Seid H. Pourtakdoust

Aerospace Engineering
Sharif University of Technology



1- PhD. in Aerospace Engineering , University of Kansas , 1989, USA.
2- M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Kansas, 1984, USA.
3- B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University of Kansas, 1982, USA.
4- B.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Kansas, 1982, USA.
5- FAA Private Pilot License, 1981, USA.


• Aerospace Flight Dynamics and Control,
• Stochastic Optimal Control and Nonlinear Filtering,
• Spacecraft Orbit and Attitude determination and Control,
• Motion Planning and Trajectory Optimization,
• Aeroelastic/Statistical Analysis/Simulation of Dynamic Systems,
• Reliability Based and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization.


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • A neural-metaheuristic kalman filter for moving microburst wind shear identification
    E. Mohajeri, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, and F. Pazooki

    Elsevier BV

  • An improved Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for Visual-Inertial Odometry
    M.R. Abdollahi, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, M.H. Yoosefian Nooshabadi, and H.N. Pishkenari

    Elsevier BV

  • Design and Development of a Miniaturized Roto-Translational Motion Platform for Micro Aerial Vehicle Identification
    Mohammad R. Abdollahi, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, and Seid M. S. Mousavi

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

  • Reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization of an aeroelastic unpowered guided aerial vehicle
    Seid H Pourtakdoust and Amir H Khodabakhsh

    SAGE Publications
    Most Aeronautical and Astronautical Systems (AAS) are inherently complex, multidisciplinary, nonlinear, and computationally intensive for design and analysis. Utilizing the Reliability-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization framework can address the multidisciplinary nature of these systems while accounting for inherent uncertainties. In this paper, an efficient methodology for Reliability-Based Multidisciplinary Design optimization of an aerial vehicle is developed. The computational burden of reliability assessment could make its integration within a Multidisciplinary Design Optimization cycle a formidable task. In this respect, a multilevel Multidisciplinary Design Optimization architecture is proposed in which the computational cost is reduced by considering the reliability analysis, as needed only for critical subsystems. To this end, a single-level Reliability-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization is derived using the Performance Measure Analysis and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker condition. The work demonstrates the integration of this formulation into the proposed multilevel Reliability-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization architecture. The proposed design architecture is implemented for an aeroelastic Unpowered Guided Aerial Vehicle whose outcomes are compared with previous results obtained via a mono-level Uncertainty-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization architecture.

  • Radiation based satellite attitude and thermal parameters estimation considering conduction effect
    Marjan Moghanipour, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Elsevier BV

  • Advanced fault detection and diagnosis in spacecraft attitude control systems: Current state and challenges
    Seid H Pourtakdoust, Mohamad Fakhari Mehrjardi, Mohammad Hossein Hajkarim, and Forough Nasihati Gourabi

    SAGE Publications
    A review of advanced fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) techniques in attitude control systems (ACSs) of spacecraft is presented. In the first part of the paper, several types of ACS failure scenarios with their practical solutions are presented. Next, the existing approaches to FDD are considered and classified based on different criteria, including applications and design techniques. The literature of this part showed that to enhance ACS operational safety, predictability of failure of an ACS and/or of its components as well as reducing the possibility of failure occurrence is imperative. In addition, fast FDD of various kinds of failures is necessary to guarantee the required reliability of an ACS. The second part of this study highlights challenges involved with different FDD approaches, emphasizing their practical applicability. Current research gaps in FDD techniques such as insensitive residual signal, process monitoring methods, accurate plant model design, easy-to-use software development, FDD tuning process, dealing with noisy sensor measurements, time taken for fault management, the sensitivity of FDD system to faults, and FDD robustness are further elaborated on. Subsequently, the state-of-the-art FDD and its future needs are reflected on. The results of this study could direct spacecraft manufacturers and ACS providers to focus on future needs and improve ground testing for enhanced operational reliability and redundancy.

