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Tashkent medical academy
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N.O. Akhmadaliyeva, F.I. Salomova, Kh.A. Sadullayeva, L.K. Abdukadirova, and A.O. Imamova
EDP Sciences
Rational nutrition of preschool children is an important condition for their harmonious growth, physical and neuropsychic development, resistance to infectious diseases and resistance to adverse environmental factors. Nutrition is an essential and constantly acting factor on which the health of children depends. Frequently ill children are usually characterized by an immature type of immunological response that does not provide optimal adaptation of the child to the external environment. At the same time, the insufficiency of the regulatory mechanisms of the immune system is temporary and is closely related to violations of the morphofunctional state of a frequently ill child. An important factor in the rehabilitation of frequently ill children is the creation of optimal conditions for their growth and development, ensuring adequate maturation of organs and systems, which cannot be achieved without a rational, balanced diet.
F.I. Salomova, Sh.Kh. Bakieva, S.A. Sharipova, and D.S. Khakimova
Media Sphere Publishing Group
F. Salomova, N. O. Akhmadalieva, S. A. Sharipova, G. Toshmatova, N. F. Yarmukhamedova and M. R. Mirsagatova
Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited
The results of assessing the psychophysiological state of modern teachers of Uzbekistan leading universitiesas the basis for the preventive measures development to maintain their health are presented. It is shown thatthe teachers’ cardiovascular system (CVS) functional state during the working day basically does not gobeyond physiological fluctuations, and the functional state of the central nervous system is characterizedby a decrease in the quality of the work performed. Revealed a high frequency of emotional burnout (EB)signs in teaching staff in comparison with the administrative and technical employees of universities;the average statistical indicators of the signs of the teaching staff of different universities do not havestatistically significant differences. The average level frequency of emotional exhaustion among the teachingstaff members is 52-60%, a high level of personal achievement reduction - 44-50%; the average level ofdepersonalization is 22-40%. For the EB signs frequency, the work experience at the university matters; atthe beginning of the academic year, emotional burnout indicators are less pronounced than at the end.
F. Azizova, F. Salomova, Z. Adilova, Ilmira Uruzalieva and G. Avezova
Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited
Recently,the activity of preschool institutions experiencing dramatic changes, which lead to the emergenceof new requirements for medical care for children. The most important element of health care system isnursery. Current model of nursing is a science and practice aimed to improve the health status of eachchild. The main purpose of this review is to present different approaches of development of an integratedhealth care system in kindergartens used in ex-Soviet countries. Systematization of accumulated experienceand knowledge will help to develop the system theoretical and practical provisions, when the activities ofmedical staff of preschool institutions are determined
Akhmadalieva Nigora, Salomova Feruza, A. Lola, Sadullaeva A. Khosiyat and Boltaeva Dildora
Institute of Medico-legal Publications Private Limited
The article is devoted to the study of the professional activities characteristics of university teachers, thepossible risk factors that affect the state of teacher’s health in the course of his work are considered, solutionsfor protecting the health of the teaching staff and the increase in the labor efficiency of teachers of highereducational institutions are proposed.It was revealed that the actual time costs of teaching staff exceed the established standards of the teacher’sworking time; however, the teacher’s work does not have clear regulation (except for scheduled classes);all types of work performed take up 95% of the working time and are integral elements of the teacher’sactivities. A general assessment of working conditions by the tension level, the harmfulness and dangerdegree, performed in accordance with SanPiN 0141-03, considering the most significant factors (the laborprocess intensity), allows to classify the labor of university professors in our republic as class 3 (harmful),3 degrees of harmfulness