Amon Kirui

School of Music and Media
Kabarak University


I am a dedicated and passionate researcher with a keen interest in digitalisation, platform capitalism, disruptive innovation, and the intricate dynamics of the music industry. As a reader and researcher, my enthusiasm lies in exploring the intersection of technology, economics, and music. With a solid foundation in music and a Master's degree that focused on the impact of digitalisation on the social economic status of gospel artists in Kenya, I bring a unique perspective to the ongoing discourse in the field of music industries. I am a seasoned live sound engineer, bringing practical experience to my research interests. My professional journey has granted me valuable insights into the complexities of digital music platforms and their profound influence on the music industry. This practical understanding, coupled with my academic rigor, equips me to delve deeply into the theoretical and practical aspects of platform capitalism within the music industry.


Currently a Ph. D. student at Kabarak University School of Music and Media


Music, Arts and Humanities


Music Dualism: Political intolerance in Kenya and the GENZ movement

This study examines the dual role of music in Kenya's Gen Z movement as both a tool for mobilisation and a medium for expressing dissent against political intolerance, using Cultural Resistance Theory. From the 2002 anthem "Unbwogable" to the 2024 protest song "Reject, Reject the Bill," music has been instrumental in resisting oppression and advocating for political reform. Through lyrical analysis, this study explores how music fosters solidarity, raises awareness, and drives political change. Social media further amplifies music's impact, positioning it as a powerful mechanism for challenging hegemonic structures and promoting systemic transformation in Kenya.

Applications Invited

Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


  • Ethical dilemmas and copyright challenges among independent artists in Kenya's music industry
    AK Kirui
    Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (JHSS) 3 (1), 13-22 2024

  • Digital literacy for musicians: Navigating music streaming services for independent artists in Kenya
    AK Kirui
    Journal of Music and Creative Arts (JMCA) 3 (1), 10-22 2024

  • Free music streaming for Kenyan independent artists: A blessing in disguise?
    AK Kirui
    Africa Musicology Online 12 (02), 90-102 2023

  • The Impact of Digitalisation of Music Industry on the Socio-Economic Status of Kenya Gospel Artists
    AK Kirui
    Kabarak University 2023

  • Disruptive innovation: exploring the impact of skiza tunes on the Kenyan music industry
    AK Kirui, MN Wanyama, WO Shitandi
    Editon Consortium Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Studies 1 (1), 1-10 2022


  • Digital literacy for musicians: Navigating music streaming services for independent artists in Kenya
    AK Kirui
    Journal of Music and Creative Arts (JMCA) 3 (1), 10-22 2024
    Citations: 2

  • Disruptive innovation: exploring the impact of skiza tunes on the Kenyan music industry
    AK Kirui, MN Wanyama, WO Shitandi
    Editon Consortium Journal of Arts, Humanities & Social Studies 1 (1), 1-10 2022
    Citations: 2

  • Free music streaming for Kenyan independent artists: A blessing in disguise?
    AK Kirui
    Africa Musicology Online 12 (02), 90-102 2023
    Citations: 1