  • Model-based microburst identification using a hybridized extended Kalman filter with genetic algorithm
    E. Mohajeri, Seid H Pourtakdoust, and Farshad Pazooki

    SAGE Publications
    Microburst (MB) wind shear is one of the most important meteorological dangers threatening the aircraft (AC) safety and the life of passengers. Though there are some ground-based 3D Lidar systems to detect low-level MB wind shears to alert the pilots, there have been fewer scientific attempts to identify model-based MB parameters via AC onboard air and position data. The latter refers to the development and identification of an acceptable MB model upon which an automatic flight control (AFC) system can be designed to control the AC through wind shear microburst. In essence, accurate knowledge of MB model is an essential prerequisite for design and analysis of AFC systems that can safely fly the AC against microbursts, especially in crucial phases of flight such as takeoff and landing. The present study focuses on online estimation of MB parameters whose results pave the way for effective MB autopilot designs for safe flights through MB. The proposed task is accomplished via a model-based approach using the AC six degrees of freedom (6 DoF) equations of motion (EOM) integrated with the latest verified model of the MB utilizing the extended Kalman filter (EKF). In addition to a sensitivity analysis to determine the key MB model parameters, the performance of the estimation process is enhanced via a hybridization of the genetic algorithm (GA) with the EKF. The results are promising and indicate that the proposed scheme can identify the MB model parameters with sufficient accuracy needed for online applications with AFC design.

  • A modified unsteady-nonlinear aeroelastic model for flapping wings
    Seid H Pourtakdoust, Hadi Zare, and Arian Bighashdel

    SAGE Publications
    A novel integrated aeroelastic model of flapping wings (FWs) undergoing a prescribed rigid body motion is presented. In this respect, the FW nonlinear structural dynamics is enhanced via a newly proposed modification of implicit condensation and expansion (MICE) method that better considers the structural nonlinear effects. In addition, the unsteady aerodynamic model is also an extension of the widely utilized modified strip theory (MST) in which the flexibility effects are accounted for (MST-Flex). The integrated utility of the proposed generalized MICE and MST-Flex is demonstrated to be more realistic for elastic FW flight simulation applications. The prescribed rigid body motion is produced via a servo motor whose dynamics is also considered for the analysis. A special case study is also performed whose combined aeroelastic solution is determined and validated under a sinusoidal flapping motion. To this end, an experimental setup is designed and tested in order to validate the proposed integrated approach for aeroelastic modeling of FWs. There is very good agreement between the numerical and experimental results for elastic FW aerodynamics. It should be noted that the proposed integrated aeroelastic approach is readily adaptable to all kinds of elastic wings with arbitrary geometry and various combination of structural elements.

  • Improved Neural Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Oscillatory Dynamic of Flapping Wings
    Seid M. S. Mousavi and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
    Modeling uncertainties and oscillatory dynamics are control challenges for flapping vehicles. Flapping-wing aerial vehicles are nonlinear time-varying oscillatory systems with flexible multibody dynamics. As such, accurate modeling of these complex systems considering unsteady aerodynamics is a formidable task. Though adaptive controllers can work well with uncertain approximate models, inherent oscillation of flapping systems can degrade their control performance and create undesired control actuations. This paper addresses improvements of neural adaptive dynamic inversion controller toward efficient performance for flapping flight via effective utility of actuator capacity. In this respect, first an assumptive model of a bird-mimetic flapping-wing is considered for simulation and analysis. It is shown that the usage of oscillatory feedback data produces additional error in trajectory tracking and unnecessary oscillatory control actuations. Subsequently, the control loop is modified by adding an adaptive notch filter for real-time estimation, tracking, and removal of dominant oscillatory modes from the feedback data and consequently from the controller output. As a result, the required control effort is effectively reduced and the controller performance is significantly improved. Simulations are provided to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme in presence of noise, variation of system frequency, disturbances, as well as delay in the control loop.

