Miklos Gyuranecz


Zoonotic Bacteriology and Mycoplasmology
Veterinary Medical Research Institute



I am a DVM, PhD, DSc, habil, Dipl. ECVM, head of a 15-member research group and the vice director of the Veterinary Medical Research Institute, an honorary professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary and the director of the Mycoplasma diagnostic & biotech company, MolliScience Ltd. I am the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed scientific papers and three book chapters. My laboratory served as an OIE reference laboratory between 2015 and 2018. Currently I am the supervisor of six graduated and three active PhD students.


2021 De facto Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Microbiology
2021 DSc (Doctor of Science), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
2019 Habilitation, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hungary
2011 PhD (Summa cum laude), Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Hungary
2007 DVM and BSc in wildlife management, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University, Hungary


I am keenly interested in infectious diseases, particularly bacterial pathogens. My current work is primarily on mycoplasmosis but I also work with a variety of other diseases, including tularemia, brucellosis and Q fever.


National Laboratory of Infectious Animal Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Public Health and Food Chain Safety

The establishment of the laboratory is of key importance for the national economy, since the rapid recognition of infectious diseases, along with effective prevention and treatment are especially important due to the large number of farm animals in Hungary and the annual increase in revenue they generate. Also playing an important role in the project is the study of the increasingly alarming spread of antimicrobial resistance, especially with regard to the possibility of its transfer from animals to humans. The laboratory's innovative competences and modern infrastructural capacity not only further the nation's human and animal health, they also increase the international competitiveness of domestic livestock breeding.

Applications Invited
PhD students, post-docs

Development of diagnostic and control procedures for infectious diseases of domestic and wild bird species with high economic and public health risk

Most of VMRI's research groups are involved in the research project. The project’s main objectives were generated by the animal health problems caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites that threaten the competitiveness of poultry industry, and that could lead to market improvements for the sector. Research directions have been identified that can effectively help to address the current challenges in poultry nutrition, food chain safety and zoonoses.

Applications Invited
PhD students, post-docs

National Laboratory of Health Safety

The aim of the Health Safety National Laboratory is to create a scientific basis for decision-making in Hungary based on data and analysis in the areas of health care, epidemic prevention and ecological systems. The project encompasses research carried out in the fields of epidemic mathematics, epidemic ecology, invasion biology and data-driven health care, among other topics. The laboratory unites and coordinates the research groups operating in this area in Hungary in an insular fashion along the "One Health" concept, thereby supporting networking and the creation of an effectively collaborative and internationally competitive research community.

Applications Invited
PhD students, post-docs

Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Mycoplasma hyopharyngis isolated from the joint of a weaner: A case report
    Dorottya Földi, Eszter Zsófia Nagy, Gergely Tóth, László Makrai, László Gombos, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Akademiai Kiado Zrt.
    AbstractBackgroundMycoplasma hyopharyngis is a commensal bacterium in the upper respiratory tract of swine. As it is recognized to be apathogenic, examinations regarding this species are scarce, compared to other swine mycoplasmas. However, in a few cases, M. hyopharyngis was detected in lesions of different organs. This report presents a case study in which M. hyopharyngis (along with other bacteria) was isolated from the joint of a pig showing lameness.Case presentationA Hungarian farm was repopulated with 250 gilts and 1,700 finishers after undergoing a complete depopulation and disinfection. Two days later, cases of diarrhoea and septicaemia caused by Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium were seen in the finishers. At the same time, following the first farrowing, swollen joints were observed in 21–25 days old piglets. Joint samples were collected, and isolation of Mycoplasma sp. and other bacteria was attempted. Analysis of the joint samples revealed the presence of Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus hyicus, Aerococcus viridans, Trueperella pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae and M. hyopharyngis.ConclusionsThis is the second isolation of M. hyopharyngis from joints, which highlights the necessity of a better understanding the biology of this often-overlooked species, and its role in the progress of arthritis or other lesions.

  • First detection of mycoplasmosis in a bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) in Hungary
    Árisz Ziszisz, Márton Hoitsy, Viktória Sós-Koroknai, Endre Sós, Anna Linda Nógrádi, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, Miklós Gyuranecz, and János Gál

    Herman Otto Intezet Nonprofit Kft.
    A szerzők egy megfelelő tartási körülmények között, de hibásan takarmányozott, rovar-monodiétán tartott, kifejlett szakállas agámában állapítottak meg heveny, légzőszervi tünetekkel járó, mind a légutakat, mind a tüdőt érintő gyulladásos folyamatokat. A légcsőben hámhyperplasia, a tüdőben nagy mennyiségű nyúlós-nyálkás tartalom felhalmozódása volt látható. A felső légutakból kinyert váladék PCR-vizsgálata során a vizsgált szakaszon a Mycoplasma iguanae-val 76%-os átfedést mutató Mycoplasma baktériumokat sikerült izolálni. Hazánkban elsőként mutattunk ki szakállas agámában klinikai tünetekben megnyilvánuló és elhullást okozó mycoplasmosist.

  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in commercial poultry: current control strategies and future challenges
    Anneke Feberwee, Naola Ferguson-Noel, Salvatore Catania, Marco Bottinelli, Nadeeka Wawagema, Miklos Gyuranecz, Anne V. Gautier-Bouchardon, Inna Lysnyansky, Jeanine Wiegel, Franca Möller Palau-Ribes,et al.

