Guillermo Cano-Verdugo

School of Dentistry
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


I'm Guillermo Cano Verdugo, a trained dentist with a master's degree and a doctorate in science. I have dedicated the last five years to teaching, research and private practice in dentistry. During this time, I collaborated in large multidiscplinary teams to get results in benefit of oral and overall health, creating biomarkers for detection of oral lesiones and implementing interventions for promoting early detection. Additionaly, I have the amazing opportunity to colaborate in the community outreach program to support them in the promotion of their health.


Bachelor in Dentistry. Master's and Doctorate in sciences.


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health, Dentistry, Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Impact of urban farming on health: a systematic review
    Guillermo Cano-Verdugo, Brianda Daniela Flores-García, Georgina Mayela Núñez-Rocha, María Natividad Ávila-Ortíz, and María Argelia Akemi Nakagoshi-Cepeda

    Oxford University Press (OUP)
    Abstract Background Urban farms are spaces designated for the cultivation of plants for food security, medicinal and curative purposes. Since the turn of the century, they have become more widespread and health benefits have been claimed; however, no consensus exists regarding this information. Hence, this study aims to provide information about the health effects of urban farming. Methods Protocol register number CRD42023448001. We followed the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. Studies addressing urban farming interventions in any population group were included without age limitation of publication from PubMed, DOAJ, CAB Abstracts and NIH. Risk of bias was assessed using the Risk of Bias In Non-randomized Studies - of Interventions tool, and data were narratively synthesized. Results The search retrieved 2578 manuscripts, reduced to seven after screening. Urban farming’s impact on health has been reflected in the physical domain by increasing self-reported health levels, physical activity, perceived general health, healthy eating and decreasing drug use. Parasites’ presence has also been reported. In the mental aspect, urban farming is associated with relaxation and stress reduction. From a social perspective, urban farms provide a sense of belonging, personal growth and happiness. Conclusions The benefits of urban farming outweigh the disadvantages. Further research should be conducted to clarify the potential benefits of this practice.

    Guillermo Cano-Verdugo, Dora Julia Onofre-Rodríguez, Raquel Alicia Benavides-Torres, and Dafne Astrid Gómez-Melasio

    Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
    INTRODUCCIÓN: La derivación de declaraciones es una estrategia creada para desarrollar enunciados acerca de un fenómeno empleando analogías entre dos campos de conocimiento. De esta forma, una declaración de un campo de conocimiento es empleada para dar origen a otra de otro campo, inclusive de otra rama del conocimiento, compartiendo una estructura o contenido en común. OBJETIVO: Desarrollar una herramienta que permita identificar la factibilidad de crear y evaluar biomarcadores naturales fluorescentes, derivada de la arquitectura para investigación en pruebas diagnósticas de Gluud y Gluud. METODOLOGÍA: Para realizar el proceso de derivación de declaraciones se utilizaron los cinco pasos propuestos por Walker y Avant. DESARROLLO: Revisión exhaustiva de la arquitectura para investigación en pruebas diagnósticas de Gluud y Gluud; Indagación en literatura en ciencias biomédicas, salud pública, metodología de la investigación en ciencias de la salud, medicina molecular, física y biología; Selección de método de fluorescencia como campo de origen; Adaptación de la arquitectura para investigación en pruebas diagnósticas; Redefinición de las nuevas declaraciones. CONCLUSIÓN: La derivación de declaraciones basada en la arquitectura para investigación en pruebas diagnósticas de Gluud y Gluud es relevante, ya que permite contar con una herramienta para crear y evaluar biomarcadores naturales fluorescentes.

