Dr. Budi Heru Santosa


National Research and Innovatuon Agency




Doctor on Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia


Water Resource Management, Flood Risk Management, Environmental Science


Hydrological response due to watershed land use land cover change

The hydrological response to changes in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) requires a multidisciplinary approach. The process involves identifying current LULC using remote sensing and GIS technology. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms can be used to analyze large-scale datasets and predict future LULC scenarios. Satellite precipitation data is essential for understanding hydrological processes and their relationship with LULC changes. Climate change models are incorporated to assess the impact of changing climatic conditions on the hydrological system. Hydrological modeling simulates water movement, accounting for factors like infiltration, evaporation, and runoff. By integrating the simulated hydrological response with digital elevation models, researchers can identify flood-prone areas and make informed decisions for land-use planning and disaster management.

Applications Invited
Research collaborators

Flood risk mamagement in coaatal area due to land subsidence

Coastal areas face flood risks from land subsidence and rising sea levels. To manage these risks, monitoring land subsidence patterns is crucial. Satellite InSAR data provides detailed measurements of surface deformation, helping identify affected areas. Ground measurements validate satellite data accuracy. Predictive models based on historical data and machine learning techniques forecast future land subsidence rates and locations. Groundwater extraction contributes to subsidence, emphasizing the need for sustainable management practices. Geospatial analysis integrates subsidence data, sea level rise projections, flood maps, and vulnerability assessments. Machine learning algorithms identify high-risk areas and assess community resilience. Combining these insights improves early warning systems, land-use planning, infrastructure resilience, and adaptation measures. These efforts enhance safety, well-being, and sustainable development along the coast.

Applications Invited
Research collaborators

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Developing algorithms for estimating total suspended solids (TSS) using unmanned aerial vehicle: A case study in the Upper Citarum River, Indonesia
    Fajar Setiawan, Tyas Mutiara Basuki, Budi Heru Santosa, Irfan Budi Pramono, Galdita Aruba Chulafak, Aldiano Rahmadya, and Firda Maftukhakh Hilmya Nada

    Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University
    Monitoring total suspended solids (TSS) is essential as suspended sediments impact the environment and human health in various ways. However, TSS data are limited in many regions because the methods currently applied through in situ measurements are time-consuming and labor-intensive. The study aimed to develop algorithms to estimate TSS using data derived from UAVs and field measurements. Remote sensing technology, such as unmanaged aerial vehicle (UAV), was applied to obtain imagery data to estimate TSS content. These results were then compared with laboratory analysis of in-situ water samples, determined by gravimetric methods following standard protocols. The results showed that the algorithm developed using three-band ratios, the blue/green + red/green + NIR (near infra red)/green, produces a high R2 (0.70), indicating that this combination is reliable for use in estimating TSS content in a river section. The high accuracy of the red band for suspended sediment prediction is attributed to its spectral signature in turbid water, which shows higher reflectance compared to clean water. The results of this study have the potential to help river managers obtain TSS data quickly at a relatively low cost.

  • Land cover multiclass classification of wonosobo, Indonesia with time series-based one-dimensional deep learning model
    Dionysius Bryan Sencaki, Mega Novetrishka Putri, Budi Heru Santosa, Siti Arfah, Robby Arifandri, Afifuddin, Muhammad Iqbal Habibie, Prabu Kresna Putra, Nico Anatoly, Zilda Dona Okta Permata,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Understanding household flood resilience in Tangerang, Indonesia, using a composite indicator method
    Budi Heru Santosa, Dwi Nowo Martono, Rachmadhi Purwana, Raldi Hendro Koestoer, and Wiwiek Dwi Susanti

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC

  • Application of grey model to predict Covid-19 in Indonesia
    Anisah Anisah, Irwansyah Irwansyah, Agustan Agustan, Budi Heru Santosa, Oni B. Bintoro, Citra Hasna Paramita, Bambang Winarno, and Diana Emillia

