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Scopus Publications

  • Efficient Bio-Oil Production from Coconut Shells Using Parabolic Solar Pyrolysis
    Sri Aulia Novita, Santosa, Nofialdi, Andasuryani, and Ahmad Fudholi

    International Information and Engineering Technology Association

  • Marketing response and innovation of coffee powder SMEs of Tanah Datar Regency in address unstable business environment
    Lora Triana, Rahmat Syahni, Nofialdi Nofialdi, and Yulia Hendri Yeni

    AIP Publishing

  • Analysis the Added Value of Sustainable Tilapia Fish Industry of Value Chain Actors in North Sumatera
    J Marisa, R Syahni, RA Hadiguna, and Nofialdi Nofialdi

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The purpose of this research/study is to identify the actors involved in the value chain, analyze the added value received by each actor, and analyze the value chain of business actors who get the most benefits and related parties in the Toba Samosir Regency. The data analysis used in this research is in the form of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Qualitative analysis is conducted to describe and analyze the actors involved in the value chain of the tilapia business. Quantitative research is carried out to calculate the costs and benefits used to determine the added value of the business. The results of this study are the flow pattern of the tilapia business value chain, starting from fish cultivators to consumers. The actors involved in the value chain consist of fish farmers, wholesalers, processors of tilapia, and distributors. The added value obtained by each tilapia value chain actor is 18.08% for tilapia cultivators, 5.31% for collectors, 60.76% for tilapia fillet processors, and 15.85% for tilapia fillet processors distributors. The business actor getting the biggest profit in the value chain is the fish processor, Rp. 102,048,667,500 per kg.

  • The utilisation of IJAH analytics in determining the main superior medicinal plant derivatives as an effort for equitable community welfare and regional development

  • Performance and Characteristics of Bio-Oil from Pyrolysis Process of Rice Husk
    Sri Aulia Novita, Santosa, Nofialdi, Andasuryani, Ahmad Fudholi, Perdana Putera, and Hendra

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract This study aims to modify the pyrolysis device that produces bio-oil with methyl esters, determine the content of methyl esters with GC/MS analysis, and test the performance of biodiesel using a diesel engine. This research modified the pyrolysis tube wall by changing the thickness of the stainless-steel material to 1.5 mm to facilitate the combustion process and heat transfer and reduce the equipment weight. Meanwhile, the tube base still uses 3 mm stainless steel to prevent leakage during the process because of high temperature (300 – 400°C). Using wood and coconut shell could accelerate the incomplete combustion process and produce higher methyl ester than using a gas stove. The process using wood and coconut shell could produce 35.88% of bio-oil produced while the process using a gas stove only produces 30%. The GC/ MS analysis has discovered that the content of methyl ester and ethanol was 60.12% and 1.13%, respectively. The obtained methyl ester was separated from the tar using a rotary evaporator based on the boiling point difference. Methyl ester from this husk can turn on the diesel engine with B20-B60.

  • Impact of entrepreneurial characteristics, access to credit and product innovation on the coffee powder agroindustry business performance in rural areas
    N Suryani, N Nofialdi, Z Azriani, and M Hendri

    IOP Publishing
    The competitiveness of rural coffee agroindustry needs to be designed to increase the income of coffee entrepreneurs in rural areas. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impacts of entrepreneurial characteristics, Access to Credit, and product innovation on the business performance of the coffee powder agroindustry. Data collection was carried out through field observations in-depth interviews. Key informants were all parties related to the development of the Robusta coffee agroindustry, and the research respondents were 49 coffee powder processors in coffee canters in Tanah Datar Regency. Data analysis was performed using descriptive methods and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using smartPLS. Entrepreneurial characteristics have a significant effect on access credit, and then Access to Credit has a significant effect on business performance. The entrepreneurial characteristics also have a significant effect on the coffee powder agroindustry business performance.

