
Doctoral in Management of Faculty Economics
Universitas Terbuka



Doctor in Marketing


Business, Management and Accounting, Business, Management and Accounting, Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


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Scopus Publications

  • Management model of food big data for national food security policy
    R. Rulinawaty, A. Andriyansah, Agus Santosa, Syarif Fadillah, Ayi Karyana, and Yudi Efendi

    AIP Publishing

  • The domino effect of artificial intelligence on students' scientific writing quality
    Widya Rizky Pratiwi, Andi Harmoko Arifin, Zulkifli Sultan, Lukytta Gusti Acfira, and Andriyansah

    Malque Publishing
    The Indonesian government is pushing for increased publications with the argument that the benchmark for the productivity of an educational institution is seen from scientific publication data that researchers and research organizing institutions must disseminate. The educational strata level is needed to disseminate the scientific work of students through various media that interested parties can access. Educational tools related to research and publications can be used free of charge or paid to make it easier to produce work. To determine the domino effect of using Artificial Intelligence of Writing Academic (AIWA) on final semester students' scientific work quality, this study used a survey method with the research sample being Masters students who were carrying out and completing writing scientific papers as a fulfillment of graduation requirements with a total of 30 respondents. The sample respondents' criteria were that they could share their experiences in writing their scientific papers. The findings of this assessment proved that the domino effect for completing assignments and making scientific work students utilized and advised colleagues to use it with the assumption of efficiency and effectiveness so that tasks given by lecturers were assisted in their work by AI.

    Andriyansah, Zainur Hidayah, Chandra Murti Dewi Widowati Hermajiwandini, Dyah Fitriani, and Nengah Sukendri

    RGSA- Revista de Gestao Social e Ambiental
    Purpose:This study aims to test the concept of customer behaviour and destination images as a mediating role on Tourist Perceived Value. In addition, the concept uses two other variables, namely religious intention and humatarian tourism.   Methods: The research model was tested with 217 respondents as a sample taken based on the conditions, namely tourists who have visited areas affected by natural disasters, thus this research uses a quantitative approach to test hioptesis with AMOS software analysis tools. The object of research is an area affected by nature, so it takes a relatively long time to get respondentes.   Results and conclusion:. The variables that play a role in the research model found that the variables that play a role as mediation are able to influence the Tourist Percevied Value so that the results of this research can have implications for the developer of consumer value theory practical implications for humanitarian organisations can use this concept in order to increase the humanitarian spirit for victims of natural disasters.   Research  implications: This research has implications for consumer value theory in the field of marketing, in addition to practical implications for humanitarian organisations can use this concept to increase the humanitarian spirit for victims of natural disasters.   Originality/value: This research model is an original model developed from the thoughts of researchers based on observations and experiences from natural disaster events in Indonesia.


  • Developing the competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises through an ergo-iconic value approach in Indonesia
    Andriyansah, Ginta Ginting, and Abdul Rahman Rahim

    International Academic Hub
    The present study seeks to examine the effects of ergo-iconic positional advantages on the competitive performance and innovation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the province of West Java. By analysing these impacts, the study aims to contribute to the understanding of strategies that can enhance the competitive benefits of SMEs. The study involves three dimensions of ergo-iconic positional advantages involving iconic service marketing, ergonomic product value, and positional advantages to analyse their impact on achieving small and medium enterprises' performance in West Java Province. The group of respondents for this study consisted of 186 commercial establishments. The participants were selected using a process known as proportionate stratified random sampling. The data will be analysed using AMOS and path analysis in order to examine the study hypotheses. The results showed that iconic service marketing, ergonomic product value, and positional advantages positively and significantly affect SMEs' performance in West Java Province. The study resoundingly supports the idea that the presence of ergo-iconic positions in SMEs buildings may boost competition and innovation in SMEs goods and customer service standards.

  • Participatory governance capacity building: The missing link of poverty eradication in food diversification policies in Indonesia
    N.A. Rulinawaty, Sofjan Aripin, N.A. Andriyansah, and Lukman Samboteng

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Developing the Concept of E-Customer Relationship Management Model to Improve Marketing Performance
    Andriyansah and Fatia Fatimah

    This research aims to prove the variable we have synthesized from several marketing theories, namely Ergo-Iconic service value that can improve marketing performance. This variable is a mediation of the previous research gap between capability of technology and marketing performance. This study was conducted in ten tourism destinations recommended by the Government of Indonesia where the research object was 3-star hotels. The data collection used was Structural Equation Model of 165 respondents, obtained through the questionnaire filled out by hotel managers. The implication of this research is that Ergo-Iconic service value can support the improvement of hotel marketing performance. However, it must be underlined that this study result cannot be generalized to represent all existing hotels. The results suggest the companu to focus on providing service referring to the variable of Ergo-Iconic service value.

