Adeniyi Temidayo Daniel

Lecturer, Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences
University of Ilorin



Medical Laboratory Technology, Histology, Anatomy, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine exhibits neuroprotective activity through inhibition of oxido-behavioral dysfunctions and modulated activities of neurotransmitters in the cerebellum of Juvenile mice exposed to ethanol
    Damilare Adedayo Adekomi, Olamide Janet Olajide, Omowumi Oyeronke Adewale, Akeem Ayodeji Okesina, John Olabode Fatoki, Benedict Abiola Falana, Temidayo Daniel Adeniyi, Adebiyi Aderinola Adegoke, Waliu Adetunji Ojo, and Sheriffdeen Oluwabusayo Alabi

    Informa UK Limited
    Abstract Alcohol exposure to the cerebellum has been known to trigger cerebellar dysfunctions through several mechanisms. This present study was designed to evaluate the repealing effect of D-ribose-L-cysteine (DRLC) on alcohol-induced cerebellar dysfunctions in juvenile BALB/c mice. The animals were randomly divided into 4 groups (n  = 10 per group). Mice were given oral administration of normal saline (control), DRLC (100 mg/kg, p.o), ethanol (0.2 mL of 10% w/v), or DRLC (100 mg/kg, p.o) + ethanol (0.2 mL of 10% w/v). On day 29 of the study (i.e., 24 h after the administration of the last respective doses), neurochemical quantification of the respective levels of serotonin and dopamine, lipid peroxidation, total antioxidant, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase in the cerebellar tissues of the mice were analyzed. Compared with the saline-treated group, the studied neurochemical indices were modulated across the various experimental groups. The administration of ethanol significantly modulates the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) as well as contents of total antioxidants, activities of superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase, with a concurrently increased level of lipid peroxidase in the cerebellar tissue of the mice. DRLC significantly reverses these effects in the DRLC + ethanol co-treated group. Combined exposure to DRLC + ethanol counteracts the deleterious effect of ethanol in the cerebellum of juvenile BALB/c mice via monoamine neurotransmitter, lipid peroxidation, total antioxidant status, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase action pathways. Therefore, DRLC could be a pharmacologic or therapeutic agent in attenuating the deleterious effects of alcohol on the cerebellum.

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine modulates paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced neurological impairments: anxiolytic and antioxidative study in rat model
    Taiwo Abayomi, Olorunfemi Tokunbo, Oluwatobiloba Oroyemi, Olawale Abayomi, Opeyemi Osuntokun, Benedict Falana, and Temidayo Adeniyi

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT This study evaluated the anxiolytic and antioxidative potential of DRLC on behavioral deficits, and neuronal perturbations in the hippocampus following paradoxical sleep deprivation in adult Wistar rats. Animals were paradoxically sleep deprived for 7 days ; DRLC (75 mg/kg b.w of RiboceineTM) was pre- and post-administered for 21 days before and after paradoxical sleep deprivation. Thereafter, behavioral study was conducted to assess fear and anxiety , animals were sacrificed and biochemical analysis of oxidative stress markers and histomorphology of the hippocampus was performed. Behavioral assessments revealed that PSD elicited increased anxiety levels as demonstrated by reduced line crossing, reduced habituation time, and increased freezing time in OFT as well as increased time spent in closed arms of EPM. Also, oxidative stress levels were elevated by PSD with significantly decreased activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione (GSH) concentration as well as increased Malondialdehyde concentrations in the blood serum. However, pre-and post-treatment with DRLC significantly prevented and reduced anxiety levels and oxidative stress levels as well as prevented and repaired neuronal hippocampal damage associated with PSD respectively. In conclusion, DRLC was able to modulate oxidative stress-driven alterations and perturbed emotionality linked with PSDthrough its anxiolytic and antioxidative properties. Abbreviations: D-ribose-L-cysteine(DRLC); Catalase(CAT); Glutathione transferase(GSH); Superoxide dismutase(SOD); Non-rapid eye movement(NREM); Rapid eye movement(REM); Paradoxical sleep deprivation(PSD); Elevated plus maze(EPM); Open Field test(OFT)