  • Analysis of the structure, conduct, and market performance of gambier in west sumatra, Indonesia
    Muhammad Hendri, Rahmat Syahni, Nofialdi, and Ifdal

    Insight Society
    Gambier is a significant Indonesian export commodity contributing more than US$ 55 million to the economy. Production of gambier is centered in the province of West Sumatra, specifically Lima Puluh Kota Regency. This research aims to analyze the structure, conduct, and market performance of gambier commodity in West Sumatra. Fifty-two gambier farmers and twelve gambier traders were interviewed with data that were analyzed descriptively to determine the market structure, market conduct, and market performance.  Based on the number of end buyers (exporters) in West Sumatra, which are relatively small, only 16 companies compared to the number of sellers (farmers Gambier), this study concluded Gambier market structure tends to be monopsony. The majority of gambier exports from West Sumatra went to India. The market concentration analysis obtained a CR4 value of ≥ 0.8, which means low competition in the gambier commodity market. The market entry barriers analysis obtained an average value of MES of 35%, indicating the existence of barriers to market entry for new competitors. Four institutions were involved in marketing; collecting traders I, collecting traders II, interregional traders, and exporters. Of the four marketing channels, farmers-traders II-interregional traders (PAD)-exporters, was the most widely used, amounting to 51.92% of gambier trade. The research shows how different marketing channels benefit different institutions and provides suggestions to move towards a marketing system that provides more benefits to producers. The highest total marketing margin is on channel 1; Farmers-Merchants Merchants Gatherer I-II- Traders Inter (PAD) - Exporters. It occurs because channel 1 provides more marketing agencies. The highest of sharing farmers is the channel 4, i.e. farmers- interregional traders -exporters by 63.15%, and the lowest is in channel 2 (farmers-collecting traders II - interregional traders (PAD)-exporters) of 57.2 %.

  • Network structure of institutions in cassava agro-industry development in Lima Puluh Kota District
    Rini Hakimi, Melinda Noer, Nofialdi, and Hasnah

    Insight Society
    The development of cassava agro-industry in Lima Puluh Kota District is very potential. It is related that Lima Puluh Kota District is the largest cassava commodity production district in West Sumatera Province. There are formal and informal institutions that support the development of agro-industry through various activities involving agro-industry. This study aims to describe the network structure of formal and informal institutions in the development of cassava agro-industry in Lima Puluh Kota District. This research uses mixed methods research. Data and information in this study are obtained from literature studies, observations, in-depth interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) used for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis used descriptive statistics, and qualitative analysis used the interactive model. The results of this research showed that the frequency of interactions of informal institutions and agro-industry is more often than formal institutions. Social relations are more dominant than business relations in the network structure of formal institutions and agro-industry. On the other hand, the network structure of informal institutions and agro-industry, business relations are more dominant comparing social relations. Social relations can get through coaching activities such as counseling, training, procurement of production equipment, and business licensing. While business relationships can get through transactions such as purchasing, selling, land leasing, loan of capital, saving of money, and transfer of money. Informal institution relations occur in every agro-industry activity, starting from procurement of raw materials, auxiliary materials, processing, and marketing products. Formal institution relations occur in processing and marketing products.

  • Analysis of income and feasibility of rice-cattle integration system farming based on enterprises scale

  • Analysis of relationship cost with household food security of farmers in Padang City
    R Praza, Nofaldi, Jafrinur, and N Shamadiyah

    Diva Enterprises Private Limited
    This study aims to (1) determine the proportion of food cost to total household expenditure of farmers in Padang according to income groups, (2) determine the level of consumption of food (energy and protein) household farmers in Padang based on income level and (3) analyze conditions of household food security of farmers in Padang according to the income group. This research using survey method, whereas the data used includes primary and secondary data. Secondary data was obtained from the results of publications and information related to food security, while primary data was obtained through direct interviews with household members of farmers. The number of research samples was 60 households. Data analysis was done by disaggregation of household groups into low, medium and high groupings.

  • Competitive strategy for rural agroindustry development of brown sugar from sugar cane (saka) in Matur sub-district, Agam district, Sumatra Barat


  • Performance Test of Coconut Shell Grinding Machine For Pyrolysis Process
    SA Novita, S Santosa, N Nofialdi, A Andasuryani, A Fudholi
    Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 8 (1), 65-77 2024

  • COFFEE MARKETING STRATEGY (Case Study of Kiniko Coffee Business in Tabek Patah)
    W Muspita, R Yuristia, N Nofialdi
    Journal of Socio-economics on Tropical Agriculture (Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi 2024

  • Analysis of Research Methodology on Institutional-Based Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
    M Noer, S Yonaldi, YH Yeni, N Nofialdi
    International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business 2024

