of this paper is to calculate and analyse solvency indicators; total debt to assets ratio, total debt to equity ratio, Altman Z-score, and the Kralicek Quick Test. This paper analyses the financial data for the period 1996–2014 and provides evidence that the insolvency of Croatian companies increased with the global financial crisis. Multiple regression analysis is used in order to show the relation between total debt to assets ratio as the dependent variable, and current assets and liabilities ratio and dummy variables as independent variables. The conclusions and recommendations for mitigating the impact of insolvency in this paper would be useful for managers, public policy-makers and all stakeholders in companies with financial problems, as well as for financially still-healthy companies.

  • Development of tourist demand in correlation with climate change in the republic of Croatia

  • Croatian tourism sector's adjustment to climate change
    Joze Peric, Dora Smolcic Jurdana, and Zvonimira Sverko Grdic

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract The modern world is characterized by various forms of social, economic, political and natural changes on a global scale. Among them, climate change poses a unique challenge to the entire human civilization and affects all aspects of human life, including tourism. Therefore, both people and the environment need to adapt to new conditions, a process that means accepting the fact that climate change is already happening. The earth has warmed by 0.7 °C since 1900. Even if all emissions were to stop today, the Earth would continue to warm by a further 0.5 °C to 1 °C over the next decade (Stern, 2006). Furthermore, adaptation will appear as a response to specific climatic events within the context of other socio-economic changes. The first step in adapting to climate change is bringing about a change in behaviour, while the second step includes preparing for climate change, by using flood resistant irrigation systems, developing sea defence systems in coastal areas, developing health care and methods to address new types of diseases, and implementing other measures.

  • The prediction model of cash flow applied to the acquisition process

  • The solvency of companies in croatia and in european union

  • Economic instruments combating land-based marine pollution


  • Provedba ciljeva održivog razvoja u Republici Hrvatskoj
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić

  • Energy - Climate Transition in Tourism Destinations in Croatia
    M Krstinic Nizic, Z Sverko Grdic, A Dekanic
    Tourism and Hospitality Industry 2022, 161-179 2022

  • Klima i klimatske promjene kao izazov održivog razvoja
    A Racz, Z Šverko Grdić
    Zdravstveno Veleučilište Zagreb i Sveučilište u Rijeci, Fakultet za 2022

  • Towards Cicrular Economy - A comparative analysis of the countries of the European Union
    Z Šverko Grdić, A Racz, R Belas
    11 th International Scientific Symposium Region Entrepreneurship Development 2022

  • Urban Waste: Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Destinations
    M Krsinić Nižić, Z Šverko Grdić, SK Dilenardo Zamlić
    Waste forum 2, 87-102 2022

  • Mogućnosti održivog ekonomskog razvoja u okviru kružnog gospodarstva
    Z Šverko Grdić, T Špoljarić
    Ekonomski pregled 73 (1), 26-41 2022

  • Financiranje tranzicije na kružno gospodarstvo
    Z Šverko Grdić
    Ekonomska politika Hrvatske u 2022- postpandemijski izazovi, 29 2021

  • Svijest menadžera u turističkim hotelskim objektima o međuutjecaju klimatskih promjena, turizma i prometa - prethodno priopćenje
    A Racz, K Rotim, Z Šverko Grdić
    5th International Scientific and Professional Conference The Challenges of 2021

  • Managers’ Perspectives about the Relationship between Tourism and Climate Change: Case of the Republic of Croatia
    A Racz, D Jurdana, Smolcic Jurdana, Z Sverko Grdic
    Academica Turistica-Tourism and Innovation Journal 14 (1) 2021

  • Linkage Between Tourism and Sustainable Development in Urban Areas
    M Krstinić Nižić, M Trinajstić, Z Šverko Grdić
    Ekonomski vjesnik 34 (1), 175-186 2021

  • Awareness of Managers in Tourist hotel Facilities about the Interaction of Climate Chante, Tourism and Traffic-Preliminary Report
    A Racz, K Rotim, Z Šverko Grdić
    5. međunarodna konferencija" Izazovi današnjice"= 5th International 2021

  • Klimatske promjene i prevencija rizika u turizmu
    A Racz, Z Šverko Grdić, K Rotim
    Turistički razvoj i utjecaj na destinaciju, 189-207 2021

  • Effect of Circular Economy on the Sustainability of Cultural Tourism (Croatia)
    E Rudan, M Krstinic Nizic, Z Sverko Grdic
    Ekonomija i Srodowisko 76 (1), 120-138 2021

  • Transitioning to a Green Economy—Possible Effects on the Croatian Economy
    N Denona Bogović, Z Šverko Grdić
    Sustainability 12 (22), 1-19 2020

  • Circular Economy Concept in the Context of Economic Development in EU Countries
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić, E Rudan
    Sustainability 12, 1-14 2020