  • Chromatographic and computational studies of ligands associated with bilharziasis
    Abdulazeez A. Abubakar, Temidayo D. Adeniyi, Ismaila O. Nurain, Ayoade B. Olanrewaju, and Kareemat E. Uthman

    Elsevier BV

  • A comparative study of the lateral geniculate body of rat (Rattus norvegicus), bat (Eidolon helvum) and pangolin (Manis tricuspis).
    Temidayo Adeniyi, Ahmad Tijani, Damilare Adekomi, and Taiwo Abayomi

    Canadian Center of Science and Education
    In this study, the lateral geniculate bodies (LGB) of rats, bats and pangolins were compared using histological and quantitative histochemical parameters to observe possible modifications that enable these mammals to cope with their habitation particularly with respect to their diet. The study was conducted using ten adult Wistar rats, ten fruit bats and eight pangolins comprising of both sexes. After being sacrificed by cervical dislocation, their skulls were opened using bone forceps to expose the brains. The lateral geniculate bodies were excised from each brain tissue, homogenized and homogenate studied spectrophotometrically for the activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH), acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE). The LGB tissue samples meant for histological studies were fixed in 10% formol calcium and processed for paraffin wax embedding. Serial sections of 3μm thickness were stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H & E) and Cresyl fast violet (CFV) stains. The stained tissues were studied under the light microscope. Application of one-way ANOVA statistical method showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the activities of LDH, G-6-PDH, ACP, ALP and AChE of the LGB of the three mammals as revealed in the quantitative histochemistry of these enzymes and markers. Histological observations revealed no observable differences in the relative distribution of neurons and their supporting glial cells within the LGB of the three mammalian species. The comparison of the differences observed in the histological and the quantitative histochemical activities in these mammalian species revealed a variation in the visual perception and their individual peculiarities in relation to their mode and pattern of living.

  • Exposure to smoke extract of datura stramonium leaf: Some of its effects on the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and testes of male sprague dawley rats


  • Methanolic leaf extract of Vernonia amygdalina mitigates cadmium-induced oxidative stress in the liver and kidney of adult male Wistar rats
    A Moronkeji, A Temidayo, A Benita, O Latifat
    Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 11 (1), 469-478 2024

  • Histological and Biochemical Evaluation of the Protective Potential of Ascorbate and Alpha-Tocopherol against Cypermethrin-Induced Toxicity
    T Adeniyi, A Moronkeji, A Fikayomi
    The Journal of Experimental Life Science 14 (1), 33-39 2024

  • Effects of Pyrethroid Exposure on Testicular Histopathology and Biochemistry in Adult Male Wistar Rats: Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid and Alpha-Tocopherol Administration
    T Adeniyi, A Moronkrji, D Eyovwerhuvu
    Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Research 8 (1), 29-37 2024

  • Ascorbate and alphatocopherol mitigate toxic pathological changes in adult wistar rats exposed to cypermethrin
    TD Adeniyi, A Moronkeji, OF Ralph-Okhiria
    Folia Medica Indonesiana 59 (4), 387-395 2023

  • Histological evaluation of the liver, kidney, and testes of adult male Wistar rats exposed to heavy metals-contaminated waterways
    T Adeniyi, A Moronkeji, V Ekundina
    Medical Laboratory Journal 17 (5), 4-8 2023

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine exhibits neuroprotective activity through inhibition of oxido-behavioral dysfunctions and modulated activities of neurotransmitters in the cerebellum of
    DA Adekomi, OJ Olajide, OO Adewale, AA Okesina, JO Fatoki, BA Falana, ...
    Drug and Chemical Toxicology 46 (4), 746-756 2023

  • Phyllanthus amarus protects against potassium-dichromate pituitary toxicity via the oxidative pathway and improves the gonadotropins in male Wistar rats
    KA Iteire, CA Adenodi, OM Olatuyi, RE Uwejigho, TD Adeniyi
    Journal of Medical Science 92 (2), e834-e834 2023

  • Histopathological and Biochemical Effect of Vitamin C and D on Phosphine-Induced Hepatoxicity in Wistar Rats
    Asian Journal of Dental and Health Sciences 2023