  • What triggers the purchase of green products in Indonesia?

  • Does eco-innovation improve marketing performance?

  • How green should trust, norm and attitude be colored? An empirical research in asian market consumers

  • Antecedent variables to increase academic achievement in distance education for students in the indonesian archipelago (Case study of upbjj-ut ternate)

  • Can consumer image be manifested in product quality and referral behavior? Another evidence from tourism destinations

  • Green business performance-based CSR. Evidence from large-scale enterprises in Indonesia

  • The role of quality of entrepreneurial networking and responsiveness to global business environment in improving the marketing performance of indonesian exporting SMEs

  • Determinants of repurchase intentions at online stores in Indonesia
    Rahmad Wijaya, Naili Farida, and Andriyansah

    IGI Global
    The rapid growth of the internet users in Indonesia poses a challenge to marketers to explore and develop the potential for e-commerce. In this article, consumer trust is expected to encourage customers to make repurchases in online stores. This article aims to build a determinant model of repurchase intention at online stores in Indonesia. This article is based on a survey of Indonesian online store consumers. Respondents were asked to provide responses related to satisfaction, trust, website quality, and repurchase intention. There were 193 final respondents obtained from 300 distributed questionnaires. The model was tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS 18. The results revealed the role of the mediating variable of customer satisfaction on repurchase intention. The findings are expected to contribute ideas related to the formation of model reinforce the repurchase intention of online store customers. This implies for website designers to design an online store capable of increasing trust and strengthening the repurchase intention.

  • Antecedents of green market performance: A case from Southeast Asian market
    Diana Aqmala, Kardison Lumban Batu, Amie Kusumawardhani, and N.A. Andriyansah

    Inderscience Publishers

  • Impact of customer trust toward loyalty: The mediating role of perceived usefulness and satisfaction
    Anshar Daud, , Naili Farida, Andriyansah ., Mashur Razak, , , and