  • Satellite pose estimation using Earth radiation modeled by artificial neural networks
    Forough Nasihati Gourabi, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Elsevier BV

  • Reliability analysis of composite anisogrid lattice interstage structure
    N. Raouf, A. Davar, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Informa UK Limited
    Application of composite lattice structures in aerospace application can bring about considerable weight savings, thus allowing for increased payload weight. This study is devoted to reliability an...

  • Wind-tolerant optimal closed loop controller design for a domestic atmospheric research airship
    Sasan Amani, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, and Farshad Pazooki

    Informa UK Limited

  • On-Line Orbit and Albedo Estimation Using a Strong Tracking Algorithm via Satellite Surface Temperature Data
    Forough Nasihati Gourabi, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)

  • Time-varying structural reliability assessment method: Application to fiber reinforced composites under repeated impact loading
    S. Saraygord Afshari, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, B.J. Crawford, R. Seethaler, and A.S. Milani

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract Reliability evaluations play a significant role in engineering applications to ensure the serviceability and safety of advanced structures such as those made of composites. Here, a dynamic reliability evaluation analysis based on the probability density evolution Method (PDEM) has been adapted to assess the reliability of composite structures under uncertainties within the material properties and the external loadings. A Back-Propagation Neural Network approach is employed to identify the system's nonlinear structural response, which is often the case under large deformations. To exemplify, a split Hopkinson pressure bar system was employed to mimic the mechanical behavior of a polypropylene/fiberglass woven composite plate structure under repeated high-strain rate impacts. Subsequently, the reliability prediction was performed offline via the system model and integration of uncertainties, as well as via an online SHM-based approach, and compared to full-scale (direct) experimental reliability values by repeating the impact tests on a population of samples. A material degradation factor has been introduced within the PDEM approach to account for surface damage induced during impacts. Results clearly showed the accuracy of the PDEM in predicting the remaining reliability of the composite after each impact. The method is generic and may be applied to other types of loadings and structures.

  • Multiple-impulse orbital maneuver with limited observation window
    Amir Shakouri, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, and Mohammad Sayanjali

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract This paper proposes a solution for multiple-impulse orbital maneuvers near circular orbits for special cases where orbital observations are not globally available and the spacecraft is being observed through a limited window from a ground or a space-based station. The current study is particularly useful for small private launching companies with limited access to global observations around the Earth and/or for orbital maneuvers around other planets for which the orbital observations are limited to the in situ equipment. An appropriate cost function is introduced for the sake of minimizing the total control/impulse effort as well as the orbital uncertainty. It is subsequently proved that for a circle-to-circle maneuver, the optimization problem is quasi-convex with respect to the design variables. For near circular trajectories the same cost function is minimized via a gradient based optimization algorithm in order to provide a sub-optimal solution that is efficient both with respect to energy effort and orbital uncertainty. As a relevant case study, a four-impulse orbital maneuver between circular orbits under Mars gravitation is simulated and analyzed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Covariance-based multiple-impulse rendezvous design
    Amir Shakouri, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
    A novel trajectory design methodology is proposed in the current work to minimize the state uncertainty in the crucial mission of spacecraft rendezvous. The trajectory is shaped under constraints utilizing a multiple-impulse approach. State uncertainty is characterized in terms of covariance, and the impulse time as the only effective parameter in uncertainty propagation is selected to minimize the trace of the covariance matrix. Furthermore, the impulse location is also adopted as the other design parameter to satisfy various translational constraints of the space mission. Efficiency and viability of the proposed idea have been investigated through some scenarios that include constraints on final time, control effort, and maximum thruster limit addition to considering safe corridors. The obtained results show that proper selection of the impulse time and impulse position fulfills a successful feasible rendezvous mission with minimum uncertainty.