  • Asian Journal of Dental and Health Sciences
    M Akinpelu, SM Gamade, F Akinbo, TD Adeniyi, AF Elizebeth, EI Obeagu
    Sciences 3 (2), 18-22 2023

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine modulates paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced neurological impairments: anxiolytic and antioxidative study in rat model
    T Abayomi, O Tokunbo, O Oroyemi, O Abayomi, O Osuntokun, B Falana, ...
    Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 9 (1), 216-228 2022

  • Expression of CEA, CA125 and P16INK4A in the Normal Breast, Fibroadenoma and Invasive Adenocarcinomas of the Breast
    V Ekundina, O Ayowole, P Awe, T Adeniyi, A Emmanuel-Omah, ...
    AlQalam Journal of Medical and Applied Sciences, 78-88 2022

  • Histological and hepatic enzymes response of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias anguillaris to pollution in Asa River, Ilorin
    SO Oladipo, T Adeniyi, A Anifowoshe
    Journal of Life and Bio Sciences Research 1 (01), 16-21 2020

  • Chromatographic and computational studies of ligands associated with bilharziasis
    AA Abubakar, TD Adeniyi, IO Nurain, AB Olanrewaju, KE Uthman
    Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences 14 (2), 172-178 2019

  • Sero-reactivity and Molecular Studies on Subjects with Malaria Immunity and Susceptibility in An Endemic Region
    Am. J. Biomed. Sci 11 (3), 172-182 2019

  • Heavy metals obtained from waterways induced neurodegeneration in the prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats
    TD Adeniyi, PU Achukwu, AA Abubakar, AD Adekomi
    Eur. j. anat 23 (1), 65-76 2019

  • Histomorphological staining of selected organs by iron-roselle nuclear technique and natural counterstains
    SA Benard, TD Adeniyi, JK Bankole, JO Okoye
    J Adv Med Res 28, 1-12 2018

  • Lead contamination induces neurodegeneration in prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats
    T Adeniyi, P Achukwu
    Anatomy 12 (3), 128-134 2018

  • Lead induces inflammation and neurodegenerative changes in the rat medial prefrontal cortex
    AD Adedayo, AO Stephen, TA Adekilekun, AT Daniel
    Anatomy 11 (2), 79-86 2017

  • Frequency of electronics waste generated heavy metals in urban waterways
    TD Adeniyi, PU Achukwu, AA Abubakar
    Int J Hum Cap Urb Manag 2 (2), 89-100 2017

  • Cyanide-induced hyperthyroidism in male Wistar rats
    AT Daniel, TA Adekilekun, MAS Adewale, AT Adekemi
    Nigerian Medical Journal 55 (3), 246-249 2014


  • Histological study of smoke extract of Tobacco nicotiana on the heart, liver, lungs, kidney, and testes of male Sprague-Dawley rats
    AD Adedayo, AA Tijani, AA Musa, TD Adeniyi
    Nigerian Medical Journal 52 (4), 217-222 2011
    Citations: 37

  • Exposure to smoke extract of Datura stramonium leaf: Some of its effects on the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and testes of male Sprague Dawley rats
    DA Adekomi, AA Musa, AA Tijani, TD Adeniyi, B Usman
    Journal of pharmacognosy and phytotherapy 3 (1), 6-12 2011
    Citations: 25

  • Lead induces inflammation and neurodegenerative changes in the rat medial prefrontal cortex
    AD Adedayo, AO Stephen, TA Adekilekun, AT Daniel
    Anatomy 11 (2), 79-86 2017
    Citations: 20

  • Histopathological and Biochemical Effect of Vitamin C and D on Phosphine-Induced Hepatoxicity in Wistar Rats
    Asian Journal of Dental and Health Sciences 2023
    Citations: 16

  • Some of the Effects of Aqueous Leaf Extracts of Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Euphorbiaceae) on the Morphology and Histology of the Kidney and Liver of Sprague Dawley Rat
    DA Adekomi, AA Tijani, TD Adeniyi, JO Olajide
    The Tropical Journal Health Sciences 18, 9-15 2011
    Citations: 10

