

Pusat Riset Konservasi Sumberdaya Laut dan Perairan Darat




Master Degree: S2 FPIK Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)
Bachelor Degree: S1 FMIPA Universitas Indonesia (UI)


Marine Tourism, Coastal Zone Management, Marine Conservation,GIS, Remote Sensing


Scopus Publications


Scholar Citations


Scholar h-index


Scholar i10-index

Scopus Publications

  • Forecasting land-use changes due to coastal city development on the peri-urban area in Makassar City, Indonesia
    Taslim Arifin, Syahrial Nur Amri, Rinny Rahmania, Yulius, Muhammad Ramdhan, Handy Chandra, Luky Adrianto, Dietriech Geoffrey Bengen, Fery Kurniawan, and Rahmat Kurnia

    Elsevier BV

  • Assessment of Water Quality Status, Nutrients, and Phytoplankton Communities in the Coastal Zone of East Aceh Regency, Indonesia
    Didik Wahju Hendro Tjahjo, Ngurah Nyoman Wiadnyana, Sri Endah Purnamaningtyas, Taslim Arifin, Yulius Yulius, Dini Purbani, Amran Ronny Syam, Mujiyanto Mujiyanto, and Ulung Jantama Wisha

    Wydawnictwo Naukowe Gabriel Borowski (WNGB)
    Due to rapid urban development in the coastal area of the East Aceh Regency, water quality degradation and marine pollution issues become the primary concern in this region. Moreover, seasonal observation of water quality and phytoplankton has yet to be assessed. This study aimed to determine the control of seasonal water quality and nutrients over phytoplankton abundance throughout the East Aceh coast. Direct field measurements and labora - tory analyses were performed to collect the primary data, whereby the sampling period was conducted during the displacement toward the ebb tide. We assessed the water quality parameters using a modified CWQI (coastal water quality index). Furthermore, linear regression and principal component analysis were performed as the basis of statistical analyses. The phytoplankton abundance was higher in April than in September, with most Bacillariophy-ceae and Dinophyceae in all observed stations. Except for DO and turbidity, the assessed water quality parameters (temperature, TDS, conductivity, salinity, sulfide, and TOM) are feasible for marine biota. Of particular concern, the East Aceh coast is characterized by poor-good water quality, with the CWQI value ranging from 40 to 90. Based on the regression and PCA analyses, N and P nutrients significantly control the phytoplankton abundance like a “seesaw” between April and September, with a respective coefficient determination of about 50%. Because of the tremendously high phosphate observed in April, the water condition tended to be P-limited and vice versa for September. On the other hand, instead of evoking the phytoplankton growth, each water quality parameter has a specific influence in characterizing phytoplankton communities in the study area.

  • Coral resistance in coral bleaching events in Lombok waters, Indonesia
    O Johan, E Mustikasari, A Heriati, M. Ramdhan, T Arifin, Yulius, and H L Salim

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract The western area of Lombok Island is a tourist area that has rich underwater biodiversity in coral reefs ecosystem because of the flow path of Indonesia Trough Flow which carries nutrients continuously through the Lombok Strait. Damage that occurs around the Western area of Lombok Island is caused by climate change and community waste disposal activities that cause coral bleaching. An increase of 1.23°C Sea Surface Temperature occurred in Sekotong on February 2016 and leads to the coral bleaching event on the area. The research was conducted by using the underwater photo transect method and the photos processed by CPCe program shows mass coral bleaching impacted coral condition in West Lombok. Live coral cover was decreased 2.74% comparing with last live coral cover. Total colonies were impacted by coral bleaching 40.04% in Gili Tangkong and 43.63% in Gili Asahan. This Study shows that each species survives and be able to be broodstock for the next life of corals in these areas.

  • The dynamic coverage of coral reef habitat in Kapoposang Marine Tourism Park, Spermonde Island - Makassar Strait, Indonesia
    H Fihrin, T Arifin, R Hidayat, R Rahmania, Yulius, D Gunawan, and M Ramdhan

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Around 20 percent of coral reef coverage and its high biodiversity in Spermonde Island has been declining in the last 12 years, where the dominant loss is the hard coral. However, only few studies use multi-scale accuracy methods to estimate the loss of hard corals in Kapoposang Marine Tourism Park. Hence, this study aims to map and analyze the dynamics of coral reef covers in Kapoposang Marine Tourism Park of Spermonde Islands for the past two decades (from 2000 to 2019). Data was obtained from the coral reef survey, to validate the Landsat imageries (TM dan ETM+), which were acquired and selected based on similar tides conditions. Gap fills on Landsat ETM+ are managed using Frame and Fill software, then analyzed using Lyzenga algorithm and validated with ground truth data. This study reveals that the coral reef coverage in Kapoposang Marine Tourism Park increased about 9,61% from 2000 to 2015, then declined about 7,41% from 2015 to 2019.