    AIP Publishing

  • Time Series InSAR for Ground Deformation Observation in Semarang Area, Central Java
    Agustan Agustan, Takeo Ito, Rachmadhi Purwana, Ruki Ardiyanto, Budi Heru Santosa, and Heri Sadmono

    The initiatives of open data and open platforms, combined with on-demand data processing in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), enable more straightforward and accessible ground deformation research worldwide. The Alaska Satellite Facility Distributed Active Archive Center (ASF DAAC) provides high-quality interferogram combination pairs based on the Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) technique and on-demand InSAR data analysis known as HyP3. HyP3 offers unwrapped phase data from Sentinel-1 satellites and other derived products that can be utilized with open-source deformation software such as Mintpy. This research aims to assess the quality of interferogram combination pairs by configuring networks of perpendicular and temporal baselines for observing ground deformation in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The study demonstrates that HyP3 products enable time series analysis to determine deformation rates. Over 8.4 years, from November 15th, 2014, to April 14th, 2023, the Simpang Lima landmark in Semarang experienced an approximate subsidence rate of -0.87 cm/year. However, the maximum subsidence rate of approximately 11 cm/year was observed in the southeastern part of Semarang.

  • Understanding Flash Floods in Hilly Tropical Watersheds: A Trigger Factor Analysis
    E G A Sapan, B H Santosa, I Ridwansyah, M Fakhrudin, A E Pravitasari, R Novianti, F A Wardhani, S Abdiyani, N L Adhyani, and A M Setiawan

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Flash floods are catastrophic phenomena known for their rapid and unpredictable occurrence. They frequently display precursory indicators, which, when comprehensively studied, serve as vital clues for effectively anticipating and preparing for these events, thus reducing their adverse effects. This study aimed to investigate the key trigger factors contributing to a flash flood event in the upper Ciliwung Watershed in January 2021. Data collection involved various parameters, including morphology, precipitation patterns, land use, hydrological characteristics, and soil conditions collected from the affected area. These data were subsequently analyzed using geospatial methods and enriched with information from local community members. The analysis found multiple contributing factors to flash floods, including high soil moisture content due to prolonged precipitation, geological characteristics, and steep topography. The local community recognized landslides, creating a natural dam about a month before the flash flood. Unfortunately, inadequate measures were taken to address the flood due to limited understanding and resources. The heavy rainfall before the flash flood put immense pressure on the natural dam, causing it to fail and carry debris downstream. The steep banks of the surrounding river worsened the situation. The study’s findings can provide valuable insights for local authorities, leading to better resource allocation.

  • Evaluating flash flood vulnerability using combined deterministic and parametric model: A case in the upper Ciliwung watershed, Indonesia
    H Amrullah, K Amaru, I Ridwansyah, and B H Santosa

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract On January 19, 2021, a flash flood hit the Upper Ciliwung watershed, a mountainous area in Indonesia, causing damage to seven buildings and displacing 1,800 residents. To minimize the impact of such disasters, there is a need for disaster risk awareness and management specifically focused on flash floods in mountainous regions. Therefore, this study aims to assess the flash flood potential index value in the Upper Ciliwung watershed. The research utilized deterministic (Soil and Water Assessment Tool-SWAT) and parametric (Flash Flood Potential Index-FFPI) modeling to analyze various factors, including slope, geology, ground movement, Antecedent Precipitation Index (API), and Runoff Coefficient (Curve Number-CN). The models showed satisfactory goodness-of-fit statistics with R2 and Nash-Sutcliffe efficiencies (NSE) values of 0.58 and 0.57, respectively. The findings indicated that 39.95% of the watershed had a moderate vulnerability index value of 3, while downstream areas (31.7%) had a low vulnerability index value of 2, and the middle and upstream regions had high vulnerability index values of 4 and 5, covering 23.65% and 2.49% of the total area. These results provide valuable insights to local authorities for implementing measures to reduce the Upper Ciliwung watershed’s vulnerability to flash floods.