    Informa UK Limited
    Mycoplasma gallisepticum (Mg) and Mycoplasma synoviae (Ms) are regarded as the most important avian mycoplasma species for today's chicken and turkey farming industry from a clinical and economical perspective. Control strategies for Mg and Ms have become more efficient due to investments in mycoplasma research over the last 70 years. These investments have contributed to the further implementation of serological and molecular testing, the development of vaccines, and the improvement of antimicrobial treatment strategies. However the increasing spotlight on welfare, the pressure on prudent use of antimicrobials and the expected global increase in poultry production, are expected to have an impact on the future control of avian mycoplasmas in commercial poultry. In this paper a group of avian mycoplasma experts discuss the future challenges in mycoplasma control considering the background of these expected changes and the relevance for future avian mycoplasma research.

  • Evaluating the dynamics and efficacy of a live, attenuated Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis vaccine candidate under farm conditions
    Dénes Grózner, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, Alexa Mitter, Katinka Bekő, Dominika Buni, Áron B. Kovács, Enikő Wehmann, Eszter Zsófia Nagy, Ádám Dobos, Ádám Dán,et al.

    Informa UK Limited
    AbstractThe aim of the present study was to monitor the dynamics and to measure the safety and efficacy of a live, attenuated, thermosensitive Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis vaccine candidate, namely MA271, in geese breeder flocks under field condition. Two rearing flocks were vaccinated with MA271 at four-week of age and boosted at 24 weeks of age by cloaca inoculation (1 ml) and eye-dropping (60 µl). The geese then were transported to multi-aged breeding farms. Two breeding flocks served as controls. Colonisation of the cloaca by MA271 showed 75% maximum prevalence between 4 and 6 weeks after the first vaccination. Then the prevalence decreased to 25% until the cooler, humid fall months which coincided with the booster vaccination. Boostering raised cloacal colonisation to 100%. No clinical signs were observed in the vaccinated birds. After transportation to five multi-aged breeding farms, the wild-type strain appeared beside MA271 in three flocks. In one flock the wild-type strain completely displaced MA271, while in one flock only MA271 was detected. Only wild-type strains were detected in the control flocks, however, due to a HPAI outbreak both flocks were exterminated before the end of the study. Based on the available data the median percentage of infertile eggs were 3.7-5.1% in the MA271 vaccinated flocks, while 7.7% in the non-vaccinated flock. In conclusion MA271 is able to colonise the cloaca of geese under field condition. MA271 proved to be safe and presumably provides protection against M. anserisalpingitidis induced reproduction losses.

  • Evaluation of a Method for Standardized Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing with Mycoplasma hyorhinis Field Isolates
    Lisa Käbisch, Anne-Kathrin Schink, Doris Hoeltig, Jutta Verspohl, Miklós Gyuranecz, Joachim Spergser, Corinna Kehrenberg, and Stefan Schwarz

    Organizations like the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) or the European Committee of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) provide standardized methodologies for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of a wide range of nonfastidious and fastidious bacteria, but so far not for Mycoplasma spp. of animal origin. Recently, a proposed method for the standardized broth microdilution testing of Mycoplasma hyorhinis using commercial Sensititre microtiter plates was presented. In this study, we evaluated this broth microdilution method with 37 field isolates and tested their susceptibility toward the following antimicrobial agents: doxycycline, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, florfenicol, gentamicin, marbofloxacin, tetracycline, tiamulin, tilmicosin, tulathromycin, and tylosin. The isolates originated from different countries, isolation sites, and years. The broth microdilution method was carried out using a modified Friis broth as the culture and test medium. For macrolides and lincosamides, a bimodal distribution with elevated MIC values could be observed for almost half of the tested field isolates, deducing reduced susceptibility toward these substances. With a recently published protocol, we were able to test a variety of field isolates, and consistent data could be obtained. Using this method, monitoring studies of Mycoplasma hyorhinis isolates can be carried out in a comparable manner, and the observed susceptibility profiles can be screened for possible changes in MIC values in the future.

  • Development of molecular assays for the analysis of genetic relationships of Mycoplasma iowae
    Dominika Buni, Áron Botond Kovács, Dorottya Földi, Krisztián Bányai, Krisztina Bali, Marianna Domán, Enikő Wehmann, Janet Bradbury, Marco Bottinelli, Salvatore Catania,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Molecular-phylogenetic analyses of Ixodes species from South Africa suggest an African origin of bird-associated exophilic ticks (subgenus Trichotoixodes)
    Sándor Hornok, Jenő Kontschán, Nóra Takács, Heloise Heyne, Áron Botond Kovács, Olivier Plantard, Gergő Keve, Denis Fedorov, Miklós Gyuranecz, and Ali Halajian

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    Abstract Background Among hard ticks (Acari: Ixodidae), the genus Ixodes comprises the highest number of species, which in turn are most numerous in the Afrotropical zoogeographic region. In South Africa extensive morphological studies have been performed on Ixodes species but only few reports included molecular analyses. Methods In this study, 58 Ixodes spp. ticks, collected from ten mammalian and eight avian host species in South Africa, were molecularly and phylogenetically analyzed. In addition, a newly collected sample of the Palearctic Ixodes trianguliceps was included in the analyses. Results Among the ticks from South Africa, 11 species were identified morphologically. The majority of ticks from mammals represented the Ixodes pilosus group with two species (n = 20), followed by ticks resembling Ixodes rubicundus (n = 18) and Ixodes alluaudi (n = 3). In addition, single specimens of Ixodes rhabdomysae, Ixodes ugandanus, Ixodes nairobiensis and Ixodes simplex were also found. Considering bird-infesting ticks, Ixodes theilerae (n = 7), Ixodes uriae (n = 4) and ticks most similar to Ixodes daveyi (provisionally named I. cf. daveyi, n = 2) were identified. Molecular analyses confirmed two species in the I. pilosus group and a new species (I. cf. rubicundus) closely related to I. rubicundus sensu stricto. Phylogenetic trees based on concatenated mitochondrial or mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences indicated that the subgenus Afrixodes forms a monophyletic clade with bird-associated exophilic ticks (subgenus Trichotoixodes). Ixodes trianguliceps clustered separately whereas I. alluaudi with their morphologically assigned subgenus, Exopalpiger. Conclusions Phylogenetic analyses shed new lights on the relationships of Ixodes subgenera when including multiple sequences from subgenus Afrixodes and African as well as Palearctic species of subgenera Trichotoixodes and Exopalpiger. Subgenera Afrixodes and bird-associated Trichotoixodes share common ancestry, suggesting that the latter might have also originated in Africa. Regarding the subgenus Exopalpiger, I. alluaudi is properly assigned as it clusters among different Australian Ixodes, whereas I. trianguliceps should be excluded. Graphical Abstract