  • Fishing Ground Mapping Based on Chlorophyll-A Distribution Using Aqua Modis Satellite Imagery in The Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712
    Yulius Yulius, Vaninda Aidina, Muhammad Ramdhan, and August Daulat

    EDP Sciences
    The fishing ground is identical and closely related to chlorophyll-a abundance in the waters, associated with its fisheries potential. This research has been conducted to determine the concentration and distribution of chlorophyll-a in the seas, especially in the Fisheries Management Area (FMA) 712 encompassing the Java Sea. The analysis used monthly time-series data collected from the satellite imagery over the last 11 years, taken through the ERDDAP website. The mean concentration of chlorophyll-a in the study area was 1.13 mg/l in June 2013. Based on 11 years of data processing, it can be concluded that the highest concentration of chlorophyll-a occurred in the west monsoon season from November to April, where increased rainfall caused the nutrient wash from terrestrial to the open waters. The lowest chlorophyll-a concentration happened in the east monsoon season from April to November, where the dry season arrived. The existence of pelagic fishes in FMA 712, such as Sardinella Lemurs and Sardinella Fimbriata, in waters highly influenced by the chlorophyll-a concentration, while Thunnus Sp. and Exocoetidae Sp. not affected significantly to the existence of chlorophyll-a concentration and its distribution.

  • Mapping seasonal marine debris patterns and potential hotspots in Banten Bay, Indonesia
    R Rahmania, A Setiawan, A Tussadiah, P D Kusumaningrum, Yulius, J Prihantono, B G Gautama, W S Pranowo, Aisyah, A W Nugraha,et al.

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Banten Bay is a 150 km2 sea area which includes the waterfront of Serang City in Banten Province, Indonesia with several large rivers flowing into the Bay. The rapid development of industrial and commerce surrounds this bay added with population growth in Serang City have caused environmental problems. For instance, there has been a surge in the volume of domestic and industrial waste that has been dumped along several rivers and finally leaked into Banten Bay. This study aimed to spatially visualize the existing waste flow from residential area to the location of landfills in order to assist the local government in evaluating their waste management system, and to help prevent the waste leaking into Banten Bay and even further beyond. By using hydrodynamic modelling and ground truthing, we can predict the potential waste hotspots and the seasonal patterns of marine debris around Banten Bay and its surroundings. The results show that plastic litter originating from the Cibanten River will drift to the west during the east monsoon and will move to the east during the west monsoon. Based on this evidence, plastic litter from the Cibanten River estuary has the potential to spread further towards the Sunda Strait during the east monsoon and into Jakarta Bay during the west monsoon. We encourage cooperation among local governments in Banten and West Java throughout the watershed as well as with the Jakarta Provincial Government to establish an integrated waste management system to prevent the waste leakage.

  • Changes of Coral Reefs Condition in the Core Zones of Kapoposang Island MPA, Makassar Straits
    T Arifin, R Rahmania, Yulius, D P Gunawan, N A Setyawidati, N Gusmawati, and M Ramadhan

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Coral reefs in Kapoposang Islands have been degraded for years due to environmental pressures and human activities. After designated as marine protected area (MPA), coral reefs conditions (e.g. living coral coverage - both hard and soft corals) were monitored regularly since 2015 by several agencies. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of MPA management in Kapoposang by analyzing changes of coral reef coverage in its two core zones. The survey was conducted in July 2019 using Line Intercept Transect (LIT), video transect, and satellite imagery analysis, then compared to data from the previous assessment. Results of recent survey, i.e.: living coral reefs coverage ranged from 46.73% - 73.08%; 21 genera found with 10 dominant genera, which Porites sp., is a resistant coral genus and the most dominant genus in Kapoposang MPA; the highest coral recruitment was found in Suranti island at a depth of 10 meters, while the lowest is in Papandangan island; several genera in the form of recruitment (e.g. Acropora sp., Goniopora sp., Fungia sp., Favona sp., and Porites sp.); percentage of macroalgae is 2.95% of total coral reef substrate cover; the most densely macroalgae coverage is found in Suranti, while the lowest is in Kapoposang island.

