Victor Yeste

Adjunct Professor. Department of Applied Statistics and Operational Research, and Quality
Polytechnic University of Valencia


Computer engineer and PhD in Communication and Cultural Industries, with 10+ years of experience in analytics, SEO, and WordPress development, collaborating with international projects in Germany and the United States. With lines of research focused on the application of statistics, data science, and machine learning to sectors such as digital communication, culture, and marketing.


Ph.D. in Communication and Cultural Industries
Polytechnic University of Valencia ~ 2014 - 2021
Doctoral thesis on analysis of trends and success prediction of digital content. Obtaining data using APIs for machine learning.

Master's Degree in Information Management
Polytechnic University of Valencia ~ 2012 - 2014
Analyze, design, select, organize, manage, evaluate, optimize and disseminate information products and services, content, media and social networks. Honorary enrolment in Auditing and Content Assessment. Other skills: SEO, SEM, SMO, digital marketing, usability, etc.

Degree in Computer Engineering
Polytechnic University of Valencia ~ 2007 – 2012
Fifth grade specialty: Industrial. Robotics and Image Processing.


Data Science
Machine Learning
Digital Analytics
Digital Marketing


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • Electoral abstention and information sources among undergraduate university students
    J Mora Rojo, JM Toms, V Yeste, E Cebrin
    6th International Conference on Advanced Research Methods and Analytics 2024

  • Hashtags used by museums Twitter accounts from REMED in 2021
    V Yeste
    Hashtags used by museums Twitter accounts from REMED in 2021 2024

  • Twitter hashtag analysis of movie premieres in February 2022 in the USA
    V Yeste
    Twitter hashtag analysis of movie premieres in February 2022 in the USA 2024

  • Use of hashtags in Hispanic digital native media
    V Yeste
    Use of hashtags in Hispanic digital native media 2024

  • Google Analytics & Twitter dataset from a movies, tv-series and videogames website
    V Yeste
    Google Analytics & Twitter dataset from a movies, tv-series and videogames 2024

  • Analysis of the experience, interests, and expectations of first-year students of the UEV STEAM degrees
    V Yeste
    Analysis of the experience, interests, and expectations of first-year 2024

  • Philo of Alexandria at touch: a cascade model approach to human value detection
    V Yeste, MC Ardanuy, P Rosso
    Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024 2024

  • los alumnos de STEAM saben programar al comenzar la universidad? anlisis de su experiencia, intereses y expectativas
    V Yeste
    Perspectivas contemporneas en educacin: innovacin, investigacin y 2024

  • Estadstica descriptiva aplicada a variables web de anlisis de tendencias
    V Yeste, Calduch-Losa, JA Ontalba, JS Cobos
    Desafos y retos de las redes sociales en el ecosistema de la comunicacin 2023

  • Anlisis estadstico de la relacin entre la actividad en la plataforma docente y las notas: el caso de estadstica del Grado en Ingeniera Informtica en la UPV
    V Yeste, Calduch-Losa, SV Puig, AV Padilla
    Educacin hacia el futuro: enfoque STEAM, ciencias de la salud y deporte 2023

  • Adaptando cambios de competencias transversales en un blog de estadstica
    Calduch-Losa, AV Padilla, V Yeste, SV Puig
    Desafos y retos de las redes sociales en el ecosistema de la comunicacin 2023

  • Exploratory Twitter hashtag analysis of movie premieres in the USA
    V Yeste, Calduch-Losa
    Desafos audiovisuales de la tecnologa y los contenidos en la cultura 2022

    C Losa, V Yeste, AV Padilla, SV Puig

  • Trabajando con los ODS con los estudiantes de primer curso de Grado de Ingeniera en Informtica en la Universitat Politcnica de Valncia
    Calduch-Losa, V Yeste, AV Padilla, SV Puig
    Educacin y transferencia del conocimiento: propuestas de innovacin para la 2022

  • Anlisis cualitativo de la fiabilidad del porcentaje de coincidencias de Turnitin en los trabajos de Estadstica
    Calduch-Losa, V Yeste, SV Puig, AV Padilla
    Nuevos enfoques en innovacin educativa y transferencia de conocimiento 2022

  • Desarrollando competencias transversales con estudiantes universitarios de primer curso mediante un blog colaborativo. Caso de una asignatura de estadstica
    Calduch-Losa, AV Padilla, SV Puig, V Yeste
    Innovacin digital en comunicacin y educacin, 106-129 2022

  • Experiencias de un grupo de estudiantes de primer curso de grado de ingeniera en informtica en la Universitat Politcnica de Valncia con los objetivos de desarrollo
    Calduch-Losa, V Yeste, AV Padilla, SV Puig
    Innovacin educativa para el desarrollo sostenible, la economa y la empresa 2022

  • Genre classification of movie releases in theusa: Exploring data with twitter hashtags
    VY Moreno, Calduch-Losa
    Narrativas emergentes para la comunicacin digital, 1012-1044 2022

  • Diseo de una metodologa cibermtrica de clculo del xito para la optimizacin de contenidos web
    VM Yeste Moreno
    Universitat Politcnica de Valncia 2021

  • Estudio predictivo del uso colectivo de hashtags en museos de la red REMED
    V Yeste, Calduch-Losa, J Serrano-Cobos
    Congreso CIMED. I Congreso Internacional de Museos y Estrategias Digitales 2021


  • Philo of Alexandria at touch: a cascade model approach to human value detection
    V Yeste, MC Ardanuy, P Rosso
    Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2024 2024
    Citations: 1