Remote Sensing Research Center
Research Organization of Aeronautics and Space, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN)
Research Center for Process and Manufacturing Industry Technology
National Research and Innovation Agency
Pusat Riset Kebijakan Publik
Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
Research Centre Horticulture and Estate Crops
Researcher at National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Research Centre for Oceanography
National Research and Innovation Agency
Research Centre for Oceanography
National Research and Innovation Agency
Research Center for Fishery
National Research and Innovation Agency
Freswater Aquaculture
Research Center of Marine and Fisheries
Ecology and Etnobiology Research Centre
National Research and Innovation Agency
Research Center for Geospatial
National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia
Research Center for Conservation of Marine & Inland Water Resources
the National Research and Innovation Agency