  • Exploring household flood resilience index using composite indicator method
    B H Santosa

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract During a flood event, flood-affected households need adequate flood resilience. The efforts to increase household flood resilience require an adequate understanding of the factors affecting household flood resilience. This study aimed to explore the factors influencing household flood resilience in three flood-affected sub-districts in Tangerang City, Indonesia. The composite indicator method was applied to process data on economic, home environment, social capital, institutional, communication and information, and flood risk perception, using questionnaire data from 354 flood-affected households as respondents and in-depth interviews with local leaders. The results showed that the composite indicator method worked well for measuring the household flood resilience index (HFRI); in the Gembor sub-district, HFRI was 2.88; in Gebang Raya, it was 3.12; and in Periuk, it was 3.03. Analysis based on economic conditions, flood depth, period of residence, and flood risk perception also showed variations in HFRI, which could determine methods to increase household flood resilience. In conclusion, the composite indicator method is an adequate tool to measure flood resilience despite it being an abstract object. Furthermore, the local government can use the HFRI to develop planning efforts to increase household flood resilience based on influencing factors.

  • Conceptual Framework of Systems Thinking based Flood Risk Management: A Preliminary Study
    Anisah Anisah, Budi Heru Santosa, and Dionysius Bryan Sencaki

    Flood Risk Management (FRM) is implemented by the government to cope with floods, with mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery phases. The occurrence of urban flooding regularly indicates that the applied FRM has not functioned effectively. This study proposes using systems thinking in flood risk management since the interdependence between flood risk components and the programs in the FRM is complex. For this reason, systems thinking in the form of a causal loop diagram can be used to explore the interdependence between programs within the FRM framework and flood risk components. By identifying the pattern of interdependence between flood risk and FRM, FRM programs can be directed to achieve the final target, namely reducing flood risk in an area. Therefore, life in flood-prone areas can occur sustainably and harmoniously.

  • Flood Vulnerability Evaluation and Prediction Using Multi-temporal Data: A Case in Tangerang, Indonesia
    Budi Heru Santosa, Dwi Nowo Martono, Rachmadhi Purwana, and Raldi Hendro Koestoer

    Insight Society

  • Utilization of Remote Sensing in Supporting Rural Community-based Micro-Watershed Management
    Awal Subandar, Budi Heru Santosa, Merry Effriana, Lena Sumargana, Nugroho, and Anisah Anisah


  • Sampling Frame of Square Segment by Points for Maize Observation
    Lena Sumargana, Swasetyo Yulianto, Bangun Muljo Sukojo, Heri Sadmono, Bambang Winarno, Widyo Pura Buana, Fauziah Alhasanah, and Budi Heru Santosa

    The Area Frame Sample for maize has been built to determine the random distribution of observation sites in all sub-districts in Indonesia. The principle and workings of the area frame sample for the rice crop were applied to the observation of maize plants. The difference is in the size of the segment being built, which is 100 x 100 meters in size and there are 4 units of observation points. The surveyor observes the maize growth stage with an application on the mobile phone then sends the results of the observations to a central server for processing. The growing phases and field conditions observed were Early Vegetative, Late Vegetative, Early Generative, Late Generative, Early Harvested, Young Harvested, Shilled Maize harvested, Land Preparation, no maize plant, non agriculture area and damage area or puso. This article describes the proposed Sampling Frame of Square Segment by Points for Maize Observation which carried out in Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia.

  • Spatial Distribution of Paddy Growth Stage Using Sentinel-1 based on CART Model
    Swasetyo Yulianto, Anisah Anisah, Agustan Agustan, Lena Sumargana, Yudi Anantasena, and Budi Heru Santosa


  • Public Green Space Planning and Management towards Livable City
    Budi Heru Santosa and Raldi Hendro Koestoer

