Plant propagation, Date Palm Research Center, University of Basrah
University of Basrah
Plant biotechnology, Tissue culture, Plant micropropagation
Drought and salinity are the most important environmental factors that hamper agricultural productivity worldwide. Several adaptations and mitigation strategies are needed to deal with both stresses. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of the iron nanoparticles (IONPs) and salicylic acid (SA) under combined drought and salt stresses (DS) (PEG6000 + NaCl) on growth and some biochemical constituents of date palm cv Barhee cultured in vitro. The optimal combination was 1 mg L−1 IONPs and 50 mg L−1 SA. Such a combination under DS improved the callus growth and increased its weight to 219 mg. This combination also showed the highest response rate and the number of shoots per jar (55.65% and 6.80, respectively). The addition of IONPs and SA to the medium was most effective on the contents of organic solutes (soluble sugar, soluble protein, and proline), where the best results (4.213, 2.37, and 1.42) mgg−1 respectively, were obtained using 1 mg L−1 IONPs and 50 mg L−1 SA ap
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Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract This study was conducted to attempt adaptation to combined drought and salt stresses (DS) (PEG- 6000 + NaCl) in date palm cv. Barhee implanted in vitro, keeping in mind the detrimental influence of DS. In vitro experimentation was executed on P. dactylifera L. to examine the efficacy of the application of triacontanol (TRIA), on growth attributes, and some biochemical constituents under DS. The optimal treatment was 10 µg l–1 TRIA. Such treatment under DS improved the callus growth and increased its weight to 215.0 mg. This treatment also showed the highest response rate and the number of shoots per jar (72.23% and 10.30 shoots, respectively) under DS stress. TRIA enhanced DS tolerance by increasing the contents of osmoregulatory substances such as proline, total soluble carbohydrates, and total soluble proteins, were obtained by adding 20 and 10 mg l–1 TRIA. This treatment was also more effective under DS in increasing Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+, as well as Fe2+, and chlorophyll pigment. These results also indicate that using 10 µg l–1 TRIA as a supplement under DS can increase SOD, APX, and PAL activity, to 31.68, 3.377 unit g–1 min–1, and 33.78%, respectively. Data analysis also indicated that the application of 10 µg l–1 TRIA countered the DS-induced harmful effects by reducing the content of malondialdehyd (MDA) and H2O2 in stressed tissues to 1.06, and 1.278 μMg of fresh weight (FW). Our work could reveal detailed changes in the quantity and number of protein bands by SDS-PAGE. New protein bands appeared in both stressed with TRIA-treated plants. The result of the present study will be useful for rapid clonal propagation of date palm which can be used to enhance the tolerance of plants to drought and salt stress.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract The essential challenges in practical applications of date palm micropropagation include explant browning, reduced callus growth, low multiplication rate, and frequent tissue contamination. Our study aimed to evaluate the effects of cefotaxime (Cefo) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) on microbial contamination removal, callus growth, and shoot regeneration in date palm micropropagation. Cultures were initiated from bud tips of ‘Barhee’ date palm. Murashige and Skoog medium with auxins, cytokinins, and activated charcoal was amended with Cefo (50, 100, and 200 mg·l−1), AgNPs (0.125 and 0.250 mg·l−1), and a combination of both. The medium supplemented with 200 mg·l−1 Cefo and 0.250 mg·l−1 AgNPs resulted in the best callus growth (318 mg). In contrast, 200 Cefo + 0.125 AgNPs resulted in maximum organogenesis and shoot number per jar (83.4% and 14.1 shoots per jar, respectively). These two combinations resulted in contaminant-free cultures. The total amount of phenolic compounds was significantly reduced to 0.79 and 0.57 mg GAE·g−1 DM in shoots cultured in the above media, which was reflected in the low browning rate. The data revealed that the maximum endogenous IAA content of shoots (2.681 μg·g−1 and 2.345 μg·g−1) was obtained in response to 200 mg·l−1 Cefo + 0.250 AgNPs and 200 mg·l−1 Cefo + 0.125 mg·l−1 AgNPs, respectively. Therefore, the optimized compositions established in the present study could be applicable in reducing contamination and helping callus production and multiple shoot regeneration. To our knowledge, this is the first study of the antibacterial and growth-promoting effects of Cefo in combination with AgNPs in in vitro cultures of ‘Barhee’ date palm.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract The disadvantages of practical date palm micropropagation are tissue browning, low callus proliferation rate, low multiplication efficiency, and vitrification. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of ancymidol (Ancy) and phloroglucinol (PG) on the growth and some biochemical components of the ‘Barhee’ date palm cultured in vitro. The combination of 0.75 mg·l−1 Ancy and 50 mg·l−1 PG was found to be the most effective in terms of callus regeneration rate (89%) and number of shoots (14.3). A reduction in browning was observed in tissues cultured on media supplemented with 0.75 mg·l−1 Ancy in combination with 25 or 50 mg·l−1 PG. The medium supplemented with 0.75 mg·l−1 Ancy and 50 mg·l−1 PG eliminated shoot vitrification. Effective micropropagation was associated with increased carbohydrate and protein content. In this study, the genetic stability of plants obtained by micropropagation was confirmed by DNA-based RAPD fingerprinting. The results may indicate that the micropropagation protocol used in this study was suitable and applicable to the production of genetically stable date palm plants on a mass scale.