  • Sustainable Fishery Value Chain (SFVC): Study Case in Tilapia Industry.
    J Marisa, R Syahni, RA Hadiguna, N Nofialdi
    International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering & Information 2024

  • Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Agroindustri Kopi Bubuk di Nagari Koto Tuo Kecamatan Sungai Tarab Kabupaten Tanah Datar
    MF Syabena, Y Yonariza, N Nofialdi
    JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains) 7 (2), 163-174 2023

  • Techno-Sociopreneur In Improving Competitiveness of Agricultural Commodities
    M Noer, YH Yeni
    Journal of Agri Socio Economics and Business 5 (02), 13-22 2023

  • Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Santan Kelapa
    M Meilizar, RA Hadiguna, S Santosa, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian 19 (3), 275-286 2023

  • Karakteristik Petani Kopi di Kecamatan Batipuh Selatan Kabupaten Tanah Datar
    HY Jailani, N Nofialdi, Z Zulvera
    Journal of Socio-economics on Tropical Agriculture (Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi 2023

  • Human Capital, Social Capital And The Role Of Goverment In Ground Coffe SMEs In Tanah Datar Regency
    N Muhammad Farrel Syabena, Yonariza
    International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) 40 2023

    S Dewita, F Tanjung, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Ekonomi 12 (3), 1532-1541 2023

  • Cross-Cultural Learning Strategies for Entrepreneurship Education: Implications for Lifetime Education Towards Civil Society
    E Sonita, H Henmaid, N Nofialdi, R Anggraini
    Journal of World Science 2 (6), 773-784 2023

  • Marketing response and innovation of coffee powder SMEs of Tanah Datar Regency in address unstable business environment
    L Triana, R Syahni, N Nofialdi, YH Yeni
    AIP Conference Proceedings 2730 (1) 2023

  • Analysis the Added Value of Sustainable Tilapia Fish Industry of Value Chain Actors in North Sumatera
    J Marisa, R Syahni, RA Hadiguna, N Nofialdi
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1177 (1), 012010 2023

  • The Perceptions of Sugar Palm Farmers in Relation To the Institutional Development of Sugar Palm Agro-Industry
    S Pulungan, R Syahni, N Nofialdi, N Nazir
    International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture 2023

  • The Influence of Human Capital and Social Capital and the Role of Government on Improving Ground Coffee Business Performance in Rural Area
    MF Syabena
    International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus 2023

  • Analisis Rancang Bangun Solar Cooker Berbasis Consentrated Solar Power (CSP)
    SA Novita, MR Hofic, A Pranata, AD Putra, N Nofialdi
    Agroteknika 5 (2), 172-182 2022

  • The utilisation of IJAH analytics in determining the main superior medicinal plant derivatives as an effort for equitable community welfare and regional development
    RS Siregar, RA Hadiguna, I Kamil, N Nazir, N Nofialdi
    Tropical Agriculture 99 (4), 341-362 2022

  • Transformasi Perguruan Tinggi Islam Tradisional Menuju Perguruan Tinggi Islam Kewirausahaan
    E Sonita, H Helmi, H Henmaidi, N Nofialdi
    JUSIE (Jurnal Sosial dan Ilmu Ekonomi) 7 (02), 115-126 2022

  • Performance and Characteristics of Bio-Oil from Pyrolysis Process of Rice Husk
    SA Novita, A Fudholi, P Putera
    IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1097 (1), 012019 2022

  • Fast Pyrolysis of Biomass with a Concentrated Solar Power: a Review
    SA Novita, S Santosa, N Nofialdi, A Andasuryani, A Fudholi, P Putera
    Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology 6 (2), 180-191 2022


  • The integrated farming system of crop and livestock: a review of rice and cattle integration farming
    M Mukhlis, M Noer, N Nofialdi, M Mahdi
    International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) 42 (3 2018
    Citations: 49

  • Intensifikasi lahan melalui sistem pertanian terpadu: Sebuah tinjauan
    F Hidayati, Y Yonariza, N Nofialdi, D Yuzaria
    Unri Conference Series: Agriculture and Food Security 1, 113-119 2019
    Citations: 29

  • Permintaan dan penawaran tanaman obat tradisional di provinsi sumatera utara
    RS Siregar, RA Hadiguna, I Kamil, N Nazir, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia 13 (1), 50-60 2020
    Citations: 26