    Urban public green spaces (PGS), with their ecological, health support, and social functions needed by the community, would grow in terms of absolute number and spatial distributed populations. However, PGS's volume and spatial areas did not expand linearly to population growth; even in some cases, there has even been a decrease in volume and area for PGS. This paper examines PGS's planning process and management, which faces problems due to the population growth that requires more settlement areas and other socioeconomic facilities. The methodology applied was a comparative study in planning and managing PGS for two cases, Munich and the Yogyakarta municipal areas, which regionally have similar characteristics. The result shows that both regions tend to have proper governance for PGS. Also, both regions tend to have similar urban spatial structures associated with distributed growth centers of the polycentric system and address similar problems related to population growth. Despite the facts, both have differences in community perception of livable city function, especially for community cultural and social-relational aspects. In conclusion, this paper has highlighted that PGS's comprehensive planning is indispensable to achieve ecological, health support, and social functions to attain a livable city; therefore, a dynamic spatial model that considers variables: housing demand, urban spatial structure, urban growth form, and also community participation, could be a useful detecting tool to measure the level of development.

  • High temporal resolution of sentinel-1a data for paddy field identification based on change detection method


  • Ekohidrologi untuk Restorasi DAS
    BH Santosa
    https://news.detik.com/kolom/d-7254199/ekohidrologi-untuk-restorasi-das 2024

  • Evaluating flash flood vulnerability using combined deterministic and parametric model: A case in the upper Ciliwung watershed, Indonesia
    H Amrullah, K Amaru, I Ridwansyah, BH Santosa
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1266 (1), 012055 2023

  • Understanding Flash Floods in Hilly Tropical Watersheds: A Trigger Factor Analysis
    EGA Sapan, BH Santosa, I Ridwansyah, M Fakhrudin, AE Pravitasari, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1266 (1), 012046 2023

  • Mari Menanam Lebih Banyak Pohon
    BH Santosa
    https://news.detik.com/kolom/d-7060968/mari-menanam-lebih-banyak-pohon 2023

  • Land cover multiclass classification of wonosobo, Indonesia with time series-based one-dimensional deep learning model
    DB Sencaki, MN Putri, BH Santosa, S Arfah, R Arifandri, MI Habibie, ...
    Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 32, 101040 2023

  • Time Series InSAR for Ground Deformation Observation in Semarang Area, Central Java
    A Agustan, T Ito, R Purwana, R Ardiyanto, BH Santosa, H Sadmono
    2023 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 1-5 2023

  • Teknik "Bioswale" dan "Rain Garden" untuk Pengurangan Risiko Banjir Artikel ini telah tayang di Kompas.com dengan judul "Teknik "Bioswale" dan "Rain Garden" untuk Pengurangan
    BH Santosa
    https://lestari.kompas.com/read/2023/10/19/093213086/teknik-bioswale-dan 2023

  • Understanding household flood resilience in Tangerang, Indonesia, using a composite indicator method
    BH Santosa, DN Martono, R Purwana, RH Koestoer, WD Susanti
    Natural Hazards 119 (1), 69-94 2023

  • Memaknai Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, Konflik "Brown Issue" dengan "Green Issue"
    BH Santosa
    https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2023/06/02/133613465/memaknai-pembangunan 2023

  • Exploring household flood resilience index using composite indicator method
    BH Santosa
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1201 (1), 012060 2023

  • Application of grey model to predict Covid-19 in Indonesia
    A Anisah, I Irwansyah, A Agustan, BH Santosa, OB Bintoro, CH Paramita, ...
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2683 (1) 2023

  • ChatGPT dan Runtuhnya Hegemoni Perguruan Tinggi
    BH Santosa, Suherman
    https://www.kompas.com/sains/read/2023/04/02/123200223/chatgpt-dan-runtuhnya 2023

  • Banjir Tak Harus Jadi Bencana Rutin Tahunan
    BH Santosa
    https://www.kompas.com/tren/read/2023/01/23/124725765/banjir-tak-harus-jadi 2023

  • Conceptual Framework of Systems Thinking based Flood Risk Management: A Preliminary Study
    BH Santosa, DB Sencaki
    2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2022

  • Flood vulnerability evaluation and prediction using multi-temporal data: a case in Tangerang, Indonesia
    BH Santosa, DN Martono, R Purwana, RH Koestoer
    Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 12, 2156-2164 2022