  • A new shape-based multiple-impulse strategy for coplanar orbital maneuvers
    Amir Shakouri, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract A new shape-based geometric method (SBGM) is proposed for generation of multi-impulse transfer trajectories between arbitrary coplanar oblique orbits via a heuristic algorithm. The key advantage of the proposed SBGM includes a significant reduction in the number of design variables for an N-impulse orbital maneuver leading to a lower computational effort and energy requirement. The SBGM generates a smooth transfer trajectory by joining a number of confocal elliptic arcs such that the intersections share common tangent directions. It is proven that the well-known classic Hohmann transfer and its bi-elliptic counterpart between circular orbits are special cases of the proposed SBGM. The performance and efficiency of the proposed approach is evaluated via computer simulations whose results are compared with those of optimal Lambert maneuver and traditional methods. The results demonstrate a good compatibility and superiority of the proposed SBGM in terms of required energy effort and computational efficiency.

  • Autonomous temperature-based orbit estimation
    Forough Nasihati Gourabi, Maryam Kiani, and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Elsevier BV
    Abstract Orbit estimation (OE) is a required significant task in almost all space missions. Accordingly, a wide variety of sensors and estimation algorithms have been developed within the last few decades to this aim. However, the current study proposes a novel autonomous OE method that is purely based on temperature data of six orthogonal surfaces of a three-axis stabilized satellite as it orbits around the Earth. While the utility of satellite surface temperature data has been recently investigated for satellite attitude estimation (AE) assuming its navigational information, the present paper is focused on OE via only temperature data that has not been attended to in the related literature. To this end, it is assumed that satellite surfaces are equipped with small plates that are thermally isolated from the internal heat sources so that their temperature changes mainly arise from environmental radiation emanated mainly from the Sun and the Earth. In this sense, a thermal model is developed and demonstrated to show how the satellite surface temperatures and their time rates are the only ingredients needed, as measurement quantities, for the proposed OE method to produce the satellite navigational data in terms of its position and velocity vectors. In addition, the effect of sensor configuration on state observability and estimation accuracy is investigated while the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is exploited in the estimation process. Performance and viability of the proposed temperature-based OE are verified through Monte Carlo simulations and a comprehensive sensitivity analysis over orbital parameters, satellite initial conditions, sensor accuracy and attitude error.

  • Reliability and Failure Analysis of Jet Vane TVC System
    N. Raouf, Seid H. Pourtakdoust, and S. Samiei Paghaleh

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Structural and system reliability of a typical jet vane (JV) thrust vector control (TVC) subsystem subjected to stochastic loadings is investigated. Jet vane TVC (JVTVC) is used in many aerospace liquid and solid propulsion systems. For the purpose of this work, JVTVC structural reliability of a solid rocket propulsion system is computed using an explicit closed-form limit state function. The JV structure is influenced by the internal ballistic loads emanating out of the solid rocket propulsion internal ballistic, whose performance is modeled via a one-dimensional uniform flow assumption at the engine steady operating condition. Subsequently, JV structural reliability is predicted using the methods of mean value first-order second-moment as well as the first- and second-order reliability methods. The reliability results of the analytical methods are compared with Monte Carlo simulation for verification purposes. Finally, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis is performed to identify the key JVTVC and solid rocket propulsion design parameters affecting the TVC total system reliability. The parameters considered for sensitivity analysis include the JV geometric and structural properties as well as the solid rocket propulsion ballistic and geometric features. It turned out that the vane support arm radius and the vane area are the most important strength and load design variables, respectively, that impact the JVTVC failure reliability.

  • Development of a radiation based heat model for satellite attitude determination
    A. Labibian, S.H. Pourtakdoust, A. Alikhani, and H. Fourati

    Elsevier BV
    This paper is focused on the development and verification of a heat attitude model (HAM) for satellite attitude determination. Within this context, the Sun and the Earth are considered as the main external sources of radiation that could effect the satellite surface temperature changes. Assuming that the satellite orbital position (navigational data) is known, the proposed HAM provides the satellite surface temperature with acceptable accuracy and also relates the net heat flux (NHF) of three orthogonal satellite surfaces to its attitude via the inertial to satellite transformation matrix. The proposed HAM simulation results are verified through comparison with commercial thermal analysis tools. The proposed HAM has been successfully utilized in some researches for attitude estimation, and further studies for practical implementations are still ongoing.

