University of Jordan (29)

Ahmad Alkhawaldeh

university of jordan

abbas alrefai

The University of Jordan

Dua' Al-Maharma

University of Jordan

Adel Alrabadi

Department of special surgery - Division of urology
Jordan University Hospital - School of Medicine

Nidal Hadadin

University of Jordan

Saed A Musmar

Industrial Engineering Department
The university of Jordan

khawla abu hammour

University of Jordan

Malik Juweid

faculty of medicine/radiology and nuclear medicine
University of Jordan

Ghaleb J. Sweis

University of Jordan


Samer Wa'el Abdel Latif Hamadneh

Assistant Professor of Marketing, school of Business
University of Jordan

Ibrahim Bazazo

Tourism and Hospitality
The University of Jordan

Mohammad Hasan Saleh

The univeersity of Jordan

Imad Hamdan

School of Pharmacy
The university of Jordan

Yusra Al-husban

Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts
The University of Jordan

Nailya Bulatova

Professor of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Department of Biopharmaceutics & Clinical Pharmacy
The University of Jordan

Lubna Abushaikha

Maternal and Child Health Nursing
The University of Jordan

Nidal Adeeb Yousef Hadadin

Full professor civil engineering department


Associate professor at the department of Industrial Engineering/ Engineering
The University of Jordan

Hala Abu Taleb

Department of English Language and Literature
University of Jordan

Ahmad Abudoush

Department of Psychology
The University of Jordan