  • Wetlands Delineation with Various Land Covers Using SAR Sentinel-1A Surface Backscatter Ratio: Delineasi Lahan Basah dengan Beragam Tutupan Lahan Menggunakan SAR Sentinel-1A
    Wetlands 23 (1) 2022

  • Spatial Distribution of Paddy Growth Stage Using Sentinel-1 based on CART Model
    S Yulianto, A Anisah, A Agustan, L Sumargana, Y Anantasena, ...
    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2021

  • Utilization of Remote Sensing in Supporting Rural Community-based Micro-Watershed Management
    A Subandar, BH Santosa, M Effriana, L Sumargana, A Anisah
    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2021

  • Sampling Frame of Square Segment by Points for Maize Observation
    L Sumargana, S Yulianto, BM Sukojo, H Sadmono, B Winarno, WP Buana, ...
    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2021

  • Public Green Space Planning and Management towards Livable City
    BH Santosa, RH Koestoer
    2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2020


  • Telaah Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) Berbasiskan Internet untuk Diseminasi Informasi di Indonesia
    B Santosa, H Priyadi
    Ij-Geostech 1 (2), 94-102 2011
    Citations: 13

  • High temporal resolution of sentinel-1a data for paddy field identification based on change detection method
    A Agustan, S Yulianto, L Sumargana, BH Santosa
    Proc.-39th Asian Conf. Remote Sens. Remote Sens. Enabling Prosper. ACRS 2018 2018
    Citations: 8

  • Flood vulnerability evaluation and prediction using multi-temporal data: a case in Tangerang, Indonesia
    BH Santosa, DN Martono, R Purwana, RH Koestoer
    Int. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 12, 2156-2164 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Spatial Distribution of Paddy Growth Stage Using Sentinel-1 based on CART Model
    S Yulianto, A Anisah, A Agustan, L Sumargana, Y Anantasena, ...
    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Land cover multiclass classification of wonosobo, Indonesia with time series-based one-dimensional deep learning model
    DB Sencaki, MN Putri, BH Santosa, S Arfah, R Arifandri, MI Habibie, ...
    Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 32, 101040 2023
    Citations: 4

  • Public Green Space Planning and Management towards Livable City
    BH Santosa, RH Koestoer
    2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2020
    Citations: 4

  • Understanding Flash Floods in Hilly Tropical Watersheds: A Trigger Factor Analysis
    EGA Sapan, BH Santosa, I Ridwansyah, M Fakhrudin, AE Pravitasari, ...
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1266 (1), 012046 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Understanding household flood resilience in Tangerang, Indonesia, using a composite indicator method
    BH Santosa, DN Martono, R Purwana, RH Koestoer, WD Susanti
    Natural Hazards 119 (1), 69-94 2023
    Citations: 2

  • Utilization of Remote Sensing in Supporting Rural Community-based Micro-Watershed Management
    A Subandar, BH Santosa, M Effriana, L Sumargana, A Anisah
    2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2021
    Citations: 2

  • Evaluating flash flood vulnerability using combined deterministic and parametric model: A case in the upper Ciliwung watershed, Indonesia
    H Amrullah, K Amaru, I Ridwansyah, BH Santosa
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1266 (1), 012055 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Time Series InSAR for Ground Deformation Observation in Semarang Area, Central Java
    A Agustan, T Ito, R Purwana, R Ardiyanto, BH Santosa, H Sadmono
    2023 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 1-5 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Exploring household flood resilience index using composite indicator method
    BH Santosa
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1201 (1), 012060 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Application of grey model to predict Covid-19 in Indonesia
    A Anisah, I Irwansyah, A Agustan, BH Santosa, OB Bintoro, CH Paramita, ...
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2683 (1) 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Conceptual Framework of Systems Thinking based Flood Risk Management: A Preliminary Study
    BH Santosa, DB Sencaki
    2022 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Geoscience, Electronics and Remote 2022
    Citations: 1