Associate Professor of Zoology
Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women's College ( Autonomous)
Teaching experience( UG & PG)-22 years, Research Experience -35 years( 7 years as Post Doc Fellow in the form of Young Scientist of DST, Govt. of India & Pool Scientist from CSIR, Govt. of India, PhD produced-08, ongoing PhD students-07, Member of Governing Body of the college
M.Sc., PhD
Soil Ecotoxicology, Nutritional Ecology, Soil Microbiology
Usefulness of some enzyme of selected species of earth worm as biomarker to detect heavy metals pollution in soil
Usefulness of some molecular biological technique of Porcelio laevis ( Isopoda) as biomarker to detect heavy metals pollution in soil
Utility of earthworm gut containing bacteria in degradation of polythene & polypopeline
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Name of the Investigator Title of the project and duration Amount
Sanctioned/ completed/ongoing Funding Agency
Dr. P. P. Chakravorty (PI) Ecophysiological---Soil microarthropod 3 years
Completed DST
Dr. P. P. Chakravorty (PI) Bioassay of insecticides—soil collembola
Completed CSIR
Dr. P. P. Chakravorty (PI) Use of vermicompost—lateritic soil management 0,000/-
Completed DST
( W. B.)
Dr. P. P. Chakravorty (PI) Bioassay of insecticide pollution---soil
microarthropods. 2 years Rs.
Dr. P. P.Chakravorty (PI) &
R. Dasgupta (Co PI) Ecotoxicological & Biochemical --- Epigeic earthworm fauna. 2 years Rs.
Dr. P. P.Chakravorty (PI),
Dr. R. Dasgupta & Dr.T.
D as (Co PI) Studies on the usefulness of some-- pollution in agro ecosystem Rs.
completed UGC
Dr. P.P.Chakravorty ( PI) Studies on the role of selected ---ecosystems
ongoing DST W.B.
Recommendation of tree species in afforestation programme with respect to soil health, Establishment of ecologically safe insecticides for general agricultural practices
Research collaboration has been initiated between myself and Dr. Yuji Sakai, Kokaguin University, Tokyo, Japan
Start up my carrier as an Assistant Professor of Zoology on 19/04/2000, at present i am attached to my Institution as an Associate Professor
• Membership of Academic Societies---
1. Life Member Society of Soil Biology & Ecology, Bangalore.
2.Life Member National Environmental science academy, New Delhi
3. Life Member Physiological society of India, Kolkata
4. Life Member Zoological society of India, Kolkata.
5. Member Society for Conservation of Biology, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
6. Member of ISEIS ( International Society for Environmental Information sciences), Canada.
7. Life Member The Academy of Environmental Biology, ITRC, Lucknow.
8. Member International Society of Tropical Ecology, JNU
9. Life member Asian Biological Research Foundation