  • Cyanide-induced hyperthyroidism in male Wistar rats
    AT Daniel, TA Adekilekun, MAS Adewale, AT Adekemi
    Nigerian Medical Journal 55 (3), 246-249 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Histological and hepatic enzymes response of Oreochromis niloticus and Clarias anguillaris to pollution in Asa River, Ilorin
    SO Oladipo, T Adeniyi, A Anifowoshe
    Journal of Life and Bio Sciences Research 1 (01), 16-21 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Datura metel is deleterious to the visual cortex of adult wistar rats
    AA Tijani, DT Adeniyi, DA Adekomi
    Advances in Applied Science Research 3 (2), 944-949 2012
    Citations: 6

  • Frequency of electronics waste generated heavy metals in urban waterways
    TD Adeniyi, PU Achukwu, AA Abubakar
    Int J Hum Cap Urb Manag 2 (2), 89-100 2017
    Citations: 5

  • A comparative study of the lateral geniculate body of rat (Rattus Norvegicus), bat (Eidolon Helvum) and pangolin (Manis Tricuspis)
    T Adeniyi, A Tijani, D Adekomi, T Abayomi
    Global Journal of Health Science 4 (4), 118 2012
    Citations: 5

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine modulates paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced neurological impairments: anxiolytic and antioxidative study in rat model
    T Abayomi, O Tokunbo, O Oroyemi, O Abayomi, O Osuntokun, B Falana, ...
    Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 9 (1), 216-228 2022
    Citations: 3

  • Heavy metals obtained from waterways induced neurodegeneration in the prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats
    TD Adeniyi, PU Achukwu, AA Abubakar, AD Adekomi
    Eur. j. anat 23 (1), 65-76 2019
    Citations: 3

  • Histomorphological staining of selected organs by iron-roselle nuclear technique and natural counterstains
    SA Benard, TD Adeniyi, JK Bankole, JO Okoye
    J Adv Med Res 28, 1-12 2018
    Citations: 3

  • Histochemical evaluation of the activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in the visual relay centers of rat (Rattus norvegicus
    TD Adeniyi, DA Adekomi, AA Tijani, AO Akinyinka
    Journal of Cell and Animal Biology 6 (13), 188-191 2012
    Citations: 3

  • D-ribose-L-cysteine exhibits neuroprotective activity through inhibition of oxido-behavioral dysfunctions and modulated activities of neurotransmitters in the cerebellum of
    DA Adekomi, OJ Olajide, OO Adewale, AA Okesina, JO Fatoki, BA Falana, ...
    Drug and Chemical Toxicology 46 (4), 746-756 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Lead contamination induces neurodegeneration in prefrontal cortex of Wistar rats
    T Adeniyi, P Achukwu
    Anatomy 12 (3), 128-134 2018
    Citations: 2

  • A comparative assessment of superior colliculus of Rat (Rattus norvegicus), Bat (Eidolon helvum) and Pangolin (Manis tricuspis): A Histochemical Study
    TD Adeniyi, BU Enaibe, DA Adekomi, OA Mohammed
    Eur. J. Exp. Biol 2 (2), 315-320 2012
    Citations: 2

  • Histological and Biochemical Evaluation of the Protective Potential of Ascorbate and Alpha-Tocopherol against Cypermethrin-Induced Toxicity
    T Adeniyi, A Moronkeji, A Fikayomi
    The Journal of Experimental Life Science 14 (1), 33-39 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Effects of Pyrethroid Exposure on Testicular Histopathology and Biochemistry in Adult Male Wistar Rats: Evaluation of Ascorbic Acid and Alpha-Tocopherol Administration
    T Adeniyi, A Moronkrji, D Eyovwerhuvu
    Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Research 8 (1), 29-37 2024
    Citations: 1

  • Ascorbate and alphatocopherol mitigate toxic pathological changes in adult wistar rats exposed to cypermethrin
    TD Adeniyi, A Moronkeji, OF Ralph-Okhiria
    Folia Medica Indonesiana 59 (4), 387-395 2023
    Citations: 1