  • Probability density evolution for time-varying reliability assessment of wing structures
    ajad Saraygord Afshari and Seid H. Pourtakdoust

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
    Reliability evaluation is a key factor in serviceability and safety analysis of air vehicles. Structural health monitoring methods have grown to a degree of maturity in many industries. However, there is a challenging interest to tie in SHM with reliability assessment. In this respect, consideration of stochastic structural dynamics with SHM data and random loadings opens a new chapter in failure prevention. The current study focuses on the stochastic behavior of structures as a way to relate SHM data with reliability. In this respect, uncertain factors such as atmospheric turbulence, structural parameters, and sensor outputs are considered in the process of reliability assessment. Firstly, an experimental evaluation is conducted using a simple cantilevered beam. Subsequently, system identification is weaved in with a probability density evolution equation for calculating the reliability of a wing structural component. Numerical simulations demonstrate that structural reliability of a typical WSC can be effectively evaluated. The proposed scheme paves the way for new SHM research topics such as online life prediction and reliability based failure prevention.


  • Prediction-Based Control Barrier Functions for Input-Constrained Safety Critical Systems
    A Mesbah, SH Pourtakdoust, A Sharifi, A Banazadeh
    Cornell University Engineering Library 2024

  • A Neural-Metaheuristic Kalman Filter for Moving Microburst Wind Shear Identification
    E Mohajeri, SH Pourtakdoust, F Pazooki
    Journal of the Franklin Institute 2024

  • Design and Development of a Miniaturized Roto-Translational Motion Platform for Micro Aerial Vehicle Identification
    MR Abdollahi, SH Pourtakdoust, SMS Mousavi
    IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 2024

  • An Improved Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for Visual-Inertial Odometry
    MR Abdollahi, SH Pourtakdoust, MH Yoosefian Nooshabadi, ...
    Journal of the Franklin Institute 361 (15) 2024

  • Solution of FPK Equation for Stochastic Dynamics Subjected to Additive Gaussian Noise via Deep Learning Approach
    AH Khodabakhsh, SH Pourtakdoust
    Structural Safety 2023

  • Reliability-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an Aeroelastic Unpowered Guided Aerial Vehicle
    SH Pourtakdoust, AH Khodabakhsh
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of 2023

  • Radiation Based Satellite Attitude and Thermal Parameters Estimation Considering Conduction Effect
    M Moghanipour, M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
    Advances in Space Research 2023

  • A Modified Unsteady-Nonlinear Aeroelastic Model for Flapping Wings
    SH Pourtakdoust, H Zare, A Bighashdel
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of 2023

  • Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Dynamics Using Physics-Informed Deep Neural Networks
    SH Pourtakdoust, AH Khodabakhsh
    Technology in Aerospace Engineering 6 (4), 25-36 2023

  • Advanced Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Spacecraft Attitude Control systems: Current State and Challenges
    SH Pourtakdoust, M Fakhari Mehrjardi, MH Hajkarim, F Nasihati Gourabi
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of 2023

  • An Improved Multi-State Constraint Kalman Filter for Visual-Inertial Odometry
    MR Abdollahi, SH Pourtakdoust, MH Nooshabadi, HN Pishkenari
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.08117 2022

  • Improved Neural Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Oscillatory Dynamic of Flapping Wings
    SMS Mousavi, SH Pourtakdoust
    AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics 46 (1), 97-113 2022

  • Model Based Microburst Identification Using a Hybridized Extended Kalman Filter with Genetic Algorithm
    E Mohajeri, SH Pourtakdoust, F Pazooki
    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of 2022

  • Satellite Pose Estimation Using Earth Radiation Modeled by Artificial Neural Networks
    FN Gourabi, M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
    Advances in Space Research 2022

  • A Deep Learning Approach for the Solution of Probability Density Evolution of Stochastic Systems
    SH Pourtakdoust, AH Khodabakhsh
    Structural Safety 99 2022

  • Dynamic modeling and structural reliability of an aeroelastic launch vehicle
    SH Pourtakdoust, AH Khodabaksh
    Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science 9 (3), 263-278 2022