  • The core genome multi-locus sequence typing of Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis
    Áron Botond Kovács, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, Barbara Forró, Dénes Grózner, Alexa Mitter, Szilvia Marton, Krisztina Bali, Anna Sawicka, Grzegorz Tomczyk, Krisztián Bányai,et al.

    Herman Otto Intezet Nonprofit Kft.
    A Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis jelentős anyagi károkat okozó vízibaromfi-patogén baktérium. A vizsgálatukban a szerzők fajra jellemző, alapgénkészletre („mag” genomra) hoztak létre egy multilókusz szekvenciatipizáló sémát, amely elősegíti a M. anserisalpingitidis változatosságának pontosabb diagnosztizálását. A séma fejlesztése során 110 M. anserisalpingitidis törzset vizsgáltak, ezek elsősorban Európából származtak, de kínai és vietnámi mintákat is elemeztek. Az általuk fejlesztett tipizáló módszer segítségével sikeresen azonosítottak egy állattenyésztési integrációból származó mintákat, ill. egy állományból, vagy egy állatból származó mintákat is.

  • Rapid and sensitive detection of waterfowl mycoplasmas using TaqMan assays
    Edina Nemesházi, Enikő Wehmann, Dénes Grózner, Dorottya Sára Nagy, Áron Botond Kovács, Dorottya Földi, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Public Library of Science (PLoS)
    Waterfowl-specific mycoplasmas cause significant economic losses worldwide. However, only limited resources are available for the specific detection of three such bacteria, Mycoplasma anatis, M. anseris and M. cloacale. We developed species-specific TaqMan assays and tested their reliability across 20 strains of the respective target species as well as 84 non-target avian bacterial strains. Furthermore, we analysed 32 clinical DNA samples and compared the results with those of previously published conventional PCRs. The TaqMan assays showed 100% specificity and very high sensitivity, enabling the detection of target DNA as low as either 10 or 100 copies/μl concentration, depending on the assay. Importantly, we found that while the here developed TaqMan assays are reliable for species-specific detection of M. anatis, the previously published conventional PCR assay may give false positive results. In conclusion, the new assays are reliable, sensitive and suitable for clinical diagnostics of the target species.

  • Characterization of atypical Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis strains
    Áron B. Kovács, Enikő Wehmann, Dénes Grózner, Krisztina Bali, Edina Nemesházi, Veronika Hrivnák, Chris J. Morrow, Krisztián Bányai, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Elsevier BV

  • A field study to assess the effectiveness of tylvalosin in drinking water for the treatment of respiratory disease associated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in fattening pigs
    István Filipsz, Ervin Albert, Imre Biksi, Dorottya Földi, Miklós Gyuranecz, Zsolt György, and József Földi

    Herman Otto Intezet Nonprofit Kft.
    A szerzők hízósertéseken, nagyüzemi körülmények között vizsgálták 10 mg/ttkg, ivóvízben, 5 napon át adagolt tilvalozin (TVN) hatékonyságát Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae okozta légzőszervi betegség gyógy- és metafilaktikus kezelésére. A gyógyulási arány 91,7% volt a TVN, 86,7% a referens kontrollcsoportban, ami szignifikáns egyenértékűséget jelent. Az új megbetegedés aránya szignifikánsan kisebb volt (0,9% szemben a 4,5%-kal), valamint a légzőszervi tünetek enyhébb formában jelentek meg a TVN (átlag pontszám: 0,09, ill. 0,26), mint a kezeletlen kontrollcsoportban. Az eredmények alátámasztják a tilvalozin hatékonyságát a sertések Mycoplasma-pneumoniájának gyógy- és metafilaktikus kezelésére

  • Establishment of a Mycoplasma hyorhinis challenge model in 5-week-old piglets
    Dorottya Földi, Zsófia Eszter Nagy, Nikolett Belecz, Levente Szeredi, József Földi, Anna Kollár, Miklós Tenk, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Frontiers Media SA
    IntroductionMycoplasma hyorhinis is an emerging swine pathogen with high prevalence worldwide. The main lesions caused are arthritis and polyserositis, and the clinical manifestation of the disease may result in significant economic losses due to decreased weight gain and enhanced medical costs. We aimed to compare two challenge routes to induce M. hyorhinis infection using the same clinical isolate.MethodsFive-week-old, Choice hybrid pigs were inoculated on 2 consecutive days by intravenous route (Group IV-IV) or by intravenous and intraperitoneal routes (Group IV-IP). Mock-infected animals were used as control (control group). After the challenge, the clinical signs were recorded for 28 days, after which the animals were euthanized. Gross pathological and histopathological examinations, PCR detection, isolation, and genotyping of the re-isolated Mycoplasma sp. and culture of bacteria other than Mycoplasma sp. were carried out. The ELISA test was used to detect anti-M. hyorhinis immunoglobulins in the sera of all animals.ResultsPericarditis and polyarthritis were observed in both challenge groups; however, the serositis was more severe in Group IV-IV. Statistically significant differences were detected between the challenged groups and the control group regarding the average daily weight gain, pathological scores, and ELISA titers. Additionally, histopathological scores in Group IV-IV differed significantly from the scores in the control group. All re-isolated strains were the same or a close genetic variant of the original challenge strain.DiscussionOur results indicate that both challenge routes are suitable for modeling the disease. However, due to the evoked more severe pathological lesions and the application being similar to the hypothesized natural route of infection in Group IV-IV, the two-dose intravenous challenge is recommended by the authors to induce serositis and arthritis associated with M. hyorhinis infection.