Ahmed Z.R. Al-Asadi, Ahmed M.W. Al-Mayahi, and Khairullah M. Awad
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract The investigation was carried out to evaluate the influence of the dicamba (3,6-Dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) (DIC) and casein hydrolysate (CH) on the callus growth, shoot multiplication, and some biochemical constituents of date palm cv. Barhee cultured in vitro. Both DIC and CH were required for callus growth and shoots regeneration. The medium supplemented with 4.0 mg l−1 DIC in combination with 1.0 g l−1 CH gave the highest callus weight (287 mg), while the maximum response rate and the number of shoots per jar (86.67% and 15.07 shoots/jar) were found in MS media equipped with 4 mg l−1 DIC and 0.5 mg l−1 CH combination. The total amount of phenolic compounds was significantly reduced to 0.82 and 0.79 mg GAE g–1 in shoots cultured in the medium equipped with 4.0 mg l−1 DIC with 0.5 and 1.0 g l−1 CH, which is reflected in the rate of browning. The results showed that the highest shoots content of endogenous IAA (3.71 and 3.50 μg g−1), were obtained in response to 4 mg l−1 DIC + 1.0 g l−1 CH and 4.0 mg l−1 DIC + 0.5 g l−1 CH, respectively. The macronutrient K, P, Ca, and free amino acids content significantly increased in the in vitro shoots regenerated on the media supplemented with 4.0 mg l−1 DIC + 1.0 g l−1 CH. The genetic stability of this study was confirmed by the DNA-based fingerprinting method RAPD. The RAPD binding patterns indicated no variation among tissue culture-derived plants. The in vitro propagation protocol described herein can be introduced to the production of genetically stable date palm plants.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Abstract Background Mass propagation of date palm has attracted the interest of commercial producers. However, this technique still faces many obstacles that hinder production. This study investigated the effect of chitosan (CHT) at various concentrations for the possibility to apply it in combination with thidiazuron (TDZ) on the growth and development of tissue cultures of Barhee cultivar. Results The results showed that CHT and TDZ on in vitro proliferation of Barhee date palm cultivar were significant. The highest response rate and the number of shoots per jar were found in MS media supplemented with 15 mgL–1 CHT and 0.5 mgL–1 TDZ combination. Furthermore, we found that the combined application between 20 mg L−1 CHT+ 1.0 mg L−1 TDZ resulted in the highest shoots content of endogenous IAA, compared with other treatments. At the same time, the data revealed that the maximum cytokinins (CKs) content of shoots occurred in a medium supplemented with 15 mg L−1 CHT and 0.5 mg L−1 TDZ. The genetic stability of the discussed micropropagation protocol was confirmed in this study by DNA-based technique RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA). The results may indicate that the micropropagation protocol developed in this research paper was appropriate and applicable for producing genetically stable date palm cv Barhee plants. Conclusion Applying the strategy of culture treatment with (CHT) and (TDZ) can be valuable for improving the propagation of date palm cv Barhee in vitro.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Abstract Background Iron chelate sources and their concentrations are important factors in in vitro propagation of date palm. This study’s objective was to investigate the effect of the iron chelated form on the growth and development of tissue cultures of Barhee cultivar. Results The addition of FeEDDHA to the culture medium was more effective than FeEDTA on callus growth, shoot regeneration, and the number of shoots per jar, where the best result (220.8mg callus, 86.67% and 17.2 shoots per jar, respectively) was obtained by using 93.5 mg L−1 FeEDDHA (5.6 mg L−1 Fe), compared with other treatments. The results also indicate that using 93.5 mg L−1 FeEDDHA (5.6 mg L−1 Fe) as a supplement can decrease antioxidant enzymes CAT and POD activity compared to the rest of the treatments. Medium equipped with 187.0 mg L−1 FeEDDHA (11.2 mg L−1Fe) had the highest rooting percentage and number of roots per shoot than other treatments. The biochemical analysis results showed that treatments with FeEDDHA of 280.5 mg L−1 (16.8 mg L−1 Fe) and 187.0 mg L−1 (11.2 mg L−1Fe) significantly increased the iron content. The results showed that shoot maximum chlorophyll and endogenous IAA level content were recorded in a medium supplemented with 187.0 mg L−1 FeEDDHA (11.2 mg L−1Fe) as Fe source. Conclusion FeEDDHA used in the present study was proven to be a promising iron chelate source in comparison with the FeEDTA sources.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi and Abdulminam Hussian Ali