  • The use of high resolution satellite imagery to identify coral reef cover and its correlation with the abundance of reef fish in nias island, north sumatera, Indonesia

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of mangroves rehabilitation efforts by comparing the beta diversity of rehabilitated and natural mangroves
    R Rahmania, T L Kepel, T Arifin, and Yulius

    IOP Publishing
    Abstract Indonesia has lost 30% of the area over the past two decades due to anthropogenic activities. To overcome this problem, mangrove rehabilitation-which is generally interpreted as mangrove planting program - become the most popular option. These efforts could enhance the quantitative function (increasing mangrove areas extent and number of trees planted), yet the quality functions (biodiversity and ecological function) remain unclear. This analysis was carried out simultaneously with medium to high-resolution satellite image analysis to differentiate mangrove canopy pattern of these sites. The results showed that beta diversity value of mangroves in rehabilitation sites was lower than mangroves in natural area, which was characterized in satellite imagery as more uniform canopy and finer texture. Rehabilitation efforts that are mostly done through monoculture, are unable to produce an equal mangrove ecosystem function as natural mangroves do. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts whether they can develop an equal ecological function as good as natural mangrove ecosystem, by comparing the difference of beta diversity in two study sites which representing the natural (north Sulawesi) and rehabilitated mangrove (West Bali).

  • Analysis of determination of chlorophyll concentration and primary productivity in the Saleh Bay using Landsat OLI 8 Imagery
    Erni Kusumawati, Setyo Budi Susilo, and Syamsul Bahri Agus

    Institut Pertanian Bogor
    Chlorophyll-a is a parameter that can determine the primary productivity in the coastal and ocean. Chlorophyll-a is pigment in phytoplankton that used in photosynthesis. Chlorophyll-a concentration can be detected by ocean color remote sensing by using a mathematical model of satellite image data. The purpose of this research is to modify the algorithm of chlorophyll-a concentration of Landsat OLI 8 Satellite Image data and to show the spatial and temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration. The determination of the algorithm is done using a simple linear regression analysis model between ratio of satellite image band data and value of chlorophyll-a in situ data. The algorithm result is C = 0.416 (green / blue) - 0.183 with R² = 0.785 where C is chlorophyll-a concentration (in mg/m3). Using this algorithm, the spatial distribution of surface concentration of chlorophyll-a can be drawn. Based on analysis of primary productivity that potential of fish resources in the Saleh Bay is 1 327 199.83 ton/years.

  • Preliminary study of lead and mercury concentrations in seven commercial seafood at Lombok island, Indonesia


  • Identifikasi Pulau-Pulau Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Berdasarkan Gazeter Indonesia Unsur Rupabumi Wilayah Laut Tahun 2021
    Y Yulius, HL Salim, M Ramdhan
    Jurnal Riset Jakarta 15 (2), 87-96 2022

  • Distribution of Tide Type in Indonesian Waters Based on 7 Days Data Measurement of Ipasoet-BIG Station
    M Ramdhan, Yulius, NK Oktaviana
    Jurnal Segara 17 (2), 117-124 2021

  • Assessment of underground water quality in Karimunjawa Island, Central Java–Indonesia
    J Prihantono, Y Yulius, S Husrin, M Ramdhan, WA Gemilang
    Jurnal Segara 17 (1), 23-32 2021

  • Fishing ground mapping based on Chlorophyll-a distribution using aqua Modis satellite imagery in the fisheries management area (FMA) 712
    Y Yulius, V Aidina, M Ramdhan, A Daulat
    E3S Web of Conferences 324, 01007 2021

  • Abrasi dan Akresi Berdasarkan Longshore Sediment Transport dan Perubahan Garis Pantai: Studi Kasus Pantai Pulau Cemara Besar, Karimunjawa
    Yulius, NKK Putra, M Ramdhan, B Rochaddi
    Jurnal Segara 16 (3), 197-208 2020

  • Estimation of Longshore Sediment Transport in Cemara Besar Island, Karimun Jawa
    NKK Putra, B Rochaddi, Yulius, A Satriadi, P Subardjo
    Indonesian Journal of Oceanography 2 (3), 95-103 2020

  • Shoreline Change Dynamics using Digital Shoreline Analysis System in Cemara Besar Island
    M Ramdhan, Yulius, N Kholik
    Jurnal Segara 16 (2), 105-114 2020