    Centre for Business and Economic Research
    The technology of ICT is dynamically developing with sorts of innovative product, one of them is IPTV. Its existence provides triple play multimedia convergence such as telephone, internet and digital TV contents. The customer’s adoption on it becomes important toward the service provider for a number of interests, especially for the field of marketing. By means of TAM concept (Technology Acceptance Model) from Gefen et al. (2003) and by adding satisfaction and loyalty so the new model is able to be used to evaluate the response of cognitive, conative and affective of customer. Empirical study applied to the customer's of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk. in order to test 6 hypotheses as recommended. The Simulation of conceptual model and empirical data research acquired by using of AMOS software indicates that all of the hypotheses proved positively significant. Variable trust is a good antecedent of perceived usefulness, satisfaction and loyalty constructs. Besides that, there is a direct effect between trust with loyalty or indirect effect through the mediation on perceived usefulness and or satisfaction. Corresponding author: Anshar Daud Email addresses for corresponding author: First submission received: 6th March 2018 Revised submission received: 2nd May 2018 Accepted: 22nd 2018 Introduction ICT Industries (Information and Communication Technology) is loaded with rapid progress from time to time. A change in this field is thought to be more quickly in the last few years, especially in the mobile sector. While for fixed service that uses the cable is relatively slower. The use of optical cables on transmission of digital signals into a new energy for telecommunications operators to provide multimedia services in the form of telephone, internet and TV simultaneously with high quality and speed. If the service offered is the third separate, so lately experienced a convergence (Lee dan Cho, 2015) or bundling (Mithat et al., 2015). Convergence and bundling are two different terms, but refer to a reality that is relatively the same and sometimes interchangeable in the marketing literature studies. Lee and Cho describe convergence as the level of integration of two or more units of a product without tying it to the price, while bundling basically relate to the incorporation of products and prices. Through bundling, the provider offers its services in the format of a dual play (telephone and internet), triple play (an additional TV services) and quadruple play (extra cellular service) (Mithat et al., 2015). TV service in the context of triple play in contrast to pay TV or satellite-based TV broadcast. Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) is the digital TV is transmitted via a copper cable or fiber optics, features are interactive (on demand) and diverse. By Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 2 December 2018 A Journal of the Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) 236 utilizing the remote device like STB (Set-up Box), it enables users to select the content available as live TV, broadcast delay as well as video (Kim dan Lee, 2013). As technological innovation and service, bundling IPTV triple play is still relatively new in the paid-TV market of Indonesia. The domestic incumbent operator, PT Telkom has launched the product in December 2013 (Telkom, 2015), but their penetration is still not significant. Entering the year of 2015, Telkom heavily marketed this service with carrying the tagline IndiHome Triple Play 100% Fiber (Noor, 2015). Although no official release about the number of customers, but the number has exceeded 200 thousand subscribers in March 2015 (Istihanah, 2015). Zaballos (2013) and Mithat et al. (2015) mentions that the bundling has become a popular strategy for telecommunications operators to maintain and attract new customers, increase customer loyalty and the lever of company's revenue. Then also can withstand the pace of decline in the number of customers churn, displacing and makes price competition became irrelevant as well as inhibiting its aggressive. Bundling can also serve as a tool to attack competitors and self-preservation (Docters et al., 2006), attract new customers and existing customers to retain (Henten dan Godoe, 2010). A study of the adoption of the technology has been going on a long time, starting from the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) by Davis et al. (1989) and the perspective of PU (Perceived Usefulness) and EU (Perceived Ease of Use). Gefen et al. (2003) modify TAM by adding a factor of trust variable as the third antecedent. Then trust is seen as a predictor of PU and the EU affect trust, and then all three affect usage intention. Most studies of TAM has an outcome that related to attitude (Al-Jabri dan Roztocki, 2015), behavior (Luo dan Remus, 2014), purchase intention (Kim, 2012) and satisfaction (Al-Jabri, 2015) while dealing with the relative loyalty is still limited. This fact gives the opportunity for researchers to conduct research associated with it. Literature Review Today at least we recognize 3 types of TV service, namely (1) the public TV (Free to Air) broadcast into the air and arrested at home customers using UHF antenna. (2) satellite TV through satellite antenna and (3) network-based internet TV (IPTV) and transmitted to the customers wear copper cable or fiber optics. The last two types are usually paid according the channel package and the content variation of the customers . IPTV is defined by Lin et al. (2012) as broadcasting or on-demand video services by utilizing the internet protocol and is transmitted using the set up box (STB) that can be connected to a personal computer (PC) or television device. The flexibility of the output of the STB, the interactive features and multimedia content are the attractiveness and differentiation of IPTV in comparison to other TV services. That advantage can be an amplifier factor which accelerates the process of his adoption. The initial study of technology adoption process focuses on two aspects, namely the EU and a PU as proposed by Davis et al. (1989) with the attitude and behavioral as its output. Over time, further study continues to grow with the number of variables, the relationships between variables and expanding output. After TAM, appeared TPB (Planned Behavior Theory) from Ajzen (1991) with the point of views are attitude toward the behavior, Subjective Norm (SN) and Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC). The next antecedent namely trust given by Gefen et al. (2003). The combination and interaction of TAM, TPB and trust analyzed by Wu dan Chen (2005) with the result that only PU and SN are not significant whereas other shows constructs a good relationship. Truong (2013) conducts research in Europe (United Kingdom, Francis and Germany) to analyze and compare the attitude of consumers towards service-based technological innovation. Dimensional measurement using Perceived Novelty (PN), Perceived Value (PV) and the Perceived Risk (PR) as a mediator for Consumer Innovativeness (CI) with the attitude towards innovation. His findings showed that PV and PR support attitude towards innovation while PN instead. To carry out this study, made a conceptual model of research that was adopted from some earlier research models such as TAM from Davis et al. (1989), modification of TAM with adding of trust variable from Gefen et al. (2003), and model Lin and Wang (2006) linking the relationship between Trust, Satisfaction and Loyalty. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), Vol. 13 Issue 2 December 2018 A Journal of the Academy of Business and Retail Management (ABRM) 237 Figure1: Conceptual Model Research and other articles used as justification to support there is or no relation between constructs in the model and the status of their colleagues. In addition to using the research results from the third party, there are still some other journals that are widely used in this article, like Deng et al. (2010); Hsu et al. (2012) and Tang dan Huang (2015). Research Methodology The population for this study is consumers IPTV Triple play at PT. Telkom in Indonesia. Sample surveys are those who have subscribed to these services more than 3 months thus having sufficient knowledge and experience. The nominal sample required is at least five times the number of observed variables (Ferdinand, 2014). In a conceptual model are listed in Figure 1, there are 5 constructs and each constructs manifested by 4 indicator so the observed total variables is 20. Because it takes at least 100 samples to meet the minimum criteria expected. A research questionnaire was compiled using the scale Likert-style with a range of values from 1 to 10. Number 1 is identical to the answer strongly disagree (SD), number 10 shows the attitude of strongly agree (SA) and the number 5 for the attitude of neutral (N). Each indicator is represented by one grain of questions or statements. The entire question or statement questionnaire is then copied on the Google Form application, so that the final questionnaire available that is ready to be filled by the respondent in the online form. By utilizing e-mail list subscribers gained from Telkom, a detailed questionnaire is then sent to the 250 respondents. Development of a measurement scale for any constructs adopted from the model and the journal became the reference of this research, however, selected according the relevance of its research objects. For the EU there are 4 indicator variables are referring to the models of (Gefen et al. 2003; Wu dan Chen, 2005;Mulatsih et al., 2017; Isnarno et al., 2018). PU utilize study results (Wu dan Chen, 2005). The next three constructs i.e Trust from Martínez dan Bosque (2013) and (Tang dan Huang, 2015), Satisfaction of the Dagger dan O'Brien (2010) and Amin et al. (2014) as well as the loyalty of Martínez dan Bosque (2013). Table 1 below summarizes