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract Some obstacles are associated with in vitro propagation of date palm, such as explant tissue browning, slow callus growth and development, low organogenesis and multiplication efficiency, and frequent tissue vitrification. This investigation studied the effect of five types of gelling agents (Danish Agar, Cero Agar Type 8952, Chile Agar, Gerlite Food Grade, and Agar-Agar.) on in vitro regeneration and bud multiplication of Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. Showathy. The results showed that the highest percentages of callus producing buds and average bud formation (77.78%, 11.5 buds, and 72.23%, 10.9 buds) were obtained in response to 7 g l–1 Danish Agar and Cero Agar Type 8952, respectively. A decrease in browning percentage was observed in tissues cultured in the medium gelled with Danish Agar. Observations showed that Danish Agar and Cero Agar Type 8952 eliminated also shoot vitrification. Compared with other treatments, the total amount of phenolic compounds was significantly reduced to 0.79 and 0.82 mg GAE/g in buds cultured in the media gelled with Danish Agar and Cero Agar Type 8952, respectively. The macronutrient phosphor, calcium, sodium, and micronutrient boron and copper significantly increased in the in vitro shoots regenerated on the media gelled with Danish Agar and Cero Agar Type 8952.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) micropropagation still faces many problems, such as reduced growth and development of callus, low multiplication efficiency and low rooting rate. The effect of Humic Acid (HA; 0, 0.5, 2.5, and 5.0 mg L−1) and Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs; 0, 50, 75 and 150 mg L−1) at different stages of micropropagation (i.e., callus establishment, shoot multiplication and rooting) was studied in date palm cv. Quntar. Media supplemented with 2.5 mg L−1 HA in combination with 50 m L−1 ZnO-NPs gave the highest callus induction (274 mg/jar), the highest percentage of callus producing buds (83.34%), and average bud formation (14.2) per callus. The macronutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Sulfur (S) as well the micronutrient Zinc (Zn), significantly increased in in vitro shoots regenerated in medium containing of 2.5 mg L−1 HA and 50 mg L−1 ZnO-NPs compared to other treatments. The addition of HA and ZnO-NPs to the medium was most effective in root regeneration and the number of roots per shoot, where the best result (83.34%, 4.4 roots per shoot, respectively) was obtained using 2.5 mg L−1 humic acid and 75 mg of L−1 zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs), compared with other treatments. These results also indicate that using 2.5 mg L−1 HA combined with 75 m L−1 ZnO-NPs as a supplement can increase antioxidant enzymes CAT and POD compared with other treatments. The data revealed that maximum chlorophyll content of shoots occurred in a medium supplemented with 2.5 mg L−1 HA and 75 mg L−1 ZnO-NPs. Furthermore, we found that the combined application between 2.5 mg L−1 HA + 75 mg L−1 ZnO-NPS resulted in the highest shoots content of endogenous IAA (3.644 µg.kg−1), compared with other treatments. We have established a highly efficient micropropagation system for date palm by using (HA) and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPS). The initiation, broad optimization, and comprehensive phytochemical studies of tissue cultures were elaborated.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi, Osama Nazim Jafar, and Khaun Ali Mohsen
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract The investigation was carried out to evaluate the influence of glutathione (GSH: levels 0, 0.1, 0.5 1.0, and 2.0 mM) on the callus growth, shoot multiplication and phytochemicals of in vitro shoots of the Date palm cv. Barhee. The optimum concentration of GSH was 1.0 mM. Such concentration improved the callus growth and increased its weight to 312.0 mg, the addition of this substance of the same concentration level showed the highest response rate and the number of shoots per jar (73.34 ± 2.69 and 8.83 ± 0.80 shoots/jar, respectively). Also, the 1.0 GSH application resulted in reducing the percentage of browning to 0.0 compared to the other concentrations. The results of the biochemical analysis revealed that treatments GSH of 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM reduced the total soluble phenols compound (TSPC). These treatments were also more effectively reducing peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity than the concentrations of 2 mM or 0 (control treatment).
