Wisley Falco Sales


School of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Uberlândia



B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (1987), and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (1999), all of them in the Federal University of Uberlândia. Developed work as a Research Fellow (sabbatical): first time at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil), from 1999 to 2000, second time at London South Bank University (London, UK) from 2004 to 2005 and third time at University of Kentucky (Lexington, USA) from 2014 to 2015. Has experience in Mechanical Engineering, acting on the following subjects: manufacturing of biomaterials, tribology, incremental sheet forming and sustainability. Nowadays is serving at Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil.


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering.
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.


Biomaterials, manufacturing, orthoses, and prostheses, monitoring, modeling.


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications


  • Effect of tool geometry on the machining characteristics amid SiC powder mixed electric discharge drilling of hybrid metal matrix composite
    R Davis, A Singh, FL Amorim, MJ Jackson, WF Sales
    Silicon, 1-19 2022

  • State of the art of tool texturing in machining
    AR Machado, LRR da Silva, FCR de Souza, R Davis, LC Pereira, ...
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 293, 117096 2021

  • Sustainable Welding Processes–Case Study of Hard Coating Application in Sugar Cane Mills
    MQ Murad, VA Feraressi, WF Sales
    Soldagem & Inspeo 25, e2532 2020

  • Being green makes me greener? An evaluation of sustainability rebound effects
    LO Cezarino, M de Queiroz Murad, PV Resende, WF Sales
    Journal of Cleaner Production 269, 121436 2020

  • A review of surface integrity in machining of hardened steels
    WF Sales, J Schoop, LRR da Silva, R Machado, IS Jawahir
    Journal of Manufacturing Processes 58, 136-162 2020

  • Influence of milling direction in the machinability of Inconel 718 with submicron grain cemented carbide tools
    AF Filho, LRR da Silva, R de Souza Ruzzi, ES Costa, WF Sales, ...
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 105, 1343-1355 2019

  • Evaluation of tool life and workpiece surface roughness in turning of AISI D6 hardened steel using PCBN tools and minimum quantity of lubricant (MQL) applied at different
    MM Bonf, S Costa, WF Sales, FL Amorim, LHA Maia, R Machado
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 103, 971-984 2019

  • Analysis of the coefficient of friction at the workpiece-tool interface in milling of high strength compacted graphite cast irons
    LRR Da Silva, RS Ruzzi, VC Teles, WF Sales, WL Guesser, AR Machado
    Wear 426, 1646-1657 2019

  • Turning of Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools applying vegetable-based cutting fluid mixed with solid lubricants by MQL
    A Marques, MP Suarez, WF Sales, R Machado
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 266, 530-543 2019

  • Evaluation of performance of various coolant grades when turning Ti-6Al-4V alloy with uncoated carbide tools under high-pressure coolant supplies
    EO Ezugwu, R B. da Silva, J Bonney, ES Costa, WF Sales, AR Machado
    Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 141 (1), 014503 2019

  • Machinability of rectangular bars of nodular cast iron produced by continuous casting
    JAG de Sousa, WF Sales, WL Guesser, R Machado
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 98, 2505-2517 2018

  • Reduo de reprocessos em uma indstria de milho atravs da utilizao de ferramentas da metodologia 6 sigma
    MV Caivano
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • Fabricao de peas complexas em chapas de ao inoxidvel austentico aisi 304 utilizando o mtodo de estampagem incremental
    BJ Oliveira
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • Implementao do sistema de trabalho integrado no setor de utilidades industriais
    GC Borges
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • Ciclo PDCA aplicado na manuteno de sistemas de refrigerao
    KAP Zia
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • Manuteno preditiva de lubrificantes em motores de combusto interna para aplicaes leves
    FAR Campos
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • Gesto e controle estatstico de pragas na indstria alimentcia
    RF Abdulmassih
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2018

  • A review on the machining of cast irons
    JAG de Sousa, WF Sales, AR Machado
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 4073-4092 2018

  • Cutting temperatures in end milling of compacted graphite irons
    LRR da Silva, A Favero Filho, ES Costa, DFM Pico, WF Sales, ...
    Procedia Manufacturing 26, 474-484 2018

  • Manuteno preditiva de um centro de usinagem CNC atravs de anlise de vibraes
    JC Rodrigues Neto
    Universidade Federal de Uberlndia 2017