  • Simultaneous Orbit, Attitude and Albedo Parameter Estimation Using Satellite Surface Temperature Data
    F Nasihati Gourabi, M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust, A Labibian
    Sharif Journal of Mechanical Engineering 37 (2), 47-55 2021

  • Attitude Estimation and Control based on Modified Unscented Kalman Filter for Gyro-Less Satellite with Faulty Sensors
    SH Pourtakdoust, MF Mehrjardi, MH Hajkarim
    Acta Astronautica 191, 134-147 2021

  • Time-Varying Structural Reliability Assessment Method: Application to Fiber Reinforced Composites under Repeated Impact Loading
    SS Afshari, SH Pourtakdoust, BJ Crawford, R Seethaler, AS Milani
    Composite Structures 261, 113287 2021

  • Design and Construction of A 5DoF Table Top Platform For Aircraft Dynamic Identification
    MR Abdollahi, M Sahranavardi Mehrabani, SH Pourtakdoust


  • An extension of ant colony system to continuous optimization problems
    SH Pourtakdoust, H Nobahari
    International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence 2004
    Citations: 149

  • Optimal maneuver-based motion planning over terrain and threats using a dynamic hybrid PSO algorithm
    J Karimi, SH Pourtakdoust
    Aerospace Science and Technology 26 (1), 60-71 2013
    Citations: 85

  • Chaotic analysis of nonlinear viscoelastic panel flutter in supersonic flow
    SH Pourtakdoust, SA Fazelzadeh
    Nonlinear Dynamics 32, 387-404 2003
    Citations: 73

  • Advanced UAV aerodynamics, flight stability and control: novel concepts, theory and applications
    P Belobaba, J Cooper, A Seabridge
    John Wiley & Sons 2017
    Citations: 65

  • Investigation of thrust effect on the vibrational characteristics of flexible guided missiles
    SH Pourtakdoust, N Assadian
    Journal of sound and vibration 272 (1-2), 287-299 2004
    Citations: 55

  • Multisensor attitude estimation: fundamental concepts and applications
    H Fourati, DEC Belkhiat
    CRC Press 2016
    Citations: 51

  • Multiobjective genetic optimization of Earth–Moon trajectories in the restricted four-body problem
    N Assadian, SH Pourtakdoust
    Advances in Space Research 45 (3), 398-409 2010
    Citations: 49

  • An adaptive unscented Kalman filter for quaternion‐based orientation estimation in low‐cost AHRS
    SH Pourtakdoust, H Ghanbarpour Asl
    Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 79 (5), 485-493 2007
    Citations: 45

  • A new hybrid approach for dynamic continuous optimization problems
    J Karimi, H Nobahari, SH Pourtakdoust
    Applied Soft Computing 12 (3), 1158-1167 2012
    Citations: 43

  • Optimal trajectory planning for flight through microburst wind shears
    SH Pourtakdoust, M Kiani, A Hassanpour
    Aerospace Science and Technology 15 (7), 567-576 2011
    Citations: 43

  • Evaluation of flapping wing propulsion based on a new experimentally validated aeroelastic model
    SH Pourtakdoust, SK Aliabadi
    Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 472-482 2012
    Citations: 41

  • Consistent calibration of magnetometers for nonlinear attitude determination
    M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust, AA Sheikhy
    measurement 73, 180-190 2015
    Citations: 39

  • Optimal approach to halo orbit control
    A Rahmani, MA Jalali, S Pourtakdoust
    AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 5748 2003
    Citations: 39

  • Nonlinear aerothermoelastic behavior of skin panel with wall shear stress effect
    SH Pourtakdoust, SA Fazelzadeh
    Journal of Thermal Stresses 28 (2), 147-169 2005
    Citations: 37

  • Adaptive square-root cubature–quadrature Kalman particle filter for satellite attitude determination using vector observations
    M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
    Acta Astronautica 105 (1), 109-116 2014
    Citations: 34