  • Managers’ Informedness of Energy Issues in Tourism
    D Smolčić Jurdana, Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić
    Sustainability 12 (6733), 1,14 2020

  • The Smart City Concept for Sustainable Development of a Tourist Destination
    M Krstinić Nižić, K Vodeb, Z Šverko Grdić
    Pomorski zbornik 58 (No.1), 111-123 2020

  • Ecological Awereness of Managers in Tourism Accommodation Industry Related to Climate Change Issues
    A Racz, D Smolčić Jurdana, Z Šverko Grdić
    9th International Scientific Syposium Region, Entrepreneurship, Development 2020

  • Transitioning to a green economy—possible effects on the croatian economy
    ND Bogovic, ZS Grdic
    Sustainability 12 (22), 1-19 2020

  • Towards Circular Economy Implementation in European Union
    Z Sverko Grdic
    20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference - SGEM 2020 1 2020


  • Circular Economy Concept in the Context of Economic Development in EU Countries
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić, E Rudan
    Sustainability 12, 1-14 2020
    Citations: 168

  • The Importance of Energy for the Tourism Sector
    M Krstinić Nižić, Z Šverko Grdić, A Hustić
    Academica Turistica - Tourism & Innovation Journal 1 (2), 77-83 2016
    Citations: 34

  • Transitioning to a Green Economy—Possible Effects on the Croatian Economy
    N Denona Bogović, Z Šverko Grdić
    Sustainability 12 (22), 1-19 2020
    Citations: 27

  • Klimatske promjene i turizam
    J Perić, Z Šverko Grdić
    Fakultet za manadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, Opatija 2017
    Citations: 18

  • Solventnost poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj iu Europskoj uniji
    Z Šverko Grdić, J Radolović, L Bagarić
    Ekonomski pregled 60 (5-6), 250-266 2009
    Citations: 17

  • Development of Tourist Demand in Correlation with Climate Change in the Republic of Croatia
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić
    Ekonomski pregled 67 (1), 27-43 2016
    Citations: 14

  • Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na turističke tijekove–primjer Republike Hrvatske
    Z Šverko Grdić, T Špoljarić
    Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci 6 (1), 51-66 2018
    Citations: 13

  • Effect of Circular Economy on the Sustainability of Cultural Tourism (Croatia)
    E Rudan, M Krstinic Nizic, Z Sverko Grdic
    Ekonomija i Srodowisko 76 (1), 120-138 2021
    Citations: 11

  • Insolvency in the Republic of Croatia
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić, M Mamula
    Economic Research - Ekonomska Istraživanja 1 (1), 1693-1704 2017
    Citations: 11

  • Transitioning to a green economy—possible effects on the croatian economy
    ND Bogovic, ZS Grdic
    Sustainability 12 (22), 1-19 2020
    Citations: 10

  • Economic impacts of sea level rise caused by climate change
    J Peric, Z Sverko Grdic
    3rd International Scientific Conference Tourism in Southern and Eastern 2015
    Citations: 10

  • Croatian tourism sector's adjustment to climate change
    J Peric, D Jurdana Smolcic, Z Šverko Grdic
    Tourism Management Perspectives 6, 23-27 2013
    Citations: 10

  • Povezanost klimatskih promjena i turizma: Multikriterijska analiza ocjenjivanja mjera prilagodbe
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić, M Mamula
    Ekonomska Misao i Praksa 26 (1), 171 2017
    Citations: 9

  • The Smart City Concept for Sustainable Development of a Tourist Destination
    M Krstinić Nižić, K Vodeb, Z Šverko Grdić
    Pomorski zbornik 58 (No.1), 111-123 2020
    Citations: 8

  • Investigating the Influence of Tourism on Economic Growth and Climate Change – The Case of Croatia
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Gregorić, M Krstinić Nižić
    CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS 13 (2), 111-122 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Towards sustainable cities in Croatia
    M Krstinić Nižić, M Trinajstić, Z Šverko Grdić
    The Sustainable City XIII 238, 443 2019
    Citations: 7

  • Kružno gospodarstvo - model održivog ekonomskog rasta
    Z Šverko Grdić, M Krstinić Nižić, E Rudan
    8th International Scientific Conference "Knowledge and business challenges 2019
    Citations: 7

  • Energy sustainability and its impacts on Croatian tourism
    M Krstinić Nižić, Z Šverko Grdić, R Endres
    Croatian Economic Survey 19 (2), 83-104 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Ekonomski instrumenti u zaštiti mora od onečišćenja s kopna
    M Šverko, M Črnjar, Z Šverko Grdić
    Ekonomski pregled 57 (7-8), 490-517 2006
    Citations: 6

  • Turizam i klimatske promjene-dvosmjerna ulica i hijerarhijski model
    J Perić, Z Šverko Grdić
    Ekonomska politika Hrvatske u 1 (2008), 199-214 2009
    Citations: 5