  • The use of high resolution satellite imagery to identify coral reef cover and its correlation with the abundance of reef fish in Nias Island, North Sumatera, Indonesia
    T Arifin, A Daulat, M Ramdhan, R Rahmania, Yulius, AS Nur, ...
    AACL Bioflux 13 (3) 2020

  • The Existence of Ornamental Coral in Different Live Coral Coverage Condition in Saleh Bay, West Nusa Tenggara
    O Johan, Yulius, HL Salim, I Ardi, M Abrar, A Daulat
    Jurnal Segara 15 (2), 99-108 2019

  • Assessment of Mangrove Ecosystem Potency and Its Utilization in Dompu Regency Coastal Waters, West Nusa Tenggara Province Using Satellite Imagery Application
    Yulius, SN Amri, A Daulat, SI Putri
    Jurnal Segara 15 (2), 89-98 2019

  • Budi daya Rumput Laut dan Pengelolaannya di Pesisir Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berdasarkan Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan dan Daya Dukung Lingkungan
    Yulius, M Ramdhan, J Prihantono, DG Pryambodo, D Saepuloh, HL Salim, ...
    Jurnal Segara 15 (1), 19-30 2019

  • Analisis Karakteristik Dimensi Ekologi Pulau-Pulau Kecil Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara
    E Mustikasari, M Ramdhan, SN Amry, A Heriati, UR Kadarwati, Yulius, ...
    Jurnal Kelautan Nasional 14 (1), 47-57 2019

    Yulius, M Ramdhan, Ardiansyah
    Jurnal Segara 14 (2), 117-125 2018

    Yulius, R Agustin, M Ramdhan, HL Salim, A Heriati
    MAJALAH ILMIAH GLOBE 20 (1), 35-46 2018

  • Kajian Kualitas Perairan untuk Budi Daya Laut Ikan Kerapu di Teluk Saleh, Kabupaten Dompu
    Yulius, Aisyah, J Prihantono, D Gunawan
    Jurnal Segara 14 (1), 57-68 2018

  • Pengelolaan budidaya rumput laut berbasis daya dukung lingkungan perairan di pesisir kabupaten dompu, provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat
    Yulius, M Ramdhan, J Prihantono, D Gunawan, D Saepuloh, HL Salim, ...
    Seminar Nasional Geomatika 2, 01-10 2018

  • Keanekaragaman Jenis Karang Keras (Scleractinia) dan Komunitas Bentik Terumbu di Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Teluk Bumbang, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Barat
    A Muhammad, J Ofri, Yulius
    Simposium Nasional Ikan dan Perikanan 2017 1 (1), 189-219 2017

  • Kajian Kualitas Air Untuk Wisata Bahari Di Pesisir Kecamatan Moyo Hilir Dan Kecamatan Lape, Kabupaten Sumbawa
    N Saraswati, Yulius, R A, S HL, A Heriati, M E
    Jurnal Segara 13 (1), 37-47 2017

  • Pengelolaan budidaya rumput laut berbasis daya dukung lingkungan perairan di pesisir Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi Busa Tenggara Barat
    Yulius, J Prihantono, M Ramdhan
    Seminar Nasional Geomatika 2017

  • Identifikasi Perubahan Tutupan Lahan di Pesisir Teluk Saleh, Kabupaten Sumbawa Tahun 2004-2014
    Yulius, Ardiansyah
    Jurnal Segara 12 (3), 139-147 2016


  • Kajian Kualitas Air Untuk Wisata Bahari Di Pesisir Kecamatan Moyo Hilir Dan Kecamatan Lape, Kabupaten Sumbawa
    N Saraswati, Yulius, R A, S HL, A Heriati, M E
    Jurnal Segara 13 (1), 37-47 2017
    Citations: 29

  • Kondisi arus pasang surut di perairan pesisir kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan
    T Arifin, Yulius, MFA Ismail
    Depik 1 (3) 2012
    Citations: 18

  • Kajian Kualitas Perairan untuk Budi Daya Laut Ikan Kerapu di Teluk Saleh, Kabupaten Dompu
    Yulius, Aisyah, J Prihantono, D Gunawan
    Jurnal Segara 14 (1), 57-68 2018
    Citations: 16

  • Pengembangan Industri Perikanan Tangkap Di Perairan Barat Sumatera Berbasis Ekonomi Biru (Industrial Development in Fisheries at West Sumatera Padang Waters Based on Blue Economy)
    D Purbani, AA Damai, Yulius, E Mustikasari, HL Salim, A Heriati
    Journal of People and Environment 23 (2), 233-240 2016
    Citations: Perikanan Tangkap Di Perairan Barat Sumatera Berbasis Ekonomi Biru (Industrial Development in Fisheries at West Sumatera Padang Waters Based on Blue Economy)

  • PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI PERIKANAN TANGKAP DI PERAIRAN BARAT SUMATERA BERBASIS EKONOMI BIRU (Industrial Development in Fisheries at West Sumatera Padang Waters Based on Blue Economy)
    D Purbani, AA Damai, Yulius, E Mustikasari, HL Salim, A Heriati
    Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan 23 (2), 233-240 2016
    Citations: 15

  • Pengelolaan sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan berbasis wilayah pengelolaan perikanan (WPP) dengan memanfaatan WebGIS
    R Suhelmi, I, Yulius, D Purbani
    Depik 2 (2) 2013
    Citations: 12

  • Assessment of underground water quality in Karimunjawa Island, Central Java–Indonesia
    J Prihantono, Y Yulius, S Husrin, M Ramdhan, WA Gemilang
    Jurnal Segara 17 (1), 23-32 2021
    Citations: 9

  • Analisis sistem informasi geografis (SIG) untuk potensi wisata pantai di Kota Makasar, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
    Yulius, T Arifin
    Tataloka 16 (3), 145-152 2014
    Citations: 9

  • Pengelolaan budidaya rumput laut berbasis daya dukung lingkungan perairan di pesisir Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi Busa Tenggara Barat
    Yulius, J Prihantono, M Ramdhan
    Seminar Nasional Geomatika 2017
    Citations: 8

    Yulius, N Novianti, T Arifin, HL Salim, M Ramdhan, D Purbani
    Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis 7 (1) 2015
    Citations: 8

  • Budi daya Rumput Laut dan Pengelolaannya di Pesisir Kabupaten Dompu, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Berdasarkan Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan dan Daya Dukung Lingkungan
    Yulius, M Ramdhan, J Prihantono, DG Pryambodo, D Saepuloh, HL Salim, ...
    Jurnal Segara 15 (1), 19-30 2019
    Citations: 7

  • Kesesuaian Kawasan Budidaya Rumput Laut Di Teluk Saleh, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat
    Yulius, Ardiansyah, M Ramdhan, A Heriati, HL Salim, D Purbani, SN Amri, ...
    Jurnal Segara 12 (1), 11-19 2016
    Citations: 7

  • Pola Sebaran Spasial dan Karakterisitik Nitrat-Fosfat-Oksigen Terlarut di Perairan Pesisir Makassar
    T Arifin, Yulius, A IS
    J Segara 7 (2), 88-96 2011
    Citations: 7

  • Abrasi dan Akresi Berdasarkan Longshore Sediment Transport dan Perubahan Garis Pantai: Studi Kasus Pantai Pulau Cemara Besar, Karimunjawa
    Yulius, NKK Putra, M Ramdhan, B Rochaddi
    Jurnal Segara 16 (3), 197-208 2020
    Citations: 6

  • Fishing ground mapping based on Chlorophyll-a distribution using aqua Modis satellite imagery in the fisheries management area (FMA) 712
    Y Yulius, V Aidina, M Ramdhan, A Daulat
    E3S Web of Conferences 324, 01007 2021
    Citations: 5

  • Shoreline Change Dynamics using Digital Shoreline Analysis System in Cemara Besar Island
    M Ramdhan, Yulius, N Kholik
    Jurnal Segara 16 (2), 105-114 2020
    Citations: 5

  • Karakteristik pantai Taman Nasional Wakatobi dalam mendukung potensi wisata bahari: Studi kasus Pulau Wangiwangi
    D Purbani, Yulius, M Ramdhan, T Arifin, HL Salim, N Novianti
    Depik 3 (2) 2014
    Citations: 5

  • Perubahan Tutupan Lahan di Pesisir Bungus Teluk Kabung, Sumatra Barat Tahun 2003-2013 Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis
    Yulius, TA Tanto, M Ramdhan, A Putra, HL Salim
    Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi KelautanTropis 6 (2), 311-318 2014
    Citations: 5

    M Ramdhan, HL Salim, Yulius, T Arifin, YP Fajar
    GEOMATIKA 20 (2), 159-164 2014
    Citations: 5

  • Pola spasial sebaran material dasar perairan di Teluk Bungus, Kota Padang
    Yulius, G Kusumah, HL Salim
    GEOMATIKA 17 (2) 2011
    Citations: 5