Khairullah Awad
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University
Microbial contaminants are the major challenges in plant’s in vitro propagation during different stages of culture processes, ZnO-NPs exhibit attractive antibacterial properties due to increased specific surface area as the reduced particle size leading to enhanced particle surface reactivity. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effect of ZnO NPs on microbial contamination; vitrification and growth promoting of date palm cultured tissues. Several concentrations of ZnO NPs were selected to assess their activity. The percentage of shoot formation, the number of proliferated shoot and the percentage of contamination of cultures were investigated, as well as several biochemical characteristics. Twofold of increase multiplication rate of proliferated shoot was observed in ZnO NPs at 150 mg L−1 compared to control treatment. The multiplication rate was 46.6% at control and increased significantly to 86.67% and 93.34% in ZnO NPs before and after sterilisation, respectively. No microbial contamination and vitrification were observed at all ZnO NP treatments compared with control treatment. Biochemical analysis showed that ZnO NPs had no toxic effects at all examined concentrations on date palm cultured tissues. A positive effect was observed in carbohydrates, protein and amino acid accumulations at high ZnO concentration (150 mg l−1). The results provide basis for the application of ZnO NPs in media date palm tissue cultures at 150 mg l−1.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Canadian Science Publishing
There are some major obstacles in practical applications of date palm tissue culture in the laboratory such as reduced number of shoots, vitrification of tissues, and browning of cultured tissues. The objective of the present study is to determine the effect of boron (B) and calcium (Ca) on enhancing organogenesis of buds from callus, shoot multiplication, and phytochemicals of in vitro cultures of date palm ‘Barhee’. Addition of calcium chloride and boric acid to the medium was most effective on callus for shoot regeneration and number of shoots per jar, where the best result (88.89%, 8.2 shoots per jar, respectively) was obtained by using 660 mg L−1 Ca + 9.3 mg L−1 B, compared with other treatments. It was observed that the interaction between 660 mg L−1 Ca + 9.3 mg L−1 B resulted in the highest tissue content of B [(4.75 mg L−1 dry weight (DW)]. The highest medium calcium chloride level (880 mg L−1) increased Ca content in the shoots. The combined application had the effect in reducing the vitrification. Application of Ca and B induced synthesis of proteins bands with molecular weights of 88.0, 55.6, 52.8, 43.0, 41.1, 38.3, 28.3, and 16.6 KDa in a medium supplemented with 660 mg L−1 Ca + 9.3 mg L−1 B.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Abstract This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of aluminum: (25, 50 and 100 mg l−1 of aluminum chloride AlCl3. 6H2O) on the enhancement of shoot multiplication, phytochemicals, as well as, antioxidant enzyme activity of in vitro cultures of the date palm cv. Um-Aldehin. The addition of aluminum in a concentration of 50 mg l−1 to the medium exhibited most effects on shoots regeneration and this substance also increased the number of shoots per a jar (73.34% and 8.2 shoots/jar, respectively), compared to the other concentrations, including the control treatment. A biochemical analysis of date palm shoots revealed that the high concentration of aluminum chloride (100 mg l−1) led to a significant accumulation of the total proline content, and to a high activity of ascorbate peroxidase, as well as a significant reduction in nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and chlorophyll, compared to the concentration of 50 mg l−1 for which there were recorded the highest contents of the mentioned elements, together with the highest content of chlorophyll in leaves.
Ahmed Z. Al-Asadi, Aqeel H. Abdulwahid, and Ahmed M.W. Al-Mayahi
Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences, College of Agriculture, University of Basrah
Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the most important fruit trees spread in southern Iraq, but because of many circumstances decreased their numbers significantly, the propagation of date palm by tissue culture was the best solution for re-preparation of the problem as it was previously, because propagation is accelerated. Summarizes the working paper in an attempt to find the optimal concentration of thidiazuran (TDZ) (0.0 , 0.5 and 1.0) mgl-1, in production of callus and regeneration of shoots, at different times of initial and callus culturing in medium budding. The results showed that the concentration of (0.5) mgl-1 was optimal in all traits under study.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi, Abdulminam Hussien Ali, and Hussein J. Shareef
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Mass propagation of date palm through indirect somatic embryogenesis or organogenesis has attracted the interest of commercial producers. But, this technique still faces some problems that hindered the production of date palm plantlets in vitro. Tissue browning is one of the serious problems that reduce callus growth and shoot regeneration. So the objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of cold pretreatment on callus growth, shoot regeneration, and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity during the callus culture. Results showed that a high survival rate of callus cultures (100%) were obtained when cultures were incubated in low temperature (cold treatment) for 45 and 75 days. On the other hand, total amount on phenolic compounds was also reduced to 0.47 and 0.53 mg GAE/g after same period of incubation (45 and 75 days respectively) at low temperature. In additional, our results showed that the highest frequency of shoot formation (66.67 and 73.34, %) and the highest shoot numbers (7.8 and 8.6 shoots/100 mg) were obtained from callus treated with low temperature for 45 and 75 days, respectively.
