Siti Maemunah




Administrasi Public


Scopus Publications

Scopus Publications

  • Determinants of airport train operational performance
    Prasadja Ricardianto, Heriyanto Wibowo, Lira Agusinta, Edi Abdurachman, Abdullah Ade Suryobuwono, Peppy Fachrial, Agus Setiawan, Salahudin Rafi, Siti Maemunah, and Endri Endri

    Growing Science
    This study aims to analyze the improvement of the operational performance of Indonesia’s Soekarno-Hatta Airport train through service quality which is mediated by train passenger loyalty and passenger satisfaction. The main problems in this study are the use of the same railway for long-distance train, airport train, and commuter Line train, the limited use of airport railway with four schedules, the headway which becomes 30 minutes since the number of travels becomes 82 trips, and the tariff being applied now is considered as burdening the passengers. The research method uses a quantitative analysis approach with the technique of Structural Equation Modeling-Lisrel. Data collection is done through observation and questionnaire distribution. The respondents are 306 passengers of trains heading for Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The benefit of this study for the domestic railway company is that by improving service quality, passenger loyalty and satisfaction, it will improve the operational performance of airport trains. The result of this research indicates the significant influence of service quality variable on passenger loyalty through passenger satisfaction, the significant influence of service quality variable on operational performance through passenger satisfaction and passenger loyalty as well as the significant influence of passenger satisfaction variable on operational performance through passenger loyalty.

  • The implementation of partnership management on inclusive education in kebumen

  • The assessment of local government's innovation using regional innovation index
    Adi Suhendra, Imam Radianto Anwar Setia Putra, Siti Maemunah, Asrori, Catur Wibowo Budi Santoso, H. Sutanto, Hotnier Sipahutar, Tomo, M. Herlina, Deden Nuryadin,et al.

    SynthesisHub Advance Scientific Research
    One of the mandates of Law No. 23 of 2014 concerning Local Government is to direct all Local Governments to accelerate the realization of public welfare through regional innovation. Today many innovations have been created and almost everything are related to speed, improvement, and information technology systems. In Global Innovation Index 2018 which ranks innovations globally, the rating of regional innovation Indonesia has raised two ranks from the previous rank, from 87 to 85. The scores obtained by Indonesia were still above the average of middle and lower income countries. However, at least there are a number of weaknesses in Indonesia from the aspects spread in areas of innovation regulation, for example the environment, school funding by the government, the companies willingness to offer formal training, and scientific and technical articles. The purposes for the assessment of Local Government`s innovation are to provide efforts and strength for Local Governments to stimulate their competitiveness through regional innovation. This activity used regional innovation index calculations by performing calculations based on variables: input, process, output, and outcome`s regional innovation. The location of the assessment is all Local Governments in Indonesia. The results in this study explain that there are seven government service innovations. The result of this assessment activity is the input of regional innovation screening data through online information system. However, there are still some obstacles in the input of regional innovation: the absence of data from local governments in eastern Indonesia. Government should give more attention on regional innovation development.

  • The effect of attitude and purchasing of millennials consumers towards brand love in sports wear brands

  • Analysis and prediction of diabetes complication disease using data mining algorithm
    Cut Fiarni, Evasaria M. Sipayung, and Siti Maemunah

    Elsevier BV