  • Antecedents of green market performance: A case from Southeast Asian market
    Diana Aqmala, Kardison Lumban Batu, Amie Kusumawardhani, and N.A. Andriyansah

    Inderscience Publishers
    This empirical research was conducted to investigate the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the uniqueness of green products and market performance through green exploitative and explorative product capabilities, explorative and exploitative market penetration, and examining the effect of the uniqueness of green products on market performance. The exploitation and exploration of green product capabilities was considered as the antecedents and postulated as the driver of the uniqueness of green products, while exploitative and explorative market penetration were considered as the antecedents of market effectiveness. The current study proposes nine hypotheses. The statistical output showed that all hypotheses significantly affect green product differentiation and market performance but explorative market penetration is proven insignificant for leveraging market effectiveness. Data was collected from 1300 respondents charged as operational, sales, and marketing managers in Indonesia and several other Southeast Asian countries. Data was analysed using SEM with AMOS Statistical Software. This research demonstrated that green exploration and exploitation approaches to new product development practices hold a strategic anchor for enhancing green product differentiation and market performance.

  • Developing the reputation of distribution network to increase the buying interest of electronic payment: An empirical study
    Endi Isnarno, Harry Soesanto, and Andriyansah

    International Strategic Management Association
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the user‘s perspective associated with the reputation, distribution networks, product image, perception of transaction convenience and trust on e-Toll card purchasing interest.The study population was the highway users in Indonesia. The sample size was 245 respondents. The results showed that purchasing interest on e-Toll card is mostly influenced by the reputation of the distributor network through perceptions of convenience and trust transactions.The study is recommended for operators to improve their services to e-Toll card users and the product image which ultimately can improve the purchasing interest on e-Toll cards.

  • Investigating Muslim consumer behavior in purchasing habbat al sauda (Nigella Sativa)

  • Corporate image of bus rapid transit antecedent customer repurchase intention

  • Strategic implementation of environmentally friendly innovation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Indonesia
    Muinah Fadhilah and Andriyansah

    International Strategic Management Association
    This study aims to empirically test the influence of market orientation strategies, and value co-creation on green product innovation, and also to test the value co-creation and green product innovation on marketing performance in the context of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The study distributed questionnaires to 464 SMEs’ entrepreneurs. By using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) as analytical tool, the results show that market orientation, value co-creation positively affect green product innovation in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, the results of this study also show that value co-creation, and green product innovation have a positive effect on marketing performance.

  • Optimizing SMEs’ business performance through human capital management
    Agus Suroso, Ade, and Andriyansah

    International Strategic Management Association
    Small medium enterprises (SMEs) provide the basic foundation for Indonesian economic and social development. SMEs employ a large number of the human capital and foster entrepreneurial side of individuals. Based on opportunity approach, SMEs can create high level of human capital and entrepreneurial competencies. This study aimed at explained the relationship between human capital and entrepreneurial competencies on the SME business performance. Study was conducted on SME’s in Central Java, Indonesia. Based on quantitative approach, this research used survey instrument by delivering questionnaire. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. The result showed the significant relationship between human capital, entrepreneurial competencies and SMEs performance. This suggests that SME entrepreneurs should give attention to learning activities. This study’s findings contribute to SMEs literature and human capital theory.