  • Phenotypic and genetic insights into efflux pump mechanism in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis
    Eszter Zsófia Nagy, Áron Botond Kovács, Enikő Wehmann, Katinka Bekő, Dorottya Földi, Krisztián Bányai, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Frontiers Media SA
    IntroductionMycoplasma anserisalpingitidis is one of the most important waterfowl-pathogenic mycoplasmas. Due to inadequate antibiotic treatment, many strains with high minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values for multiple drugs have been isolated lately. Decreased antibiotic susceptibility in several Mycoplasma species are known to be associated with mutations in topoisomerase and ribosomal genes, but other strategies such as active efflux pump mechanisms were also described. The scope of this study was the phenotypic and genetic characterization of the active efflux mechanism in M. anserisalpingitidisMethodsWe measured the MIC values in the presence and absence of different efflux pump inhibitors (EPIs), such as carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazine (CCCP), orthovanadate (OV), and reserpine (RSP). Moreover, bioinformatic tools were utilized to detect putative regulatory sequences of membrane transport proteins coding genes, while comparative genome analysis was performed to reveal potential markers of antibiotic resistance.ResultsOut of the three examined EPIs, CCCP decreased the MICs at least two-fold below the original MICs (in 23 cases out of 36 strains). In the presence of OV or RSP, MIC value differences could be seen only if modified dilution series (10% decrease steps were used instead of two-fold dilutions) were applied (in 24/36 cases with OV and 9/36 with RSP). During comparative genome analysis, non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) were identified in genes encoding ABC membrane transport proteins, which were displayed in higher percentages in M. anserisalpingitidis strains with increased MICs. In terms of other genes, a nsSNP was identified in DNA gyrase subunit A (gyrA) gene which can be related to decreased susceptibility to enrofloxacin. The present study is the first to highlight the importance of efflux pump mechanisms in M. anserisalpingitidis.DiscussionConsidering the observed effects of the EPI CCCP against this bacterium, it can be assumed, that the use of EPIs would increase the efficiency of targeted antibiotic therapy in the future control of this pathogen. However, further research is required to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of efflux pump mechanism in this bacterium.

  • Genomic Diversity of a Globally Used, Live Attenuated Mycoplasma Vaccine
    Sara M. Klose, Olusola M. Olaogun, Jillian F. Disint, Pollob Shil, Miklós Gyuranecz, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, Dorottya Földi, Salvatore Catania, Marco Bottinelli, Arianna Dall'Ora,et al.

    American Society for Microbiology
    Preventative measures, such as vaccination, are commonly used for the control of mycoplasmal infections in poultry. A live attenuated vaccine strain (Vaxsafe MS; MS-H; Bioproperties Pty.

  • Polyctenidae (Hemiptera: Cimicoidea) species in the Afrotropical region: Distribution, host specificity, and first insights to their molecular phylogeny
    Tamara Szentiványi, Sándor Hornok, Áron B. Kovács, Nóra Takács, Miklós Gyuranecz, Wanda Markotter, Philippe Christe, and Olivier Glaizot


  • Biofilm formation and its impact on environmental survival and antibiotic resistance of Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis strains
    Katinka Bekő, Eszter Zsófia Nagy, Dénes Grózner, Zsuzsa Kreizinger, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Akademiai Kiado Zrt.
    Abstract Several Mycoplasma species can form biofilm, facilitating their survival in the environment, and shielding them from therapeutic agents. The aim of this study was to examine the biofilm-forming ability and its potential effects on environmental survival and antibiotic resistance in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis, the clinically and economically most important waterfowl Mycoplasma species. The biofilm-forming ability of 32 M. anserisalpingitidis strains was examined by crystal violet assay. Biofilms and planktonic cultures of the selected strains were exposed to a temperature of 50 °C (20 and 30 min), to desiccation at room temperature (16 and 24 h), or to various concentrations of eight different antibiotics. Crystal violet staining revealed great diversity in the biofilm-forming ability of the 32 tested M. anserisalpingitidis strains, with positive staining in more than half of them. Biofilms were found to be more resistant to heat and desiccation than planktonic cultures, while no correlation was shown between biofilm formation and antibiotic susceptibility. Our results indicate that M. anserisalpingitidis biofilms may contribute to the persistence of the organisms in the environment, which should be taken into account for proper management. Antibiotic susceptibility was not affected by biofilm formation; however, it is important to note that correlations were examined only in vitro.

  • Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of Mycoplasma hyorhinis strains isolated from five European countries between 2019 and 2021
    Ulrich Klein, Dorottya Földi, Nikolett Belecz, Veronika Hrivnák, Zoltán Somogyi, Michele Gastaldelli, Marianna Merenda, Salvatore Catania, Arkadiusz Dors, Ute Siesenop,et al.