  • Machining of aluminum alloys: a review
    MC Santos, AR Machado, WF Sales, MAS Barrozo, EO Ezugwu
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 86, 3067-3080 2016
    Citations: 366

  • Tool life and wear mechanisms in high speed machining of Ti–6Al–4V alloy with PCD tools under various coolant pressures
    RB da Silva, R Machado, EO Ezugwu, J Bonney, WF Sales
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 213 (8), 1459-1464 2013
    Citations: 324

  • Modelling the correlation between cutting and process parameters in high-speed machining of Inconel 718 alloy using an artificial neural network
    EO Ezugwu, DA Fadare, J Bonney, RB Da Silva, WF Sales
    International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 45 (12-13), 1375-1385 2005
    Citations: 292

  • Machining of nickel-base, Inconel 718, alloy with ceramic tools under finishing conditions with various coolant supply pressures
    EO Ezugwu, J Bonney, DA Fadare, WF Sales
    Journal of materials processing technology 162, 609-614 2005
    Citations: 216

  • Turning of Inconel 718 with whisker-reinforced ceramic tools applying vegetable-based cutting fluid mixed with solid lubricants by MQL
    A Marques, MP Suarez, WF Sales, R Machado
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 266, 530-543 2019
    Citations: 170

  • Application of cutting fluids in machining processes
    WF Sales, AE Diniz, R Machado
    Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences 23, 227-240 2001
    Citations: 123

  • Aspectos tribolgicos da usinagem dos materiais
    SC Santos, WF Sales
    So Paulo: Artliber 246 2007
    Citations: 119

  • A new approach for detection of wear mechanisms and determination of tool life in turning using acoustic emission
    LHA Maia, AM Abrao, WL Vasconcelos, WF Sales, AR Machado
    Tribology International 92, 519-532 2015
    Citations: 110

  • The effect of application of cutting fluid with solid lubricant in suspension during cutting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy
    RR Moura, MB da Silva, R Machado, WF Sales
    Wear 332, 762-771 2015
    Citations: 99

  • High speed cryogenic finish machining of Ti-6Al4V with polycrystalline diamond tools
    J Schoop, WF Sales, IS Jawahir
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 250, 1-8 2017
    Citations: 96

  • State of the art of tool texturing in machining
    AR Machado, LRR da Silva, FCR de Souza, R Davis, LC Pereira, ...
    Journal of Materials Processing Technology 293, 117096 2021
    Citations: 93

  • Lubri-cooling and tribological behavior of vegetable oils during milling of AISI 1045 steel focusing on sustainable manufacturing
    ASA Junior, WF Sales, RB da Silva, ES Costa, R Machado
    Journal of Cleaner Production 156, 635-647 2017
    Citations: 89

  • A review of surface integrity in machining of hardened steels
    WF Sales, J Schoop, LRR da Silva, R Machado, IS Jawahir
    Journal of Manufacturing Processes 58, 136-162 2020
    Citations: 69

  • Titanium perovskite (CaTiO3) formation in Ti6Al4V alloy using the electrical discharge machining process for biomedical applications
    WF Sales, ARF Oliveira, AA Raslan
    Surface and Coatings Technology 307, 1011-1015 2016
    Citations: 59

  • Laser texturing of substrate of coated tools—Performance during machining and in adhesion tests
    R Viana, MSF de Lima, WF Sales, WM da Silva Jr, R Machado
    Surface and Coatings Technology 276, 485-501 2015
    Citations: 59

  • Tribological characterisation of PVD coatings for cutting tools
    SC Santos, WF Sales, FJ da Silva, SD Franco, MB da Silva
    Surface and coatings technology 184 (2-3), 141-148 2004
    Citations: 59

  • A review on the machining of cast irons
    JAG de Sousa, WF Sales, AR Machado
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 94, 4073-4092 2018
    Citations: 57

  • Cooling ability of cutting fluids and measurement of the chip‐tool interface temperatures
    WF Sales, G Guimaraes, AR Machado, EO Ezugwu
    Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 54 (2), 57-68 2002
    Citations: 56

  • Performance of coated, cemented carbide, mixed-ceramic and PCBN-H tools when turning W320 steel
    WF Sales, LA Costa, SC Santos, AE Diniz, J Bonney, EO Ezugwu
    The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 41, 660-669 2009
    Citations: 53

  • Overview of the machining of titanium alloys
    EO Ezugwu, RB Da Silva, WF Sales, AR Machado
    Elsevier 2017
    Citations: 52