  • Development of a radiation based heat model for satellite attitude determination
    A Labibian, SH Pourtakdoust, A Alikhani, H Fourati
    Aerospace Science and Technology 82, 479-486 2018
    Citations: 32

  • On the quasi-equilibria of the BiElliptic four-body problem with non-coplanar motion of primaries
    N Assadian, SH Pourtakdoust
    Acta Astronautica 66 (1-2), 45-58 2010
    Citations: 31

  • Regular and chaotic solutions of the Sitnikov problem near the 3/2 commensurability
    MA Jalali, SH Pourtakdoust
    Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 68, 151-162 1997
    Citations: 31

  • State estimation of nonlinear dynamic systems using weighted variance-based adaptive particle swarm optimization
    M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
    Applied Soft Computing 34, 1-17 2015
    Citations: 30

  • UD covariance factorization for unscented Kalman filter using sequential measurements update
    HG Asl, SH Pourtakdoust
    International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 1 (10), 564-572 2007
    Citations: 27


1. Shakouri A., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “A New Shape -Based Multiple-Impulse Strategy for Coplanar Orbital Maneuvers”, Acta Astronautica, Volume 161, pp. 200-208, , Elsevier, 11th, May 2019.
2. Nasihati Gourabi F., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Autonomous temperature-based orbit estimation”, Aerospace Science and Technology, No. 86, pp. 671-682, , Elsevier, January 2019.
3. Shakouri A., Kiani M., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Covariance-Based Multiple-Impulse Rendezvous Design”, accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, DOI 10.1109/, IEEE, November 2018.
4. Raouf N., Pourtakdoust Seid H., S. Samiei Paghaleh, “Reliability and Failure analysis of jet vane TVC system”, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, Volume 18, Issue 6,pp. 1635-1642,Springer, October 2018.
5. Labibian A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., A. Alikhani, H. Fourati, “Development of a Radiation Based Heat Model for Satellite Attitude Determination”, Aerospace Science and Technology, No. 82-83, pp. 479-486, , Elsevier, September 27th , 2018.
6. Afshari S. S. , Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Probability Density Evolution For Time-Varying Reliability Assessment Of Wing Structures”, Aviation Journal, ISSN: 1648-7788 /, Volume 22, Issue 2,pp. 52-61, , May 2018.
7. Afshari S. S. , Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Utility of Probability Density Evolution Method for Experimental Reliability Based Active Vibration Control”, Structural Control & Health Monitoring, DOI: 10.1002/, Wiley, April 2018.
8. Bighashdel A., Zare H., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “An Analytical Approach in Dynamic Calibration of Strain Gauge Balances for Aerodynamic Measurements”, IEEE Sensors Journal , DOI 10.1109/, March 2018.
9. Zare H., Bighashdel A., Pourtakdoust Seid H., “Analytical Structural Behavior Of Elastic Flapping Wings Under The Actuator Effect”, The Aeronautical Journal ,Vol. 122, Issue 1254, pp. 1176-1198, Royal Aeronautical Society, U.K , August 2018.


1- Implementation of satellite attitude determination process via nonlinear filtering of thermal data. Patent No. 90141, Intellectual Property Center, Tehran-Iran, October 2016.
2- Development of a 3 DOF Dynamic Force/Moment Measurement System for Flapping Robots. Patent No. 94817, Intellectual Property Center, Tehran-Iran, January 2018.
3- Advanced UAV aerodynamics, flight stability and control: Novel concepts, theory and applications. John Wiley & Sons Inc, December 2016.ISBN-10: 1118928687, ISBN-13: 978-1118928684.
Chapter 17: Constrained Motion Planning and Trajectory Optimization for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Chapter 18: Autonomous Space Navigation Utilizing Nonlinear Filters with MEMS Technology.

4- Recent Advances in Multisensor Attitude Estimation: Fundamental Concepts and Applications.
CRC Press- Taylor and Francis Group, August 2016. ISBN 9781498745710
Chapter 11: Recent Advances in Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Algorithms.