    Public Library of Science (PLoS)
    Mycoplasma hyorhinis is an emerging swine pathogen bacterium causing polyserositis and polyarthritis in weaners and finishers. The pathogen is distributed world-wide, generating significant economic losses. No commercially available vaccine is available in Europe. Therefore, besides improving the housing conditions for prevention, antimicrobial therapy of the diseased animals is the only option to control the infection. Our aim was to determine the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of ten antimicrobials potentially used against M. hyorhinis infection. The antibiotic susceptibility of 76 M. hyorhinis isolates from Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Poland collected between 2019 and 2021 was determined by broth micro-dilution method and mismatch amplification mutation assay (MAMA). Low concentrations of tiamulin (MIC90 0.312 μg/ml), doxycycline (MIC90 0.078 μg/ml), oxytetracycline (MIC90 0.25 μg/ml), florfenicol (MIC90 2 μg/ml) and moderate concentrations of enrofloxacin (MIC90 1.25 μg/ml) inhibited the growth of the isolates. For the tested macrolides and lincomycin, a bimodal MIC pattern was observed (MIC90 >64 μg/ml for lincomycin, tulathromycin, tylosin and tilmicosin and 5 μg/ml for tylvalosin). The results of the MAMA assay were in line with the conventional method with three exceptions. Based on our statistical analyses, significant differences in MIC values of tiamulin and doxycycline were observed between certain countries. Our results show various levels of antimicrobial susceptibility among M. hyorhinis isolates to the tested antibiotics. The data underline the importance of susceptibility monitoring on pan-European level and provides essential information for proper antibiotic choice in therapy.

  • Diversity of tick species and associated pathogens on peri-urban wild boars – First report of the zoonotic Babesia cf. crassa from Hungary
    Sándor Hornok, Sándor Szekeres, Gábor Horváth, Nóra Takács, Katinka Bekő, Jenő Kontschán, Miklós Gyuranecz, Barnabás Tóth, Attila D. Sándor, Alexandra Juhász,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Isolation of Mycoplasma agassizii-like agent from a Ball python (Python regius)

  • Identification and detection of mutations potentially associated with decreased susceptibility to macrolides and lincomycin in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis isolates
    Dénes Grózner, Katinka Bekö, Áron Botond Kovács, Alexa Mitter, Veronika Hrivnák, Anna Sawicka, Grzegorz Tomczyk, Krisztián Bányai, Szilárd Jánosi, Zsuzsa Kreizinger,et al.

    Elsevier BV

  • Development and evaluation of temperature-sensitive Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis clones as vaccine candidates
    Katinka Bekő, Dénes Grózner, Alexa Mitter, Lilla Udvari, Dorottya Földi, Enikő Wehmann, Áron B. Kovács, Marianna Domán, Krisztina Bali, Krisztián Bányai,et al.

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis is economically the most important pathogenic Mycoplasma species of waterfowl in Europe and Asia. The lack of commercially available vaccines against M. anserisalpingitidis had prompted this study with the aim to produce temperature-sensitive (ts+) clones as candidates for an attenuated live vaccine. The production of ts+ clones was performed by N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG)-induced mutagenesis of Hungarian M. anserisalpingitidis field isolates. The clones were administered via eye-drop and intracloacally to 33-day-old geese. Colonization ability was examined by PCR and isolation from the trachea and cloaca, while the serological response of the birds was tested by ELISA. Pathological and histopathological examinations were performed in the eighth week after inoculation. Whole-genome sequence (WGS) analysis of the selected clone and its parent strain was also performed. NTG-treatment provided three ts+ mutants (MA177/1/11, MA177/1/12, MA271). MA271 was detected at the highest rate from cloacal (86.25%) and tracheal (30%) samples, while MA177/1/12 and MA271 elicited remarkable serological responses with 90% of the birds showing seroconversion. Re-isolates of MA271 remained ts+ throughout the experiment. Based on these properties, clone MA271 was found to be the most promising vaccine candidate. WGS analysis revealed 59 mutations in the genome of MA271 when compared to its parent strain, affecting both polypeptides involved in different cellular processes and proteins previously linked to bacterial fitness and virulence. Although further studies are needed to prove that MA271 is in all aspects a suitable vaccine strain, it is expected that this ts+ clone will contribute to the control of M. anserisalpingitidis infection. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Three M. anserisalpingitidis ts+ vaccine candidates were produced by NTG-mutagenesis. Clone MA271 was able to colonize geese and induce a serological response. MA271 re-isolates remained ts+ during the 8-week-long experiment. WGS analysis revealed 59 mutations in the genome of MA271.

  • In vitro susceptibility of Mycoplasma iowae isolates to antimicrobial agents
    Dominika Buni, Lilla Udvari, Dorottya Földi, Nikolett Belecz, Cécile Yvon, Janet Bradbury, Salvatore Catania, Inna Lysnyansky, László Kovács, Miklós Gyuranecz,et al.