  • Manajemen Risiko rantai pasok agroindustri gula merah tebu di Kabupaten Agam, Provinsi Sumatera Barat
    S Melly, RA Hadiguna, S Santosa, N Nofialdi
    Industria: Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Agroindustri 8 (2), 133-144 2019
    Citations: 18

  • Analysis of Income and Feasibility of Rice-Cattle Integration System Farming Based on Enterprises Scale
    M Mukhlis, M Noer, N Nofialdi, M Mahdi
    Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11 (7), 544-553 2019
    Citations: 10

  • Artikel Review: Parameter Operasional Pirolisis Biomassa
    SA Novita, S Santosa, N Nofialdi, A Andasuryani, A Fudholi
    Agroteknika 4 (1), 53-67 2021
    Citations: 9

  • Sinergi supply chain yang efektif: literature review agroindustri bawang merah di Sumatera Barat
    D Deperiky, RAH Santosa
    Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 29 (2) 2019
    Citations: 8

  • Intensifikasi lahan melalui sistem pertanian terpadu: sebuah tinjauan. Unri Conference Series: Agriculture and Food Security, 1, 113–119
    F Hidayati, Y Yonariza, N Nofialdi, D Yuzaria
    Citations: 8

  • Comparison of External and Internal Inputs Usage Based on Enterprises Scale on Rice-cattle Integration Systems Farming
    M Mukhlis, M Noer, N Nofialdi, M Mahdi
    Asian Journal of Scientific Research 13 (1), 9-17 2020
    Citations: 6

  • The integrated farming system of crop and livestock: a review of rice and cattle integration farming
    N Melinda, M Nofialdi
    IJSBAR 42, 68-82 2018
    Citations: 6

  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale R.) as a Potent Medicinal Plant for the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: A Review.
    RS Siregar, RA Hadiguna, I Kamil, N Nazir, N Nofialdi
    Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research 6 (4) 2022
    Citations: 5

  • Supply Chain Management Agroindustri: Sebuah Literature Review
    D Deperiky, S Santosa, RA Hadiguna, N Nofialdi
    INVENTORY: Industrial Vocational E-Journal On Agroindustry 1 (1), 1-7 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Supply Chain Risk Management of The Small-Scale Industry in West Sumatera
    Y Ernita, RAH Guna, S Santosa, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Manajemen & Agribisnis 15 (1), 61 2018
    Citations: 5

  • The utilisation of IJAH analytics in determining the main superior medicinal plant derivatives as an effort for equitable community welfare and regional development
    RS Siregar, RA Hadiguna, I Kamil, N Nazir, N Nofialdi
    Tropical Agriculture 99 (4), 341-362 2022
    Citations: 4

  • the Potencial of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale R.) As a Standardized Herbal Product in North Sumatera
    RS Siregar, RA Hadiguna, I Kamil, N Nazir, N Nofialdi
    Journal of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 5 (2), 299-315 2022
    Citations: 4

  • Analisis Kelembagaan Supply Chain Agroindustri Bawang Merah Di Kabupaten Solok Dengan Menggunakan Metode Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) 10.0
    D Deperiky, S Santosa, RA Hadiguna, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian 8 (2), 97-106 2019
    Citations: 4

  • Pengaruh Orientasi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Produk Pada Agroindustri Kopi di Kota Bukittinggi
    A Putri, R Hariance, N Nofialdi
    Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 6 (1), 1-6 2017
    Citations: 4

  • Eflsiensl, Skala Produksi dan Resiko Usaha Peternakan Rakyat dan Kecil Ayam Ras Petelur di Kabupaten 50 Kota, Sumatera Barat.
    H Nofialdi
    IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) 1997
    Citations: 4

  • Focus Group Discussion Masalah Pertanian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Penanaman Pohon Bambu di Salingka Kampus Universitas Andalas
    Z Ikhsan, H Hidrayani, W Winarto, Y Yusniwati, R Yunita, N Sandi, ...
    Warta Pengabdian Andalas 28 (4), 428-434 2021
    Citations: 3

  • Peran Lembaga Formal dan Informal dalam Pengembangan Agroindustri di Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota
    R Hakimi, M Noer, N Nofialdi, H Hasnah
    Jurnal Ekonomi Pertanian dan Agribisnis 3 (3), 511-525 2019
    Citations: 3