Research Center Biomass and Bioproducts
National Research and Innovation Agency
Young researcher with 5+ years of experiences at prestigious research institution. Looking for Ph.D supervisor who works in biomass valorization and its derivatives such as lignin research.
2017-2019 Master's degree from Kyungpook National University, South Korea
2007-2012 Bachelor's degree from Diponegoro University, Indonesia
My research interest is the entire value chain, from lignocellulosic biomass separation to the valorization of isolated biopolymers, with the goal of creating commodities comparable to fossil-based products in a sustainable manner.
Indonesia is an archipelago country that contains a lot of variety of biomass, either as waste or commodities. Biomass or lignocellulosic compound consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, extractives/volatiles, and ash. Biomass fractionations determine the compound structure because severe pretreatment brings damage to cellulose or lignin structure. This research aims to get lignin fractions from biomass to produce a unique functionalized platform of lignin molecules without damaging their structure. Furthermore, lignin is isolated from the black liquor and subject to depolymerization step to obtain renewable flatform chemicals. These obtained chemicals such as aromatic and furanic can be used for many products such as bio-fuels, plastic, pharmaceutical, and many others
Scopus Publications
Scholar Citations
Scholar h-index
Scholar i10-index
Last 3 years:
1. Valorization of lignin from pulp industry by-product as antimicrobial agent for natural fiber textile (2021-present) (BRIN/LIPI, Indonesia) - Project Leader
2. Utilization of Biomass Wastes for Functional Materials and Chemicals (2021-present) (JASTIP, Japan)-Member
3. Development of digital information system and identification system of natural fiber as sources of textile fiber (2020-2021) (Ministry of Finance Indonesia) - Member
4. Lignin and Tannin-Based Polyurethane Resin for fire resistant rami fiber (2020-2021) (Ministry of Finance Indonesia) - Member
5. Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform of Sustainable Development Research (2020) (JASTIP, Japan) - Member
6. Integrated Biorefinery of Sugarcane Trash (2020) (E-Asia, Japan) - Member
7. Development of Lignin-Based Biomaterials For Environmentally Friendly Adhesives, Mortar Additives, and Gold Emulsifiers (2020) (BRIN/LIPI, Indonesia) - Member
8. Isolation, Screening and Assessment of White Rot Fungi in Berbak and Sembilang Biosphere Reserve for Their Potency in Wastewater Treatment (2019-2020) (MAB UNESCO) -Member
Patent last 3 years:
No Judul Tahun
1. Produk Vinir Kayu Laminasi Tipis Tanpa Perekat 2022
2. Paten Granted IDP00007234 : Biosurfaktan Turunan Lignin Dan Proses Pembuatannya 2021
3. Metode Klasifikasi Jenis Serat Alam dengan Menggunakan Augmentasi Data Dan Deep Neural Network (DNN) 2021
4. Metode Ekstraksi Lignin Daun Tebu Menggunakan Enzim Selulase Dan Dioksan Serta Produk Yang Dihasilkannya 2021
5. Metode Pemisahan Lignin Dari Lindi Hitam Sisa Produksi Pulp 2021
6. Metode Ekstraksi Lignin Daun Tebu Menggunakan Asam Konsentrasi Rendah Dan Produk Yang Dihasilkannya 2021
7. Biosurfaktan Anionik Berbasis Lignin Alkali dan Proses Pembuatannya 2020
8. Proses Pembuatan Perekat Kayu Lapis Non- Formaldehida Berbahan Dasar Pati Dialdehida Dan Produk Yang Dihasilkannya. 2020
9. Formulasi biosurfaktan amphipilic lignin derivatives (A-LD) dari lignin Acacia mangium, penggunaan dan proses pembuatannya 2017
10. Produk Biosurfaktan Turunan Lignin dan Proses Pembuatannya. 2017
Kyungpook National University
PT. Greenei Indonesia
Nauli Ecoprint
PT Ogawa Indonesia