    Informa UK Limited
    ABSTRACT Mycoplasma iowae, a potential re-emerging avian pathogen mainly affecting turkeys, has been reported from many parts of the world. Poor hatchability, embryonic death, joint and skeletal abnormalities, poor ossification, runting-stunting, poor feathering and airsacculitis may be observed in infected flocks. The reduction of the severity of clinical signs and short-term control of M. iowae are performed by antibiotic treatment. However, M. iowae develops resistance more rapidly and is considered to be more resistant to antimicrobials than other avian pathogenic mycoplasmas. The aim of the present study was to determine the in vitro susceptibility of 101 M. iowae isolates and strains to ten clinically important antimicrobial agents, and to analyse and compare the susceptibility patterns of isolates of various origins and from a wide time-period. The examined reference strains showed high susceptibility to all antimicrobials except for spectinomycin. Low concentrations of tiamulin, florfenicol and oxytetracycline inhibited the growth of the clinical isolates. Nevertheless, slow tendency of increasing minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values was observed over time in the case of the above mentioned agents, while MIC values of enrofloxacin showed relatively rapid changes. Spiramycin, erythromycin, tilmicosin, tylosin, lincomycin and spectinomycin did not inhibit the bacterial growth in most of the cases. Isolates originating from captive game birds showed similar susceptibility profiles to isolates from industrial turkey hosts. The widely detected low susceptibility of M. iowae isolates to macrolides, lincomycin and spectinomycin, and the increase of MIC values of frequently used antimicrobials against this pathogen, emphasize the importance of targeted antibiotic therapy. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS Antimicrobial susceptibilities of 101 Mycoplasma iowae isolates were determined. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined by broth micro-dilution method. Tiamulin, oxytetracycline and florfenicol showed low MIC values. Isolates rapidly adapted to antimicrobial pressure.

  • Evidence of Mycoplasma spp. transmission by migratory wild geese
    Anna Sawicka-Durkalec, Grzegorz Tomczyk, Olimpia Kursa, Tomasz Stenzel, and Miklós Gyuranecz

    Elsevier BV

  • Latrocimicinae completes the phylogeny of Cimicidae: meeting old morphologic data rather than modern host phylogeny
    Sándor Hornok, Tamara Szentiványi, Nóra Takács, Áron Botond Kovács, Olivier Glaizot, Philippe Christe, Nicolas Fasel, Miklós Gyuranecz, and Jenő Kontschán

    Springer Science and Business Media LLC
    AbstractThe family Cimicidae includes obligate hematophagous ectoparasites (bed bugs and their relatives) with high veterinary/medical importance. The evolutionary relationships of Cimicidae and their hosts have recently been reported in a phylogenetic context, but in the relevant study, one of the six subfamilies, the bat-specific Latrocimicinae, was not represented. In this study the only known species of Latrocimicinae, i.e., Latrocimex spectans, was analyzed with molecular and phylogenetic methods based on four (two nuclear and two mitochondrial) genetic markers. The completed subfamily-level phylogeny of Cimicidae showed that Latrocimicinae is most closely related to Haematosiphoninae (ectoparasites of birds and humans), with which it shares systematically important morphologic characters, but not hosts. Moreover, in the phylogenetic analyses, cimicid bugs that are known to infest phylogenetically distant bat hosts clustered together (e.g., Leptocimex and Stricticimex within Cacodminae), while cimicid subfamilies (Latrocimicinae, Primicimicinae) that are known to infest bat hosts from closely related superfamilies clustered distantly. In conclusion, adding Latrocimicinae significantly contributed to the resolution of the phylogeny of Cimicidae. The close phylogenetic relationship between Latrocimicinae and Haematosiphoninae is consistent with long-known morphologic data. At the same time, phylogenetic relationships of genera within subfamilies are inconsistent with the phylogeny of relevant hosts. Graphical abstract

  • Vaccination against Mycoplasma infections in poultry, swine and cattle


  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae in commercial poultry: current control strategies and future challenges
    A Feberwee, N Ferguson-Noel, S Catania, M Bottinelli, N Wawagema, ...
    Avian Pathology, 1-7 2024

  • Mycoplasma hyopharyngis isolated from thejoint of a weaner: A case report
    D Fldi, EZ Nagy, G Tth, L Makrai, L Gombos, Z Kreizinger, M Gyuranecz
    Acta Veterinaria Hungarica 72 (3), 155-160 2024

  • Mycoplasmosis első magyarorszgi megllaptsa szakllas agmban (Pogona vitticeps).
    Z risz, H Mrton, SK Viktria, S Endre, NA Linda, K Zsuzsa, G Mikls, ...
    Magyar llatorvosok Lapja 146 (9) 2024

  • Evaluating the dynamics and efficacy of a live, attenuated Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis vaccine candidate under farm conditions
    D Grzner, Z Kreizinger, A Mitter, K Bekő, D Buni, B Kovcs, ...
    Avian Pathology, 1-7 2024

  • Development of molecular assays for the analysis of genetic relationships of Mycoplasma iowae
    D Buni, B Kovcs, D Fldi, K Bnyai, K Bali, M Domn, E Wehmann, ...
    Veterinary Microbiology 287, 109909 2023

  • Evaluation of a Method for Standardized Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing with Mycoplasma hyorhinis Field Isolates
    L Kbisch, AK Schink, D Hoeltig, J Verspohl, M Gyuranecz, J Spergser, ...
    Microorganisms 11 (12), 2881 2023

  • Molecular-phylogenetic analyses of Ixodes species from South Africa suggest an African origin of bird-associated exophilic ticks (subgenus Trichotoixodes)
    S Hornok, J Kontschn, N Takcs, H Heyne, B Kovcs, O Plantard, ...
    Parasites & Vectors 16 (1), 392 2023

  • The core genome multi-locus sequence typing of Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis.
    K Kovcs, K Kreizinger, F Barbara, D Grzner, A Mitter, S Marton, K Bali, ...

  • Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis trzsek vizsglata a maggenomot clz multilkusz szekvenciatipizl mdszerrel.
    K Botond, K Zsuzsa, F Barbara, G Dnes, M Alexa, M Szilvia, B Krisztina, ...
    Magyar llatorvosok Lapja 145 (9) 2023

  • Establishment of a Mycoplasma hyorhinis challenge model in 5-week-old piglets
    D Fldi, ZE Nagy, N Belecz, L Szeredi, J Fldi, A Kollr, M Tenk, ...
    Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1209119 2023

  • Rapid and sensitive detection of waterfowl mycoplasmas using TaqMan assays
    E Nemeshzi, E Wehmann, D Grzner, DS Nagy, B Kovcs, D Fldi, ...
    Plos one 18 (7), e0288066 2023

  • Phenotypic and genetic insights into efflux pump mechanism in Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis
    EZ Nagy, B Kovcs, E Wehmann, K Bekő, D Fldi, K Bnyai, ...
    Frontiers in Microbiology 14, 1216893 2023

  • MyMIC: a network for standardization of diagnostics, antimicrobial susceptibility testing and clinical interpretation in animal mycoplasmas
    AV Gautier-Bouchardon, M Ja, SM Klose, A Heuvelink, I Lysnyansky, ...
    9. Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment (ARAE) 2023

  • A field study to assess the effectiveness of tylvalosin in drinking water for the treatment of respiratory disease associated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in
    F Istvn, A Ervin, B Imri, F Dorottya, G Mikls, G Zsolt, F Jzsef

  • Ivvzben adagolt tilvalozin hatkonysgnak vizsglata Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae okozta lgzőszervi betegsg kezelsre hzsertsekben.
    F Istvn, A Ervin, B Imre, F Dorottya, G Mikls, G Zsolt, F Jzsef
    Magyar llatorvosok lapja 145 (5) 2023

  • Characterization of atypical Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis strains
    B Kovcs, E Wehmann, D Grzner, K Bali, E Nemeshzi, V Hrivnk, ...
    Veterinary Microbiology 280, 109722 2023

  • Establishment of a Mycoplasma hyorhinis challenge model in five-week-old piglets
    D Fldi, ZE Nagy, N Belecz, L Szeredi, J Fldi, A Kollr, M Tenk, ...
    bioRxiv, 2023.01. 17.524379 2023

  • Mycoplasma gallisepticum world record antibiotic resistance is claimed by Vietnamese isolate
    RR Achari, Z Kreizinger, M Gyuranecz, CJ Morrow
    Proceedings of the Seventy-second Western Poultry Disease Conference, 1 2023

  • Genomic diversity of a globally used, live attenuated mycoplasma vaccine
    SM Klose, OM Olaogun, JF Disint, P Shil, M Gyuranecz, Z Kreizinger, ...
    Microbiology Spectrum 10 (6), e02845-22 2022

  • Isolation of Mycoplasma agassizii-like agent from a ball Python (Python regius).
    G Janos, U Lilla, FL Szilvia, Z risz, M Miklos, M Mra, K Zsuzsa, G Mikls


  • Tularaemia: clinical aspects in Europe
    M Maurin, M Gyuranecz
    The Lancet Infectious Diseases 16 (1), 113-124 2016
    Citations: 290

  • Worldwide phylogenetic relationship of avian poxviruses
    M Gyuranecz, JT Foster, Dn, HS Ip, KF Egstad, PG Parker, ...
    Journal of virology 87 (9), 4938-4951 2013
    Citations: 168

  • Melt analysis of mismatch amplification mutation assays (Melt-MAMA): a functional study of a cost-effective SNP genotyping assay in bacterial models
    DN Birdsell, T Pearson, EP Price, HM Hornstra, RD Nera, N Stone, ...
    PLoS One 7 (3), e32866 2012
    Citations: 116

  • Investigation of the Ecology of Francisella tularensis During an Inter-Epizootic Period
    M Gyuranecz, K Rig, Dn, G Fldvri, L Makrai, B Dnes, L Fodor, ...
    Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11 (8), 1031-1035 2011
    Citations: 106

  • Detection of Brucella Canis–Induced Reproductive Diseases in a Kennel
    M Gyuranecz, L Szeredi, Z Rnai, B Dnes, L Dencso, Dn, N Plmai, ...
    Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 23 (1), 143-147 2011
    Citations: 95

  • Phylogeography of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica, Europe
    M Gyuranecz, DN Birdsell, W Splettstoesser, E Seibold, ...
    Emerging infectious diseases 18 (2), 290 2012
    Citations: 90

  • Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in Hungary: Screening of Dairy Cows, Sheep, Commercial Milk Samples, and Ticks
    M Gyuranecz, B Dnes, S Hornok, P Kovcs, G Horvth, V Jurkovich, ...
    Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 12 (8), 650-653 2012
    Citations: 85

  • Molecular detection of vector-borne bacteria in bat ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) from eight countries of the Old and New Worlds
    S Hornok, K Szőke, ML Meli, AD Sndor, T Grfl, P Estk, Y Wang, VT Tu, ...
    Parasites & vectors 12, 1-7 2019
    Citations: 81

  • Mutations associated with decreased susceptibility to seven antimicrobial families in field and laboratory-derived Mycoplasma bovis strains
    KM Sulyok, Z Kreizinger, E Wehmann, I Lysnyansky, K Bnyai, S Marton, ...
    Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 61 (2), 10.1128/aac. 01983-16 2017
    Citations: 75

  • Tularemia of European Brown Hare (Lepus europaeus) A Pathological, Histopathological, and Immunohistochemical Study
    M Gyuranecz, L Szeredi, L Makrai, L Fodor, R Mszros, B Szpe, ...
    Veterinary Pathology 47 (5), 958-963 2010
    Citations: 75

  • Synanthropic Birds Associated with High Prevalence of Tick-Borne Rickettsiae and with the First Detection of Rickettsia aeschlimannii in Hungary
    S Hornok, T Csrgő, J de la Fuente, M Gyuranecz, C Privigyei, ML Meli, ...
    Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 13 (2), 77-83 2013
    Citations: 74