  • Identification of Biofilm and Potentially Malignant Lesion in Oral Cavity Using a Revealing Substance: Case Report

  • Generalities in canine papillomavirus: systematic review of case reports
    Guillermo Cano-Verdugo, Gabriela Guadalupe Verdugo-Lizárraga, and David Emmanuel Gámez-Sánchez

    Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
    Canine papillomavirus (CPV) is a common entity in dogs that can be transmitted by direct and indirect contact and cause lesions in various parts of the body. It is the main cause of benign tumors; however, if not detected in time, it is a risk factor for the development of squamous cell carcinoma, documented with high mortality. To clarify demographic generalities, location of lesions, and findings involved in CPV detection, a systematic review of case reports of CPV was performed. The PRISMA statement was followed. Literature was searched in PubMed, DOAJ, and CAB Abstracts from 2011 to date. The articles collected were tabulated in Excel with the variables of interest. A total of 54 articles were obtained from the search, and 11 were included in the review after the screening and selection process. The analysis of the information allowed us to identify that among the case reports there were 4 investigations with male dogs, 2 females and 5 unspecified. Age ranged from 2 to 12 years. The breed with more cases reported was the Labrador retriever and 6 reported cases with neutered patients. Regarding the location of the lesions, the most common was the oral cavity, and the main findings were the need to identify new subtypes of CPV, and the development of lesions at lower CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts. Further research, encouragement of veterinary medical personnel, and dissemination of CPVrelated literature are needed to make this pathology visible and initiate future public health actions.

  • Nursing Staff Mortality During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Scoping Review
    Yuliana Vera-Alanis, Daysi Aranda-Sanchez, Guillermo Cano-Verdugo, Pedro Gonzalez-Angulo, Cynthia Berenice Rueda-Sanchez, and Augusto Rojas-Martinez

    SAGE Publications
    Introduction In a pandemic, the risk of infection and mortality for nurses can increase substantially. This study analyzes the information reported on the mortality of nursing personnel from different countries due to COVID-19. Methods We performed a scoping review by searching information available in PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases using concepts related to nursing, mortality, COVID-19, etc. The studies were searched from September 1 to October 30, 2021. This review included 12 articles were selected among 73 identified for the scope search because they included nurses. Results Nursing personnel presented a high mortality rate after physicians and health personnel. The average age of the deceased nurses was 43 years, being higher in men than in women. Higher mortality rates were reported in services attending COVID-19, nursing homes, and psychiatric centers. Conclusion Contagion and deaths are attributed to lack of planning and inadequate personal protective equipment.


  • Relacin entre el conocimiento sobre la utilizacin del condn y su uso en adultos jvenes
    DA Gmez-Melasio, NG Prez-Briones, G Cano-Verdugo, ...
    Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Mdicas (Quito) 49 (3), 38-43 2024

  • Salud general, estilos y calidad de vida en atletas universitarios del noreste de Mxico
    GM Nez-Rocha, G Cano-Verdugo, JA Hernndez-Morales, ...
    Horizonte sanitario 23 (3) 2024

  • Impact of urban farming on health: a systematic review
    G Cano-Verdugo, BD Flores-Garca, GM Nez-Rocha, MN vila-Ortz, ...
    Journal of Public Health, fdae056 2024

  • Identification of Biofilm and Potentially Malignant Lesion in Oral Cavity Using a Revealing Substance: Case Report
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA de La Garza-Ramos, DA Garcfa-Robayo
    Journal of International Dental and Medical Research 17 (2), 788-792 2024

  • Derivacin emprica aplicada a la investigacin de pruebas diagnsticas en biomarcadores naturales fluorescentes
    G Cano-Verdugo, DJ Onofre-Rodrguez, RA Benavides-Torres, ...
    Horizonte de Enfermera 35 (1), 129-143 2024

  • Application of Robotics in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review
    MA De La Garza-Ramos, HH Ipia-Lozano, G Cano-Verdugo, ...
    Cureus 16 (4) 2024

  • Relacin entre el conocimiento sobre la utilizacin del condn y su uso en adultos jvenes
    DAG Melasio, NGP Briones, GC Verdugo, AL Mendoza, EKH Martnez
    Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Mdicas:(Quito) 49 (3), 5 2024

  • Application of Robotics in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review
    DLGRM Anglica, HH Ipia-Lozano, G Cano-Verdugo, NCMA Akemi, ...
    Cureus 16 (4) 2024

  • El Impacto sobre la funcin sexual en hombres con cncer de mama: revisin de alcance
    Y Vera-Alanis, G Cano-Verdugo
    Revista de Medicina e Investigacin Universidad Autnoma del Estado de 2023

  • Anlisis histrico de la prevalencia de lesiones sospechosas de cncer bucal en Mxico
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA de la Garza-Ramos
    Rev Med UAS; Vol 13 (3) 2023