  • Does accounting control system boost marketing capabilities?

  • Analysis of antecedent and consequence of employee engagement in small and medium-sized enterprises in Central Java, Indonesia
    Sri Handayani, Ade, Andriyansah, Suharnomo, and Edy Rahardja

    International Strategic Management Association
    Nowadays, employee is considered essential in an organization. The active role of the employee should be concerned by practitioners and academicians. This study aimed to investigate the antecedent and consequent variables of employee engagement.Distributive justice, absorptive capacity, and job design were believed as the antecedent factors influencing work engagement. Meanwhile, organizational citizenship behavior was believed as the consequent or output factor of employee engagement. The respondents were 134 employees of SMEs in Central Java, Indonesia.The results showed that distributive justice and absorptive capacity influenced employee engagement, whereas job design had no significant influence on employee engagement.Moreover, employee engagement had an effect on organizational citizenship behavior.


  • Tourism Technology with Ergo-Iconic Value Innovation for Sutainable Economic Development
    CMDW Hermajiwandini, HK Ngarbingan, IF Ulfah, Y Prasetiyo, ...
    Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 10 (4s), 251-259 2025

  • Regional Development Management Through Integrated Hierarchical Geo-Governance: A Conceptual Approach
    NA Arma, Andriyansah, R Afriyanti, L Yolanda
    Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences 23 (1), 796-1806 2025

  • Mengenal Ragam Metode Riset
    N Sukendri, Andriyansah

  • Synergy of Occupational Safety and Work Environment to Support Productivity and Sustainable Well-Being in the Port Sector
    H Firmansyah, M Gunarto, A Andriyansah
    Society 12 (2), 859-882 2024

  • Sinergi Keselamatan dan Lingkungan Kerja untuk Mendukung Produktivitas dan Kesejahteraan Berkelanjutan di Sektor Pelabuhan
    H Firmansyah, M Gunarto, Andriyansah
    Society 12 (2), 859-882 2024

    N Sukendri, Andriyansah
    Manajemen : Jurnal Ekonomi 6 (3), 571-577 2024

  • Panduan Karya Ilmiah Bidang Pemasaran
    CA Manggarani, M Nasoha, Andriyansah

  • Menyusun karya tulis ilmiah berbasis digital untuk mahasiswa manajemen
    L Yolanda, Andriyansah

  • Building Efficient IoT Systems with Edge Computing Integration
    D Hidayati, A Andriyansah, GP Cesna, AY Fauzi, D Apriliasari, ...
    International Journal of Cyber and IT Service Management 4 (2), 72–79 2024

  • Spirituality as a bridge towards excellence: a study on the mediating role of technology-enabled employee engagement, in the relationship between spirituality leadership and
    ES Pudjiarti, Suharnomo, AD Firmanto, Andriyansah
    EuroMed Journal of Management 6 (3), 239-257 2024

  • Management model of food big data for national food security policy
    R R, A A, A Santosa, S Fadillah, A Karyana, Y Efendi

  • Management model of food big data for national food security policy
    R Rulinawaty, A Andriyansah, A Santosa, S Fadillah, A Karyana, Y Efendi
    AIP Conference Proceedings 3065 (1) 2024

    F Shiddiq, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha 7 (2), 92-98 2024

    CMDW Hermajiwandini, HK Ngarbingan, IF Ulfah, Y Prasetiyo, ...
    Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha 7 (2), 18-35 2024

    ES Panhar, G Ginting, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) 9 (2), 421-434 2024

    AI Megawati, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha 7 (2), 36-53 2024

  • Analisis Penyebab Terjadinya Turnover Intention Pada Karyawan PT. Budi Luhur Sejati
    DS Gabrillya, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Ilmiah Satyagraha 7 (2), 126-141 2024

  • Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Ditinjau dari Kepemimpinan dan Lingkungan Kerja
    TS Pramono, D Armono, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen Sistem Informasi 5 (6), 697-707 2024