  • First detection of bartonellae in a broad range of bat ectoparasites
    S Hornok, R Kovcs, ML Meli, E Gnczi, R Hofmann-Lehmann, ...
    Veterinary Microbiology 3 (159), 541-543 2012
    Citations: 71

  • Unique genomic organization of a novel Avipoxvirus detected in turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
    K Bnyai, V Palya, B Dnes, R Glvits, Ivanics, B Horvth, SL Farkas, ...
    Infection, Genetics and Evolution 35, 221-229 2015
    Citations: 62

  • Screening of bat faeces for arthropod-borne apicomplexan protozoa: Babesia canis and Besnoitia besnoiti-like sequences from Chiroptera
    S Hornok, P Estk, D Kovts, B Flaisz, N Takcs, K Szőke, A Krawczyk, ...
    Parasites & Vectors 8, 1-6 2015
    Citations: 59

  • Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Mycoplasma bovis strains isolated from cattle in Hungary, Central Europe
    KM Sulyok, Z Kreizinger, L Fekete, V Hrivnk, T Magyar, S Jnosi, ...
    BMC veterinary research 10, 1-8 2014
    Citations: 57

  • First isolation and characterization of Brucella microti from wild boar
    Z Rnai, Z Kreizinger, Dn, K Drees, JT Foster, K Bnyai, S Marton, ...
    BMC veterinary research 11, 1-6 2015
    Citations: 55

  • Antibiotic susceptibility profiles of Mycoplasma synoviae strains originating from Central and Eastern Europe
    Z Kreizinger, D Grzner, KM Sulyok, K Nilsson, V Hrivnk, D Benčina, ...
    BMC veterinary research 13, 1-10 2017
    Citations: 54

  • Factors influencing emergence of tularemia, Hungary, 1984–2010
    M Gyuranecz, J Reiczigel, K Krisztalovics, L Monse, GK Szabn, ...
    Emerging Infectious Diseases 18 (8), 1379 2012
    Citations: 52

  • Q fever epidemic in Hungary, April to July 2013
    M Gyuranecz, KM Sulyok, E Balla, T Mag, A Balazs, Z Simor, B Dnes, ...
    Eurosurveillance 19 (30), 20863 2014
    Citations: 50

  • Genotyping of Coxiella burnetiifrom domestic ruminants and human in Hungary: indication of various genotypes
    KM Sulyok, Z Kreizinger, HM Hornstra, T Pearson, A Szigeti, Dn, ...
    BMC veterinary research 10, 1-6 2014
    Citations: 49


2022-2027 Lendület II (Momentum) program
2022-2026 National Laboratory of Infectious Animal Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance, Veterinary Public Health and Food Chain Safety
2022-2026 National Laboratory of Health Safety
2022-2025 Improving the diagnostics and control of production and zoonotic diseases of poultry and wild birds
2021-2023 Antimicrobial resistance in animal production
2021-2025 Characterization of Mycoplasma iowae strains and improving the therapy of infection
2019-2023 Novel strategies in Mycoplasma control
2019-2021 Pan-European resistance monitoring program of M. hyorhinis
2018-2020 Mycopath III: Pan-European resistance monitoring program of M. bovis, M. hypneumoniae, M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae
2017-2021 Studying the virulence mechanisms of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. synoviae
2016-2020 Improving the control of Mycoplasma synoviae infection
2015-2016 Mycopath II: Pan-European resistance monitoring program of M. bovis, M. hypneumoniae, M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae
2013-2016 EU FP7-HEALTH-2013-INNOVATION-1:
2012-2017 Lendület I (Momentum) program
2012 National Institute of Health – USA (NIH) travel grant
2012 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Junior Travel Award
2010-2012 Mycopath I: Pan-European resistance monitoring program of M. bovis, M. hypneumoniae, M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae
2009-2012 Comparative characterization of Francisella tularensis strains


- P 21 00357: Live, attenuated Mycoplasma anserisalpingitidis vaccine candidate
- Beside fundamental research we provide diagnostic, contract and training services globally.
- We produce In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) under our own brand and sell know-how under royalty agreement to different producers.
- We are proud that BioChek B.V. (The Netherlands), the global market leader company in the field of poultry diagnostics, has bought under a royalty agreement our DIVA tests which differentiate Mycoplasma gallisepticum and M. synoviae wild-type and vaccine strains.


My team collaborate with farmers, veterinarians, contract sponsors and academic institutions. Our multidisciplinary team is qualified and experienced in conducting a wide range of studies from laboratory related research and development projects, via animal facility based experiments to field studies.

We also provide diagnostic services globally. During our servicies we help to design the sampling to be the most appropriate and cost-effective for each special case. We help to interpret the results and give personal advice, such as what additional diagnostic tests can be performed. We are also able to suggest treatment options as well as eradication and control measures such as vaccination or monitoring plan.

Industry, Institute, or Organisation Collaboration

We collaborate with several research institutions, like:
- University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy, Slovakia
- University of Pennsylvania, USA
- Royal GD, the Netherlands
- Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Venezie, Italy
- Kimron Veterinary Institute, Israel
- The University of Melbourne, Australia
- ANSES, France

We have several industry partners, like:
- Bioproperties Pty LtD., Australia
- Huvepharma NV, Belgium
- CEVA Sante Animale, France
- BioChek BV, the Netherlands
- FarmPharma, Sweden


We opened MolliScience Ltd., our Startup company specialised on Mycoplasma diagnostic & biotech services. We turn our know-how and fundamental research results into application. We develop In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) under our own brand and we run vaccine invention research projects.