  • Impact on sexual function in men with breast cancer: scoping review
    G Cano-Verdugo, LY Vera-Alans, GM Nez-Rocha, MN vila-Ortz
    OSF 2023

  • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Healthcare: A Comprehensive Analysis
    G Cano-Verdugo, J Owoyemi, A Khan, MS Tahsin, DN Shukurullaevna
    SciWaveBulletin 1 (1), 12-19 2023

  • Historical analysis of the prevalence of suspicious lesions of oral cancer in Mexico 2009-2020
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA de la Garza-Ramos
    Revista Mdica de la Universidad Autnoma de Sinaloa REVMEDUAS 13 (3), 278-287 2023

  • Anlisis histrico de la prevalencia de lesiones sospechosas de cncer bucal en Mxico 2009-2020
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA de la Garza-Ramos
    Revista Mdica de la Universidad Autnoma de Sinaloa REVMEDUAS 13 (3), 278-287 2023

  • Generalities in canine papillomavirus: systematic review of case reports
    G Cano-Verdugo, GG Verdugo-Lizrraga, DE Gmez-Snchez
    Veterinaria Mxico OA 10 2023

  • Nursing staff mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic, scoping review
    Y Vera-Alanis, D Aranda-Sanchez, G Cano-Verdugo, P Gonzalez-Angulo, ...
    SAGE Open Nursing 8, 23779608221119130 2022

  • Deteccin del VPH en cavidad oral: una revisin sistemtica
    GC Verdugo, DJO Rodrguez, RAB Torres
    Cuidado Multidisciplinario de la Salud BUAP 3 (6), 36-49 2022

  • Evaluacin de biomarcador natural fluorescente para tamizaje de lesiones orales potencialmente malignas en poblacin abierta
    G Cano Verdugo
    Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len 2022

  • Effectiveness of supervised dental brushing in the oral health of school children of Monterrey, Nuevo Len
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA Quiroga-Garca, AM Salinas-Martnez, ...
    Revista Mexicana de Medicina Forense y Ciencias de la Salud 4 (S1), 82-84 2020

  • Efectividad del cepillado dental de los escolares de Monterrey, Nuevo Len
    GC Verdugo, MAQ Garca, AMS Martnez, GMN Rocha, GC Palma, ...


  • Nursing staff mortality during the Covid-19 pandemic, scoping review
    Y Vera-Alanis, D Aranda-Sanchez, G Cano-Verdugo, P Gonzalez-Angulo, ...
    SAGE Open Nursing 8, 23779608221119130 2022
    Citations: 12

  • Efectividad del cepillado dental de los escolares de Monterrey, Nuevo Len
    NL Monterrey
    Rev Mex Med Forense 4 (1), 82-84 2019
    Citations: 6

  • Impact of urban farming on health: a systematic review
    G Cano-Verdugo, BD Flores-Garca, GM Nez-Rocha, MN vila-Ortz, ...
    Journal of Public Health, fdae056 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Application of Robotics in Orthodontics: A Systematic Review
    MA De La Garza-Ramos, HH Ipia-Lozano, G Cano-Verdugo, ...
    Cureus 16 (4) 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Healthcare: A Comprehensive Analysis
    G Cano-Verdugo, J Owoyemi, A Khan, MS Tahsin, DN Shukurullaevna
    SciWaveBulletin 1 (1), 12-19 2023
    Citations: 2

  • El Impacto sobre la funcin sexual en hombres con cncer de mama: revisin de alcance
    Y Vera-Alanis, G Cano-Verdugo
    Revista de Medicina e Investigacin Universidad Autnoma del Estado de 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Anlisis histrico de la prevalencia de lesiones sospechosas de cncer bucal en Mxico 2009-2020
    G Cano-Verdugo, MA de la Garza-Ramos
    Revista Mdica de la Universidad Autnoma de Sinaloa REVMEDUAS 13 (3), 278-287 2023
    Citations: 1

  • Efectividad del cepillado dental supervisado en la salud oral de los escolares de Monterrey, Nuevo Len
    G Cano Verdugo
    Universidad Autnoma de Nuevo Len 2018
    Citations: 1