  • Human Resource Development Strategy in KSU Pelita Agribusiness Cianjur Regency
    G Priadi, AT Ramly, Andriyansah, Andriyansah
    Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics 7 (3), 4386-4406 2024

    EH Prabowo, A Andriyansah
    KOLEGIAL 12 (1), 55-63 2024


  • Determinants of Repurchase Intentions at Online Stores in Indonesia
    R Wijaya, N Farida, Andriyansah
    International Journal of E-Business Research 14 (3), 95 2018
    Citations: 67

  • Optimizing SMEs Business Performance Through Human Capital Management
    A Suroso, AI Anggraeni, Andriyansah
    European Research Studies Journal 20 (4B), 588-599 2017
    Citations: 47

  • Pemanfaatan Big Data Pada Instansi Pelayanan Publik
    AS Sedayu, A Andriyansah
    Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan 4 (7), 543-548 2011
    Citations: 31

  • Analysis of Antecedent and Consequence of Employee Engagement in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Central Java, Indonesia
    S Handayani, AI Anggraeni, Andriyansah, Suharnomo, E Rahardja
    European Research Studies Journal 20 (3A), 500-510. 2017
    Citations: 26

  • Strategic Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Innovation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia
    M Fadhilah, Andriyansah
    European Research Studies Journal 20 (4B), 134-148 2017
    Citations: 18

    CL Saragih, Andriyansah
    KOLEGIAL 11 (2), 151-160 2023
    Citations: 15

  • Peningkatan Kreativitas Guru Paud di Kota Tangerang dalam Membuat Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Canva
    AH Arifin, WR Pratiwi, Andriyansah, Z Sultan
    Journal of Human and Education 4 (1), 151-157 2024
    Citations: 11

  • Pengaruh Peran Gender dan Stres KerjaTerhadap Kinerja Perawatdi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah TarakanProvinsi Kalimantan Utara
    D Fathonah, Syahran, Andriyansah
    Coopetition : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen 11 (2), 117-124 2020
    Citations: 10

  • Developing the competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises through an ergoiconic value approach in Indonesia
    A Andriyansah, G Ginting, AR Rahim
    International Journal of Applied Economics, Finance and Accounting 17 (2 2023
    Citations: 9

  • Performance of Local Government Regulations During the Pandemic to Improve the Economic Value of City Image in South Sulawesi
    Andriyansah, Rulinawaty
    Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen 38 (1), 1-13 2023
    Citations: 9

    Andriyansah, Rulinawaty, A Zainudin
    CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan 8 (1), 1-13 2022
    Citations: 9

  • Analysis of financial performance using budget absorption indicators
    S Safriansah, N Zukhri, A Andriyansah
    Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal 2021
    Citations: 9

  • Adaptasi Karyawan UMKM terhadap Perubahan Lingkungan Bisnis untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja
    H Fandika, Andriyansah, FR Syamsuddin
    Jurnal Penelitian Inovatif 4 (2), 491-498 2024
    Citations: 8

    Isnaini, Hamsani, Andriyansah
    Jurnal Wawasan Manajemen 1 (8), 45-56 2020
    Citations: 8

  • Meningkatkan Kinerja Pemasaran Hotel dengan Memanfaatkan Nilai Pelayanan Ergo-ikonik
    Andriyansah, F Fatimah, Z Hidayah, A Daud
    Jurnal Bisnis Manajemen dan Perbankan 6 (1), 63-68 2020
    Citations: 8

  • The Role of Quality of Entrepreneurial Networking and Responsiveness to Global Business Environment in improving the Marketing Performance of Indonesian Exporting SMEs
    LM Damarwulan, N Farida, Andriyansah
    QUALITY Access to Success 19 (165), 91-97 2018
    Citations: 8

    Andriyansah, VDW Aryanto
    International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology 8 (6), 317-326 2017
    Citations: 8

  • Investigating Muslim consumer behavior in purchasing habbat al sauda (Nigella Sativa)
    S Andriyansah, S Handayani, S Kurniawan
    International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 8 (7), 983-992 2017
    Citations: 7

  • Analysis of Financial Performance Using Budget Absorption Indicators. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 4
    S Safriansah, N Zukhri, A Andriyansah
    Citations: 7

  • Mendorong Aktivitas Bisnis Pada Generasi Muda dengan Pelatihan untuk Pemahaman Teori dan Praktik Kewirausahaan
    Andriyansah, F Fatimah, Rulinawaty
    Citations: 6