Ahmed Madi Waheed Al-Mayahi
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
The objective of the present study is to determine the effect of light source on enhancement of shoot multiplication, phytochemicals, as well as, antioxidant enzyme activities of in vitro cultures of date palm cv. Alshakr. In vitro-grown buds were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and incubated under a conventional white fluorescent light (control), and combinations of red + blue light emitting diode (18:2) (CRB-LED). Results revealed that the treatment of CRB-LED showed a significant increase in the number of shoots compared with the white florescent light. Total soluble carbohydrate “TSCH” (7.10 mg g−1 DW.), starch (1.63 mg g−1 DW.) and free amino acids (2.90 mg g−1 DW.) were significantly higher in CRB-LED (p < 0.05). Additionally, CRB-LED induced a higher peroxidase activity (25.50 U ml−1) compared with the white fluorescent light treatment (19.74 U ml−1) as control treatment. Potassium, magnesium and sodium contents in (3.62, 13.99 and 2.76 mg g−1 DW.) were increased in in vitro shoots under CRB-LED treatment in comparison with fluorescent light (p < 0.05). Protein profile showed the appearance of newly bands with the molecular weight of 38 and 60 kDa at the treatment CRB-LED compared with control treatment. Our results demonstrate the positive effects of CRB-LED light during the course of date palm tissue cultures.
Ahmed Madi Waheed AL-Mayahi and
Southern Cross Publishing
This study was carried out to investigate the antioxidant effects of salicylic acid (SA) and ascorbic acid (ASA) under two stress levels (75 and 150 mM NaCl) on growth and some biochemical constituents of date palm cv. Nersy cultured in vitro. Micro-propagated shoots of cv. Nersy at length 2.5-3 cm was excised from the proliferation medium and were separately cultured on MS medium. The data indicated that maximum growth and chlorophyll content of shoots was observed after 75 days of culturing in the medium supplemented with 50 mgl -1 salicylic acid and 100 mgl -1 ascorbic acid in both stress and non-stress conditions. It was also observed that the in vitro-grown plants resulted increased activities of antioxidant enzymes SOD and APX in medium containing of salicylic acid (75 mgl -1 ) and ascorbic acid (100 mgl -1 ) with increasing salt stress (up to 150 mM of NaCl) compared with other treatments. The study of shoot protein patterns using SDS-PAGE showed some remarkable changes in protein expression. The results suggests that the stress induced the synthesis of proteins bands with MW of 15, 29, 43 kD and 15, 22.6, 35 and 46 kD in medium supplement with 75 and 150 mM NaCl, respectively, compared with control treatment (20.9, 28.39, 37, 40 and 48.6) kD. Supplementing salicylic acid (75mgl -1 ) and ascorbic acid (100 mgl -1 ) under salt stress condition induced the synthesis of additional protein bands with MW of 19.28, 28.50, 32.61, 59.12 and 72.00 KD at 75 mM NaCl; and 17.96,22.6, 31.95 54.50 and 68.0 at 150 mM NaCl.
Science Publications
This study was carried out to investigate the effec ts of copper sulphate and cobalt chloride on propagation of date palm cv. Ashgar in vitro . The rate of callus proliferation was significantl y higher in the medium supplemented with 2 µM copper sulphate and 2 µM cobalt chloride together (p<0.05). Addition of copper sulphate and Cobalt chloride to the medium was most effective for shoots regeneration from callus and enhanced regeneration frequency as well as number of shoots obtained per explant, the best result (7.12 shoot/explant) was o btained by using copper sulphate and Cobalt chlorid e at 2.0 µM. Also the results of this experiment indicat es that the maximum induction of roots can be achieved in the media containing both additives at 0.5 µM. The callus exhibited a decline in carbohydr ate contents, proteins, whereas total phenol content in creased at high concentration of Cu and Co. The greatest formation of chlorophylls a, b and total c hlorophyll was obtained in plantlets grown in the m edia containing both additives at 0.5 µM. As well as Max imum survivability was noticed for plants cultured in media that containing both copper sulphate and Coba lt chloride at 0.5 µM.