School of Mechanical Engineering
Federal University of Uberlândia
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (1987), and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (1999), all of them in the Federal University of Uberlândia. Developed work as a Research Fellow (sabbatical): first time at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil), from 1999 to 2000, second time at London South Bank University (London, UK) from 2004 to 2005 and third time at University of Kentucky (Lexington, USA) from 2014 to 2015. Has experience in Mechanical Engineering, acting on the following subjects: manufacturing of biomaterials, tribology, incremental sheet forming and sustainability. Nowadays is serving at Federal University of Uberlândia, Brazil.
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering.
M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
Biomaterials, manufacturing, orthoses, and prostheses, monitoring, modeling.
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Samuel Soares Ferreira, Fred Lacerda Amorim, Jánes Landre Júnior, Luís Henrique Andrade Maia, Álisson Rocha Machado, and Wisley Falco Sales
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Rahul Davis, Abhishek Singh, Fred Lacerda Amorim, Mark James Jackson, and Wisley Falco Sales
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Ans Muhammad and W.F. Sales
Elsevier BV
Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva, Wisley Falco Sales, Felipe dos Anjos Rodrigues Campos, José Aécio Gomes de Sousa, Rahul Davis, Abhishek Singh, Reginaldo Teixeira Coelho, and Bhaskar Borgohain
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Alisson R. Machado, Leonardo R.R. da Silva, Felipe C.R. de Souza, Rahul Davis, Leandro C. Pereira, Wisley F. Sales, Wagner de Rossi, and Emmanuel O. Ezugwu
Elsevier BV
Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva, Felipe dos Anjos Rodrigues Campos, Wisley Falco Sales, and Alisson Rocha Machado
Elsevier BV
Márcio de Queiroz Murad, Wisley Falco Sales, and Valtair Antônio Feraressi
Informa UK Limited
Wisley F. Sales, Julius Schoop, Leonardo R.R. da Silva, Álisson R. Machado, and I.S. Jawahir
Elsevier BV
Luciana Oranges Cezarino, Márcio de Queiroz Murad, Paulo Vinícius Resende, and Wisley Falco Sales
Elsevier BV
Abstract Sustainability is not only about caring for future generations. It can be a profitable business. For stock market investors sometimes, it is difficult to choose where to allocate financial resources, especially in sustainability investment funds. In this sense, the Brazilian stock market index provides a measurement criterion that defines which Brazilian companies invest in sustainability purposes, the so-called Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE). What is still unknown are the consequences of the performance of this index in the stimulation of new practices of sustainability in companies, in other words, if there is a rebound effect of green investments in stock markets. For that, we conduct a documental research analysis comparing virtuous and crisis economic periods with Delphi Method and correlation regression. The data revealed that certified companies still maintain their investments in sustainability practices even when the context is not favorable and the index is not performing well. This represents a cost in the short-range that represents a positive rebound effect of being certified and employing efforts to maintain greener operations in the long-range. Individual behavior revealed to be a fundamental aspect of an organizational decision of sustainability strategy. The paper contributes to investment market choices for attesting long-range sustainability investments by certified companies, even in hostile economic conditions, demonstrating that sustainability is aligned with purpose and durable commitment toward sustainable development.
Marcio de Queiroz Murad, Valtair Antônio Feraressi, and Wisley Falco Sales
Resumo: A avaliação da sustentabilidade dos processos de soldagem é focada principalmente na geração de resíduos. Dentro desta linha de pesquisa, quando se analisa os respingos provenientes da soldagem, como um resíduo contaminante e uma perda de recursos financeiros, percebe-se que este assunto é pouco explorado. Assim, este trabalho apresenta uma análise relacionada a sustentabilidade na aplicação de revestimento duro pelo processo FCAW. O objetivo é estudar a influência do parâmetro velocidade de aplicação de revestimento (VC) no Rendimento de Deposição (Rd) aplicado ao revestimento duro em camisas de moendas. Os aspectos relacionados a Triple Bottom Line foram discutidos em pró de uma manufatura sustentável e serão focados nos pilares econômicos e ambientais neste estudo. Como ponto de partida, entrou-se em contato como uma empresa parceira que executa esse procedimento utilizando Vc 10 m/min. Como proposta este estudo, utilizando Vc de 6, 10 e 13,6 m/min foi calculado o Rd para as 3 situações. Os resultados mostraram uma melhora no Rd quando se reduziu a Vc. Esta melhoria reflete em uma economia de aproximadamente R$ 6.7 milhões por ano e se evitaria de gerar 385 toneladas de materiais perigosos no Brasil. Resultados estes que contribuem para uma produção mais sustentável.
Antonio Favero Filho, Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva, Rodrigo de Souza Ruzzi, Eder Silva Costa, Wisley Falco Sales, Mark James Jackson, and Álisson Rocha Machado
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Miguel Mandú Bonfá, Éder Silva Costa, Wisley Falco Sales, Fred Lacerda Amorim, Luis Henrique Andrade Maia, and Álisson Rocha Machado
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
L.R.R. da Silva, R.S. Ruzzi, V.C. Teles, W.F. Sales, W.L. Guesser, and A.R. Machado
Elsevier BV
Armando Marques, Mauro Paipa Suarez, Wisley Falco Sales, and Álisson Rocha Machado
Elsevier BV
Emmanuel O. Ezugwu, Rosemar B. da Silva, John Bonney, Eder S. Costa, Wisley F. Sales, and Alisson R. Machado
ASME International
This work presents the evaluation of three commercially available coolant grades (dicyclohexylamine-based coolant, a triethanolamine-based coolant, and an ester-based coolant) when machining Ti-6Al-4V alloy with high-pressure coolant delivery. The evaluations were based on tool life, tool failure modes, surface integrity, and chip formation. The dicyclohexylamine-based coolant was the more effective coolant when machining at the highest pressure of 20.3 MPa due to its stability at elevated temperature, whereas the triethanolamine-based coolant performed effectively at a pressure of 11 MPa due to its low surface tension properties. Deterioration of the ester-based coolant was found in almost all coolant pressures due to its low resistance to oxidation. Surfaces generated when machining with all coolants grades were generally acceptable with negligible physical damage.
José A. G. de Sousa, Wisley Falco Sales, Wilson L. Guesser, and Álisson R. Machado
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
José Aécio G. de Sousa, Wisley Falco Sales, and Alisson R. Machado
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva, Antonio Favero Filho, Eder Silva Costa, David Fernando Marcucci Pico, Wisley Falco Sales, Wilson Luiz Guesser, and Alisson Rocha Machado
Elsevier BV
Julius Schoop, Wisley Falco Sales, and I.S. Jawahir
Elsevier BV
Rosemar B. Da Silva, Wisley F. Sales, Eder S. Costa, Emmanuel O. Ezugwu, John Bonney, Márcio B. Da Silva, and Álisson R. Machado
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Antônio Santos Araújo Junior, Wisley Falco Sales, Rosemar Batista da Silva, Eder Silva Costa, and Álisson Rocha Machado
Elsevier BV
Emmanuel O. Ezugwu, Rosemar Batista Da Silva, Wisley Falco Sales, and Alisson Rocha Machado
Rogério Felício dos Santos, Ernane Rodrigues da Silva, Wisley Falco Sales, and Alberto Arnaldo Raslan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Rogério Felício dos Santos, Ernane Rodrigues da Silva, Wisley Falco Sales, and Alberto Arnaldo Raslan
Springer Science and Business Media LLC